الأربعاء، 30 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Growing Wine Grapes in My Parents' Basement https://ift.tt/3in1ssh

Show HN: Growing Wine Grapes in My Parents' Basement https://www.hefvin.com/ October 1, 2020 at 02:31AM

Show HN: A wiki style education platform licenced under CC0 https://ift.tt/2GdeQCt

Show HN: A wiki style education platform licenced under CC0 https://ift.tt/3n4kojl October 1, 2020 at 12:55AM

Show HN: Okdb – OT Simplified https://ift.tt/34j8KbU

Show HN: Okdb – OT Simplified https://okdb.io/ September 30, 2020 at 10:34PM

Show HN: Telegram bot to get new HN stories by keywords https://ift.tt/3cOoIyj

Show HN: Telegram bot to get new HN stories by keywords https://ift.tt/3n7yNLJ September 30, 2020 at 09:00PM

Launch HN: Narrator (YC S19) – a data modeling platform built on a single table https://ift.tt/34bcMD0

Launch HN: Narrator (YC S19) – a data modeling platform built on a single table Hi HN, We’re Ahmed, Cedric, Matt, and Mike from Narrator ( https://www.narrator.ai ). We’ve built a data platform that transforms all data in a data warehouse into a single 11-column data model and provides tools for analysts to quickly build any table for BI, reporting, and analysis on top of that model. Narrator initially grew out of our experience building a data platform for a team of 40 analysts and data scientists. The data warehouse, modeled as a star schema, grew to over 700 data models from 3000+ raw production tables. Every time we wanted to make a change or build a new analysis, it took forever as we had to deal with managing the complexity of these 700 different models. With all these layers of dependencies and stakeholders constantly demanding more data, we ended up making lots of mistakes (i.e. dashboard metrics not matching). These mistakes led to loss of trust and soon our stakeholders were off buying tools (Heap, Mixpanel, Amplitude, Wave Analytics, etc…) to do their own analysis. With a star schema (also core to recently IPO-ed Snowflake), you build the tables you need for reporting and BI on top of fact tables (what you want to measure, i.e. leads, sales…) and dimension tables (how you want to slice your data, i.e. gender, company, contract size…). Using this approach, the amount of fact and dimension tables grow in size and complexity in relation to the number of questions / datasets / metrics that need to be answered by the business. Over time the rate of new questions increases rapidly and data teams spend more time updating models and debugging mismatched numbers than answering data questions. What if instead of using the hundreds of fact and dimension tables in a star schema, we could use one table with all your customer data modeled as a collection of core customer actions (each a single source of truth), and combine them together to assemble any table at the moment the data analyst needs that table? Numbers would always match (single source of truth), any new question could be answered immediately without waiting on data engineering to build new fact and dimension tables (assembled when the data analyst needs it), and investigating issues would be easy (no nested dependencies of fact and dimension tables that depend on other tables). After several iterations, Narrator was born. Narrator uses a single 11-column table called the Activity Stream to represent all the data in your data warehouse. It’s built from sql transformations that transform a set of raw production tables (for example, Zendesk data) into activities (ticket opened, ticket closed, etc). Each row of the Activity Stream has a customer, a timestamp, an activity name, a unique identifier, and a bit of metadata describing it. Creating any table from this single model made up of activities that don’t obviously relate to each other is hard to imagine. Unlike star schema, we don’t use foreign keys (the direct relationships in relational databases that connect objects, like employee.company_id → company.id) because they don’t always exist when you’re dealing with data in multiple systems. Instead each activity has a customer identifier which we use, along with time, to automatically join within the single table to generate datasets. As an example, imagine you were investigating a single customer who called support. Did they visit the web site before that call? You’d look at that customer’s first web visit, and see if that person called before their next web visit. Now imagine finding all customers who behaved this way per month -- you’d have to take a drastically different approach with your current data tools. Narrator, by contrast, always joins data in terms of behavior. The same approach you take to investigate a single customer applies to all of them. For the above example you’d ask Narrator’s Dataset tool to show all users who visited the website and called before the next visit, grouped by month. We started as a consultancy to build out the approach and prove that this was possible. We supported eight companies per Narrator data analyst, and now we’re excited for more data folks to get their hands on it so y’all can experience the same benefits. We’d love to hear any feedback or answer any questions about our approach. We’ve been using it ourselves in production for three years, but only launched it to the public last week. We’ll answer any comments on this thread and can also set up a video chat for anyone who wants to go more in-depth. September 30, 2020 at 08:30PM

Show HN: A simple SSH CA service with only 150 lines of Python code https://ift.tt/3cIloEW

Show HN: A simple SSH CA service with only 150 lines of Python code https://ift.tt/2Sc8UvV September 30, 2020 at 06:54PM

Show HN: A simple log-based, transactional, embedded relational database in Java https://ift.tt/2EKJ1A7

Show HN: A simple log-based, transactional, embedded relational database in Java https://ift.tt/2Gk685c September 30, 2020 at 06:45PM

Show HN: Parenthing – a parenting companion for parents with children aged 3 – 9 https://ift.tt/2S9yr8W

Show HN: Parenthing – a parenting companion for parents with children aged 3 – 9 https://ift.tt/34ecRWj September 30, 2020 at 05:26PM

Show HN: Buku – browser-independent private portable bookmark manager https://ift.tt/3n0BVch

Show HN: Buku – browser-independent private portable bookmark manager https://ift.tt/2RKNVkm September 30, 2020 at 05:18PM

Show HN: Ruby One-Liners Cookbook https://ift.tt/30ihptW

Show HN: Ruby One-Liners Cookbook https://ift.tt/2Sa7Usd September 30, 2020 at 03:57PM

الثلاثاء، 29 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Live dashboard of every email Trump and Biden are sending https://ift.tt/2Ga1G9i

Show HN: Live dashboard of every email Trump and Biden are sending https://ift.tt/33epHot September 30, 2020 at 06:25AM

Show HN: Supertribe – Meaningful professional connections over online games https://ift.tt/3jguRG7

Show HN: Supertribe – Meaningful professional connections over online games https://supertribe.gg September 30, 2020 at 01:05AM

Show HN: I made a site that lets people subscribe to get stock music via email https://ift.tt/30gv1G4

Show HN: I made a site that lets people subscribe to get stock music via email https://soundstash.io/ September 29, 2020 at 07:55PM

Show HN: Lightweight runtime types for vanilla JavaScript https://ift.tt/3kXT8Rz

Show HN: Lightweight runtime types for vanilla JavaScript https://ift.tt/345r6g9 September 29, 2020 at 08:47AM

Show HN: Trasa – zero trust service access platform https://ift.tt/2Hxroor

Show HN: Trasa – zero trust service access platform https://www.trasa.io/ September 29, 2020 at 10:47PM

Show HN: Hammer – Golang's Fluent Rest API Client https://ift.tt/2GpwOkL

Show HN: Hammer – Golang's Fluent Rest API Client https://ift.tt/3mYgAAd September 29, 2020 at 10:32PM

Show HN: MindPad – complete life organizer – notes, habits, to-do's, reminders https://ift.tt/2EHQnnZ

Show HN: MindPad – complete life organizer – notes, habits, to-do's, reminders https://www.mindpad.io September 29, 2020 at 02:54PM

Show HN: Elsa is a minimal, fast and secure runtime for JavaScript written in Go https://ift.tt/2SbcXss

Show HN: Elsa is a minimal, fast and secure runtime for JavaScript written in Go https://ift.tt/3hQxZa4 September 29, 2020 at 04:05PM

Show HN: Go library for loading Python's data serialized with pickle https://ift.tt/339RINY

Show HN: Go library for loading Python's data serialized with pickle https://ift.tt/37o4eK1 September 29, 2020 at 02:35PM

Show HN: ML News – Like HN, but for Machine Learning https://ift.tt/3je2yIl

Show HN: ML News – Like HN, but for Machine Learning http://mln.dev September 29, 2020 at 01:15PM

Show HN: A progress bar that plays lofi music while waiting https://ift.tt/3j7WC3v

Show HN: A progress bar that plays lofi music while waiting https://ift.tt/36392WQ September 29, 2020 at 09:35AM

الاثنين، 28 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Keywords2lyrics – Automatic Songwriting from Keywords https://ift.tt/36easOf

Show HN: Keywords2lyrics – Automatic Songwriting from Keywords https://ift.tt/3kZV3oV September 29, 2020 at 02:20AM

Show HN: lit-request - 852 bytes fetch API based Javascript microlibrary https://ift.tt/30fWE1W

Show HN: lit-request - 852 bytes fetch API based Javascript microlibrary https://ift.tt/2HE3Q1n September 28, 2020 at 07:22PM

Show HN: Founders Community to the Next Level https://ift.tt/2FYnSTV

Show HN: Founders Community to the Next Level https://peerpull.com/ September 29, 2020 at 02:04AM

Show HN: The Most Simple Way to Set Goals You Actually Follow https://ift.tt/2S7hw6V

Show HN: The Most Simple Way to Set Goals You Actually Follow https://ift.tt/3n1tCwA September 29, 2020 at 01:37AM

Show HN: A SQL database implemented purely in TypeScript type annotations https://ift.tt/30gPme6

Show HN: A SQL database implemented purely in TypeScript type annotations https://ift.tt/3kwqc2Y September 28, 2020 at 02:38PM

Show HN: How to solve “Zoom Fatigue” with a more immersive AR meet mobile app https://ift.tt/2GfkT9d

Show HN: How to solve “Zoom Fatigue” with a more immersive AR meet mobile app https://varaxr.com September 28, 2020 at 11:12PM

Show HN: Erlang code generator for Idris 2 https://ift.tt/2S4IN9Z

Show HN: Erlang code generator for Idris 2 https://ift.tt/3icQBB8 September 28, 2020 at 10:57PM

Show HN: Bring your desktop-based engineering simulation results, Models in VR https://ift.tt/2S63qmf

Show HN: Bring your desktop-based engineering simulation results, Models in VR http://visulity.com September 28, 2020 at 09:50PM

Show HN: A tool that finds formulas from values without supervision https://ift.tt/3n02z4U

Show HN: A tool that finds formulas from values without supervision https://ift.tt/30f9r4t September 28, 2020 at 09:08PM

Show HN: All duckduckgo bang operators on one page (metasearch tool) https://ift.tt/2HEODx2

Show HN: All duckduckgo bang operators on one page (metasearch tool) https://ift.tt/30ax1iN September 28, 2020 at 08:34PM

Show HN: GRT – track code review turnaround for your GitHub repositories https://ift.tt/348pu5k

Show HN: GRT – track code review turnaround for your GitHub repositories https://ift.tt/36kXhLc September 28, 2020 at 03:55PM

Show HN: Make web longform content print optimised(beta),physical book(release) https://ift.tt/3jc0RLl

Show HN: Make web longform content print optimised(beta),physical book(release) https://ift.tt/3ibbRr8 September 28, 2020 at 07:37PM

Show HN: Go Budget, a full-featured manual budget tracker built with Flutter https://ift.tt/3cE7L9K

Show HN: Go Budget, a full-featured manual budget tracker built with Flutter Over the weekend I launched Go Budget, a side project of mine from the last few years that originally was just an Android app used by me and my wife, but was recreated in Flutter during the pandemic. https://gobudget.io [0] App Store [1] Google Play [2] Privacy Policy Go Budget lets you set up your income and bills (repeating expenses), automates tracking them wherever possible, then makes it as painless as possible to log every day purchases. For individual users the app is free/adfree. I offer a premium subscription that allows you to back up budgets online and invite others to join your budgets to stay in sync. My experience with Flutter was nothing short of amazing, and I think the end result turned out pretty nice. I'm happy to answer any questions about Flutter or anything else related to the app. -- The backend stack is pretty basic: - Flask + Redis + Gunicorn + Traefik running in docker on a Digital Ocean VM - Managed Digital Ocean postgres cluster -- [0] https://ift.tt/30ckH1F [1] https://ift.tt/2GaY3j3 [2] https://ift.tt/3jbzxwV September 28, 2020 at 06:28PM

Show HN: Vocabulary 90 – vocabulary learning automation https://ift.tt/3kV6w90

Show HN: Vocabulary 90 – vocabulary learning automation https://ift.tt/3ibRCtc September 28, 2020 at 02:58PM

Show HN: Grayscale/reading mode for i3 and other WMs https://ift.tt/2GggDGE

Show HN: Grayscale/reading mode for i3 and other WMs https://ift.tt/36gJfdE September 28, 2020 at 02:18PM

الأحد، 27 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Remote Oil Tank Monitoring Solution https://ift.tt/3j8G3EJ

Show HN: Remote Oil Tank Monitoring Solution http://myoilguage.com/ September 28, 2020 at 02:34AM

Show HN: Fast Variant data type for Go https://ift.tt/2S12Gii

Show HN: Fast Variant data type for Go https://ift.tt/30gzg4q September 28, 2020 at 03:56AM

Show HN: File2DB, Upload CSV/JSON/Excel to a (PostgreSQL/MySQL/) Database https://ift.tt/3jfe5Y0

Show HN: File2DB, Upload CSV/JSON/Excel to a (PostgreSQL/MySQL/) Database https://ift.tt/3kRWANz September 27, 2020 at 10:36PM

Show HN: Keyboard Simulator – virtual keyboard designer https://ift.tt/2EDJeoJ

Show HN: Keyboard Simulator – virtual keyboard designer https://ift.tt/3i5NsTL September 28, 2020 at 02:25AM

Show HN: Prosthesis limbs customization platform in 3D https://ift.tt/30fLj1L

Show HN: Prosthesis limbs customization platform in 3D http://coleg.co September 28, 2020 at 12:12AM

Show HN: Life Calendar – Your Life in Weeks https://ift.tt/30ucA0L

Show HN: Life Calendar – Your Life in Weeks https://ift.tt/3jeQWF6 September 27, 2020 at 11:38PM

Show HN: My current stress reduction method - anti-stress puzzle https://ift.tt/2G7MKZ8

Show HN: My current stress reduction method - anti-stress puzzle https://ift.tt/3k49zeH September 27, 2020 at 11:02PM

Show HN: Instant SVG icon search with over 50K+ icons indexed https://ift.tt/340ZEQR

Show HN: Instant SVG icon search with over 50K+ icons indexed https://ift.tt/3429XUO September 27, 2020 at 07:41PM

Show HN: Simple, customizable, no-code website Hit Counter https://ift.tt/2EBeLaO

Show HN: Simple, customizable, no-code website Hit Counter https://hitcount.io September 27, 2020 at 06:03PM

Show HN: bbox-visualizer – Make drawing and labeling bounding boxes easy as cake https://ift.tt/3kLAP1U

Show HN: bbox-visualizer – Make drawing and labeling bounding boxes easy as cake https://ift.tt/3kToZTC September 27, 2020 at 09:59PM

Show HN: iOS 14 'Phoenix 2' Space Shooter via App Clips https://ift.tt/3i99tkK

Show HN: iOS 14 'Phoenix 2' Space Shooter via App Clips https://ift.tt/2S4pxcV September 27, 2020 at 05:38PM

Show HN: iPhone app that may prevent you from frequent social media checking https://ift.tt/334eRRL

Show HN: iPhone app that may prevent you from frequent social media checking https://ift.tt/3jG8AC9 September 27, 2020 at 03:29PM

Show HN: Timebox – Timer Script for Windows/Linux/macOS to Practice Timeboxing https://ift.tt/3j9aqdU

Show HN: Timebox – Timer Script for Windows/Linux/macOS to Practice Timeboxing https://ift.tt/1O905xI September 27, 2020 at 02:21PM

Show HN: Submit your startup to 38 communities https://ift.tt/2FVODZb

Show HN: Submit your startup to 38 communities https://ift.tt/303EoZg September 27, 2020 at 10:55AM

Show HN: Build AWS ECS external deployments graphically https://ift.tt/2Hv3wBP

Show HN: Build AWS ECS external deployments graphically https://ift.tt/36civLy September 27, 2020 at 10:13AM

Show HN: Wisefin API – Turn messy bank transactions into beautiful data https://ift.tt/2G6DTqC

Show HN: Wisefin API – Turn messy bank transactions into beautiful data https://wisefin.ai?hn September 27, 2020 at 09:00AM

السبت، 26 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: DevUtils.app – Developer Utilities for macOS https://ift.tt/3cCko52

Show HN: DevUtils.app – Developer Utilities for macOS This is a project I've been working on since the start of Covid-19. I built an app so that I don't have to put data into online tools like JWT debugger, JSON formatter, URL decoder, etc... https://devutils.app The app works entirely offline and is open-source. I'm selling the pre-built version of the app to earn some revenue for my time. If you want to try the app but can't afford the price or don't have XCode to build the app, drop me an email (my profile), I'll be happy to provide you a free build. I would love to hear all the feedback/suggestions. Thanks! September 27, 2020 at 08:47AM

Show HN: Port2 – Expose local port to the internet, macOS App https://ift.tt/3mWWPIX

Show HN: Port2 – Expose local port to the internet, macOS App https://ift.tt/3i6lirT September 27, 2020 at 07:00AM

Show HN: Transactional Outbox Pattern in Go https://ift.tt/2S48WpG

Show HN: Transactional Outbox Pattern in Go https://ift.tt/2TVmDbP September 27, 2020 at 01:50AM

Show HN: Startingcondition.com – Who goes first at standup? (or group events) https://ift.tt/2HDvBY1

Show HN: Startingcondition.com – Who goes first at standup? (or group events) https://ift.tt/2YR8WNF September 27, 2020 at 01:37AM

Show HN: Gitjacker: Leak Git repositories from misconfigured websites https://ift.tt/337zLzE

Show HN: Gitjacker: Leak Git repositories from misconfigured websites https://ift.tt/3mYD2t0 September 26, 2020 at 11:40PM

Show HN: A freelance-only job board https://ift.tt/2G88MuC

Show HN: A freelance-only job board https://lancer.to September 26, 2020 at 11:05PM

Show HN: Launch the Damn MVP https://ift.tt/2GheTN5

Show HN: Launch the Damn MVP https://ift.tt/30doonT September 26, 2020 at 10:54PM

Show HN: Fun with cell phone webcam and WebGL shaders https://ift.tt/30d8b1R

Show HN: Fun with cell phone webcam and WebGL shaders https://ift.tt/3czBnVZ September 26, 2020 at 07:58PM

Show HN: Trueq.io – A New Q&A Platform for Developers https://ift.tt/344nDhN

Show HN: Trueq.io – A New Q&A Platform for Developers https://trueq.io/ September 25, 2020 at 10:29AM

Show HN: Send Audio Messages in Gmail https://ift.tt/33ZJiI1

Show HN: Send Audio Messages in Gmail https://ift.tt/3kNjUvW September 26, 2020 at 10:19PM

Show HN: Partially Discord-compatible server written in Go https://ift.tt/34hlsIb

Show HN: Partially Discord-compatible server written in Go https://ift.tt/337MVN3 September 26, 2020 at 10:02PM

Show HN: Fully Open-Sourced Online MIDI Editor https://ift.tt/36aEOks

Show HN: Fully Open-Sourced Online MIDI Editor https://ift.tt/334T2lb September 26, 2020 at 07:52PM

Show HN: Teach yourself to code with real-world projects https://ift.tt/332qVTF

Show HN: Teach yourself to code with real-world projects https://codedamn.com September 26, 2020 at 06:53PM

Show HN: “Embeddable Fields” in GraphQL https://ift.tt/3cye7Y6

Show HN: “Embeddable Fields” in GraphQL https://ift.tt/3i67v4y September 26, 2020 at 06:16PM

Show HN: Wyre, a hardware definition language that compiles to Verilog https://ift.tt/2FVKg0a

Show HN: Wyre, a hardware definition language that compiles to Verilog https://ift.tt/3mVYiiM September 26, 2020 at 05:55PM

Show HN: Airlane Beta – a better LinkedIn for your Twitter https://ift.tt/333WxYR

Show HN: Airlane Beta – a better LinkedIn for your Twitter https://ift.tt/30a4nOW September 26, 2020 at 05:33PM

Show HN: BulletWeek GTD app packed with features https://ift.tt/3kMITzu

Show HN: BulletWeek GTD app packed with features https://bulletweek.app September 26, 2020 at 08:58AM

Show HN: Rentify – Create an online rental store https://ift.tt/3i5TcNh

Show HN: Rentify – Create an online rental store https://rentify.store September 26, 2020 at 02:36PM

Show HN: I'm building an open-source catalog of cloud infrastructures https://ift.tt/3cJGq6l

Show HN: I'm building an open-source catalog of cloud infrastructures https://ift.tt/3jj2eIt September 26, 2020 at 02:02PM

الجمعة، 25 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Meet a co-founder every Saturday https://ift.tt/3406F4f

Show HN: Meet a co-founder every Saturday https://cofounder.chat/ September 25, 2020 at 09:18PM

Show HN: Layers News https://ift.tt/3hX2HhS

Show HN: Layers News https://layers.news/ September 25, 2020 at 07:49PM

Show HN: Strongweek, an iOS app focused on weeks months and years not due dates https://ift.tt/2HmV8Er

Show HN: Strongweek, an iOS app focused on weeks months and years not due dates https://ift.tt/2RV9uhw September 25, 2020 at 07:17PM

Show HN: A Serverless Chess Engine running in 4 different clouds https://ift.tt/3i9R9Ik

Show HN: A Serverless Chess Engine running in 4 different clouds https://ift.tt/363T2nm September 25, 2020 at 12:50PM

Show HN: Video Transcoder on the browser using WASM https://ift.tt/305nR7a

Show HN: Video Transcoder on the browser using WASM https://modfy.video/ September 25, 2020 at 02:53PM

الخميس، 24 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Parametric Equalizer for PulseAudio https://ift.tt/2RZ6jFE

Show HN: Parametric Equalizer for PulseAudio https://ift.tt/3i5AYLU September 25, 2020 at 07:16AM

Show HN: Cloudboost.io – open-source BaaS platform just like Firebase https://ift.tt/3i9KSfL

Show HN: Cloudboost.io – open-source BaaS platform just like Firebase https://cloudboost.io September 25, 2020 at 06:14AM

Launch HN: Scrimba (YC S20) – Interactive video for learning to code https://ift.tt/32WBPdB

Launch HN: Scrimba (YC S20) – Interactive video for learning to code Hi all, I’m Per, co-founder of Scrimba. We are building an interactive video format for teaching and learning how to code. The main benefit is that students can pause the video and edit the code whenever they want. We think this is needed is because over 70% of people who are trying to learn to code today use videos. But since videos aren’t interactive, students end up mirroring the instructors’ code line-by-line in their local code editors. This is time consuming, and it often causes problems with local dev environment setup. Scrimba solves these problems as it enables students to pause the screencast and modify the instructors’ code directly inside the player. So when a Scrimba student feels confused, she jumps into the screencast and plays around with the code (editing, running, debugging) until she’s made sense of it. As a consequence, she learns faster. Technically, this is possible because we have merged the IDE and the video player into one tool. To understand the technology in-depth, please watch this cast: https://ift.tt/33UHYX4 The Scrimba format also opens the way for other features that can further enhance the learning experience, like searching inside videos, in-video hyperlinks, audiovisual code feedback from teachers, remote pair programming between students, and more. The more we work with the format, the more of these opportunities we see. So we have decided to use the format as the backbone for an online coding school as we continue to improve it. After launching a bunch of shorter courses the last couple of years, we launched our first full-degree program this summer. It's called “The Frontend Developer Career Path” and it contains 75 hours of content and 100s of interactive coding challenges. It costs $19 per month and the teachers are well-known instructors like Gary Simon, Cassidy Williams, and Kevin Powell. Students are also paired up in Study Groups, in order to make the online learning experience feel less lonely. So far, over 3000 people from 110 different countries have enrolled. Here’s a link to the course: https://ift.tt/365a1pg Fun fact: Scrimba is built entirely in Imba, a programming language that our CTO has created. It’s a Ruby-inspired language that compiles to JavaScript, and it excels at creating high-performant web apps. The first version of Scrimba was created because Sindre wanted a better way to teach Imba. You can learn more about Imba here: https://www.imba.io/ September 24, 2020 at 07:43PM

Show HN: Hotpot – A tool to make graphic design easier https://ift.tt/2HjEZ2z

Show HN: Hotpot – A tool to make graphic design easier https://hotpot.ai/ September 21, 2020 at 11:48PM

Show HN: Ready-Made CRM, Project and Content Management on Notion https://ift.tt/32Zv7DO

Show HN: Ready-Made CRM, Project and Content Management on Notion https://ift.tt/2Eyvyvk September 24, 2020 at 06:32PM

Show HN: MP3 to Text https://ift.tt/361ieec

Show HN: MP3 to Text https://ift.tt/33WeBU7 September 24, 2020 at 04:44PM

Show HN: Headless Recorder https://ift.tt/3kWAzNV

Show HN: Headless Recorder https://ift.tt/32VKRHC September 24, 2020 at 03:47PM

Show HN: Alpodo – Free simple, Easy to use and privacy friendly analytics https://ift.tt/303ROEO

Show HN: Alpodo – Free simple, Easy to use and privacy friendly analytics https://app.alpodo.com/ September 24, 2020 at 01:01PM

الأربعاء، 23 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: AR VR App for Virtual Events, Birthdays, Concerts, Hangouts, and More https://ift.tt/2RSy3LR

Show HN: AR VR App for Virtual Events, Birthdays, Concerts, Hangouts, and More http://varaxr.com September 24, 2020 at 04:03AM

Show HN: Open-Source Memex – Alternative Approach to Roam/Obsidian https://ift.tt/3hYQFVg

Show HN: Open-Source Memex – Alternative Approach to Roam/Obsidian https://ift.tt/2Eibtt3 September 24, 2020 at 01:44AM

Show HN: Argsearch – A composable tool for sweeping over command-line arguments https://ift.tt/3mOosUA

Show HN: Argsearch – A composable tool for sweeping over command-line arguments https://ift.tt/33SQt4S September 24, 2020 at 01:32AM

Show HN: Scribble – Realtime Whiteboarding for Developers https://ift.tt/2RTgHyy

Show HN: Scribble – Realtime Whiteboarding for Developers https://ift.tt/3615d4h September 24, 2020 at 12:03AM

Show HN: Create an AWS infrastructure defined as code, in seconds https://ift.tt/362ydsk

Show HN: Create an AWS infrastructure defined as code, in seconds https://scaffold.sh September 24, 2020 at 12:01AM

Show HN: I made an open-source marketplace to fasten OAuth API integrations https://ift.tt/2EroaBM

Show HN: I made an open-source marketplace to fasten OAuth API integrations https://ift.tt/33XfR9L September 23, 2020 at 09:56PM

Show HN: SirTunnel – Selfhosted, 0-config alternative to ngrok. Caddy+SSH+50 LOC https://ift.tt/32TFzMO

Show HN: SirTunnel – Selfhosted, 0-config alternative to ngrok. Caddy+SSH+50 LOC https://ift.tt/3mFuEya September 23, 2020 at 08:43PM

Show HN: Blindsend, Open-Source End-to-End Encrypted File Transfer https://ift.tt/2EqxW7a

Show HN: Blindsend, Open-Source End-to-End Encrypted File Transfer https://ift.tt/3iQqdhT September 23, 2020 at 09:00PM

Show HN: Cambrinary – a terminal online dict, powered by cambridge dictionary https://ift.tt/2RQmtRk

Show HN: Cambrinary – a terminal online dict, powered by cambridge dictionary https://ift.tt/2QaiDos September 23, 2020 at 08:01PM

Show HN: Lala – Learning Japanese App https://ift.tt/33SvS0v

Show HN: Lala – Learning Japanese App https://lala.support September 23, 2020 at 07:58PM

Show HN: CSNotes – A website for my Computer Science Notes https://ift.tt/303xq6O

Show HN: CSNotes – A website for my Computer Science Notes https://csnotes.me/ September 23, 2020 at 06:46PM

Show HN: ClipURLCleaner: Cleaning URLs in your clipboard https://ift.tt/2G5u3ox

Show HN: ClipURLCleaner: Cleaning URLs in your clipboard https://ift.tt/3clWydY September 23, 2020 at 03:22PM

Show HN: Submit your startup to 160 directories https://ift.tt/33TkHof

Show HN: Submit your startup to 160 directories https://ift.tt/2G00Dbx September 23, 2020 at 05:38PM

Show HN: Chrome Addon to list BitChute (and more) subs on your YouTube subs page https://ift.tt/3mIYpOF

Show HN: Chrome Addon to list BitChute (and more) subs on your YouTube subs page https://ift.tt/3cqxFOo September 23, 2020 at 04:49PM

Mono Icons – Looking for feedback on a new set of Icons – (open source and free) https://ift.tt/3iXXlnF

Mono Icons – Looking for feedback on a new set of Icons – (open source and free) https://ift.tt/3iJ3Zhs September 23, 2020 at 12:59PM

Show HN: Linxy – Search News https://ift.tt/3iVShjD

Show HN: Linxy – Search News https://golinxy.com September 23, 2020 at 01:43PM

Show HN: Slick Docs Editor – A Hybrid of Google Docs and Wix https://ift.tt/2EvF02A

Show HN: Slick Docs Editor – A Hybrid of Google Docs and Wix https://slickdocs.com/ September 23, 2020 at 11:02AM

الثلاثاء، 22 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: DailyMap – build your own planner using mind maps https://ift.tt/2ZYXvUD

Show HN: DailyMap – build your own planner using mind maps https://ift.tt/3iUEJF3 September 23, 2020 at 02:20AM

Show HN: I made a free-to-use GPT-2 API https://ift.tt/2G06dL0

Show HN: I made a free-to-use GPT-2 API https://ift.tt/3iY2NXN September 23, 2020 at 03:25AM

Show HN: The Biased News of Ruth Bader Ginsburg https://ift.tt/3mJjpF3

Show HN: The Biased News of Ruth Bader Ginsburg https://ift.tt/3hYc40G September 23, 2020 at 12:57AM

Show HN: Export Health – Easily export your Apple health data to JSON or CSV https://ift.tt/32SDbWI

Show HN: Export Health – Easily export your Apple health data to JSON or CSV https://ift.tt/3mGa6FL September 22, 2020 at 09:35PM

Show HN: Nitter_scraper – Scrape Twitter using nitter https://ift.tt/32SYHun

Show HN: Nitter_scraper – Scrape Twitter using nitter https://ift.tt/33NniQM September 22, 2020 at 08:34PM

Show HN: The Age of the Spiritual Machine https://ift.tt/3kIEVYP

Show HN: The Age of the Spiritual Machine https://ift.tt/3hU07sP September 22, 2020 at 08:44PM

Show HN: I'm building a catalog of cloud infrastructures https://ift.tt/3hRfz9i

Show HN: I'm building a catalog of cloud infrastructures https://scaffold.sh September 22, 2020 at 06:41PM

Show HN: Free site to learn and try different databases https://ift.tt/3clTvlM

Show HN: Free site to learn and try different databases https://ift.tt/3csGS8H September 22, 2020 at 06:25PM

Show HN: Use iPhone as a password manager for your desktop PC https://ift.tt/3hQDlC3

Show HN: Use iPhone as a password manager for your desktop PC https://ift.tt/2ZYNRRA September 22, 2020 at 06:49PM

Show HN: ExGAN-Adversarial Generation of Extreme Samples https://ift.tt/2RMCtUr

Show HN: ExGAN-Adversarial Generation of Extreme Samples https://ift.tt/3hNFtus September 22, 2020 at 06:11PM

Show HN: I made a site that provides data-driven book recommendations for makers https://ift.tt/3kABt2j

Show HN: I made a site that provides data-driven book recommendations for makers https://makerreads.com/ September 22, 2020 at 11:54AM

Show HN: FAQ-div: turn a div into a FAQ with /w search and more https://ift.tt/3co77wQ

Show HN: FAQ-div: turn a div into a FAQ with /w search and more https://faq-div.com/ September 22, 2020 at 11:18AM

Show HN: Compose Key on macOS https://ift.tt/2FPBIYy

Show HN: Compose Key on macOS https://ift.tt/2ZVbKJQ September 22, 2020 at 02:53PM

Show HN: Open end-to-end Computer Vision Platform https://ift.tt/3hRKSRa

Show HN: Open end-to-end Computer Vision Platform https://picsellia.com/ September 22, 2020 at 02:21PM

Show HN: Fossnode – Free Matrix server for free and open source projects https://ift.tt/2Hg7caw

Show HN: Fossnode – Free Matrix server for free and open source projects https://ift.tt/3hU4vrI September 22, 2020 at 01:46PM

Show HN: Play Battleships on PostgreSQL https://ift.tt/2HcUNEf

Show HN: Play Battleships on PostgreSQL https://ift.tt/3cjFNQo September 22, 2020 at 01:35PM

Show HN: Makely – 3D Printing for Everyone https://ift.tt/3iTCAd0

Show HN: Makely – 3D Printing for Everyone https://makely.me September 22, 2020 at 11:26AM

Show HN: DJ Checkup – Check your Django site for security errors https://ift.tt/3ciW5sO

Show HN: DJ Checkup – Check your Django site for security errors https://djcheckup.com/ September 22, 2020 at 01:32AM

الاثنين، 21 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: New Podcast: open-source For Business. Learn from worlds #1 OSS experts https://ift.tt/3ckTT45

Show HN: New Podcast: open-source For Business. Learn from worlds #1 OSS experts https://ift.tt/2FPBFvF September 22, 2020 at 02:22AM

Show HN: Open-source tools to troubleshoot Kubernetes applications https://ift.tt/2ZThEeA

Show HN: Open-source tools to troubleshoot Kubernetes applications https://ift.tt/2RM0CKT September 22, 2020 at 02:12AM

Show HN: Realtime Collaborative Drawing with WebRTC and Canvas https://ift.tt/3mHUb9R

Show HN: Realtime Collaborative Drawing with WebRTC and Canvas https://ift.tt/3iQpRI7 September 21, 2020 at 09:33PM

Show HN: An interactive tutorial teaching spring physics for animation https://ift.tt/3hPMXNI

Show HN: An interactive tutorial teaching spring physics for animation https://ift.tt/2RJ0ewT September 21, 2020 at 07:09PM

Show HN: Take timestamped notes while watching YouTube videos https://ift.tt/2RYO0QZ

Show HN: Take timestamped notes while watching YouTube videos https://annotate.tv September 21, 2020 at 06:55PM

Show HN: I visualised the co-occurrence of origin and variety in coffee beans https://ift.tt/3hNcZ3X

Show HN: I visualised the co-occurrence of origin and variety in coffee beans https://ift.tt/3klk7Gu September 21, 2020 at 06:27PM

Show HN: An Open Source Memex POC https://ift.tt/32MisDT

Show HN: An Open Source Memex POC https://ift.tt/3413wRZ September 21, 2020 at 10:01AM

Show HN: The definitive guide on brand names https://ift.tt/3cfu19U

Show HN: The definitive guide on brand names https://ift.tt/3fjwcdB September 21, 2020 at 01:10PM

Show HN: Monitor your internet speed with a Raspberry Pi https://ift.tt/2RQV8hT

Show HN: Monitor your internet speed with a Raspberry Pi https://ift.tt/2Enxwi2 September 21, 2020 at 10:12AM

الأحد، 20 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Commons – Simple mini-forums for communities https://ift.tt/3hVsIhG

Show HN: Commons – Simple mini-forums for communities https://ift.tt/2ZTv4r3 September 21, 2020 at 04:58AM

Show HN: Compile Ruby to C https://ift.tt/3kAcSKZ

Show HN: Compile Ruby to C https://ift.tt/2RGPJtS September 21, 2020 at 05:43AM

Show HN: CSS Grid Browserslist https://ift.tt/3hK2ZIF

Show HN: CSS Grid Browserslist https://ift.tt/3cnZMxt September 21, 2020 at 05:27AM

Show HN: Like Momentum in Chrome but for VS Code https://ift.tt/3hPbFgQ

Show HN: Like Momentum in Chrome but for VS Code https://ift.tt/2zNIHye September 21, 2020 at 02:32AM

Show HN: CUDA Pathtracer with Lots of Features https://ift.tt/3mAZIix

Show HN: CUDA Pathtracer with Lots of Features https://ift.tt/2FOGgyd September 21, 2020 at 12:30AM

Show HN: Interactive: Visualizing Caffeine Halflives and Bedtime https://ift.tt/3iRNjob

Show HN: Interactive: Visualizing Caffeine Halflives and Bedtime https://ift.tt/2ZUa6rW September 20, 2020 at 09:41PM

Show HN: Video feedback widget with cam and audio https://ift.tt/32JUbOW

Show HN: Video feedback widget with cam and audio https://howuku.com September 20, 2020 at 06:02PM

Show HN: Interactive tutorial for learning Git's internals https://ift.tt/35OyrDr

Show HN: Interactive tutorial for learning Git's internals https://ift.tt/33JACFF September 20, 2020 at 04:25PM

Show HN: FileConverter using FFMPEG as WASM to convert files https://ift.tt/3ceaBSG

Show HN: FileConverter using FFMPEG as WASM to convert files https://ift.tt/2H7qOxt September 20, 2020 at 10:27AM

Show HN: A tool to make graphic design easier https://ift.tt/3mFmTrU

Show HN: A tool to make graphic design easier https://hotpot.ai/ September 20, 2020 at 10:05AM

Show HN: Air Quality Alerts via SMS https://ift.tt/3iNX9Y7

Show HN: Air Quality Alerts via SMS https://ift.tt/3mrlCF3 September 20, 2020 at 08:56AM

السبت، 19 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Evaluate mortgage cost with discounted cash flow https://ift.tt/2RVsDQx

Show HN: Evaluate mortgage cost with discounted cash flow https://ift.tt/3bNTVRU September 20, 2020 at 09:02AM

Show HN: The Financial Status Template https://ift.tt/32NPmEl

Show HN: The Financial Status Template https://ift.tt/3iLn42R September 19, 2020 at 10:51PM

Show HN: My Python Notebook Driven Book on Evolutionary Algorithms https://ift.tt/3iSAL00

Show HN: My Python Notebook Driven Book on Evolutionary Algorithms https://ift.tt/3mM0R7c September 20, 2020 at 01:01AM

Show HN: Find missing/stale translations for Android apps using GitHub actions https://ift.tt/2RULyLj

Show HN: Find missing/stale translations for Android apps using GitHub actions https://ift.tt/3jsyJ7f September 19, 2020 at 06:15PM

Show HN: Control Chromecasts from Linux https://ift.tt/3hG1YBu

Show HN: Control Chromecasts from Linux https://ift.tt/2KXIBG2 September 19, 2020 at 08:17PM

Show HN: Plenary – A privacy focused RSS feed and offline reader app for Android https://ift.tt/2ZSr9dV

Show HN: Plenary – A privacy focused RSS feed and offline reader app for Android https://ift.tt/3anaD98 September 19, 2020 at 06:14PM

Show HN: GhostLap – A simple list of all Sim Racing Hardware/Equipment https://ift.tt/33M7Eow

Show HN: GhostLap – A simple list of all Sim Racing Hardware/Equipment https://ift.tt/3hMzvtE September 19, 2020 at 03:46PM

Show HN: Philosophers in an influence graph with PageRank scores https://ift.tt/32PutbX

Show HN: Philosophers in an influence graph with PageRank scores https://ift.tt/2ZRCDi5 September 19, 2020 at 02:19PM

Show HN: I made a scraper that finds the Best Remote Jobs Every Week on the web https://ift.tt/2ZP5UKg

Show HN: I made a scraper that finds the Best Remote Jobs Every Week on the web https://ift.tt/2HjbCO9 September 19, 2020 at 01:51PM

Show HN: Debut – a retro terminal PowerPoint clone https://ift.tt/3cca8Aq

Show HN: Debut – a retro terminal PowerPoint clone https://ift.tt/3my8IVH As part of work I was tasked with doing a presentation on a part of the Agile Manifesto, so as a way to make it interesting I initially decided to do it as an animated CLI app. Then I remembered curses existed! And a weekend later I ended up with a mini-framework for doing your own presentations in the terminal complete with borders, colours and keyboard interaction. It's also 100% Python with no external dependencies, so feel free to clone it and run it as the readme states. September 19, 2020 at 02:12PM

Show HN: How beautiful is your website – check using Visual Mind AI https://ift.tt/2FAHSfb

Show HN: How beautiful is your website – check using Visual Mind AI https://ift.tt/3mDiuWq September 19, 2020 at 12:13PM

Show HN: Implementing FORTH, hacker-news style https://ift.tt/3muuJVv

Show HN: Implementing FORTH, hacker-news style https://ift.tt/3cd9nab September 19, 2020 at 08:55AM

الجمعة، 18 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Vim-Gitstatus Plugin https://ift.tt/2ZQ387c

Show HN: Vim-Gitstatus Plugin https://ift.tt/3iP4mHu September 19, 2020 at 04:10AM

Show HN: Mass delete Spotify playlists using RegEx https://ift.tt/3iPaPCg

Show HN: Mass delete Spotify playlists using RegEx https://ift.tt/2V2I5Mx September 19, 2020 at 03:05AM

Show HN: Bulk Fusion 360 Export and Sync https://ift.tt/2ZR1lyX

Show HN: Bulk Fusion 360 Export and Sync https://ift.tt/33GipJ5 September 19, 2020 at 02:30AM

Show HN: Can I create a better image format than PNG? probably not https://ift.tt/2EeR2x7

Show HN: Can I create a better image format than PNG? probably not https://ift.tt/3kdI4Q3 September 19, 2020 at 01:29AM

Show HN: Laguna – See what your friends are trading and make bets https://ift.tt/3hHgbhG

Show HN: Laguna – See what your friends are trading and make bets https://withlaguna.com/ September 19, 2020 at 12:22AM

Show HN: sus – static site based URL shortener https://ift.tt/35Pule4

Show HN: sus – static site based URL shortener https://ift.tt/2FGOw3o September 19, 2020 at 12:09AM

Show HN: A web service which renders SVG plots from Prometheus data https://ift.tt/3hD03xC

Show HN: A web service which renders SVG plots from Prometheus data https://ift.tt/2EcfzCO September 18, 2020 at 11:27PM

Show HN: Dendron – open-source, local first, anti-roam note-taking tool https://ift.tt/3mJjmZY

Show HN: Dendron – open-source, local first, anti-roam note-taking tool https://dendron.so September 18, 2020 at 07:07PM

Show HN: Beadifier – reproducing photos with toy beads https://ift.tt/35NsS89

Show HN: Beadifier – reproducing photos with toy beads https://ift.tt/2FzXSN7 September 18, 2020 at 02:57PM

Show HN: Production Ready – A newsletter dedicated to bootstrapped businesses https://ift.tt/2RGt5C0

Show HN: Production Ready – A newsletter dedicated to bootstrapped businesses https://ift.tt/3kFJt2b September 18, 2020 at 08:26PM

Show HN: Easy way to explain code architecture to new hires https://ift.tt/3cduf1d

Show HN: Easy way to explain code architecture to new hires https://codecrumbs.io/ September 18, 2020 at 07:54PM

Show HN: FiftyOne – Explore, Analyze and Curate Visual Datasets https://ift.tt/2RGDeP3

Show HN: FiftyOne – Explore, Analyze and Curate Visual Datasets https://ift.tt/32FBdZK September 18, 2020 at 07:36PM

Show HN: ugit – Learn Git Internals by Building Git in Python https://ift.tt/2FQ9hZY

Show HN: ugit – Learn Git Internals by Building Git in Python https://ift.tt/2FJLRWu September 18, 2020 at 07:22PM

Show HN: PostgreSQL and Machine Learning - step-by-step python tutorial https://ift.tt/32GYla1

Show HN: PostgreSQL and Machine Learning - step-by-step python tutorial https://ift.tt/33CFzA9 September 18, 2020 at 03:59PM

Show HN: Visualizing how a NeuralNetwork learns to recognize the MNIST digits https://ift.tt/35LXaIm

Show HN: Visualizing how a NeuralNetwork learns to recognize the MNIST digits https://ift.tt/3hPwA3L September 18, 2020 at 09:50AM

Show HN: Remoty – Work like you're in the same office https://ift.tt/2ZOwSSh

Show HN: Remoty – Work like you're in the same office https://remoty.dev September 18, 2020 at 11:20AM

الخميس، 17 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: xm – a tiny compiler to build HTML sites https://ift.tt/3mvNbNg

Show HN: xm – a tiny compiler to build HTML sites https://twitter.com/giuseppegurgone/status/1305851405660549122 September 18, 2020 at 01:10AM

Show HN: Built this using no-code (Webflow, Airtable, Zapier) https://ift.tt/33Err9p

Show HN: Built this using no-code (Webflow, Airtable, Zapier) https://ift.tt/2ZeXhbj September 17, 2020 at 10:18PM

Show HN: New 6kb design system called M- is like HTML6 https://ift.tt/35MlREA

Show HN: New 6kb design system called M- is like HTML6 http://m-docs.org September 17, 2020 at 11:37PM

Show HN: Market your product to 1m+ journalists https://ift.tt/3hHxK14

Show HN: Market your product to 1m+ journalists http://meansheep.com September 17, 2020 at 11:35PM

Show HN: Play music while and after shell jobs complete https://ift.tt/3myYuEr

Show HN: Play music while and after shell jobs complete https://ift.tt/2ZKGgpK September 17, 2020 at 05:24PM

Show HN: Marker – open source hand-drawn illustrations https://ift.tt/35K8pBh

Show HN: Marker – open source hand-drawn illustrations https://ift.tt/2RzzM8C September 17, 2020 at 09:29PM

Show HN: Invest systematically in deeply undervalued companies https://ift.tt/3hHr9n4

Show HN: Invest systematically in deeply undervalued companies https://ift.tt/330jrPW September 17, 2020 at 08:50PM

Show HN: Oscillator Bank / Spectral Synthesizer https://ift.tt/35HrcNz

Show HN: Oscillator Bank / Spectral Synthesizer https://ift.tt/2HnO5s4 September 17, 2020 at 03:59PM

Show HN: Makely – 3D Printing for Everyone https://ift.tt/3hIWjKS

Show HN: Makely – 3D Printing for Everyone https://makely.me September 17, 2020 at 01:29PM

Show HN: faasd. Look Ma’ No Kubernetes Use-Case and Case-Studies https://ift.tt/2EdqLiI

Show HN: faasd. Look Ma’ No Kubernetes Use-Case and Case-Studies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnZJXI377ak&feature=youtu.be September 17, 2020 at 06:35PM

Show HN: Three.kt – A Kotlin/JVM port of Three.js JavaScript 3D library https://ift.tt/3iIXUls

Show HN: Three.kt – A Kotlin/JVM port of Three.js JavaScript 3D library https://ift.tt/2hZbbMG September 17, 2020 at 10:36AM

Show HN: Building the next-generation learning experience https://ift.tt/35Jq245

Show HN: Building the next-generation learning experience If you reflect a bit on how you learn, you will probably find that in order to acquire a skill or some level of expertise on a subject, you take 5 steps that make up your learning behaviour. 1. You find the learning materials for the subject. 2. You input these materials into your brain through reading and listening. 3. You process the new information through memorising and associating in order to construct a new thinking model. 4. You practise by solving problems that are designed for learning, or by having basic conversations in the case of learning languages. 5. You apply the new skill you just acquired and start creating values for the world with it. What Astrasum does is that we are hacking learning. We want to accelerate your learning by helping you become better and better at each one of these steps with our technology and growing community. We are still working to integrate AI and VR into our features, but they are already pretty cool. Try it out and if you find it helpful or fun, please share it with your friends as well! https://astrasum.com September 17, 2020 at 01:53PM

Show HN: Embed Draw.io in Notion https://ift.tt/2HaGy2U

Show HN: Embed Draw.io in Notion https://ift.tt/32F1p6G September 17, 2020 at 01:42PM

Show HN: Tobab, a poor mans identity aware proxy. “BeyondCorp” for selfhosters https://ift.tt/3iGiCCr

Show HN: Tobab, a poor mans identity aware proxy. “BeyondCorp” for selfhosters https://ift.tt/3hFCF2g September 17, 2020 at 03:47PM

Show HN: I made a website to help manage tasks with service providers https://ift.tt/2ZGYc4E

Show HN: I made a website to help manage tasks with service providers https://www.swair.app September 16, 2020 at 11:16AM

Show HN: Web Push Notification for Shopify Store Owners https://ift.tt/3kmYGEY

Show HN: Web Push Notification for Shopify Store Owners Hi Folks, We recently launched our app, https://ift.tt/32BUJX5, on Shopify App Store for store owners to promote their stores using push notifications. I am sure almost here everybody knows about push notifications, but just in case you are not, they are small popups you see on your mobile whenever you receive an email, sms or any other notification. Along with mobiles, most of the modern browsers on desktops support push notifications. Shopify store owners can use push notifications to send automated abandoned cart notifications, new order confirmation, shipping information. You can also run marketing campaigns to send notifications to your subscribers for new launches, weekend offers etc. Its a free app for now with no limits on usages. We are inviting and looking forward to the feedback from everybody in the community, Please install the app from https://ift.tt/32BUJX5 September 17, 2020 at 11:38AM

Show HN: 5 Kb Spreadsheet for the Web with copy paste https://ift.tt/2FtBVk8

Show HN: 5 Kb Spreadsheet for the Web with copy paste https://ift.tt/33yWp2L September 16, 2020 at 05:44PM

الأربعاء، 16 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: SubStats – Substack Newsletter Leaderboard https://ift.tt/301SdI3

Show HN: SubStats – Substack Newsletter Leaderboard https://ift.tt/3knVngQ September 17, 2020 at 10:01AM

Show HN: How many U.S. cities can you name? https://ift.tt/33Fo8Pe

Show HN: How many U.S. cities can you name? https://ift.tt/2RBrrBn September 16, 2020 at 11:38PM

Show HN: Search your codebase with code blocks instead of text https://ift.tt/3hDKlT1

Show HN: Search your codebase with code blocks instead of text https://sourcescape.io September 17, 2020 at 03:06AM

Show HN: Player.html – the one file video library and player for any HTTP server https://ift.tt/33znqTQ

Show HN: Player.html – the one file video library and player for any HTTP server https://ift.tt/35HfIJM September 17, 2020 at 02:05AM

Show HN: Reply to journalists automatically when they write/tweet about you https://ift.tt/32BJSwh

Show HN: Reply to journalists automatically when they write/tweet about you http://meansheep.com September 16, 2020 at 09:18PM

Show HN: Used it, liked it, joined them. Low-code process automation platform https://ift.tt/3muX7Xh

Show HN: Used it, liked it, joined them. Low-code process automation platform http://neaktor.com September 16, 2020 at 09:09PM

Show HN: A furniture e-commerce site built entirely in Notion https://ift.tt/2RA9VgR

Show HN: A furniture e-commerce site built entirely in Notion https://mixandmatch.me September 16, 2020 at 09:02PM

Show HN: Single Sign-On (SSO) for OpenFaaS with Okta and OpenID Connect https://ift.tt/3ch4gpP

Show HN: Single Sign-On (SSO) for OpenFaaS with Okta and OpenID Connect https://ift.tt/3c21DIe September 16, 2020 at 08:44PM

Show HN: Secret Splitter – split passwords into pieces, then combine them again https://ift.tt/32BLfLu

Show HN: Secret Splitter – split passwords into pieces, then combine them again https://ift.tt/33Dpx8W September 16, 2020 at 04:22PM

Show HN: DMS with Folders, Tags, OCR for PDFs, TIFF and JEPG formats https://ift.tt/3hA0bhh

Show HN: DMS with Folders, Tags, OCR for PDFs, TIFF and JEPG formats https://ift.tt/35WElAr September 16, 2020 at 04:54PM

Show HN: Remotive, curated remote tech jobs https://ift.tt/2ZL6fxv

Show HN: Remotive, curated remote tech jobs http://remotive.io/ September 16, 2020 at 07:01PM

Show HN: Build a DIY license plate reader with machine learning https://ift.tt/3c69hBl

Show HN: Build a DIY license plate reader with machine learning https://ift.tt/3c0iVoU September 16, 2020 at 06:51PM

Show HN: Generate HTTP load and plot the results in real-time https://ift.tt/3hD6m4j

Show HN: Generate HTTP load and plot the results in real-time https://ift.tt/3hEUWwK September 16, 2020 at 06:28PM

Show HN: Sschlib SSH Library for Java https://ift.tt/2ZZOr1R

Show HN: Sschlib SSH Library for Java https://ift.tt/32At6NZ September 16, 2020 at 05:37PM

Show HN: Mailbrew, all-in-one RSS reader, newsletters inbox, and Read Later https://ift.tt/2Rt58ho

Show HN: Mailbrew, all-in-one RSS reader, newsletters inbox, and Read Later https://ift.tt/3mtycn2 September 16, 2020 at 04:23PM

Show HN: Automate translation of apps, videos, and web pages with Bing Translate https://ift.tt/3kmfKuJ

Show HN: Automate translation of apps, videos, and web pages with Bing Translate https://ift.tt/2RCbJpz September 16, 2020 at 11:15AM

الثلاثاء، 15 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: A tool to make graphic design easier https://ift.tt/33MJydB

Show HN: A tool to make graphic design easier https://hotpot.ai/ September 16, 2020 at 06:43AM

Show HN: VizTracer, trace and visualize your Python code execution https://ift.tt/32DvfIZ

Show HN: VizTracer, trace and visualize your Python code execution https://ift.tt/3lcWMrW September 16, 2020 at 01:45AM

Show HN: Deepserve.ai – Heroku for Deep Learning https://ift.tt/3kp5LFd

Show HN: Deepserve.ai – Heroku for Deep Learning https://ift.tt/33xGLoo September 15, 2020 at 11:41PM

Show HN: Jazz up your Python scripts with sound effects https://ift.tt/3iCnqbK

Show HN: Jazz up your Python scripts with sound effects https://ift.tt/32vXrx2 September 15, 2020 at 11:10PM

Show HN: Memory Pill https://ift.tt/3iAiXXm

Show HN: Memory Pill Memory Pill passively records the last time a medication bottle was opened to prevent over- and underdosing of medications when you cannot remember if you have already taken a scheduled dose. https://ift.tt/35Eje7E https://ift.tt/35Eje7E September 14, 2020 at 04:09PM

Show HN: Open-source quadruped robot with robotic arm https://ift.tt/2ZDe73O

Show HN: Open-source quadruped robot with robotic arm https://ift.tt/33tztlz September 15, 2020 at 09:37PM

Show HN: Misakey – end-to-end encryption for your documents and discussions https://ift.tt/3kir6Qw

Show HN: Misakey – end-to-end encryption for your documents and discussions https://ift.tt/3iBPz2E September 15, 2020 at 07:28PM

Show HN: Stargate – An open source API framework for data https://ift.tt/3msqiKW

Show HN: Stargate – An open source API framework for data https://ift.tt/3hutAtn September 15, 2020 at 06:19PM

Show HN: Turn articles to read into podcasts to listen https://ift.tt/2FnGpc0

Show HN: Turn articles to read into podcasts to listen https://ift.tt/35GNizE September 15, 2020 at 04:44PM

Show HN: AdObservatory – Website for Overviews of Facebook Political Ad Spending https://ift.tt/3c0hiYi

Show HN: AdObservatory – Website for Overviews of Facebook Political Ad Spending https://ift.tt/3iBlIHJ September 15, 2020 at 05:00PM

Show HN: The Almanack of Naval Ravikant Book https://ift.tt/3bYOdwo

Show HN: The Almanack of Naval Ravikant Book https://ift.tt/2M2pEmM September 15, 2020 at 04:17PM

Show HN: Scraping song metadata from Jango Radio API https://ift.tt/3hx7cQ1

Show HN: Scraping song metadata from Jango Radio API https://jango-index.ml/ September 15, 2020 at 04:14PM

Show HN: My journey to create a Text Editor that allows you to build apps https://ift.tt/3iz5gI7

Show HN: My journey to create a Text Editor that allows you to build apps https://ift.tt/3c1Yk3J September 15, 2020 at 02:58PM

Show HN: a18n – Automated I18n JavaScript Solution https://ift.tt/3iA0QAv

Show HN: a18n – Automated I18n JavaScript Solution https://ift.tt/3iwiTb2 September 15, 2020 at 02:43PM

Show HN: pongo2 v4: Django-like templating engine for Go released https://ift.tt/3c2qGKY

Show HN: pongo2 v4: Django-like templating engine for Go released https://ift.tt/32x2eyA September 15, 2020 at 01:29PM

Show HN: Building Pastebin for text using Nginx and Lua https://ift.tt/35BhxIn

Show HN: Building Pastebin for text using Nginx and Lua https://ift.tt/2U9NSzc September 15, 2020 at 12:31PM

Show HN: Crowdsec, the behavior and reputation-based collaborative firewall https://ift.tt/3kj2yXI

Show HN: Crowdsec, the behavior and reputation-based collaborative firewall https://ift.tt/3hByNzj September 15, 2020 at 11:58AM

الاثنين، 14 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Lag – Know Before You Go https://ift.tt/32AG8v7

Show HN: Lag – Know Before You Go https://lag.app September 15, 2020 at 09:30AM

Show HN: See Hacker News submissions while you browse https://ift.tt/2ZC8p2l

Show HN: See Hacker News submissions while you browse https://epiverse.co/ September 15, 2020 at 07:08AM

Show HN: Lofimusic.app, an open source Background Music Progressive Web App https://ift.tt/2RsoqDq

Show HN: Lofimusic.app, an open source Background Music Progressive Web App https://lofimusic.app September 15, 2020 at 04:24AM

Show HN: Sombras.app, toy to play with shadows and 3D, TensorFlow logo style https://ift.tt/2FtjOut

Show HN: Sombras.app, toy to play with shadows and 3D, TensorFlow logo style https://sombras.app September 15, 2020 at 01:20AM

Show HN: Generate one of those subreddit compilation videos https://ift.tt/2H1y9yL

Show HN: Generate one of those subreddit compilation videos https://ift.tt/3hJwR99 September 14, 2020 at 11:36PM

Show HN: Metabase Cloud https://ift.tt/33sjkfZ

Show HN: Metabase Cloud https://ift.tt/2E0jjHv September 14, 2020 at 11:48PM

Show HN: Reactive State Management Powered by RxJS https://ift.tt/2H1qosD

Show HN: Reactive State Management Powered by RxJS https://ift.tt/32rOQeR September 14, 2020 at 11:39PM

Show HN: My Life in Months using D3 https://ift.tt/2Ru9PHu

Show HN: My Life in Months using D3 https://ift.tt/33rd4Fw September 14, 2020 at 11:11PM

Show HN: 1st app to combine all your Trello boards and track time - Try for free https://ift.tt/32sXxWa

Show HN: 1st app to combine all your Trello boards and track time - Try for free https://www.taskbite.io September 14, 2020 at 08:16PM

Show HN: Building secure Electron apps (now with Electron v10) https://ift.tt/2DY9ObN

Show HN: Building secure Electron apps (now with Electron v10) https://ift.tt/2RrGj5g September 14, 2020 at 05:20PM

Show HN: Google Translate for Australian Aboriginal Languages https://ift.tt/3mkdd6e

Show HN: Google Translate for Australian Aboriginal Languages https://ift.tt/3iv0QSi September 14, 2020 at 01:39PM

Show HN: O'Doyle Rules – a new rules engine for Clojure https://ift.tt/3iGP3QU

Show HN: O'Doyle Rules – a new rules engine for Clojure https://ift.tt/3jBL8FV September 14, 2020 at 07:05PM

Show HN: Clouddraw – draw cloud architecture diagrams with ease https://ift.tt/35w7zYJ

Show HN: Clouddraw – draw cloud architecture diagrams with ease https://clouddraw.app/ September 14, 2020 at 05:27PM

Show HN: Golang – Converts 'go mod graph' output into Graphviz's DOT language https://ift.tt/3it4EDS

Show HN: Golang – Converts 'go mod graph' output into Graphviz's DOT language https://ift.tt/32psgn0 September 14, 2020 at 10:50AM

Show HN: Yarr – Yet Another RSS Reader https://ift.tt/32rf5lC

Show HN: Yarr – Yet Another RSS Reader https://ift.tt/3iuSZ7l September 14, 2020 at 04:25PM

Show HN: Monitor ML model training on mobile https://ift.tt/3iFaZMg

Show HN: Monitor ML model training on mobile We developed a simple mobile app to monitor ML model training on mobile phones, with two lines of code to push training statistics. Client library (GitHub): https://ift.tt/2RoQDLC App (Github): https://ift.tt/31oE1tq Sample: https://ift.tt/35EjXGh... September 14, 2020 at 07:26AM

الأحد، 13 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Ambient soundscapes inspired by night-time cities https://ift.tt/32tG54a

Show HN: Ambient soundscapes inspired by night-time cities https://ift.tt/33qXHg7 September 14, 2020 at 05:42AM

Show HN: OOTB Code-Server, Easiest “VSCode on Browser” + HTTPS and GitHub Auth https://ift.tt/2ZB4bYF

Show HN: OOTB Code-Server, Easiest “VSCode on Browser” + HTTPS and GitHub Auth https://ift.tt/3kbyYDi September 14, 2020 at 04:20AM

Show HN: Hyax – An All-in-One Selling Platform for Creators https://ift.tt/32rr4zG

Show HN: Hyax – An All-in-One Selling Platform for Creators https://hyax.com/ September 14, 2020 at 01:33AM

Show HN: Bash-Tiasft – There is a shortcut for that! https://ift.tt/2RorIry

Show HN: Bash-Tiasft – There is a shortcut for that! https://ift.tt/2ZxaOeC September 13, 2020 at 01:26PM

Show HN: The Internet Portal – Warp to a Random Website, Using ICANN CZDS Data https://ift.tt/3bThTek

Show HN: The Internet Portal – Warp to a Random Website, Using ICANN CZDS Data https://ift.tt/2RpNhrD September 14, 2020 at 01:27AM

Show HN: Taskord alpha is out now https://ift.tt/32s92Ny

Show HN: Taskord alpha is out now https://taskord.com September 13, 2020 at 08:31AM

Show HN: We made finding a REMOTE developer job easy https://ift.tt/2RnOcss

Show HN: We made finding a REMOTE developer job easy https://ift.tt/33oJIHB September 13, 2020 at 06:11PM

Show HN: Purple Theme for Jupyter Lab https://ift.tt/35vErRc

Show HN: Purple Theme for Jupyter Lab https://ift.tt/2NakGqL September 13, 2020 at 03:15PM

Show HN: Exploring a Docker image, layer contents, and ways to shrink it https://ift.tt/2ZAeiwT

Show HN: Exploring a Docker image, layer contents, and ways to shrink it https://ift.tt/2yvBr6g September 13, 2020 at 12:21PM

Show HN: Explore breathtaking places from home with 360° Audio Tours https://ift.tt/2FsOAn7

Show HN: Explore breathtaking places from home with 360° Audio Tours https://ift.tt/2ZA7RKf September 13, 2020 at 04:17PM

Show HN: Bepis – a simple client-side templating lang https://ift.tt/32qH312

Show HN: Bepis – a simple client-side templating lang https://ift.tt/3khcCAb September 13, 2020 at 09:41AM

Show HN: I built a website to check performance of top websites in the world https://ift.tt/3mjmQ4Y

Show HN: I built a website to check performance of top websites in the world https://ift.tt/2GBRAhp September 13, 2020 at 02:50PM

Show HN: Cel7 – a 60kb framework for making grid-based ASCII games https://ift.tt/3iDo9cE

Show HN: Cel7 – a 60kb framework for making grid-based ASCII games https://ift.tt/2WmUpba September 13, 2020 at 02:27PM

Show HN: Pooductivity – An extension to replace productivity with the poo emoji https://ift.tt/2ZxsJlc

Show HN: Pooductivity – An extension to replace productivity with the poo emoji https://ift.tt/3mj0rEU September 13, 2020 at 11:16AM

السبت، 12 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Asynq v0.12 released with Redis Cluster support https://ift.tt/2ZzW6DL

Show HN: Asynq v0.12 released with Redis Cluster support https://ift.tt/35vJQb3 September 13, 2020 at 08:26AM

Show HN: A TypeScript library for generating crypto tax reports https://ift.tt/2GWfyEd

Show HN: A TypeScript library for generating crypto tax reports https://ift.tt/33DgwwX September 13, 2020 at 05:50AM

Show HN: Digital Gift for Programmers Day https://ift.tt/32mrkA0

Show HN: Digital Gift for Programmers Day https://ift.tt/32oEvjX September 12, 2020 at 11:13PM

Show HN: Commodore 64 users had fun with this pattern. Now JavaScript coders too https://ift.tt/3iqVRSG

Show HN: Commodore 64 users had fun with this pattern. Now JavaScript coders too https://ift.tt/3hjqisI September 12, 2020 at 05:30PM

Show HN: Visual summary of your day using a single line of emoji https://ift.tt/3mgjEr2

Show HN: Visual summary of your day using a single line of emoji https://ift.tt/32ppEG5 September 12, 2020 at 12:42PM

Show HN: Ruby Jard – Just Another Ruby Debugger https://ift.tt/35w6QXi

Show HN: Ruby Jard – Just Another Ruby Debugger https://rubyjard.org/ September 12, 2020 at 05:07PM

Show HN: Global tech job search engine, the easy way https://ift.tt/3incfnq

Show HN: Global tech job search engine, the easy way https://ift.tt/2L3vYK2 September 12, 2020 at 09:50AM

Show HN: Neural Image Compression Demo https://ift.tt/33n8YOv

Show HN: Neural Image Compression Demo https://ift.tt/3mdA0R2 September 12, 2020 at 10:45AM

Show HN: Mortgage calculator using discounted cash flow https://ift.tt/32k2KzI

Show HN: Mortgage calculator using discounted cash flow https://ift.tt/3bNTVRU September 12, 2020 at 07:19AM

الجمعة، 11 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Implementation of CycleGan with Oneflow Framework https://ift.tt/3kdv5ho

Show HN: Implementation of CycleGan with Oneflow Framework https://ift.tt/32kuhAW September 12, 2020 at 06:22AM

Show HN: ARIA DevTools – Chrome extension for accessiblity testing https://ift.tt/3hn3wjC

Show HN: ARIA DevTools – Chrome extension for accessiblity testing https://ift.tt/3inSnQT September 12, 2020 at 12:09AM

Show HN: Bit Serial CPU https://ift.tt/32mllLp

Show HN: Bit Serial CPU https://ift.tt/2YVZXuj September 12, 2020 at 02:11AM

Show HN: Ballpoint.io https://ift.tt/35tdduI

Show HN: Ballpoint.io https://ift.tt/3mfgVhu September 11, 2020 at 11:42PM

Show HN: Booleans – Guile Hacker Handbook (new chapter) https://ift.tt/3mlG0Yf

Show HN: Booleans – Guile Hacker Handbook (new chapter) https://ift.tt/3k7QbNP September 11, 2020 at 09:28PM

Show HN: Paper and Book List of System for Machine Learning https://ift.tt/2ZttfRf

Show HN: Paper and Book List of System for Machine Learning https://ift.tt/2RgHrbX September 11, 2020 at 06:54PM

Show HN: ProductHacker – The best of Product Hunt and Hacker News in your inbox https://ift.tt/3ihlQMp

Show HN: ProductHacker – The best of Product Hunt and Hacker News in your inbox https://ift.tt/3k8gOST September 11, 2020 at 09:01PM

Show HN: A simple CLI app to organize photos by year/month locally https://ift.tt/2ZrM4nY

Show HN: A simple CLI app to organize photos by year/month locally https://ift.tt/2Fbv1Qn September 11, 2020 at 08:06PM

Show HN: My fiction podcast about GPT-3 incorporating HN discussions https://ift.tt/2RkcOm1

Show HN: My fiction podcast about GPT-3 incorporating HN discussions https://ift.tt/3ipUqnu September 11, 2020 at 07:55PM

Show HN: Luggage Storage at Convenient Locations https://ift.tt/32kj6YW

Show HN: Luggage Storage at Convenient Locations https://bagsaway.com/ September 11, 2020 at 07:20PM

Show HN: Stormly – Build and share custom ML/AI-based analytics solutions https://ift.tt/3bNbJwg

Show HN: Stormly – Build and share custom ML/AI-based analytics solutions https://www.stormly.com September 11, 2020 at 06:26PM

Show HN: The Horde – Music Groovebox and Remixer https://ift.tt/2GL9fmI

Show HN: The Horde – Music Groovebox and Remixer https://ift.tt/3heH2kU September 11, 2020 at 03:19PM

Show HN: Octo – Generate a Serverless API from an SQL Query Connected to Any DB https://ift.tt/3kcnIqp

Show HN: Octo – Generate a Serverless API from an SQL Query Connected to Any DB https://ift.tt/2ZvXrLQ September 11, 2020 at 05:02PM

Show HN: An experiment to create heart beat effect with CSS animation https://ift.tt/2DQTqtN

Show HN: An experiment to create heart beat effect with CSS animation https://ift.tt/3bQaso8 September 11, 2020 at 02:49PM

Show HN: A docker-compose add-on to develop, iterate and run apps on Kubernetes https://ift.tt/35rtG2r

Show HN: A docker-compose add-on to develop, iterate and run apps on Kubernetes https://ift.tt/3hmsDTC September 11, 2020 at 01:43PM

Show HN: The Slice| A Curated Email of SaaS Nuggets and Resources https://ift.tt/2ZpgLKn

Show HN: The Slice| A Curated Email of SaaS Nuggets and Resources https://theslice.co/ September 11, 2020 at 03:53PM

Show HN: Run.py, simple Python-command line run-script https://ift.tt/3bLI0DW

Show HN: Run.py, simple Python-command line run-script https://ift.tt/2Rcaspg September 11, 2020 at 12:40PM

Show HN: Find and Patch Security Vulnerabilities https://ift.tt/3hlBMf8

Show HN: Find and Patch Security Vulnerabilities http://reconwithme.com September 11, 2020 at 11:11AM

الخميس، 10 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Na English – Free English testing online https://ift.tt/32nTT05

Show HN: Na English – Free English testing online https://naenglish.io/ September 11, 2020 at 07:02AM

Show HN: Aspen – A web browser built for work https://ift.tt/32ftEbQ

Show HN: Aspen – A web browser built for work https://ift.tt/32jqJPi September 11, 2020 at 12:51AM

Show HN: JavaScript server-sent events library https://ift.tt/35oEezj

Show HN: JavaScript server-sent events library https://ift.tt/2DRqrWK September 10, 2020 at 11:46PM

Show HN: Open-Source CSS Contest https://ift.tt/3hiipE2

Show HN: Open-Source CSS Contest https://csscontest.com/ September 10, 2020 at 11:41PM

Show HN: Open Source GIS – An Interactive Infographic https://ift.tt/3bLiRcx

Show HN: Open Source GIS – An Interactive Infographic https://ift.tt/35p0pp5 September 10, 2020 at 11:17PM

Show HN: Example for cloud conversion of video files using Amazon Web Services https://ift.tt/35nUSPv

Show HN: Example for cloud conversion of video files using Amazon Web Services https://ift.tt/2DLgsSC September 10, 2020 at 09:54PM

Show HN: Search tweets for style, not content https://ift.tt/3hjCN7s

Show HN: Search tweets for style, not content https://same.energy September 10, 2020 at 08:57PM

Show HN: Multi-Cluster and Multi-Cloud Service Meshes with CNCF's Kuma and Envoy https://ift.tt/2RduT55

Show HN: Multi-Cluster and Multi-Cloud Service Meshes with CNCF's Kuma and Envoy https://ift.tt/3mbGMXF September 10, 2020 at 08:03PM

Show HN: Inspect – DevTool to debug Safari and WebViews on iOS devices https://ift.tt/3k9wXrn

Show HN: Inspect – DevTool to debug Safari and WebViews on iOS devices https://inspect.dev/ September 10, 2020 at 08:35PM

Show HN: 2M+ free stock photos in novel T-SNE based search engine https://ift.tt/3bLqb85

Show HN: 2M+ free stock photos in novel T-SNE based search engine https://zoomstock.com September 10, 2020 at 07:54PM

Launch HN: OpenUnit (YC W20) – Software for managing self-storage facilities https://ift.tt/2RfaXPq

Launch HN: OpenUnit (YC W20) – Software for managing self-storage facilities Hi HN, I’m Taylor Cooney. My co-founder Lucas Playford and I are launching ( https://ift.tt/35pgqv2 ) - software for managing self-storage facilities. Lucas and I met 5 years ago at a startup in Toronto. Since leaving the startup, we’ve been looking for ways to “get the band back together” ever since. I would hack on side projects, such as an order-ahead food app and applicant tracking system for recruiting tech employees, but most of these fizzled out after a few weeks. Despite our best efforts to get something started, we quickly realized that good startup ideas don't just happen out of nowhere. Or do they? 12 months ago my landlord came to me with an offer: they wanted to sell the place I was renting, and they’d give me a surprising amount of money if I could be out with just a few days notice. Pulling that off though meant finding somewhere to keep all of my stuff while I looked for a new place to live. Within the first hour of searching, I discovered how antiquated the process of finding and booking self-storage is. After digging in, I found that for many facility owners having the time, technical skills, and frankly, money, to piece together a system that lets customers rent online, is hard. If you’ve ever tried to find self storage yourself, you probably noticed that many of the small operators have horrendous websites that are slow, non-responsive, and don’t give you the ability to rent without picking up the phone. After talking to self storage owners directly, I also learned that they spend hours every single day doing back-office work that really should, and could be automated. Since I was actively working on side projects, and I had just had this terrible experience trying to rent a storage unit, I decided to focus my time diving even further into the self-storage industry. I took time to research the tech used in the industry and connected directly with storage facility owners and operators to get a better understanding of the pain points of this large and, what appeared to be, technologically-backwards industry. Wanting to take the idea of “building something people want” a bit more seriously, I joined the Y Combinator’s online Startup School program (before it became a Continuous Program) to work more formally on what would later become OpenUnit. After Startup School, I was invited to take this idea out to Mountain View for an interview with YC. Two months later Lucas and I had quit our jobs, the band was back together, and we were on our way to California. The initial idea was to build a marketplace that makes it easy for people to find and instantly rent a storage unit online. But after speaking with more storage operators and hearing the same themes over and over again, we thought, why not be even more ambitious? Why not build a product that solves the problems of the renters AND facility owners? It turns out that self-storage generates $48 billion in rental revenue a year. But, while you might see big players - Public Storage, Extra Space, CubeSmart etc. — in downtown cores, 74% of all self storage facilities are small and self-reliant. And they can’t afford expensive software. As a result, the bad software they end up using creates terrible business inefficiencies and a lackluster customer experience. When I rented my storage unit, I experienced this firsthand. For the most part, large enterprises can spend enough money patching together systems to deliver an acceptable customer experience. But, for mom-and-pop operations, that is done with shoe leather - or it’s not done at all. Instead of just building a marketplace, we were going to build a truly affordable, all-in-one management ecosystem. So here we are. We provide self-storage facilities exactly what they need — merchant solutions, lease agreements, websites and more to provide an amazing customer experience. We designed OpenUnit so that a typical facility can get up and running fast and with zero paperwork. We also tailored the features we’re offering to meet the unique needs of small operators first. As a result of this, our hope is that the entire experience is less overwhelming than competing management tools. Our enterprise package for facilities with >5 properties is 15% more affordable than anything else we’ve seen in the market and customers get a lot more than what’s included with the other storage solutions. Surprisingly, we're seeing an increased level of interest due to coronavirus. Many operators and facilities are looking to adopt a contactless move-in process (think eSignatures for rental agreements, with customers managing their own profiles/information and payment methods), which is something we’ve kept in-mind, and can be accomplished out of the box with OpenUnit, keeping employees and customers safe. As a team, we’re firmly focused on the web: the core technology that powers our applications on all platforms. It’s hard to pin down a name for this stack, but it’s a majestic monolith, built using Ruby on Rails. We embrace a “HTML over the wire” architecture, of server-rendered HTML, and “sprinkle” bits of interactive JavaScript. Season with Redis and ElasticSearch, we should have all we’ll ever need. For the foreseeable future anyways. We’re taking a privacy-first approach to customer data and use lockbox, which aims to make encryption as friendly and intuitive as possible for Rails. If you have experience or if you have close friends, relatives, or colleagues that are in the storage space, please reach out! We're keen to get the community's input, in the comments below or at hn@openunit.com. After reading this, don’t be surprised if you start to notice the number of self-storage facilities in your city. Thanks so much, and we can’t wait to hear your thoughts! -- September 10, 2020 at 07:09PM

Show HN: An open-source financial ledger API written in Clojure https://ift.tt/2GOBxNi

Show HN: An open-source financial ledger API written in Clojure https://ift.tt/3bkAAYj September 10, 2020 at 06:58PM

Show HN: Rack Elevation Diagram Generator in JavaScript https://ift.tt/2FjPy4W

Show HN: Rack Elevation Diagram Generator in JavaScript https://ift.tt/32g1Wf9 September 10, 2020 at 03:13PM

Show HN: Relax your coding self with the soothing JavaScript simulation of rain https://ift.tt/2Raw2dx

Show HN: Relax your coding self with the soothing JavaScript simulation of rain https://ift.tt/2YbgQ3I September 10, 2020 at 03:13PM

Show HN: Automatic wallpaper changer for Gnome Linux distros https://ift.tt/3bJm1NV

Show HN: Automatic wallpaper changer for Gnome Linux distros https://ift.tt/2ZnHmro September 10, 2020 at 01:04PM

Show HN: A tool to make graphic design easy for developers and dev-preneurs https://ift.tt/32fXHAo

Show HN: A tool to make graphic design easy for developers and dev-preneurs https://hotpot.ai/ September 10, 2020 at 10:05AM

الأربعاء، 9 سبتمبر 2020

SHOW HN: Yet another Hacker News clone https://ift.tt/3mhRHz4

SHOW HN: Yet another Hacker News clone https://ift.tt/2Rbn3Jd September 10, 2020 at 09:06AM

Show HN: Pygumroad – A Python API Client to Interact with Gumroad's API https://ift.tt/3k4ofKY

Show HN: Pygumroad – A Python API Client to Interact with Gumroad's API https://ift.tt/2DLciu1 September 10, 2020 at 06:42AM

Show HN: Eiten – open-source tool for Portfolio Optimization https://ift.tt/35kcXhu

Show HN: Eiten – open-source tool for Portfolio Optimization https://ift.tt/2R5PZCA September 10, 2020 at 06:07AM

Show HN: HighlightedTextEditor, a SwiftUI view with live syntax highlighting https://ift.tt/33tyORd

Show HN: HighlightedTextEditor, a SwiftUI view with live syntax highlighting https://ift.tt/32h4F8h September 10, 2020 at 04:37AM

Show HN: Spotify Developer Tools https://ift.tt/35ntlhc

Show HN: Spotify Developer Tools https://ift.tt/2V2I5Mx September 10, 2020 at 12:57AM

Show HN: Creating accurate Spotify playlists based on your current mood https://ift.tt/2ZEhSX5

Show HN: Creating accurate Spotify playlists based on your current mood https://ift.tt/3beZfM7 September 9, 2020 at 11:47PM

Show HN: I built a Chrome extension to make recipe websites less terrible https://ift.tt/2ZpbClA

Show HN: I built a Chrome extension to make recipe websites less terrible https://ift.tt/3heHwrf September 9, 2020 at 11:45PM

Show HN: Javadoc Rewritten from Scratch https://ift.tt/35l6FxX

Show HN: Javadoc Rewritten from Scratch https://ift.tt/2Fo7Kdn September 9, 2020 at 10:48PM

Show HN: Musilinks – Interactive musical artist's relationships discovery https://ift.tt/3macMvk

Show HN: Musilinks – Interactive musical artist's relationships discovery https://ift.tt/2S13umM September 9, 2020 at 10:42PM

Show HN: Twitch Chat Draws – Replicating Reddit's “The Place” on Twitch https://ift.tt/3k1yu2t

Show HN: Twitch Chat Draws – Replicating Reddit's “The Place” on Twitch https://ift.tt/3k2BETA September 9, 2020 at 09:42PM

Show HN: CoffeeTime - Connect with teammates over weekly coffees https://ift.tt/2F7vUJI

Show HN: CoffeeTime - Connect with teammates over weekly coffees https://ift.tt/2FeW4dh September 9, 2020 at 09:40PM

Launch HN: Tappity (YC S20) – Keeping kids entertained with science https://ift.tt/35gov5o

Launch HN: Tappity (YC S20) – Keeping kids entertained with science Hey HN -- I’m Chad, and I co-founded Tappity ( https://ift.tt/2F4JDRv ) with my friend, Lawrence. We’re building a healthy alternative to Youtube that entertains and educates kids (4-10) with interactive lessons—starting with science! Tappity’s story began ten years ago when I developed an app for my Biology professor to teach kids about evolution. It was my first time building a product for kids, so I learned a ton about designing for an audience who couldn’t read or sit still for very long. Also, their brutally honest feedback was refreshing! We ended up getting 20,000 downloads, and I learned kids love interactions. After that great experience, I continued to create apps for kids on the side for fun. About two years ago, parents started paying for one of these apps. Kids loved a segment we had shot on a whim at our friend’s house, in which they could interact with a real live science teacher. Parents were excited, too. We gave them something engaging, fun, and educational for their kids, which is shockingly rare. The sad reality is that 99% of kids apps fall into three buckets: ad-riddled games, cheap & buggy ABC/123 apps, or YouTube. We wanted to do better. Shortly thereafter, Lawrence and I quit our jobs (where we had met) to start Tappity! We leaned into this idea of live-like experiences. We felt it’d enrich screen time without sacrificing the fun. So, with Tappity, kids don’t just passively watch, they play along and direct our live-action characters on screen. For example, you could tell Haley—our version of Bill Nye—what she should do next in her science experiment, and she would actually do what you say. Unlike traditional TV programs or videos, where you know the person on screen is talking to a million other people, Tappity makes it feel like characters are interacting with just you in real time. Turns out, this format is super engaging. Best of all, kids don’t feel like they’re learning—they tell their parents they're hanging out with Haley! So far, we’ve produced ~40 hours of original content, and we’re rapidly building out our library. While we shot much of our content initially with an iPhone in my garage, we’ve now graduated to filming with an actual crew at a studio in Los Angeles! We're excited to share Tappity with the wider HN community, especially those of you with younger kids. With many families still spending a lot of time at home, we're hoping to make at-home learning a bit more fun and bearable. You can download it for free on the App Store [1]. Would love to hear what you think! Chad, Lawrence, & Tanner P.S. We also just launched the first online science fair for kids [2] hosted by Kari Byron from Mythbusters to encourage families to do more science experiments at home (and win prizes)! Check it out! [1] https://ift.tt/32fWedo... [2] https://ift.tt/3m1Uc8B September 9, 2020 at 09:31PM

Show HN: Cubbit, accessible like Dropbox, secure like your hard drive https://ift.tt/3k4wuXw

Show HN: Cubbit, accessible like Dropbox, secure like your hard drive https://ift.tt/2Rgv8w5 September 9, 2020 at 09:16PM

Show HN: Chrome Extension Starter Kit and eBook https://ift.tt/2FcgcNa

Show HN: Chrome Extension Starter Kit and eBook https://ift.tt/3jZDqF8 September 9, 2020 at 08:57PM

Show HN: A fast 2D physics engine https://ift.tt/2Ff8bH3

Show HN: A fast 2D physics engine https://ift.tt/2FhpdV9 September 9, 2020 at 08:30PM

Show HN: Covid-19 news and tweets from 100s of scientists on Twitter https://ift.tt/2R9l4VR

Show HN: Covid-19 news and tweets from 100s of scientists on Twitter https://ift.tt/3k2t5bv September 9, 2020 at 08:18PM

Show HN: BGJar – SVG background generator for your websites https://ift.tt/3idkmmg

Show HN: BGJar – SVG background generator for your websites https://bgjar.com/ September 9, 2020 at 08:05PM

Show HN: Mimestream, a native macOS email client for Gmail https://ift.tt/2Fgfazw

Show HN: Mimestream, a native macOS email client for Gmail https://mimestream.com September 9, 2020 at 08:03PM

Show HN: dwata – Manage Databases without knowing SQL (v0.4) https://ift.tt/3ig04Zx

Show HN: dwata – Manage Databases without knowing SQL (v0.4) https://dwata.com/ September 9, 2020 at 06:55PM

Show HN: The Read Aloud Cloud, a visual intro to cloud computing for all ages https://ift.tt/3bO35Ob

Show HN: The Read Aloud Cloud, a visual intro to cloud computing for all ages https://ift.tt/3374NX2 September 9, 2020 at 05:07PM

Show HN: Expired domain search engine based on patterns updated daily https://ift.tt/2Zn3X7t

Show HN: Expired domain search engine based on patterns updated daily https://rescue.domains September 9, 2020 at 07:35PM

Show HN: Ridiculously fast, easy and free website for your business https://ift.tt/33bMoIL

Show HN: Ridiculously fast, easy and free website for your business https://ift.tt/2DM71T8 September 9, 2020 at 01:54PM

Show HN: XML Fiddler – tool for quick XML exploration https://ift.tt/32ePOv4

Show HN: XML Fiddler – tool for quick XML exploration https://ift.tt/3if3WKj September 9, 2020 at 03:45PM

Show HN: Convert MIDI to CV for controlling VCOs of synthesizers https://ift.tt/35j8dIR

Show HN: Convert MIDI to CV for controlling VCOs of synthesizers https://ift.tt/2DGKSFB September 9, 2020 at 01:00PM

Show HN: Choosify – Intercom alternative with automated responses https://ift.tt/3hcUsho

Show HN: Choosify – Intercom alternative with automated responses https://choosify.chat/ September 9, 2020 at 01:50PM

الثلاثاء، 8 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: StowShare – The Airbnb of Storage https://ift.tt/35hrkmz

Show HN: StowShare – The Airbnb of Storage https://ift.tt/3idVD18 September 9, 2020 at 08:07AM

Show HN: Open Source, Community-Run Privacy Services https://ift.tt/3m3zDbF

Show HN: Open Source, Community-Run Privacy Services https://Priveasy.org September 9, 2020 at 05:39AM

Show HN: Open-source web framework in Go with routing, authentication, and more https://ift.tt/3bBrVkk

Show HN: Open-source web framework in Go with routing, authentication, and more https://ift.tt/3jFUK1L September 9, 2020 at 01:36AM

Show HN: Remotely Controlled Escape Room https://ift.tt/3ibstjt

Show HN: Remotely Controlled Escape Room https://ift.tt/337mTYU September 9, 2020 at 12:27AM

Show HN: A political news aggregator you can comment on https://ift.tt/32a5WOf

Show HN: A political news aggregator you can comment on https://ift.tt/3icoBP8 September 8, 2020 at 10:31PM

Show HN: Recipe nutrition calculator focusing on micronutrients https://ift.tt/3hczJKi

Show HN: Recipe nutrition calculator focusing on micronutrients https://ift.tt/3jYqtLU September 8, 2020 at 10:28PM

Show HN: File Zipping API https://ift.tt/2R5lrRp

Show HN: File Zipping API https://www.zips.dev September 8, 2020 at 10:26PM

Show HN: Turn asterisk-indented text lines into mind maps https://ift.tt/3jYUICh

Show HN: Turn asterisk-indented text lines into mind maps https://ift.tt/3ibMfer September 8, 2020 at 08:01PM

Show HN: TerminusHub, Distributed Revision Control for Structured Data https://ift.tt/2R8BJst

Show HN: TerminusHub, Distributed Revision Control for Structured Data https://ift.tt/2ZgWHdp September 8, 2020 at 07:25PM

Show HN: Ultra High Performance Reactive State-Management in React https://ift.tt/3m0Aaez

Show HN: Ultra High Performance Reactive State-Management in React https://ift.tt/3gXtzxH September 8, 2020 at 08:54PM

Show HN: Eigen Values for Portfolio Construction https://ift.tt/3lVszxI

Show HN: Eigen Values for Portfolio Construction https://ift.tt/2R5PZCA September 8, 2020 at 01:25PM

Show HN: Design tool to create Positioning maps and Industry landscapes https://ift.tt/2R7Fq1y

Show HN: Design tool to create Positioning maps and Industry landscapes https://logomap.io/ September 8, 2020 at 06:27PM

Show HN: Can't afford GPT-3 access? Self-host your own GPT-2 API https://ift.tt/32b3s1W

Show HN: Can't afford GPT-3 access? Self-host your own GPT-2 API https://ift.tt/35fqAOQ September 8, 2020 at 06:01PM

Show HN: Survey Tool with GraphQL back end https://ift.tt/35hXAWI

Show HN: Survey Tool with GraphQL back end https://ift.tt/32a9jow September 8, 2020 at 05:55PM

Show HN: DataSpeeder Instant End-User Web GUI for MySQL https://ift.tt/3hbHFLQ

Show HN: DataSpeeder Instant End-User Web GUI for MySQL https://ift.tt/3jY67SK September 8, 2020 at 05:36PM

Show HN: Free hosted open-source alternative to Zapier/Airflow (public beta) https://ift.tt/3m1u7Gv

Show HN: Free hosted open-source alternative to Zapier/Airflow (public beta) https://ift.tt/3296mEv September 8, 2020 at 04:26PM

Show HN: Bookmark with Scheme Lisp REPL https://ift.tt/35fiGoI

Show HN: Bookmark with Scheme Lisp REPL You can use it to run Scheme interpreter on any website, if it don't have content security policy (like Hacker News). You can use it while learning Lisp (Scheme) or when testing some code from online book or PDF (at least in Chrome). The link to Bookarklet can be found in this link: https://ift.tt/2Zf2Ir2 The bookmark use devel version of LIPS Scheme, it will be released version after 1.0.0 is finished. Latest version is very old, devel and beta versions have lot of changes. LIPS scheme have almost fully working lisp macros and hygienic macros systems (syntax-rules) but still no call/cc and TCO. September 8, 2020 at 01:51PM

الاثنين، 7 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Clean up your Spotify playlists using RegEx https://ift.tt/3324QmY

Show HN: Clean up your Spotify playlists using RegEx https://ift.tt/2V2I5Mx September 8, 2020 at 06:16AM

Show HN: Generate Spotify playlists using colors and emotions https://ift.tt/2ZgeyAV

Show HN: Generate Spotify playlists using colors and emotions https://ift.tt/3beZfM7 September 8, 2020 at 06:18AM

Show HN: More HN https://ift.tt/3h95OTs

Show HN: More HN https://ift.tt/2R0ZDq1 September 8, 2020 at 04:31AM

Show HN: Kubernetes: A single OAuth2 proxy for multiple ingresses https://ift.tt/3bB7BPR

Show HN: Kubernetes: A single OAuth2 proxy for multiple ingresses https://ift.tt/2JptxA1 September 7, 2020 at 10:11PM

Show HN: Pearesh – Share disposable posts/images https://ift.tt/333YIuo

Show HN: Pearesh – Share disposable posts/images https://pearesh.com/ September 8, 2020 at 02:00AM

Show HN: Create, edit and share beautiful tile maps on the browser https://ift.tt/3i8aZEv

Show HN: Create, edit and share beautiful tile maps on the browser https://ift.tt/2Twp44c September 8, 2020 at 01:15AM

Show HN: I built an app that helps amplify the voice of the customer https://ift.tt/3jU84zF

Show HN: I built an app that helps amplify the voice of the customer https://ift.tt/331JSoe September 7, 2020 at 11:46PM

Show HN: Would you have survived the Titanic? https://ift.tt/3m0zR39

Show HN: Would you have survived the Titanic? https://ift.tt/3lVlWM7 September 7, 2020 at 06:20PM

Show HN: I wrote this to make note taking on YouTube effective https://ift.tt/3h3F32R

Show HN: I wrote this to make note taking on YouTube effective https://ift.tt/3m8b0uC September 7, 2020 at 02:07PM

Show HN: GitHub Action Changelog CI made using Python https://ift.tt/3h5eAll

Show HN: GitHub Action Changelog CI made using Python https://ift.tt/3hYBtbn September 7, 2020 at 12:22PM

Show HN: Feature rich messaging app for the terminal https://ift.tt/339m9mh

Show HN: Feature rich messaging app for the terminal https://www.zelta.gq September 7, 2020 at 12:24PM

Show HN: AI color palette generator for Tailwindcss https://ift.tt/3bx6d0R

Show HN: AI color palette generator for Tailwindcss https://tailwind.ink/ September 7, 2020 at 10:55AM

الأحد، 6 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Drop-in replacement for Logstash / FluentD with a management console https://ift.tt/3lRoUBb

Show HN: Drop-in replacement for Logstash / FluentD with a management console https://www.trink.io/ September 6, 2020 at 08:48PM

Show HN: Extract clean text and translate into 50 languages with a GET request https://ift.tt/3227tFY

Show HN: Extract clean text and translate into 50 languages with a GET request https://ift.tt/3fCD3iD September 7, 2020 at 02:33AM

Show HN: SMA and Per100k-normalized graphs of Covid-19 cases/deaths by country https://ift.tt/3h3puIj

Show HN: SMA and Per100k-normalized graphs of Covid-19 cases/deaths by country https://ift.tt/324YuUI September 7, 2020 at 12:44AM

Show HN: VHScast – Free rotating streams of public domain films and television https://ift.tt/3lUM75t

Show HN: VHScast – Free rotating streams of public domain films and television https://vhscast.com September 6, 2020 at 11:25PM

Show HN: EmailAPI – do more with your Gmail account https://ift.tt/3h6yFI1

Show HN: EmailAPI – do more with your Gmail account https://ift.tt/2R5Rh01 September 6, 2020 at 12:46PM

Show HN: Webbased Terminal Game https://ift.tt/3bxICNF

Show HN: Webbased Terminal Game https://ift.tt/2EVMigl September 6, 2020 at 05:11PM

Show HN:: moronic database built on subdirectories https://ift.tt/2ZeqraF

Show HN:: moronic database built on subdirectories https://ift.tt/3lV6aAD September 6, 2020 at 11:24AM

Show HN: Base32H, a human-friendly duotrigesimal number system https://ift.tt/3jQJC23

Show HN: Base32H, a human-friendly duotrigesimal number system https://ift.tt/355lLaW September 6, 2020 at 11:06AM

Show HN: EC2 Management in Rust (Htop Inspired) https://ift.tt/2ZbruIh

Show HN: EC2 Management in Rust (Htop Inspired) https://ift.tt/2WgV9OV September 6, 2020 at 01:58PM

Show HN: Parallelise pipelines of Python async iterables https://ift.tt/3h4vjFB

Show HN: Parallelise pipelines of Python async iterables https://ift.tt/3budBdp September 6, 2020 at 01:27PM

Show HN: Bootstrap icons as Vue components https://ift.tt/32ZyYQ0

Show HN: Bootstrap icons as Vue components https://ift.tt/32ZGZUU September 6, 2020 at 01:06PM

السبت، 5 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Revived my personal website to join the nostalgia https://ift.tt/2F2UriT

Show HN: Revived my personal website to join the nostalgia https://ift.tt/3i5a7Ai September 6, 2020 at 08:44AM

Show HN: A minimal stack based VM in C https://ift.tt/2DyJwgd

Show HN: A minimal stack based VM in C https://ift.tt/32pZj9i September 6, 2020 at 07:18AM

Show HN: Glowbom – Using voice to make software https://ift.tt/330KwlT

Show HN: Glowbom – Using voice to make software https://glowbom.com/ September 6, 2020 at 02:56AM

Show HN: I built a feed of engineering blogs from top tech companies https://ift.tt/3h4w814

Show HN: I built a feed of engineering blogs from top tech companies https://devblogs.co September 5, 2020 at 06:59PM

Show HN: Isometricks, easy isometric editor in the browser https://ift.tt/3277l8t

Show HN: Isometricks, easy isometric editor in the browser https://ift.tt/3jRarU4 September 6, 2020 at 01:14AM

Show HN: I created the simplest human language https://ift.tt/32YKU4k

Show HN: I created the simplest human language https://ift.tt/39J4GUn September 6, 2020 at 01:10AM

Show HN: JAC (JSON as CSV) Format – Flexible CSV Expression of JSON Files https://ift.tt/2QYzzMg

Show HN: JAC (JSON as CSV) Format – Flexible CSV Expression of JSON Files https://ift.tt/3jRY4Xw September 5, 2020 at 04:43PM

Show HN: Talk – A free group video call app with screen sharing https://ift.tt/3h31Qf9

Show HN: Talk – A free group video call app with screen sharing https://ift.tt/330KaMc September 5, 2020 at 10:14AM

الجمعة، 4 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Linux sysadmin course, eight years on https://ift.tt/2Fc2LMM

Show HN: Linux sysadmin course, eight years on Almost eight years ago I launched an online “Linux sysadmin course for newbies” here at HN. It was a side-project that went well, but never generated enough money to allow me to fully commit to leaving the Day Job. After surviving the Big C, and getting made redundant I thought I might improve and relaunch it commercially – but my doctors are a pessimistic bunch, so it looked like I didn’t have the time. Instead, I rejigged/relaunched it via a Reddit forum this February as free and open - and have now gathered a team of helpers to ensure that it keeps going each month even after I can’t be involved any longer. It’s a month-long course which restarts each month, so “Day 1” of September is this coming Monday. It would be great if you could pass the word on to anyone you know who may be the target market of those who: “...aspire to get Linux-related jobs in industry - junior Linux sysadmin, devops-related work and similar”. [0] https://ift.tt/39AStRy [1] https://ift.tt/2P1YGfY [2] https://ift.tt/2X7LQkP September 5, 2020 at 06:37AM

Show HN: Weighted campaign donations based on competitiveness https://ift.tt/2DtBN2O

Show HN: Weighted campaign donations based on competitiveness https://ift.tt/333wiR8 September 5, 2020 at 02:48AM

Show HN: Evolution of VR Headsets https://ift.tt/2ERV9Q9

Show HN: Evolution of VR Headsets https://twitter.com/hedronvision/status/1301997023265271813 September 5, 2020 at 01:36AM

Show HN: Git-hours – count the time spent on code via Git https://ift.tt/3lLpJLP

Show HN: Git-hours – count the time spent on code via Git https://ift.tt/3buiIKI September 4, 2020 at 09:55PM

Show HN: AnyLeaf – PH Sensor for Microcontrollers https://ift.tt/3i3JewW

Show HN: AnyLeaf – PH Sensor for Microcontrollers https://ift.tt/3bpRJ2O September 4, 2020 at 09:26PM

Show HN: Pub/Sub with PostgreSQL under 40 lines of Python code https://ift.tt/2F3BVXi

Show HN: Pub/Sub with PostgreSQL under 40 lines of Python code https://ift.tt/3bwKoOP September 4, 2020 at 08:40PM

Show HN: Wave Snippets – Create gorgeous animated snippets of your code https://ift.tt/2Z8hPSP

Show HN: Wave Snippets – Create gorgeous animated snippets of your code https://ift.tt/30jXUAq September 4, 2020 at 08:25PM

Show HN: Multi-Arch Templates for OpenFaaS https://ift.tt/3bphxMs

Show HN: Multi-Arch Templates for OpenFaaS https://ift.tt/3i0Tgii September 4, 2020 at 07:41PM

Show HN: Making React Truly Reactive https://ift.tt/2Z7drDB

Show HN: Making React Truly Reactive https://ift.tt/3lRx6kD September 4, 2020 at 02:51PM

Show HN: Build Machine Learning Web-Service with Python and Django https://ift.tt/2QTBgdJ

Show HN: Build Machine Learning Web-Service with Python and Django https://ift.tt/2PUBHVP September 4, 2020 at 01:56PM

Show HN: GoodCode – Free Front End Coding Challenges https://ift.tt/330OtHr

Show HN: GoodCode – Free Front End Coding Challenges https://ift.tt/2GuPDDm September 4, 2020 at 12:27PM

Show HN: Surveyless – instant web surveys from text/markdown/doc files https://ift.tt/358zEoH

Show HN: Surveyless – instant web surveys from text/markdown/doc files https://ift.tt/2Z73nL0 September 4, 2020 at 12:14PM

الخميس، 3 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: BrowserFace – Embeddable Chrome Front end. Connect to browser remotely https://ift.tt/3jQm0Lf

Show HN: BrowserFace – Embeddable Chrome Front end. Connect to browser remotely https://ift.tt/3bsstIZ September 4, 2020 at 08:21AM

Show HN: Techwriting.styles.wiki – Tips for improving project docs, RFCs etc. https://ift.tt/3bC2Tlf

Show HN: Techwriting.styles.wiki – Tips for improving project docs, RFCs etc. https://ift.tt/2QSbUgj September 4, 2020 at 03:41AM

Show HN: Single neuron neural network written in COBOL https://ift.tt/2Dw24xE

Show HN: Single neuron neural network written in COBOL https://ift.tt/2Ake43d September 4, 2020 at 05:12AM

Show HN: My GitHub Readme Is Interactive https://ift.tt/3lMEbDa

Show HN: My GitHub Readme Is Interactive https://ift.tt/3lHNbcG September 4, 2020 at 04:05AM

Show HN: Using cec-utils,HomeAssistant, & a Pi to make a soundbar a soundmachine https://ift.tt/2QOyHJQ

Show HN: Using cec-utils,HomeAssistant, & a Pi to make a soundbar a soundmachine https://ift.tt/3gW6Y4K September 3, 2020 at 11:09PM

Show HN: Skia-canvas, a browserless implementation of the Canvas API for Node.js https://ift.tt/3lOA0GP

Show HN: Skia-canvas, a browserless implementation of the Canvas API for Node.js https://ift.tt/3jJlD4V September 3, 2020 at 06:58PM

Show HN: LibreSelery – Solution for the Open Source Donation Pool Problem https://ift.tt/3lGLj3U

Show HN: LibreSelery – Solution for the Open Source Donation Pool Problem https://ift.tt/3bmCZSf September 3, 2020 at 09:53PM

Show HN: A proactive way of securing your Linux server https://ift.tt/3jHoISV

Show HN: A proactive way of securing your Linux server https://ift.tt/3lNG2HW September 3, 2020 at 08:38PM

Show HN: Real Time Stream Processing Startup https://ift.tt/35872Mx

Show HN: Real Time Stream Processing Startup We are working on a product which makes stream processing easy for data analysts and data scientists. It’s a higher level alternative to Flink, Kafka Streams and Spark Streams. As well as making stream processing simpler, we also felt that lots of people were building these AWS stream processing platforms based on Kafka and something like Flink so wanted to offer this as a service. We would welcome any input on the space or approach: Home page: http://Timeflow.systems Demo: https://youtu.be/fGfgBaHXOkE September 3, 2020 at 08:27PM

Show HN: A Chrome extension to help save books you want to read https://ift.tt/2QPF7Iy

Show HN: A Chrome extension to help save books you want to read https://ift.tt/3gXm7CO September 3, 2020 at 08:02PM

Launch HN: Slapdash (YC W19) – A uniform, low-latency interface for cloud apps https://ift.tt/3boeKmu

Launch HN: Slapdash (YC W19) – A uniform, low-latency interface for cloud apps Hello HN, I'm Ivan, one of the founders of Slapdash ( https://slapdash.com/ ). Slapdash lets you work across all of your cloud apps at desktop speed, sort of like an OS for cloud apps. We have built a uniform, low-latency data browser (kind of like Finder) as well as a unified command line-like interface (kind of like Spotlight) for the applications you use at work. When we left our big company jobs, one of the difficult things to part with was the tooling. Companies like Facebook & Stripe build a class of tools internally that unifies all the employees and any collaboration apps, so you can find anyone or anything the company knows. Everything is just a quick search away.[0] It’s quite a useful way to work. Common questions in day-to-day work are easy to answer. What’s the history of this code abstraction? What are my colleagues working on? What’s the story with this customer? Building such a system today means connecting people's cloud apps, because that's where most of the work is happening today. Even for a small team like us, our work spans Drive, Dropbox, Figma, GitHub, Asana, Notion, Docusign, Slack, Quip, etc. The first thing we built was a low-latency file system for cloud apps. You connect an application like Drive, or GitHub to Slapdash and we give you a way to search & browse the data in a uniform interface (kind of like Finder). It turns your working world into a database you can easily query. We modeled our file system as a graph and we built our architecture to match, with a focus on performance. We built an import system, which effectively solves a graph replication problem (translating the structure of the app data to the Slapdash graph and keeping it in sync). We then built a graph database on top of Postgres, added a data access layer with graph semantics, with GraphQL API delivering the data to the client. Of course, the data we store is encrypted on disk, in-transit and in the data store. Slapdash employees can't see the contents of what we index since everything except the reverse index is encrypted. It’s not zero-access yet, but we’re building in that direction.[1] What we discovered is that by applying optimizations to how we store (sharding & colocation) & retrieve data (batching & coalescing) we could achieve an almost zero-latency[2] experience when browsing application data. As a result, it's much faster to browse Google Drive in Slapdash than in the Drive interface itself. While the low-latency file system is interesting, we learned that being able to search and navigate is not enough utility for a single individual. People don’t search as much as they think they do, and most have their unique information foraging habits that work well-enough. However, we wanted Slapdash to be useful for anyone, not just an employee at a big company, so we turned our attention to building a new experience on top of the file system. Our goal was to take a leap in speed with which people can control their computers. We thought this was possible because the difference in UX between desktop & cloud app environments was so acute: the desktop OS is principled, integrated and fast, while cloud apps are latency-laden and confined to crowded browser tabs. To that end, we built the Command Bar (Command Line + Search Bar). The Command Bar is best experienced as a desktop app, where it’s invoked with a global shortcut. You can quickly search your apps, file tasks, peek at your calendar, create zoom meetings, etc: all with a couple of keystrokes. Of course, you can also write your own commands too. In practice, it meaningfully cuts down the time you spend controlling the computer. For example, filing a task on GitHub might take 10 seconds of just navigating to the right screen, while you can start writing the task title within 2 seconds by invoking the "Create New GitHub Issue" command with the Command Bar. Things like searching for a customer record, doing a quick spreadsheet calculation and even routine things like opening an existing document are measurably faster. [3] For teams & companies, Slapdash provides a unified interface to a team’s collective knowledge. This has traditionally been reserved for top technology companies, but we are bringing these advantages to everybody else. And for the individual, we are making the use of disparate cloud apps feel closer to the classic experience of a desktop computer OS - fast, integrated and more productive. We are still figuring out what apps to support, what commands we should build and how we can open up the platform for others to build on as well. We would love to hear from you on any of those counts and any feedback you might have! [0] Facebook has something called "intern" and Stripe has an internal product called "Stripe Home". [1] Content is stored using ECIES (with Secp256k1 curve and AES256 cipher in CTR mode), public-key-encrypted with individual per-user, per-app key pairs. [2] It's actually not zero latency, of course, but by preloading most things on the hover state we can cut ~50ms of perceived latency (as long as the server response time is under that, which we try to do, it feels instant). [3] We use the keystroke-level GOMS model to evaluate interface speed, but the speed difference here is large enough that it can be intuited. Example of filing a task on GitHub: Time controlling computer: open browser, command + L ( focus location bar), type partial URL of repo until it auto-completes, wait for page to load, click on Issues, wait for page to load, click on “New Issue”. Expressing actual intent: typing title of task. Filing a task with Slapdash: Time controlling computer: Type Command + J, type “Cre gi” to fuzzy match “Create New GitHub Issue” command, hit enter. Expressing actual intent: typing title of task. September 3, 2020 at 07:13PM

Show HN: 50 days study C compiler https://ift.tt/2Z2sfTX

Show HN: 50 days study C compiler https://ift.tt/3lMzAkA September 3, 2020 at 05:44PM

Show HN: ORM for TypeScript with no query-builder, supporting full SQL queries https://ift.tt/3jGRvHl

Show HN: ORM for TypeScript with no query-builder, supporting full SQL queries https://ift.tt/3hVW405 September 3, 2020 at 04:50PM

Show HN: FixCache – keep track of bug-prone files from Git commit history https://ift.tt/2GnAC69

Show HN: FixCache – keep track of bug-prone files from Git commit history https://ift.tt/3gWzByG September 3, 2020 at 04:29PM

Show HN: Automated Health Dashboard https://ift.tt/3hYHrZK

Show HN: Automated Health Dashboard https://ift.tt/3hAHRW9 September 3, 2020 at 04:26PM

Show HN: Bidinfinity – Free eBay research and auction analytics platform https://ift.tt/2QOxbav

Show HN: Bidinfinity – Free eBay research and auction analytics platform https://ift.tt/2GjSoXW September 3, 2020 at 04:06PM

Show HN: Modern Data Engineer Roadmap 2020 https://ift.tt/2YYxAM8

Show HN: Modern Data Engineer Roadmap 2020 https://ift.tt/357VAAa September 3, 2020 at 03:36PM

Show HN: AS path tracing and IPv4/6 info lookup CLI tool (Linux/FreeBSD/Windows) https://ift.tt/3jU9lHd

Show HN: AS path tracing and IPv4/6 info lookup CLI tool (Linux/FreeBSD/Windows) https://ift.tt/33GqGyf September 3, 2020 at 01:21PM

Show HN: Using LXD system containers to deploy and manage complex environments https://ift.tt/2QPNuUH

Show HN: Using LXD system containers to deploy and manage complex environments https://ift.tt/351xnLS September 3, 2020 at 12:48PM

الأربعاء، 2 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: We made a meeting companion app on macOS to improve remote meetings https://ift.tt/2EJPYSg

Show HN: We made a meeting companion app on macOS to improve remote meetings https://ift.tt/31oT8TF September 3, 2020 at 09:53AM

Show HN: Another Toy Lisp – R4RS in Ruby https://ift.tt/2EWHaIq

Show HN: Another Toy Lisp – R4RS in Ruby https://ift.tt/2ERaW1q September 3, 2020 at 06:22AM

Show HN: I converted ReactJS.org to use hooks https://ift.tt/2QQl8tu

Show HN: I converted ReactJS.org to use hooks https://ift.tt/2GnhG7I September 2, 2020 at 10:24PM

Show HN: Solving the Donation Distribution Problem in Free Software https://ift.tt/31PhyWP

Show HN: Solving the Donation Distribution Problem in Free Software https://ift.tt/32RmkSN September 2, 2020 at 08:50PM

Show HN: Smokex, automatic scheduled HTTP requests https://ift.tt/31TaQiu

Show HN: Smokex, automatic scheduled HTTP requests https://smokex.io September 2, 2020 at 05:17PM

Show HN: Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile – Hacker News Client App https://ift.tt/34WCcWP

Show HN: Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile – Hacker News Client App https://ift.tt/3hW5SqI September 2, 2020 at 11:03PM

Show HN: DynaBlogger – A simple, alternative blogging platform https://ift.tt/2F0kbvO

Show HN: DynaBlogger – A simple, alternative blogging platform https://ift.tt/3bhWJXa September 2, 2020 at 09:38PM

Show HN: DNS-based alternative to the web for structured data https://ift.tt/2YYFBk2

Show HN: DNS-based alternative to the web for structured data https://ift.tt/2QKX0sf September 2, 2020 at 08:06PM

Show HN: Watercooler – macOS Zoom alternative (no Electron, hi-res video) https://ift.tt/3gLDk1W

Show HN: Watercooler – macOS Zoom alternative (no Electron, hi-res video) https://ift.tt/3hQHNBG September 2, 2020 at 06:35PM

Show HN: I passed up an opportunity to make $200K from my microstartup https://ift.tt/2Ds8IFa

Show HN: I passed up an opportunity to make $200K from my microstartup https://twitter.com/1HaKr/status/1301142901510995969 September 2, 2020 at 05:54PM

Show HN: Funding model for the web, users choose between ads or micropayments https://ift.tt/2YWp8gg

Show HN: Funding model for the web, users choose between ads or micropayments http://satotious.com September 2, 2020 at 05:37PM

Show HN: Lacona – Search and natural language commands for Mac https://ift.tt/2QP1D4A

Show HN: Lacona – Search and natural language commands for Mac https://lacona.app September 2, 2020 at 04:17PM

الثلاثاء، 1 سبتمبر 2020

Show HN: Alarmism.watch – I made a website tracking alarmist predictions https://ift.tt/31QfjlX

Show HN: Alarmism.watch – I made a website tracking alarmist predictions https://alarmism.watch/ September 2, 2020 at 09:25AM

Show HN: asroute - view unique networks traversed by traceroute https://ift.tt/3gMO3cx

Show HN: asroute - view unique networks traversed by traceroute https://ift.tt/3gQFopo September 2, 2020 at 07:38AM

Show HN: I built a 3D virtual art gallery https://ift.tt/2YU9C4Q

Show HN: I built a 3D virtual art gallery https://spaces.gallery September 2, 2020 at 07:34AM

Show HN: Octo Ring, the Webring for GitHub https://ift.tt/3hOMRXe

Show HN: Octo Ring, the Webring for GitHub https://octo-ring.com/ September 1, 2020 at 10:52PM

Show HN: Auto complete shell generator for Python apps https://ift.tt/3lEmKVb

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Show HN: Trivial script to spin up a Debian MIPS|PPC|arm|x86|x64 VM https://ift.tt/2YWbb2d

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Show HN: High-performance, compiled Datalog in Rust as a proc macro https://ift.tt/3hKqvGp

Show HN: High-performance, compiled Datalog in Rust as a proc macro https://ift.tt/3jtentU September 2, 2020 at 01:43AM

Show HN: CraftQL – A Rust CLI tool for GraphQL schemas manipulation and graphviz https://ift.tt/3lE6HXB

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Show HN: Kcl, a Kafka command line client to do anything with Kafka https://ift.tt/34TYHMj

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Show HN: Minglr – MIT Open Source Tool for Spontaneous Online Conversations https://ift.tt/3hV9rOc

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Show HN: FsmPro: Reduce your systems development time by 50 percent with FsmPro https://ift.tt/3bt5HB7

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Show HN: The first few sections from my book, Data Analysis with Rust Notebooks https://ift.tt/3jzcOe2

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Show HN: I built FabHomePages so your home can have its own homepage in minutes https://ift.tt/32EQDfw

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Show HN: Trying to Do Something in Rust https://ift.tt/3bbMC6c

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