الأحد، 31 يناير 2021

Show HN: I Built Conway's Game of Life for Ethereum https://ift.tt/2YtLMw6

Show HN: I Built Conway's Game of Life for Ethereum https://ift.tt/3ovxOUY February 1, 2021 at 06:23AM

Show HN: Send Messages to Discord, Mail, MS-Teams, Slack and Telegram in Go https://ift.tt/3crjhHB

Show HN: Send Messages to Discord, Mail, MS-Teams, Slack and Telegram in Go https://ift.tt/2YmUI6f February 1, 2021 at 05:06AM

Show HN: A retrainable subtitle synchronizer you can now build your own https://ift.tt/3tgYDQf

Show HN: A retrainable subtitle synchronizer you can now build your own https://ift.tt/3ap0HwS February 1, 2021 at 05:15AM

Show HN: Convert Tweets to Images https://ift.tt/3crv4pe

Show HN: Convert Tweets to Images https://ift.tt/2MIimYg February 1, 2021 at 02:44AM

Show HN: Nyan – Python game library inspired by Scratch https://ift.tt/36sRUsR

Show HN: Nyan – Python game library inspired by Scratch https://ift.tt/2JLEcp0 February 1, 2021 at 02:50AM

Show HN: A brainstorming tool written in Elixir with Phoenix Live Views https://ift.tt/3am6JOR

Show HN: A brainstorming tool written in Elixir with Phoenix Live Views https://ift.tt/3afetlS February 1, 2021 at 12:04AM

Show HN: I built a dashboard where you can monitor my not scrapers https://ift.tt/3r0ucvU

Show HN: I built a dashboard where you can monitor my not scrapers https://ift.tt/3j2i2zV February 1, 2021 at 01:00AM

Show HN: KeenWrite, a Desktop Text Editor https://ift.tt/3tcMPyC

Show HN: KeenWrite, a Desktop Text Editor https://ift.tt/36yVbb5 February 1, 2021 at 12:20AM

Show HN: Free tool for A/B testing Hacker News titles with machine learning https://ift.tt/3jfzpNT

Show HN: Free tool for A/B testing Hacker News titles with machine learning https://hacker-ai.com January 31, 2021 at 11:46PM

Show HN: InstantRemix.com – Mashup Any Two Songs Instantly https://ift.tt/36pLevu

Show HN: InstantRemix.com – Mashup Any Two Songs Instantly http://instantremix.com January 31, 2021 at 09:24PM

Show HN: trex_exporter – Prometheus Exporter for T-Rex Nvidia GPU Miner https://ift.tt/2YxBvPy

Show HN: trex_exporter – Prometheus Exporter for T-Rex Nvidia GPU Miner https://ift.tt/3j1umAt January 31, 2021 at 08:47PM

Show HN: League of Legends Build Orders by Genetic Algorithm https://ift.tt/36rifHy

Show HN: League of Legends Build Orders by Genetic Algorithm https://ift.tt/2M9WvJH January 30, 2021 at 04:34PM

Show HN: YaHNd – HN Books: The Best Books of Hacker News https://ift.tt/3cpKbPV

Show HN: YaHNd – HN Books: The Best Books of Hacker News https://ift.tt/3tdm2SH January 31, 2021 at 10:01PM

Launch HN: LayerCI (YC S20) - Staging servers that act like (and replace) CI https://ift.tt/3cp4u00

Launch HN: LayerCI (YC S20) - Staging servers that act like (and replace) CI Hi HN, Lyn & Colin here. We’re co-founders of LayerCI (https://layerci.com), which gives you a modern DevOps experience (CI/CD & staging environments) with as little work as writing a Dockerfile. Most teams need CI/CD (run the build and deploy every time a developer pushes) or staging (host a server with my app in it to share), but current approaches always have at least one of these problems: - Simplistic (only run unit tests) - Slow (wait 10 minutes to run the same repetitive setup steps like "npm install") - Complex (cache keys, base images, a slack channel to reserve staging servers, …) We’ve spent over a year iterating with our customers to build a product that solves all of these problems. Our configuration files (Layerfiles) look like Dockerfiles, so regular developers can write and maintain them. Here's one that creates a staging server for create-react-app: FROM vm/ubuntu:18.04 RUN curl -sS https://ift.tt/2mHHfki | sudo apt-key add - && curl -fSsL https://ift.tt/2jJProL | bash && apt-get install nodejs python3 make gcc build-essential COPY . . RUN npm install RUN npm test RUN BACKGROUND npm start EXPOSE WEBSITE http://localhost:3000 We charge a flat $42/mo/developer on our paid plan. Because it's a flat fee and not usage based, we're incentivized to make things as fast as possible: Our current margins come from a custom-built hibernating hypervisor that lets us avoid running "npm install" thousands of times per day. We’ve upgraded the free tier to 5GB of memory for new installations this week. It’s perfect for personal projects or small MVPs where you’d like a powerful demo server that will build on every push and automatically hibernate when it’s not being used. The easiest way to try out LayerCI is to follow our interactive tutorial: https://layerci.com/ or look at the docs: https://ift.tt/3cpAFfF We would love to hear your thoughts about CI/CD, staging, and what we’ve built! January 31, 2021 at 08:30PM

Show HN: Keynavish – Control the mouse with the keyboard (Windows) https://ift.tt/36rIaz9

Show HN: Keynavish – Control the mouse with the keyboard (Windows) https://ift.tt/2MAIAMp January 31, 2021 at 05:45PM

Show HN: R pkg for online estimation of Spearmans correlation for streaming data https://ift.tt/3j1auxn

Show HN: R pkg for online estimation of Spearmans correlation for streaming data https://ift.tt/3k5FRGd January 31, 2021 at 05:31PM

Show HN: alsa_rnnoise is a HQ noise filter for ALSA, powered by Xiph.Org RNNoise https://ift.tt/3pDU8Nx

Show HN: alsa_rnnoise is a HQ noise filter for ALSA, powered by Xiph.Org RNNoise https://ift.tt/3r8lYBT January 31, 2021 at 03:44PM

السبت، 30 يناير 2021

Show HN: Japan API – Free and Open Data https://ift.tt/2NRTKgs

Show HN: Japan API – Free and Open Data https://ift.tt/36t949B January 31, 2021 at 10:26AM

Show HN: Wise sayings and inspirational quotes by GPT-3 https://ift.tt/39yxKj9

Show HN: Wise sayings and inspirational quotes by GPT-3 https://twitter.com/Wisdom1Original January 31, 2021 at 06:47AM

Show HN: Version tracker for graphic designers and artists https://ift.tt/3r6h743

Show HN: Version tracker for graphic designers and artists https://ift.tt/36uHn0m January 31, 2021 at 03:28AM

Show HN: Dug, A global DNS propagation checker on your CLI https://ift.tt/36rVkMk

Show HN: Dug, A global DNS propagation checker on your CLI https://ift.tt/3taRSzo January 31, 2021 at 03:20AM

Show HN: Quadratic-vote-ranked list of gamestop short-squeeze narratives https://ift.tt/2YtWPFt

Show HN: Quadratic-vote-ranked list of gamestop short-squeeze narratives https://ift.tt/3j6scPR January 31, 2021 at 01:07AM

Show HN: A HN clone for happy/uplifting news https://ift.tt/3rasW9l

Show HN: A HN clone for happy/uplifting news https://ift.tt/3qZdPzA January 30, 2021 at 04:57PM

Show HN: Watchpoints, an easy to use watchpoints equivalent library for Python https://ift.tt/2Yrp73q

Show HN: Watchpoints, an easy to use watchpoints equivalent library for Python https://ift.tt/3raIryn January 30, 2021 at 11:59PM

Show HN: RPI Powered 4K TV Auto Rotating Digital Picture Frame https://ift.tt/2MIYRPh

Show HN: RPI Powered 4K TV Auto Rotating Digital Picture Frame https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV8g9ow1waU January 30, 2021 at 11:50PM

Show HN: I built a jigsaw puzzle website https://ift.tt/3cpqHuR

Show HN: I built a jigsaw puzzle website https://puzzlepanda.com January 30, 2021 at 09:01PM

Show HN: UK Vaccine TL;DR, an overview of UK vaccination progress https://ift.tt/2L2xeAm

Show HN: UK Vaccine TL;DR, an overview of UK vaccination progress https://vaxtldr.uk/ January 30, 2021 at 08:50PM

Show HN: I built a hash-identification system with popularity ratings https://ift.tt/3agvkol

Show HN: I built a hash-identification system with popularity ratings https://ift.tt/3r5jqEx January 30, 2021 at 05:24PM

Show HN: CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.5 https://ift.tt/3cpVgAD

Show HN: CLI for Microsoft 365 v3.5 https://ift.tt/3alKlW9 January 30, 2021 at 03:40PM

Show HN: A review of Kafka books and tutorials https://ift.tt/3j14moy

Show HN: A review of Kafka books and tutorials https://ift.tt/3r1a0Kn January 30, 2021 at 12:52PM

Show HN: Etherlearn.io – Blockchain, made fun and visual https://ift.tt/3pzCV7N

Show HN: Etherlearn.io – Blockchain, made fun and visual https://ift.tt/39wvcBZ January 30, 2021 at 01:51PM

Show HN: Etherlearn – Visual Blockchain Simulator https://ift.tt/2Yso3fB

Show HN: Etherlearn – Visual Blockchain Simulator https://ift.tt/39wvcBZ January 30, 2021 at 01:59PM

Show HN: Collection of Deep Learning implementations with side-by-side notes https://ift.tt/3r1em4b

Show HN: Collection of Deep Learning implementations with side-by-side notes https://nn.labml.ai January 30, 2021 at 01:27PM

الجمعة، 29 يناير 2021

Show HN: React Accessible Headings helps W3C WCAG accessible heading hierarchies https://ift.tt/3ckzdvf

Show HN: React Accessible Headings helps W3C WCAG accessible heading hierarchies https://ift.tt/2Gkq7NI January 30, 2021 at 06:40AM

Show HN: TopStonks – The most popular stocks on /r/Wallstreetbets https://ift.tt/3a8Zh9G

Show HN: TopStonks – The most popular stocks on /r/Wallstreetbets https://topstonks.com January 30, 2021 at 01:55AM

Show HN: Not much to show.. basic floating todo app https://ift.tt/3clVmt5

Show HN: Not much to show.. basic floating todo app https://ift.tt/3ozQkeS January 29, 2021 at 11:10PM

Show HN: Wallstreetbets Sentiment Past 24 Hours https://ift.tt/3codse4

Show HN: Wallstreetbets Sentiment Past 24 Hours https://ift.tt/36qKXbH January 29, 2021 at 10:39PM

Show HN: Searchable video and meme generator for The Office https://ift.tt/3oxnBaq

Show HN: Searchable video and meme generator for The Office https://ift.tt/3pxRUPE January 29, 2021 at 10:16PM

Show HN: MicroPython-Ctl – a TypeScript lib for talking to MicroPython devices https://ift.tt/2Mx2g3M

Show HN: MicroPython-Ctl – a TypeScript lib for talking to MicroPython devices https://ift.tt/2YDOY8B January 29, 2021 at 05:54PM

Show HN: Has Elon Changed his Twitter bio? – toy project https://ift.tt/2Min1R1

Show HN: Has Elon Changed his Twitter bio? – toy project https://ift.tt/3r3SdCd January 29, 2021 at 08:37PM

Show HN: Get matched with developers, projects, and ideas https://ift.tt/3aln4Ui

Show HN: Get matched with developers, projects, and ideas https://connectdome.com January 29, 2021 at 08:22PM

Show HN: Browse a year of profiling data, live https://ift.tt/2YxrC45

Show HN: Browse a year of profiling data, live https://ift.tt/3afTrU7 January 29, 2021 at 08:02PM

Launch HN: InpharmD (YC W21) – curated drug information for doctors https://ift.tt/3oqpZQh

Launch HN: InpharmD (YC W21) – curated drug information for doctors Hi HN- My name is Ashish, and I’m the CEO/ co founder of InpharmD ( https://inpharmd.com ). We take questions from doctors and return curated, evidence - based answers. I was a clinical pharmacist offering a remote service from a University for 10 years. Ask us anything, we begged, and our team of pharmacists, residents, and students would look it up, get through the paywalls, and provide the answer. I passed out business cards around local hospitals. They were lost over time. Then I passed out business cards with magnets. They stuck around, but there aren’t that many places in the hospital with the magnetic surfaces. Eventually, people stored our number, but we’d ask so many questions when they called, they couldn’t ask theirs: who are you, where are you calling from, what’s your email, spell it, etc, etc, etc. Often, they’d hang up on us, and I don’t blame them. The average doctor now sees five patients an hour. I realized I wasn’t alone, and hundreds of other academicians, all leading their own teams, had the same problem. So, we formed a network and interviewed hundreds of our customers about how they’d ideally interact with us. What we needed to build was simple: one touch request. My co - founder Tulasee built that and since, we learned that AI can transcribe PDFs faster (but not yet better) than our pharmacists. We started with 5,000 of our own study abstracts, assigned weights for corresponding content in their respective PDFs, and now we continuously reassign the weights until the algorithm can completely make our own abstracts. Our latest test revealed 94% accuracy against a matched human control, but with medical information, this will need to be 100% before we can rely on it. We think Watson was a missed opportunity, so we called our algorithm Sherlock. We’re launching a partnership with the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists® (ASHP- https://ashp.org ), using their database of 1,300 vetted drug monographs, so Sherlock can field questions at the point of care. We’ve been fortunate to find early adopter health systems to pay for our service: WellStar, Ochsner, University of Maryland, Georgia DPH, and St Francis. We’re typically compared to the cost of their healthcare providers manually searching, and we end up cheaper. We love this community and we’d welcome your ideas/ experiences/ feedback on what we’re building! January 29, 2021 at 06:50PM

Show HN: SleekDB 2.0 – Simple database effortless https://ift.tt/3taWwOa

Show HN: SleekDB 2.0 – Simple database effortless https://ift.tt/2KgIsMz January 29, 2021 at 06:42PM

الخميس، 28 يناير 2021

Show HN: Create Chrome Extensions for internal use https://ift.tt/2YoIlXs

Show HN: Create Chrome Extensions for internal use https://extension.dev January 29, 2021 at 06:33AM

Show HN: Simple VSCode extension to autocomplete Python with a transformer model https://ift.tt/3iYbBxJ

Show HN: Simple VSCode extension to autocomplete Python with a transformer model We created a simple VSCode plugin to autocomplete Python with a transformer model trained on code from awesome PyTorch list. Github repo: https://ift.tt/3pNn9pS You will need a GPU for it to be responsive. January 29, 2021 at 05:49AM

Show HN: ZuckFeedsBGone A browser extension to spend less time on social media https://ift.tt/2Ymf4wn

Show HN: ZuckFeedsBGone A browser extension to spend less time on social media https://ift.tt/2Ya2Y9y January 29, 2021 at 03:00AM

Show HN: The usable eBook (azw3,mobi,ePub,pdf) reader inside a browser https://ift.tt/2KY2jVX

Show HN: The usable eBook (azw3,mobi,ePub,pdf) reader inside a browser https://ift.tt/3sZ5NIO January 29, 2021 at 12:38AM

Show HN: Programming with your own words (in English) https://ift.tt/2NNTDTf

Show HN: Programming with your own words (in English) Hi HN! Fernando here. I am really looking forward to getting some feedback about Hupreter (https://hupreter.com) from you all. I started working on Hupreter a year ago, mostly exploring what was possible. But some time before that, I started playing with NLP (natural language processing) and discovering what was currently possible. At first, I was using it on news articles but then I thought that it might be possible to use this to program in natural languages (like English), instead of programming languages. How cool would it be if you could just tell your computer what to do! Your computer, your phone, or any machine. Most of the work has gone into creating a semantic engine that aims to 'understand' the meaning behind a piece of text. Once that worked, I focused on the second stage which is converting that understanding into instructions in a programming language. I am really happy to put this out there and get some feedback. Hopefully some interest too. This is just the beginning, it will keep growing to handle more and more tasks. https://hupreter.com Thank you! Let me know what you think. January 28, 2021 at 09:46PM

Show HN: Crew for Stack Overflow, first full native iOS client https://ift.tt/3olL3HO

Show HN: Crew for Stack Overflow, first full native iOS client https://ift.tt/3cpOhrz January 28, 2021 at 06:24PM

Show HN: r/WallStreetBets Webscraper https://ift.tt/3r1xJKw

Show HN: r/WallStreetBets Webscraper https://ift.tt/3orFPu7 January 28, 2021 at 10:54PM

Show HN: krunvm – Create and run lightweight VMs from OCI images https://ift.tt/36out3Y

Show HN: krunvm – Create and run lightweight VMs from OCI images https://ift.tt/3qZbjtf January 28, 2021 at 01:41PM

Launch HN: Arpio (YC W21) – Protect your business from AWS outages & ransomware https://ift.tt/36lpvET

Launch HN: Arpio (YC W21) – Protect your business from AWS outages & ransomware Hello HN! We’re Shaw [sterwill] and Doug [doug_neumann] and today we’re very excited to share Arpio with you ( https://arpio.io ). Arpio is a SaaS that protects AWS environments from downtime by making it easy to recover from outages, ransomware, cyber-attacks, and human error. What that means is that when critical AWS services go down (like the Kinesis outage in November [0]), Arpio can launch identical workloads in a healthy region. Or if a bad actor does bad things in an AWS environment (like Codespaces [1] or Webex Teams [2]), Arpio can quickly restore everything to an alternate AWS account. Our story goes back to the big S3 outage of 2017. In February that year an AWS employee made a typo at the command line, and inadvertently took down much of AWS’s Northern Virginia region. That outage lasted 5 hours, and we were among the thousands of companies impacted. All outages suck, but the timing on this one was particularly bad for our business. And worse, we had no control -- all we could do was wait for Amazon to get us back online. As you can imagine, the execs weren’t exactly happy about that... With Arpio, we’re building the solution we wish we’d had back then. Arpio maintains an exact replica of your production AWS environment in a different region (that you choose) and optionally in a locked-down AWS account (that you own). This recovery environment includes your data and your infrastructure, and it’s updated frequently as your environment evolves. It’s also checkpointed, so you can roll back to a prior state to recover from data corruption or ransomware. And when you aren’t using it, it’s dormant, so you don’t have to pay AWS for resources you don’t need. But when you need it (or want to test it), Arpio can have it up and running in a few minutes. Disaster recovery is usually custom-engineered for a given workload. With Arpio, we’re building a general-purpose solution that works for most AWS workloads. We handle the complexity ensuring every route table is rewired, every security group rule is correct, every private IP address is preserved, and every database hostname is aliased. And handling that complexity makes Arpio simple to implement. We can often get new customers onboarded in under an hour. Arpio works today with EC2, EBS, RDS, ECS, ECR, ELB, VPC, IAM, ACM, Autoscaling, Cognito, ElastiCache, and CloudWatch. We’re delivering Beanstalk and EFS support in the coming weeks. If we don’t yet support your environment, drop a comment below - we’d love to get your feedback on what we should build next. We encourage you to take it for a spin. Or if you’re up for a chat, send me a note (doug[at]arpio.io) - I’d love to walk you through it in person. So, HN, what do you think? We’re excited to get your feedback! Thanks, Shaw & Doug [0] https://ift.tt/3lg5J2v [1] https://ift.tt/1nfCgQS [2] https://ift.tt/2YOsjXk January 28, 2021 at 04:43PM

Show HN: Budibase – build modern web apps on your own infrastructure in minutes https://ift.tt/3ozdW3v

Show HN: Budibase – build modern web apps on your own infrastructure in minutes https://ift.tt/37YCZIm January 28, 2021 at 08:36AM

Show HN: Python's __add__ and __mul__ in JavaScript https://ift.tt/2MaMsE2

Show HN: Python's __add__ and __mul__ in JavaScript https://ift.tt/3iTMlbO January 28, 2021 at 06:46AM

Show HN: Low-power Kindle-based dashboard https://ift.tt/3a65kMm

Show HN: Low-power Kindle-based dashboard https://ift.tt/36fYiDC January 28, 2021 at 11:04AM

الأربعاء، 27 يناير 2021

Show HN: Open Covid-19 Vaccine Appointments https://ift.tt/3opa2Kc

Show HN: Open Covid-19 Vaccine Appointments https://ift.tt/36fADTO January 28, 2021 at 06:17AM

Show HN: Reddit Wallstreetbets Top Leaderboard https://ift.tt/3op3wmW

Show HN: Reddit Wallstreetbets Top Leaderboard https://ift.tt/3a5pvdk January 28, 2021 at 04:06AM

Show HN: Browser extension that plays papa roach on any site that says gamestop https://ift.tt/2NHpMM6

Show HN: Browser extension that plays papa roach on any site that says gamestop https://ift.tt/3oot0kf January 28, 2021 at 12:33AM

Show HN: Autopaint – A tool for colorizing manga characters https://ift.tt/3iUq11R

Show HN: Autopaint – A tool for colorizing manga characters https://ift.tt/3tc9BXs January 27, 2021 at 07:47PM

Show HN: Easily build Rasa assistant UIs in React https://ift.tt/3opGr3x

Show HN: Easily build Rasa assistant UIs in React https://ift.tt/3qRfFm2 January 28, 2021 at 01:51AM

Show HN: My multiplayer custom-engine game that loads in less than a second https://ift.tt/39ofhph

Show HN: My multiplayer custom-engine game that loads in less than a second http://vnav.io January 28, 2021 at 01:33AM

Show HN: Origin – Validate your business idea with an interactive prototype https://ift.tt/2MwrVte

Show HN: Origin – Validate your business idea with an interactive prototype https://ift.tt/3aaQKDb January 28, 2021 at 12:38AM

Show HN: Stratum – An open source silicon-independent switch operating system https://ift.tt/3citF4i

Show HN: Stratum – An open source silicon-independent switch operating system https://ift.tt/2VbHRBo January 27, 2021 at 09:00PM

Show HN: Automatically lower the volume of ads to protect ears https://ift.tt/3iTIhbr

Show HN: Automatically lower the volume of ads to protect ears https://ift.tt/3iVjZhA January 27, 2021 at 10:31PM

Show HN: VR Robot Kart with Hand Tracking https://ift.tt/3opYFBG

Show HN: VR Robot Kart with Hand Tracking https://ift.tt/39ojolq January 27, 2021 at 09:18PM

Show HN: Bunklist – Collect and discover useful websites through lists https://ift.tt/3t9X6M7

Show HN: Bunklist – Collect and discover useful websites through lists https://bunklist.com January 27, 2021 at 05:14PM

Show HN: My bi-weekly newsletter on all things Elixir and Erlang https://ift.tt/3a1Qwy8

Show HN: My bi-weekly newsletter on all things Elixir and Erlang https://ift.tt/2Ynhlr6 January 27, 2021 at 08:55PM

Launch HN: Axle Health (YC W21) – In-Home Healthcare as a Service https://ift.tt/3pqtPKv

Launch HN: Axle Health (YC W21) – In-Home Healthcare as a Service Hey everyone, We’re Connor and Adam and we’re working on Axle Health ( https://ift.tt/3qXzRTi ). We provide an API for sending health professionals to people’s homes to deliver medical services. For example, a telehealth company can use our service to request an in-home blood draw for their patient. Healthcare has traditionally been delivered in an office or hospital. In recent years, telehealth - providing healthcare remotely, without the need for people to come to a healthcare facility - has taken off as technology has improved, but physical tests are still often needed to make diagnoses, and physical contact is needed to administer treatment. Without physical interaction, telehealth physicians can only handle a subset of common visit reasons. In all other cases they’re required to refer patients to a lab or in-person doctor. As a result of this lack of continuity in the patient’s care journey, most use telehealth platforms for one-off needs like getting a prescription filled. The goal of our platform is to be an extension of the physician in the patient’s home, working on the doctor’s orders to administer physical services that would normally require a visit to a lab or office. I ran across this problem when I moved from New York to Los Angeles. I had received the first dose of a vaccine (not the COVID vaccine, unfortunately) before moving and needed the second on arrival. My only option was to find a new doctor who required me to do a full physical exam before I could receive the second dose. I did it, but needed to take a couple hours off of work. I thought “why can’t I just get this done at home”. It’s not just me, studies show that completion of multi-dose vaccine courses is as low as 33%. Life just gets in the way. After I had my experience, I called up my friend from college, Adam, who worked at UberEats and we started thinking about the economics of bringing care to patients’ homes. The wealthy already have access to in-home healthcare. The question was, could we drive enough operational efficiency and optimization to make this available to everyone while only charging a small per visit fee for companies to use the platform. Solving this problem would have far reaching implications by expanding access to treatment in healthcare deserts, enabling decentralized clinical trials, improving uptake of basic preventive services, and leading to better health outcomes. The operational and technical challenge of sending a health professional to a patient’s home is complex. There are a couple of old line national phlebotomy companies that go in-home, but phlebotomy (drawing blood) is the easy part. When you start moving up the licensure ladder from phlebotomist to medical assistant to licensed practical nurse to registered nurse, their scope of practice expands. Each state has its own laws governing the scope of practice of each of those professionals. For example, our appointment assignment algorithm needs to account for the fact that in Florida a medical assistant can start an IV line, but in California they can’t. We need to ensure each professional has the right mix of supplies for their daily appointments to drive maximum efficiency - a nurse might go from administering an immunotherapy IV at one home to a vaccine at another. Luckily Adam is crazy enough to like these logistical headaches :P But, Adam won’t need to solve these problems manually. We’ve built a good bit of software around matching patients with in-home professionals. The process is fully programmatic meaning partners can use our API to find available services in a zip code, pull time slot availability and pricing by geography, indicate special instructions from the doctor, book visits, and receive visit updates via webhooks. Health professionals from our network use the Axle app to get shift assignments, indicate to patients that they’re en route, and write up any visit notes. Patients can even see their health professional on a map in real time just like an Uber. We want to make the process of getting in-home care as seamless as possible for patients and health professionals. Our API documentation ( https://ift.tt/36fRiqi ) is publicly available. We’re hoping to enable the next generation of healthcare startups by offering them the ability to physically interact with patients, through us. We wanted to make the API as straightforward as possible, so we welcome any feedback on the documentation or our product at large! Thanks for reading! January 27, 2021 at 08:18PM

Show HN: Autolinks – GitHub app for web scrapping https://ift.tt/2MwRtq5

Show HN: Autolinks – GitHub app for web scrapping https://ift.tt/3ccOBcY January 27, 2021 at 04:20PM

Show HN: I made a Live NBA Match scrapper for my automation service website https://ift.tt/3ce53tx

Show HN: I made a Live NBA Match scrapper for my automation service website https://ift.tt/3cg39sj January 27, 2021 at 02:48PM

Show HN: Peer-to-peer messaging app that works with or without internet access https://ift.tt/39jX8Jk

Show HN: Peer-to-peer messaging app that works with or without internet access https://ift.tt/31gVJPp January 27, 2021 at 02:10PM

الثلاثاء، 26 يناير 2021

Show HN: Hide sensitive info while doing live screen sharing or recording video https://ift.tt/3qQ3cio

Show HN: Hide sensitive info while doing live screen sharing or recording video https://ift.tt/2X4U5h8 January 27, 2021 at 10:53AM

Show HN: Startup recurring liquidity compensation calculator https://ift.tt/3ccZTxO

Show HN: Startup recurring liquidity compensation calculator https://ift.tt/2YgY4b0 January 27, 2021 at 01:45AM

Show HN: K8s clusters as infinite-scale local dev environments https://ift.tt/2Mm9He1

Show HN: K8s clusters as infinite-scale local dev environments https://ift.tt/36ensCF January 27, 2021 at 12:17AM

Show HN: I made an alarm clock. That's right https://ift.tt/3olSj6D

Show HN: I made an alarm clock. That's right https://ift.tt/2M1rjvV January 25, 2021 at 03:55PM

Show HN: Tiny Land Online https://ift.tt/2MqXLYq

Show HN: Tiny Land Online https://ift.tt/3iQeOz7 January 26, 2021 at 11:00PM

Show HN: Are you playing your violin (viola, guitar, etc.) in tune? https://ift.tt/3omRHNX

Show HN: Are you playing your violin (viola, guitar, etc.) in tune? https://ift.tt/38irTMS January 26, 2021 at 09:25PM

Show HN: 7 Days to Die Server Hosting https://ift.tt/3caSuyX

Show HN: 7 Days to Die Server Hosting http://7d2d.net January 26, 2021 at 08:24PM

Launch HN: Airbyte (YC W20) – Open-Source ELT (Fivetran/Stitch Alternative) https://ift.tt/2M4ZzGN

Launch HN: Airbyte (YC W20) – Open-Source ELT (Fivetran/Stitch Alternative) Hi HN! Michel here with John, Shrif, Jared, Charles, and Chris. We are building an open-source ELT platform that replicates data from any applications, APIs, databases, etc. into your data warehouses, data lakes or databases: https://airbyte.io . I’ve been in data engineering for 11 years. Before Airbyte, I was the head of integrations at Liveramp, where we built and scaled over 1,000 data ingestion connectors to replicate 100TB worth of data every day. John, on the other end, has already built 3 startups with 2 exits. His latest one didn’t work out, though. He spent almost a year building ETL pipelines for an engineering management platform, but he eventually ran out of money before reaching product-market fit. By late 2019, we had known each other for 7 years, and always wanted to work together. When John’s third startup shut down, it was finally the right timing for both of us. And we knew which problem we wanted to address: data integration, and ELT more specifically. We started interviewing Fivetran, Stitchdata, and Matillion’s customers, in order to see if the existing solutions were solving their problems. We learned they all fell short, and always with the same patterns. Some limitations we identified are due to the fact that they are closed source. This prevents them from addressing the long tail of integrations because they will always have a ROI consideration when building and maintaining new connectors. A good example is Fivetran which, after 8 years, offers around 150 connectors. This is not a lot when you look at the number of existing tools out there (more than 10,000). In fact, all their customers that we talked to are building and maintaining their own connectors (along with orchestration, scheduling, monitoring, etc.) in-house, as the connectors they needed were either not supported in the way they needed or not supported at all. Some of those customers also tried to leverage existing open-source solutions, but the quality of the existing connectors is inconsistent, as many haven't been updated in years. Plus, they are not usable out of the box. That’s when we knew we wanted Airbyte to be open-source (MIT license), usable out of the box, and cover the long tail of integrations. By making it trivial to build new connectors on Airbyte in any language (they run as Docker containers), we hope the community will help us build and maintain the long tail of connectors. While open-source also enables us to address all use cases (including internal DBs and APIs), it also allows us to solve the problem inherent to cloud-based solutions: the security and privacy of your data. Companies don’t need to trust yet another 3rd-party vendor. Because it is self-hosted, it will disrupt the pricing of existing solutions. Here’s a 2-minute demo video if you want to check out how it looks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKDviQrOAbU Airbyte can run on a single node without any external infrastructure. We also integrate with Kubernetes (alpha), and will soon integrate with Airflow so you can run replication tasks across your cluster. Today, our early version supports about 41 sources and 6 destinations ( https://ift.tt/3iV7rqj ). We’re releasing new connectors ( https://ift.tt/3ordKTS ) every week (6 of them have already been contributed by the community). We bootstrapped some connectors using the highest-quality ones from Singer. Our connectors will always remain open-source. Our goal is to solve data integration for as many companies as possible, and the success of Airbyte is predicated on the open-source project becoming loved and ubiquitous. For this reason, we will focus the entirety of 2021 strengthening the open-source edition; we are dedicated to making it amazing for all users. We will eventually create a paid edition (open core model) with enterprise-level features (support, SLA, hosting and management, privacy compliance, role and access management, SSO, etc.) to address the needs of our most demanding users. Give it a spin: https://ift.tt/2M5B6Bc & https://demo.airbyte.io . Let us know what you think. This is our first time building an open-source technology, so we know we have a lot to learn! January 26, 2021 at 08:08PM

Show HN: Ektora – Real Instagram Followers on Autopilot https://ift.tt/3sVW71H

Show HN: Ektora – Real Instagram Followers on Autopilot http://www.ektora.com/ January 26, 2021 at 07:37PM

Show HN: Latte Art Simulator https://ift.tt/2Ny9PaN

Show HN: Latte Art Simulator https://barist.art/ January 26, 2021 at 06:50PM

Show HN: A worker owned (co-op) store for sustainable products https://ift.tt/3pjnuAA

Show HN: A worker owned (co-op) store for sustainable products https://ift.tt/3cacxxC January 26, 2021 at 07:18PM

Show HN: Don't Let Him Poo – Embedded in Blog Post https://ift.tt/36gdTDb

Show HN: Don't Let Him Poo – Embedded in Blog Post https://ift.tt/2MrvQaI January 26, 2021 at 05:11PM

الاثنين، 25 يناير 2021

Show HN: DanColors – Get the color on camera https://ift.tt/3iN5g88

Show HN: DanColors – Get the color on camera https://ift.tt/2MoLRye January 26, 2021 at 06:19AM

Show HN: SharedOTP – Shared two-factor authentication mechanism https://ift.tt/3iMttLO

Show HN: SharedOTP – Shared two-factor authentication mechanism https://sharedotp.com/ January 26, 2021 at 03:27AM

Show HN: Smug – A fast, dependency-free session manager for tmux https://ift.tt/3sW7tCZ

Show HN: Smug – A fast, dependency-free session manager for tmux https://ift.tt/2Wwy8at January 26, 2021 at 01:42AM

Show HN: D-Tale, Open-Source Visualizer for Pandas Dataframes https://ift.tt/3ojeCd5

Show HN: D-Tale, Open-Source Visualizer for Pandas Dataframes https://ift.tt/39d9H75 January 25, 2021 at 11:53PM

Show HN: Colorpedia – command-line tool for looking up colors https://ift.tt/39W6euE

Show HN: Colorpedia – command-line tool for looking up colors https://ift.tt/39b2FBE January 23, 2021 at 11:17PM

Show HN: Keysmith – Create macros for your Mac (and the web) https://ift.tt/2M6EX0G

Show HN: Keysmith – Create macros for your Mac (and the web) https://ift.tt/325ajsw January 25, 2021 at 10:20PM

Show HN: Page Speed and User Experience (UX): How to Impress Your Visitors https://ift.tt/2LWnBUu

Show HN: Page Speed and User Experience (UX): How to Impress Your Visitors https://ift.tt/2LWnCrw January 25, 2021 at 09:56PM

Show HN: A cross platform terminal library in Racket https://ift.tt/3c92cC0

Show HN: A cross platform terminal library in Racket https://ift.tt/3ohK1wz January 25, 2021 at 09:09PM

Show HN: Does.Design – An inclusive community for designers https://ift.tt/3c8J86O

Show HN: Does.Design – An inclusive community for designers https://does.design January 25, 2021 at 08:46PM

Launch HN: Aviron (YC W21) – High-Intensity Peloton for Rowing https://ift.tt/3ojdQwB

Launch HN: Aviron (YC W21) – High-Intensity Peloton for Rowing Hey HN! I’m Andy, founder of Aviron ( https://ift.tt/3cbfrC3 ). We make a high-intensity version of Peloton for rowing, with competitive games, live races and strength programs. Our content puts a focus on HIIT (high intensity interval training) due to its physical and cognitive benefits. I feel like sometimes this pisses the hardcore rowers off but I’m not a rower, I’m a tech guy. I also think fitness is important and have been working out all of my adult life. Before Aviron, I worked full time and long hours so I did a lot of my thinking during late night gym sessions. Like many people I avoided the rower because not only did I not enjoy cardio but damn that machine was hard and boring. There was a moment at some point in 2016 when I realized I could do something with this. The connected fitness market in the US at that time was small but growing rapidly. Aviron is a rowing machine because it’s the most efficient and effective workout you can have in a short amount of time on one machine. The rowing motion is low impact, engages 85% of muscles, is very difficult and as a result can also be boring. This makes the rowing machine an ideal ‘candidate’ to pair with the gaming-inspired, competitive content I began to envision in 2016. The research was telling me there was a definite potential market niche I could fill but what I didn't know was that no manufacturer would speak to me. I probably called and emailed 50 manufacturers. I eventually kickstarted a few conversations and finally a relationship, by flying to Taiwan, connecting with a local who could translate, and knocking on doors in person. It sounds reasonable in hindsight but the process to finalizing a production contract start to finish took me a full year. A year of trying to understand the manufacturing landscape, developing relationships and convincing potential suppliers that I would eventually be worth their time. Ultimately my key takeaway is that Taiwanese manufacturing relationships are just that - relationships. Manufacturers are looking for long-term trusting partnerships and they are much less motivated by money than my initial assumption. I’m reminded of this constantly - this month alone I have received emails re: product delays twice - and I stupidly tried to throw money at the problem, in the process offending the Taiwan team by implying they would work harder if money was on the table. Finding and building a solid relationship with a production partner was challenging but I would give it a 7/10 relative to the hurdles that came later. The manufacturer had no experience or interest in getting the machine to work along with our custom android touchscreen. As much as I see myself as a “tech guy”, I don’t have an engineering degree. My dad does and so does my brother but I went the business degree route. Long story short, figuring out the details of making these two pieces work together was a nightmare. Again, in hindsight, it’s kind of cool - I understand my machine inside and out; I’m confident I could take it apart down to the screws and put it back together. I can also work comfortably with an oscilloscope and understand how most of the components work on a typical fitness equipment circuit board - there was a lot of circuit board soldering trial and error at one point. I knew that I was taking on a lot with a software and hardware venture but what nobody tells you is how many miles you’re going to drive and fly when you’re taking on hardware. During our slow tip-toe pivot from B2B to B2C sales, we discovered home customers would find 10x the problems a gym would. There was a week in 2019 I drove to a customer’s home 6 hours away multiple times a week for nearly a month. Each trip I thought we had found the solution; the ride back was crushing. This was one of many problems we faced. I’m happy to be able to say the bugs are mostly worked out! Our customers navigate a 22” touchscreen to browse 250ish content options - like my favorite and the first game we ever developed - Last Hope, an end-of-the-world inspired game where you’re being chased by zombies. As your row to escape the Ai will benchmark your fitness output and adjust the zombies’ speed to maintain a challenging pace for your fitness level. The content for Aviron was developed with strength training and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) in mind. For example, one of our 6 workouts categories is “Pros vs. Joes”, a program that allows you to compete against pre-recorded Olympians and professional athletes in a race. Our customers are fitness enthusiasts who don’t enjoy long cardio workouts and crave the competitive and challenging pace of activities like CrossFit and F45, at home - especially throughout Covid. HIIT workouts tend to be shorter, have been proven to improve cognitive ability and help slow the aging process via preservation of DNA. To me, the dual cognitive and physical benefits were really key. I began to work out in my teens, physically I felt better and my self esteem improved. Cognitively, I went from dealing with undiagnosed ADHD and struggling my way through school to slowly noticing an improvement. People told me I was “growing out of” ADHD - which is probably partially true - but something clicked when I was researching fitness programming for Aviron. Learning about HIIT and it’s (data proven) benefits, I started to realize that my commitment to consistent and challenging physical fitness had likely paid a large part in my “growing out it” as well. Currently, we have bootstrapped Aviron to a good place; we’ve sold nearly a thousand rowers to gyms, hotels, schools and even Nike headquarters as well as homes. Or churn rate is <1% and our customers are telling us they’re happy. And they’re paying their membership every month so we believe them. :) We are continually working on Aviron to improve the software, content and customer experience so if you have a chance please check us out and let me know what you think. I’m excited to hear from the community. I’ll be hanging out in the comments all day. January 25, 2021 at 08:53PM

Show HN: Jel, the Video Game for Collaboration https://ift.tt/3qNsEVS

Show HN: Jel, the Video Game for Collaboration https://jel.app January 25, 2021 at 08:29PM

Show HN: I coded a web augmented reality engine with tensorflowJS https://ift.tt/3phsJk9

Show HN: I coded a web augmented reality engine with tensorflowJS https://ift.tt/39dMxj4 January 25, 2021 at 07:46PM

Show HN: Retrospective on having my “Show HN” on the front-page https://ift.tt/3chGrjk

Show HN: Retrospective on having my “Show HN” on the front-page I was lucky enough to have my site trending on Friday (https://ift.tt/3p909l9). It’s an icon site that lists open source icons. I wanted to share some stats on the results after 3 days. Worth noting was that I submitted it on a Friday morning (at which point I went for a walk and a coffee; eek). - 24,997 page views. I (embarrassingly) didn’t have GA set up when I first submitted it, so this is probably missing a few hundred page views - 21 “feedback” emails (half of which were spam). I assume such a high percentage of these were spam because my Feedback form didn’t require email addresses. - 5 note-worthy emails from people which may result in some sort of collaboration - 10 mailing list subscriber sign ups. Running through MailChimp, and it’s not emphasized at all (eg. just a link in the footer). Purposefully not email-gating people to download, since I want this to be a very developer-centric site, and it feels a bit unsettling to email-gate other people’s digital content. - 2,670 icon downloads - 74 comments. A big caveat to this one: I replied to almost every comment. The thinking is that if someone took the time to comment (even just a “thanks”), I wanted to take the time to reply to them as well. Also, I purposefully didn’t reply to people who were commenting on their own alternative services. Perhaps a tad uncouth, but I didn’t want to shine a light on a comment that was designed to detract from my submission. I would have made an exception if there was substance to those comments beyond the detraction. - One founder from a related (and leading) service (Flaticon) jumping into the comments. I really appreciated this. Similar to how Patrick Collison (of Stripe) is often seen replying to comments on Stripe-related posts. This founder submitted thoughtful replies to people’s criticisms, which I thought was quite considerate. January 25, 2021 at 07:09PM

Show HN: Pdoc, a lightweight Python API documentation generator https://ift.tt/3c8NWJr

Show HN: Pdoc, a lightweight Python API documentation generator https://pdoc.dev/ January 25, 2021 at 06:40PM

Show HN: API-first news search engine https://ift.tt/3pfXrug

Show HN: API-first news search engine https://ift.tt/2WbYUEH January 25, 2021 at 06:26PM

Show HN: Rust-starter, a boilerplate to build Rust CLI applications https://ift.tt/369JTZN

Show HN: Rust-starter, a boilerplate to build Rust CLI applications https://ift.tt/2NBjYnl January 25, 2021 at 06:13PM

Show HN: Micro – A platform for cloud native development in Go https://ift.tt/3aheSo3

Show HN: Micro – A platform for cloud native development in Go https://ift.tt/22Fi2YF January 25, 2021 at 06:10PM

Show HN: Finger.Farm Advanced Finger Hosting https://ift.tt/3qQQTmg

Show HN: Finger.Farm Advanced Finger Hosting https://finger.farm January 25, 2021 at 04:54PM

Show HN: Trophi.com – A forum the represents both sides of an argument https://ift.tt/3ptX937

Show HN: Trophi.com – A forum the represents both sides of an argument https://www.trophi.com/ January 25, 2021 at 05:51PM

Show HN: Learning Games, Written in a Programming Language I Wrote, Work Offline https://ift.tt/39cbnzH

Show HN: Learning Games, Written in a Programming Language I Wrote, Work Offline https://ift.tt/2zbwsrq January 25, 2021 at 05:32PM

Show HN: Open-source voice typing for desktop https://ift.tt/39gVyrw

Show HN: Open-source voice typing for desktop https://ift.tt/39YxEjP January 25, 2021 at 02:58PM

Show HN: Patchcab – Modular Synthesizer Made with Web Audio API and Svelte https://ift.tt/3qN9Hm5

Show HN: Patchcab – Modular Synthesizer Made with Web Audio API and Svelte https://ift.tt/2YaSeIb January 25, 2021 at 01:07PM

Show HN: Programming.protips.wiki – A Collection of Programming Protips https://ift.tt/36biA0Z

Show HN: Programming.protips.wiki – A Collection of Programming Protips https://ift.tt/3ogkK5R January 25, 2021 at 08:31AM

الأحد، 24 يناير 2021

Show HN: Get started modding Factorio in TypeScript https://ift.tt/3iIywNc

Show HN: Get started modding Factorio in TypeScript https://ift.tt/3c6I1on January 25, 2021 at 09:29AM

Show HN: Pollen, utility-first CSS for the future https://ift.tt/39ckTTq

Show HN: Pollen, utility-first CSS for the future https://ift.tt/2YbW7fS January 25, 2021 at 03:52AM

Show HN: CVservant: CV Creator for Academic Types https://ift.tt/3cayE70

Show HN: CVservant: CV Creator for Academic Types https://CVservant.com/ January 24, 2021 at 10:37PM

Show HN: RevoGrid – Spreadsheet data table for all frameworks https://ift.tt/2M3CeVM

Show HN: RevoGrid – Spreadsheet data table for all frameworks https://ift.tt/2GekrrJ January 24, 2021 at 10:09PM

Show HN: Plant-based flavor enhancer – hack your tastebuds to eat healthy https://ift.tt/2MoTyEQ

Show HN: Plant-based flavor enhancer – hack your tastebuds to eat healthy https://mywozi.com/ January 24, 2021 at 09:49PM

Show HN: Sokyokuban, a puzzle game in a non-Euclidian world https://ift.tt/36a1UXH

Show HN: Sokyokuban, a puzzle game in a non-Euclidian world https://sokyokuban.com/ January 24, 2021 at 07:42PM

Show HN: All 104 amendments to the Constitution of India as Git commits https://ift.tt/3qJHEEj

Show HN: All 104 amendments to the Constitution of India as Git commits https://ift.tt/2YcyQue January 24, 2021 at 08:17PM

Show HN: A weekly newsletter where I interview an open-source developer https://ift.tt/2YcSBBO

Show HN: A weekly newsletter where I interview an open-source developer https://ift.tt/3t2o7B0 January 24, 2021 at 07:45PM

السبت، 23 يناير 2021

Show HN: Full text search Project Gutenberg (60m paragraphs) https://ift.tt/3oawHK3

Show HN: Full text search Project Gutenberg (60m paragraphs) https://ift.tt/2Y8gevw January 24, 2021 at 08:58AM

Show HN: Filmulator – a streamlined, open-source raw photo editor https://ift.tt/364VkSi

Show HN: Filmulator – a streamlined, open-source raw photo editor https://ift.tt/3ocTJzW January 24, 2021 at 12:30AM

Show HN: My Home Kubernetes Cluster Managed by Flux2 and Renovatebot https://ift.tt/3iGUFeP

Show HN: My Home Kubernetes Cluster Managed by Flux2 and Renovatebot https://ift.tt/2YbbXr4 January 24, 2021 at 04:13AM

Show HN: Fast, turnkey static web site recipe (Terraform and Jekyll and AWS) https://ift.tt/3iHhVtk

Show HN: Fast, turnkey static web site recipe (Terraform and Jekyll and AWS) https://ift.tt/3qK6N1r January 23, 2021 at 11:45PM

Show HN: I bought wutangforever.net a few days ago for $10 https://ift.tt/2Nw595r

Show HN: I bought wutangforever.net a few days ago for $10 https://ift.tt/2Y61Ofd January 24, 2021 at 02:15AM

Show HN: Fuselink – Combine multiple links into a single URL https://ift.tt/3sQcLzR

Show HN: Fuselink – Combine multiple links into a single URL https://ift.tt/3qHAe4d January 24, 2021 at 12:58AM

Show HN: Traindown – A language to help athletes express their training https://ift.tt/3c9Bp8D

Show HN: Traindown – A language to help athletes express their training https://traindown.com January 23, 2021 at 10:20PM

Show HN: DrugSheet – Keep up with the clinical trials on Covid-19 https://ift.tt/3642sP2

Show HN: DrugSheet – Keep up with the clinical trials on Covid-19 https://ift.tt/35yeIb8 January 23, 2021 at 09:10PM

Show HN: Clubhouse Glow – A free tool to create radiating avatars https://ift.tt/3ocCT4u

Show HN: Clubhouse Glow – A free tool to create radiating avatars https://ift.tt/2Mcnwvv January 23, 2021 at 06:40PM

Show HN: Repository.surf – see metrics for all repositories in a GitHub org https://ift.tt/2Y76GAX

Show HN: Repository.surf – see metrics for all repositories in a GitHub org https://repository.surf January 23, 2021 at 07:10PM

Show HN: Pins – A modern Pinboard app for iOS/macOS https://ift.tt/39bumKY

Show HN: Pins – A modern Pinboard app for iOS/macOS https://ift.tt/3sRiG7B January 23, 2021 at 03:58PM

Show HN: Supercharge.dev – Accelerated Development in React/Next.js https://ift.tt/3o8Vf6b

Show HN: Supercharge.dev – Accelerated Development in React/Next.js http://supercharge.dev/ January 23, 2021 at 04:18PM

الجمعة، 22 يناير 2021

Show HN: Garnet – Distributed Python on Kubernetes https://ift.tt/3a0ibzw

Show HN: Garnet – Distributed Python on Kubernetes Garnet (https://garnet.ai) is a framework to run distributed and parallel Python on Kubernetes. We make it easy to scale from laptop to cluster, without requiring any devops work. Garnet plugs into any existing Python environment (notebook, IDE, CI/CD pipelines, custom apps) using a lightweight client library, and enables users to scale popular data/ml libraries (including pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn, XGBoost, etc.) and custom code to a remote cluster for execution. Under the hood, we natively wire up Dask with Kubernetes for scheduling, which brings advantages such as dynamic resource allocation, ephemeral clusters and autoscaling, while abstracting the devops complexity for developers and data scientists. Our vision is to build the orchestration layer for distributed computing in Python. We’re starting off with Dask, but have goals of supporting other frameworks such as Ray and Modin in the future. Some of the cool use cases we’ve seen from our users are: Bursting to the cloud from local dev environments for data and memory intensive computations Standing up managed Dask and Kubernetes clusters programmatically in 3-4 lines of Python, without any devops knowledge (Docker, k8s etc.) Parallelize existing codebases in pandas, NumPy, scikit-learn, XGBoost etc. with minimal code changes, without opting for a more complex system such as Spark Currently, users can download our client library and run Dask workloads on our fully managed cluster (see docs). We’re working on adding the capability to run Garnet on your own cloud (Kubernetes) in an upcoming release. We’re excited to hear your feedback, and what you’d like to see. Please drop your email on our website so we can get in touch directly. January 23, 2021 at 04:49AM

Show HN: Rysolv – Fix open source issues, get paid https://ift.tt/3paun7t

Show HN: Rysolv – Fix open source issues, get paid https://ift.tt/2WCT0wR January 23, 2021 at 07:14AM

Show HN: I built a Twitter client tailored to my workflows https://ift.tt/3pcTh6d

Show HN: I built a Twitter client tailored to my workflows https://ift.tt/3aJAzi7 January 23, 2021 at 04:53AM

Show HN: Prototype for a New Search Engine https://ift.tt/3qKfzwq

Show HN: I built Multy – Generate a short URL to share a list of websites https://ift.tt/3pmOejX

Show HN: I built Multy – Generate a short URL to share a list of websites https://www.multy.me/ January 22, 2021 at 02:52PM

Show HN: I made a specialized calculator to help with my gameboy emulator https://ift.tt/398qEBx

Show HN: I made a specialized calculator to help with my gameboy emulator https://ift.tt/362omCf January 22, 2021 at 10:10PM

Show HN: HacKit, a native macOS Cocoa app for reading Hacker News https://ift.tt/2Y4meW5

Show HN: HacKit, a native macOS Cocoa app for reading Hacker News https://ift.tt/396AG6c January 22, 2021 at 09:19PM

Show HN: Iconduck – 100k open source icons, downloadable and searchable https://ift.tt/3p909l9

Show HN: Iconduck – 100k open source icons, downloadable and searchable https://iconduck.com/ January 22, 2021 at 08:16PM

Show HN: Giglad – Turn your PC to a MIDI arranger keyboard https://ift.tt/2NngOTT

Show HN: Giglad – Turn your PC to a MIDI arranger keyboard https://deltarray.com/ January 22, 2021 at 05:31PM

Show HN: 128-bit, roughly-ordered, URL-safe UUIDs https://ift.tt/3qHAxvZ

Show HN: 128-bit, roughly-ordered, URL-safe UUIDs https://ift.tt/3izHf4t January 22, 2021 at 02:49PM

Show HN: Welder – Record high-quality remote interviews https://ift.tt/39N0xz6

Show HN: Welder – Record high-quality remote interviews https://ift.tt/3a0nYW6 January 22, 2021 at 01:11PM

Show HN: Vaas App- Create beautiful data visualizations from your CSV/JSON data https://ift.tt/2Y4JrYk

Show HN: Vaas App- Create beautiful data visualizations from your CSV/JSON data https://www.vaasapp.co January 22, 2021 at 12:49PM

Show HN: Userbase – Auth and E2E encrypted storage in a few lines of code https://ift.tt/3p7f0g1

Show HN: Userbase – Auth and E2E encrypted storage in a few lines of code https://ift.tt/3c7WKQ1 January 22, 2021 at 11:57AM

الخميس، 21 يناير 2021

Show HN: Git News – Social News website for developers and GitHub fans https://ift.tt/3iAottG

Show HN: Git News – Social News website for developers and GitHub fans https://gitnews.tech January 22, 2021 at 10:20AM

Show HN:WickedBlocks: I made 120 Tailwind Blocks ready to copy-paste.FREE & OS https://ift.tt/3o4gUwj

Show HN:WickedBlocks: I made 120 Tailwind Blocks ready to copy-paste.FREE & OS https://ift.tt/3mOt8ZD January 22, 2021 at 05:07AM

Show HN: Amazon for Entrepreneurship / LinkedIn for Startups https://ift.tt/3p6Q6wX

Show HN: Amazon for Entrepreneurship / LinkedIn for Startups https://ift.tt/2LRhgta January 22, 2021 at 03:10AM

Show HN: Shopify app for uploading images in bulk from Google Drive https://ift.tt/3o7yhwg

Show HN: Shopify app for uploading images in bulk from Google Drive https://ift.tt/3qBnWKE January 22, 2021 at 12:47AM

Show HN: ID Hasher – Hash Your Identity Away https://ift.tt/3c1oIgg

Show HN: ID Hasher – Hash Your Identity Away https://ift.tt/2Y0Cszv January 21, 2021 at 08:51PM

Show HN: Pluto in-browser VR spatial video chat https://ift.tt/393wR1v

Show HN: Pluto in-browser VR spatial video chat https://pluto.video January 21, 2021 at 10:25PM

Show HN: I did a little thing in V https://ift.tt/3qKhtgv

Show HN: I did a little thing in V https://ift.tt/393qcV3 January 21, 2021 at 10:22PM

Show HN: Duffel (S18) – The best API to sell flights online https://ift.tt/2LIUe81

Show HN: Duffel (S18) – The best API to sell flights online Hey HN, We're Steve and Tom (YC S18), the co-founders of Duffel (https://duffel.com/), an API-based travel platform. Think of Stripe, but for searching and booking flights. We built Duffel after running head first into the problem of accessing airline inventory for a side-project that we had. All the providers out there (ever heard of a GDS? Amadeus? Sabre?) felt antiquated, expensive and quite frankly didn't even want to work with us. To top it up, once we started digging the only things we could hear were "PNR", "IATA", "ARC", "RBD" and other wonderful acronyms. It’s difficult to innovate in travel today. The process is intimidating, time-consuming, and often cost-prohibitive for new startups. The antiquated tech stacks and expensive accreditation processes are enough to keep great travel sellers locked out of the industry. We built Duffel to remove all the barriers to innovation in travel. With our new self-serve platform, we're making it possible for anyone to sign-up, activate their account, and start selling flights in just minutes – without having to interact with anyone on our team. You also won't need to worry about applying for an IATA - or ARC - accreditation, building relationships with airlines or deciphering the documentation of an EDIFACT (1) service The Duffel platform is built for the modern developer, offering simple, composable APIs, comprehensive documentation, and a robust testing environment. Check this video to see it in action: => https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMPFL7x0uko Since our founding, we have grown to an international team of 40+ spread across the UK and US. We're on a mission to make travel effortless by rebuilding the software backbone of the travel industry layer by layer. We would love any feedback you have on the product and are always keen to discuss with people with deep knowledge of the industry. Looking forward to reading you in the thread below! Thank you for reading! January 21, 2021 at 07:48PM

Launch HN: Finmark (YC S20) – Financial planning software for startups https://ift.tt/3o599X8

Launch HN: Finmark (YC S20) – Financial planning software for startups Hi HN! I’m Rami, cofounder of Finmark. We make it simple for companies to manage their runway, hiring, and cash. Three years ago a bad financial model almost killed my last company. A miscalculation in our behemoth of a financial model led us to overestimate the amount of cash we had coming in, and in turn, to overspend. When we finally discovered the error after 5 months, we were forced to shift from aggressive hiring to aggressive cost cutting and had to lay off employees. We were able to course-correct and sold the company successfully in 2019, but I kept coming back to how difficult and time-consuming financial modeling is for founders. So after taking some time off to recharge post acquisition, I pulled my old team together to start Finmark. We built Finmark so all founders, not just finance pros, can easily create, update, and share custom financial models without having to spend weeks laboring over complex spreadsheets. While the flexibility spreadsheets afford is great, they are also susceptible to human error, challenging for collaboration and version control, and time-consuming to create and maintain. Finmark takes complex financial concepts and calculations, distills them down into a simple dashboard, and makes it easy for startups to create and share their financial plans, manage burn rate and cash, forecast revenue and expenses, and plan for fundraising Finmark is modular, so rather than using a template that might not be a great fit for your startup, you’re building a completely custom model based on your individual business needs. Finmark integrates with your entire stack to reconcile your actuals without manual data entry. It is also very easy to create, compare, and share as many different scenarios as you’d like, e.g. a base plan, upside plan, and downside plan. Since launching in Fall 2020 we’ve had over 1,000 companies sign up for our waitlist, and have onboarded over 400 companies so far. Subscriptions start at $25/month and increase based on a company’s monthly revenue. You can check out our pricing calculator here: https://ift.tt/2CP2Oxx We are skipping the waitlist for anyone signing up from HN ( https://ift.tt/3iKngjL ). We're looking forward to your comments and are eager to hear your feedback on Finmark and your experiences with financial modeling in general! January 21, 2021 at 08:42PM

Show HN: Fast Steghide bruteforcer with detection/decryption, useful for CTFs https://ift.tt/3p7kAyL

Show HN: Fast Steghide bruteforcer with detection/decryption, useful for CTFs https://ift.tt/3pbxAUn January 21, 2021 at 08:39PM

Show HN: 71 Lines – Build Chrome Extensions with No-Code Tools https://ift.tt/2XYFlAH

Show HN: 71 Lines – Build Chrome Extensions with No-Code Tools https://71lines.com January 21, 2021 at 07:59PM

Show HN: Mibo – Video chat that feels like real life https://ift.tt/3sLbaLO

Show HN: Mibo – Video chat that feels like real life https://getmibo.com/ January 21, 2021 at 05:59PM

Show HN: Twemex – A browser extension that surfaces the best ideas on Twitter https://ift.tt/39SUmtn

Show HN: Twemex – A browser extension that surfaces the best ideas on Twitter https://twemex.app/ January 21, 2021 at 05:47PM

Show HN: Open-source tool for catching spelling mistakes on websites https://ift.tt/3qITq1s

Show HN: Open-source tool for catching spelling mistakes on websites https://ift.tt/2K0JbWn January 21, 2021 at 04:52PM

Show HN: Analytics for LinkedIn https://ift.tt/39N4OTk

Show HN: Analytics for LinkedIn http://lunaa.co.uk/ January 21, 2021 at 01:18PM

Show HN: A dead code killer for Erlang https://ift.tt/3c0uw9M

Show HN: A dead code killer for Erlang https://ift.tt/2LJltzm January 21, 2021 at 02:21PM

الأربعاء، 20 يناير 2021

Show HN: An automated security/performance checker for Laravel apps https://ift.tt/2LQbRmi

Show HN: An automated security/performance checker for Laravel apps https://ift.tt/3izJiWi January 21, 2021 at 04:11AM

Show HN: FaceCompare – A macOS app for finding similar photos by face https://ift.tt/3bWhfyX

Show HN: FaceCompare – A macOS app for finding similar photos by face https://ift.tt/38ZJ8nU January 21, 2021 at 03:16AM

Show HN: A simple rust library to extract code blocks from Markdown files https://ift.tt/2XZtd2A

Show HN: A simple rust library to extract code blocks from Markdown files https://ift.tt/2KBO2y2 January 21, 2021 at 12:54AM

Show HN: New data portal for Medicare/Medicaid I designed https://ift.tt/39OLNzY

Show HN: New data portal for Medicare/Medicaid I designed https://ift.tt/36fMMs7 January 20, 2021 at 10:37PM

Launch HN: Manara (YC W21) – Connecting MENA engineers with global companies https://ift.tt/39OjIc7

Launch HN: Manara (YC W21) – Connecting MENA engineers with global companies Hey everyone! My name is Laila and with my co-founder Iliana I’m building Manara ( https://ift.tt/3sHqRDB ). We support software engineers in the Arab region to get great jobs at tech companies worldwide. These companies appreciate being connected to skilled talent that is diverse and inclusive (50% of our engineers are women). I grew up in a refugee camp in Gaza. My dream was to become a Silicon Valley software engineer. Eventually I hacked my way there successfully, becoming a software engineer at Nvidia. I like to joke that the hardest part wasn’t escaping Gaza in the middle of the 2014 war, but rather, my first interviews... which I totally bombed. ;) Once I got to Silicon Valley, I was surprised at the lack of women. In Gaza, more women study computer science than men! I was also surprised to learn how hard it was for companies in Silicon Valley to attract the talent we needed. During interviews with candidates I’d often think, “I wish I could hire my friends in Gaza. They’d be great.” That’s when I re-connected with Iliana. She and I had met in Gaza when she was running Gaza Sky Geeks (GSG), the first startup accelerator in Gaza. Her work was widely covered and has a few threads on HN including https://ift.tt/1UdDhgP . Iliana asked me “How can we produce more success stories like yours?” I told her that engineers in the Arab region don't lack talent, but they lack other ingredients. They're mostly not aware of opportunities outside their region, and even if they are aware, they think you have to be a genius to work at a company like Google. Also, they have no idea what sorts of resumes recruiters want to see and don't have brand names to put on them. They don't have referral networks to get their foot in the door. And they're completely unprepared for the style of interviews that tech companies go for. As we talked further, it became clear that all of these problems would be fixable with the right kind of coaching and support, and that bringing this growing talent pool to the global job marketplace would benefit both sides (accelerating the success of global companies, while redistributing wealth to the region). We developed an approach to address those gaps - and it worked. Just last week, 67% of the people we referred to Google for internships made it past the hiring committee (they’re now waiting for their job offers, so if you work at Google and have internship headcount, let us know!) We’ve heard Google interviewers say several times, “This is the best junior engineering interview I’ve ever done.” I want to emphasize that we are not a zero-to-hero bootcamp. Manara is a career accelerator for skilled software engineers at all levels with a focus on junior engineers. Students learn the technical and soft skills they need to pass interviews and get introductions to companies with jobs that are either remote or on-site (in Europe or Canada). We charge an affordable fee to both candidates and companies, only if a successful match is made. We focus on Arabic-speaking countries in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) for a few reasons. On the business side, that's where we're from and where our connections are, so we understand the dynamics and have comparative advantage there. Second, the region has a huge opportunity: the youngest population in the world, 2x more university graduates than 10 years ago, women studying computer science at high rates (in some countries more women study CS than men: 52% in Palestine, 62% in Tunisia, 70% in Qatar), and so on. Third, it lends itself to scale. Our graduates have a high sense of affiliation and loyalty to the region, which means that as soon as we place 1 candidate at a company that’s growing, s/he comes back to us looking for 3 more to hire. But we’re not building Manara just for business reasons; rather, we were motivated to launch Manara for social impact reasons. The unemployment rate for recent college grads is ~60%; for women who studied CS, it can be as high as 83%. It pains us personally to see highly talented friends of ours struggling to find (meaningful) work. We originally planned to build Manara as a non-profit, but after lots of research, we realized that a social enterprise approach would better support our mission: the pressure of becoming self-sustainable forces sharper thinking and execution, and will make it possible for us to deliver this solution at scale. A powerful part of our impact is the community we are building. Students study in cohorts. Within each cohort, they compete to see who can solve more coding problems, and form strong bonds and support each other. Students also meet volunteers from tech companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Wayfair, Stripe, etc for mentorship and mock interviews once they achieve certain milestones (e.g., 100 questions on Leetcode). This leads to high motivation and retention. It also gives them access to professional networks like those Americans have when graduating from universities like Stanford. Often these networks later help them with their job hunting: just last week, a candidate got an interview at Uber thanks to a referral from one of our volunteers who works there. Our volunteers love the chance to use their professional skills to mentor engineers from untraditional backgrounds. Several told us that they spent years looking for an effective way to contribute. One recently wrote to us, “I'm in awe of the work Manara is doing. I love interacting with my mentee and providing mock interviews - so thank you for giving me a platform to be able to support these students.” If you're hiring, check out https://ift.tt/2XZhy3G . If you'd like to get involved or join our newsletter, check out https://ift.tt/2XYV4Qs . Most importantly, we can't wait to hear what you think, wherever in the world you might be. Over to you, HN! January 20, 2021 at 09:21PM

Show HN: A mindfulness based social network designed to be checked once a week https://ift.tt/3p3LXdd

Show HN: A mindfulness based social network designed to be checked once a week https://ift.tt/2GlLQYT January 20, 2021 at 09:00PM

Show HN: Beeper – All Your Chats in One App https://ift.tt/3iwwYpE

Show HN: Beeper – All Your Chats in One App https://ift.tt/3itbZnL January 20, 2021 at 08:24PM

Show HN: Dumbdown – A dumb alternative to Markdown https://ift.tt/2LPSjyn

Show HN: Dumbdown – A dumb alternative to Markdown https://ift.tt/3sGc8c7 January 20, 2021 at 08:17PM

Show HN: AnimationCPU https://ift.tt/3o1ThES

Show HN: AnimationCPU Features - Basis for OS, NoCode and UIs, apps and games - Ultra fast and light for low power devices, compiler, jit, vm, and everything is procedural - Reactive and live coding - ACPUL pure minimalistic programming language - Mobile IDE with realtime reverse debugger - Develop on desktop and mobiles, tablets and phones - Visual first - Code and No-code - Minimalistic core - A new alternative to Flash Screenshots: [1]: https://ift.tt/2LNU3rX [2]: https://ift.tt/3nZAI43 [3]: https://ift.tt/39Qd2u0 More videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYvin_F73BoNJ_VibPvtSjg Bootloader code sample https://ift.tt/3nWKPqd More updates on Twitter https://twitter.com/acpustudio Read more https://ift.tt/2RvKVIe Please fill out the form to connect to Animation CPU TestFlight! https://ift.tt/3bWBRHm January 20, 2021 at 04:52PM

Show HN: I built an online interactive course that helps you learn vim faster https://ift.tt/392yiNG

Show HN: I built an online interactive course that helps you learn vim faster https://www.vim.so January 20, 2021 at 05:46PM

Show HN: Audio DSP language SOUL reaches v1.0 status https://ift.tt/3qDsb8M

Show HN: Audio DSP language SOUL reaches v1.0 status https://ift.tt/3o14C7Z January 20, 2021 at 03:11PM

الثلاثاء، 19 يناير 2021

Show HN: A simple browser based video editor (desktop only) https://ift.tt/2XSMOBw

Show HN: A simple browser based video editor (desktop only) https://ift.tt/3ivumZ9 January 20, 2021 at 08:56AM

Show HN: Rent a Brain https://ift.tt/35VW1gW

Show HN: Rent a Brain https://ift.tt/39QSvp9 January 20, 2021 at 06:57AM

Show HN: Plugin Based, Batteries Included, Web Scraper https://ift.tt/3o4hdap

Show HN: Plugin Based, Batteries Included, Web Scraper https://ift.tt/3bUs58H January 20, 2021 at 04:02AM

Show HN: Il2cpp-modder – Generate DLL injection projects for hacking Unity games https://ift.tt/39NLqpd

Show HN: Il2cpp-modder – Generate DLL injection projects for hacking Unity games https://ift.tt/35fDewm January 20, 2021 at 04:21AM

Show HN: FounderZ – helps founders manage the investor courting process https://ift.tt/3itPLlB

Show HN: FounderZ – helps founders manage the investor courting process https://ift.tt/3sH1fa0 January 20, 2021 at 02:03AM

Show HN: Intro to Python and Programming for non-CS majors (revisited) https://ift.tt/2XXjGJb

Show HN: Intro to Python and Programming for non-CS majors (revisited) Hi there, I am the author of this Show HN post: https://ift.tt/33GWdOt Back then, I released the materials for my Intro to Python course "to the world". GitHub repo: https://ift.tt/39b2eEs I incorporated many of the constructive criticism and am currently recording a video lecture series on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-2JV1G3J10kRUPgP7EwLhyeN5lOZW2kH I guess that a lot of people without a CS background would find these resources valuable and am open for further feedback. If you have any "non-tech" friends who want to learn to code, please feel free to direct them to my course. Stay healthy everybody! January 19, 2021 at 11:20PM

Show HN: RSS Feeds with News from AWS https://ift.tt/2Kx7k7G

Show HN: RSS Feeds with News from AWS https://ift.tt/2XxjaBq January 19, 2021 at 10:44PM

Show HN: Virtual breadboard in the browser, inspired by Ben Eater's 6502 https://ift.tt/3bTDyFx

Show HN: Virtual breadboard in the browser, inspired by Ben Eater's 6502 https://ift.tt/3jwrJoP January 19, 2021 at 09:57PM

Show HN: Gamejoy – hosted Zoom games for remote teams https://ift.tt/35WDLnn

Show HN: Gamejoy – hosted Zoom games for remote teams https://ift.tt/39MqvTH January 18, 2021 at 05:14PM

Show HN: Create your own personalized web search index https://ift.tt/39IHPsI

Show HN: Create your own personalized web search index https://ift.tt/2WxsZQp January 19, 2021 at 09:33PM

Launch HN: Seed (YC W21) – A Fully-Managed CI/CD Pipeline for Serverless https://ift.tt/3bZJIE9

Launch HN: Seed (YC W21) – A Fully-Managed CI/CD Pipeline for Serverless Hi HN, we are Jay and Frank from Seed ( https://seed.run ). We've built a service that makes it easy to manage a CI/CD pipeline for serverless apps on AWS. There are no build scripts and our custom deployment infrastructure can speed up your deployments almost 100x by incrementally deploying your services and Lambda functions. For some background, Serverless is an execution model where you send a cloud provider (AWS in this case), a piece of code (called an AWS Lambda function). The cloud provider is responsible for executing it and scaling it to respond to the traffic needs. And you are billed for the exact number of milliseconds of execution. Back in 2016 we were really excited to discover serverless and the idea that you could just focus on your code. So we wrote a guide to show folks how to build full-stack serverless applications — https://ift.tt/2iQiT8Y . But once we started using serverless internally, we started hitting all the operational issues that come with it. Serverless Framework apps are typically made up of multiple services (20-40). Where each service might have 10-20 Lambda functions. To deploy a service, you'll need to package each Lambda function (generate a zip of the source). This can take 3-5 mins. So the entire app might take over 45 mins to deploy. To fix this, folks will have a script that deploys them concurrently. But some services might need to be deployed after another, or in a specific order. And if a large number of services are deployed concurrently, you tend to run into rate-limit errors (at least in the AWS case). Meaning, your deployment scripts need to handle retries. These services might also be deployed to multiple environments in different AWS accounts, or regions. Managing a CI/CD pipeline for these apps can be difficult, the build scripts can be quite large and hard to maintain. We spoke to a few folks in the community that were using serverless in production and found that this was a common issue. So we decided to fix it. We built a fully-managed CI/CD pipeline specifically for Serverless Framework and CDK apps on AWS. We support deploying to multiple environments, regions, using most common git workflows. There's no need for a build script. You connect your git repo, point to the services, add your environments, and specify the order in which you want your services to be deployed. And Seed does the rest. It'll concurrently and reliably (handle any retries) deploy all your services. It'll also remove the services reliably when a branch is removed or a PR is closed. Recently we launched incremental deploys, which can really speed up deployments. We do this by checking which services have been updated, and which of the Lambda functions in those services need to be deployed. We internally store the checksums for the Lambda function packages and concurrently do these checks. We then deploy only those Lambda functions that've been updated. We've also optimized the way the dependencies (node_modules) in your apps are cached and installed. We download and restore them asynchronously, so they are not blocking the build steps. Since its launch in 2017, hundreds of teams rely on Seed everyday to deploy their serverless apps. Our pricing plans are based on the number of build minutes you use and we do not charge extra for the number of concurrent builds. We also have a great free tier — https://ift.tt/39L1A2z Thank you for reading about us. We would love to hear what you think and how we can improve Seed, or serverless in general. January 19, 2021 at 08:44PM

Show HN: Downloader Shared Folder from Google Drive Using Terminal https://ift.tt/39Oqoqn

Show HN: Downloader Shared Folder from Google Drive Using Terminal https://ift.tt/3sEcDU1 January 19, 2021 at 05:41PM

Show HN: POC of a Multi Login System on the Front End Similar to Google's https://ift.tt/39NElVE

Show HN: POC of a Multi Login System on the Front End Similar to Google's https://ift.tt/3bROROr January 19, 2021 at 07:25PM

Show HN: ZuccNet – Encrypted Facebook Messaging https://ift.tt/2N8kpoL

Show HN: ZuccNet – Encrypted Facebook Messaging https://ift.tt/2XTsJLj January 19, 2021 at 05:27PM

Show HN: Moiva.io – A better way to evaluate and compare JavaScript libraries https://ift.tt/2LDlJzS

Show HN: Moiva.io – A better way to evaluate and compare JavaScript libraries https://moiva.io/ January 19, 2021 at 04:46PM

Show HN: Hacker News Rankings https://ift.tt/3ippDYM

Show HN: Hacker News Rankings https://www.hakaran.com January 19, 2021 at 12:04PM

الاثنين، 18 يناير 2021

Show HN: A high-performance TensorFlow library for quantitative finance https://ift.tt/3ip5eTG

Show HN: A high-performance TensorFlow library for quantitative finance https://ift.tt/2LH6RhZ January 19, 2021 at 07:43AM

Show HN: Edit your Clubhouse bio from your desktop https://ift.tt/3qAfYSm

Show HN: Edit your Clubhouse bio from your desktop https://ift.tt/35TYXdH January 19, 2021 at 03:32AM

Show HN: Cracking Passwords with Cheap Hardware at Defcon https://ift.tt/3qyF2c8

Show HN: Cracking Passwords with Cheap Hardware at Defcon https://ift.tt/3bSmShE January 19, 2021 at 12:55AM

Show HN: K3sup (0.9.13) Bootstrap Ha K3s on VMs or Raspberry Pi with SSH https://ift.tt/3quSrlC

Show HN: K3sup (0.9.13) Bootstrap Ha K3s on VMs or Raspberry Pi with SSH https://ift.tt/3oViaDu January 18, 2021 at 11:33PM

Show HN: Forkable API Sandboxes https://ift.tt/3qwZAC2

Show HN: Forkable API Sandboxes https://rapidstash.io January 19, 2021 at 02:42AM

Show HN: On Demand Hydrogen for Under $5/KG https://ift.tt/38S6PhL

Show HN: On Demand Hydrogen for Under $5/KG https://ift.tt/3sBocLw January 19, 2021 at 01:05AM

Show HN: Divjoy 2.0 – Build a SaaS app in minutes https://ift.tt/3sF0uht

Show HN: Divjoy 2.0 – Build a SaaS app in minutes https://divjoy.com January 19, 2021 at 12:55AM

Show HN: TheLibraryMap – 100k Books in a Picture https://ift.tt/2N69bkD

Show HN: TheLibraryMap – 100k Books in a Picture https://ift.tt/3bNL3xC January 19, 2021 at 12:27AM

Show HN: AI: Reversion to the old days – Software as a product (SaaP) https://ift.tt/3oVQjTr

Show HN: AI: Reversion to the old days – Software as a product (SaaP) https://ift.tt/2Nkhqdf January 18, 2021 at 11:12PM

Show HN: Mark III Teaching Station with Teleprompter https://ift.tt/3ipB6aN

Show HN: Mark III Teaching Station with Teleprompter https://ift.tt/3qt4r76 January 18, 2021 at 05:46PM

Show HN: DragDrop editor with 1k UI components for Tailwind CSS, Bulma, and more https://ift.tt/3ipa4As

Show HN: DragDrop editor with 1k UI components for Tailwind CSS, Bulma, and more https://shuffle.dev January 18, 2021 at 07:27PM

Show HN: Play code tours directly from the browser https://ift.tt/35TVtb9

Show HN: Play code tours directly from the browser https://ift.tt/3ioWoFs January 18, 2021 at 08:55PM

Show HN: Paint.wtf, a drawing game judged by OpenAI's zero-shot image classifier https://ift.tt/3oXWPsO

Show HN: Paint.wtf, a drawing game judged by OpenAI's zero-shot image classifier https://paint.wtf January 18, 2021 at 07:24PM

Show HN: A low-code alternative for Stripe/Twilio Integrations https://ift.tt/2XS7f1q

Show HN: A low-code alternative for Stripe/Twilio Integrations https://appstitch.dev January 18, 2021 at 06:07PM

Show HN: Compare prices that US hospitals charge patients and insurance co's https://ift.tt/2Nfr1ls

Show HN: Compare prices that US hospitals charge patients and insurance co's https://ift.tt/38QNwFE January 18, 2021 at 06:04PM

Show HN: A Jest Reporter to group, hide and prettify spammy console warnings https://ift.tt/3qIRO8j

Show HN: A Jest Reporter to group, hide and prettify spammy console warnings https://ift.tt/2LYzuca January 18, 2021 at 06:00PM

Show HN: BFS, Dijkstra and A* interactive demo made in React https://ift.tt/3nShCwF

Show HN: BFS, Dijkstra and A* interactive demo made in React https://ift.tt/2KqmmMs January 17, 2021 at 04:54PM

Show HN: SaaS to Make Remote Developer Onboarding Easy https://ift.tt/3bM7mUo

Show HN: SaaS to Make Remote Developer Onboarding Easy https://fastlyn.com/ January 18, 2021 at 01:46PM

Show HN: Instil – Platform for creating and monetising live classes https://ift.tt/2XSgWwF

Show HN: Instil – Platform for creating and monetising live classes https://instil.live/ January 18, 2021 at 09:35AM

الأحد، 17 يناير 2021

Show HN: 100 LOC Ruby forward proxy using only standard libraries https://ift.tt/3oWlNsz

Show HN: 100 LOC Ruby forward proxy using only standard libraries https://ift.tt/35MNa0F January 18, 2021 at 09:13AM

Show HN: Print chr$(205.5+rnd(1)) goto 10 https://ift.tt/3bP1n0Y

Show HN: Print chr$(205.5+rnd(1)) goto 10 JavaScript implementation of the famous `10 print chr$(205.5+rnd(1)) goto 10` one line of basic code. data:text/html, Copy and paste the above "link" in your browser. January 18, 2021 at 09:08AM

Show HN: Using font placeholders for gradual loading of web fonts https://ift.tt/3bPo98T

Show HN: Using font placeholders for gradual loading of web fonts https://ift.tt/3sAx6J8 January 17, 2021 at 03:21PM

Show HN: An Interactive GPU/CPU Path Tracer on DXR/Vulkan/Metal/OptiX/Embree https://ift.tt/3bRhZVU

Show HN: An Interactive GPU/CPU Path Tracer on DXR/Vulkan/Metal/OptiX/Embree https://ift.tt/2poKfsQ January 18, 2021 at 03:41AM

Show HN: A 28 day rolling forecast of Covid-19 projections by state https://ift.tt/3swD4e9

Show HN: A 28 day rolling forecast of Covid-19 projections by state https://ift.tt/3ajnpsc January 18, 2021 at 03:11AM

Show HN: Explore Hospital Occupancy and Covid Patient Transfers https://ift.tt/3oTEltG

Show HN: Explore Hospital Occupancy and Covid Patient Transfers https://ift.tt/3oROln6 January 17, 2021 at 10:23PM

Show HN: Sneklist helps you go through a plain-text checklist one line at a time https://ift.tt/2LZubcs

Show HN: Sneklist helps you go through a plain-text checklist one line at a time https://ift.tt/2LZmR0s January 17, 2021 at 07:13PM

Show HN: Lex Fridman AI Podcast Search https://ift.tt/3bNKi7y

Show HN: Lex Fridman AI Podcast Search https://ift.tt/3szRE4A January 17, 2021 at 04:07PM

Show HN: Asymmetric stackful cross-platform Coroutines in pure C https://ift.tt/39CtVIx

Show HN: Asymmetric stackful cross-platform Coroutines in pure C https://ift.tt/39uQVJv January 17, 2021 at 01:57PM

Show HN: I built a supportive community for early-stage founders from Europe https://ift.tt/2LFN18z

Show HN: I built a supportive community for early-stage founders from Europe https://enter.network January 17, 2021 at 12:56PM

السبت، 16 يناير 2021

Show HN: Create Bootstrap landing pages by copy-paste https://ift.tt/2NbOeF8

Show HN: Create Bootstrap landing pages by copy-paste https://ift.tt/2LZmLFP January 16, 2021 at 09:03PM

Show HN: RemoteClub – Best cities to work remotely across the world https://ift.tt/35Px4U7

Show HN: RemoteClub – Best cities to work remotely across the world https://remoteclub.com/ January 17, 2021 at 04:26AM

Show HN: Open multiple tabs with a single URL https://ift.tt/3iiZPNY

Show HN: Open multiple tabs with a single URL https://polyl.ink/ January 17, 2021 at 04:21AM

Show HN: Open-Source Kubernetes Marketplace https://ift.tt/3nOq4Nl

Show HN: Open-Source Kubernetes Marketplace https://ift.tt/2wJE2eE January 17, 2021 at 12:48AM

Show HN: Canvas based GUI library for p5.js sketches https://ift.tt/2XJp4zL

Show HN: Canvas based GUI library for p5.js sketches https://ift.tt/3nQauRE January 17, 2021 at 12:03AM

Show HN: I made a tool that helps you create email signatures and share to team https://ift.tt/2XPpgx6

Show HN: I made a tool that helps you create email signatures and share to team https://mailswype.io January 16, 2021 at 08:53PM

Show HN: Shells – Run Linux on M1, iPad or Your Smart TV https://ift.tt/3oSzAQT

Show HN: Shells – Run Linux on M1, iPad or Your Smart TV https://shells.com January 16, 2021 at 08:00PM

Show HN: Meetgeek.ai – Your Virtual Meeting Assistant for Productive Meetings https://ift.tt/3sxld72

Show HN: Meetgeek.ai – Your Virtual Meeting Assistant for Productive Meetings https://meetgeek.ai/ January 16, 2021 at 05:07PM

الجمعة، 15 يناير 2021

Show HN: Open-source full camera pipeline replacement for Android https://ift.tt/3itc9eV

Show HN: Open-source full camera pipeline replacement for Android https://ift.tt/3nMOYwW January 15, 2021 at 09:03PM

Show HN: Forgo.js is a 4kb React alternative based on plain JS and DOM APIs https://ift.tt/2XKJV5G

Show HN: Forgo.js is a 4kb React alternative based on plain JS and DOM APIs https://forgojs.org/ January 16, 2021 at 12:39AM

Show HN: A Collection of Utility Packages to Manipulate DOM Elements https://ift.tt/35GGQHZ

Show HN: A Collection of Utility Packages to Manipulate DOM Elements https://ift.tt/3d4B3Od January 16, 2021 at 12:00AM

Show HN: COVID–19 API (Greece/World) https://ift.tt/39BWbL7

Show HN: COVID–19 API (Greece/World) https://ift.tt/38KRrni January 15, 2021 at 09:47PM

Show HN: The Open Source Story – Open Sourcing RudderStack Blog and Docs https://ift.tt/2LRocGr

Show HN: The Open Source Story – Open Sourcing RudderStack Blog and Docs https://ift.tt/2LA8dNe January 15, 2021 at 07:57PM

Show HN: Reddit Meets Twitter for Finance https://ift.tt/3bJaCzG

Show HN: Reddit Meets Twitter for Finance https://ift.tt/35KGnEL January 15, 2021 at 09:18PM

Show HN: Pglet – Web UI framework for backend developers https://ift.tt/3bIOcyA

Show HN: Pglet – Web UI framework for backend developers https://pglet.io January 15, 2021 at 09:06PM

Show HN: Serverless for Everyone Else – eBook https://ift.tt/3stAWUA

Show HN: Serverless for Everyone Else – eBook https://ift.tt/3swKHBA January 15, 2021 at 08:32PM

Show HN: A flashcard deck for New Keynesian macroeconomics https://ift.tt/3svvvof

Show HN: A flashcard deck for New Keynesian macroeconomics https://ift.tt/3oPNQKh January 15, 2021 at 08:25PM

Show HN: Heart – High performance Lua web server https://ift.tt/3bUXRCz

Show HN: Heart – High performance Lua web server https://ift.tt/3snAAPn January 15, 2021 at 07:52PM

Show HN: Simplql - Query csv, xls and json files with SQL https://ift.tt/3nNGTIz

Show HN: Simplql - Query csv, xls and json files with SQL https://simplql.com January 15, 2021 at 06:20PM

Show HN: It was fun generating version distributions charts for Excalidraw https://ift.tt/38O0ZOg

Show HN: It was fun generating version distributions charts for Excalidraw https://ift.tt/3iegcvr January 15, 2021 at 07:47PM

Show HN: Supernotes – Embeddable Markdown note-cards https://ift.tt/3qAHS0z

Show HN: Supernotes – Embeddable Markdown note-cards https://supernotes.app/ January 15, 2021 at 04:54PM

Show HN: Interactive tool for building web tours https://ift.tt/35J14Ru

Show HN: Interactive tool for building web tours https://bytesroute.com/ January 15, 2021 at 02:56PM

Show HN: Handpicked set of beautifully designed SVG icons https://ift.tt/3spVUDL

Show HN: Handpicked set of beautifully designed SVG icons https://inspyr.io/ January 15, 2021 at 02:56PM

Show HN: We created the first tree-based task manager https://ift.tt/3nJLZFp

Show HN: We created the first tree-based task manager http://lost.report/ January 15, 2021 at 02:28PM

الخميس، 14 يناير 2021

Show HN: Karma, a CLI-first dev gamification engine https://ift.tt/2LR7Iy2

Show HN: Karma, a CLI-first dev gamification engine https://ift.tt/3suIGFJ January 15, 2021 at 10:22AM

Show HN: Vmctl/Vmcli – Easily Run Linux VMs on M1 Macs https://ift.tt/38K2xJi

Show HN: Vmctl/Vmcli – Easily Run Linux VMs on M1 Macs https://ift.tt/39EVdOy January 15, 2021 at 07:26AM

Show HN: Composability of software components is the biggest benefit of K8s https://ift.tt/38GNa4m

Show HN: Composability of software components is the biggest benefit of K8s https://ift.tt/3bGKnde January 15, 2021 at 06:58AM

Show HN: Curated list of Lattice open source FPGAs dev boards https://ift.tt/3ssBhqs

Show HN: Curated list of Lattice open source FPGAs dev boards https://ift.tt/37E8WCA January 15, 2021 at 01:37AM

Show HN: Federated, Encrypted, Anonymous Chat, with Video Support https://ift.tt/3nJE5Mk

Show HN: Federated, Encrypted, Anonymous Chat, with Video Support https://ift.tt/3nKb1Ek January 14, 2021 at 08:35PM

Show HN: I made a search engine for you to find foods that fit your diet https://ift.tt/3oR3K7q

Show HN: I made a search engine for you to find foods that fit your diet https://ift.tt/3bGPCK2 January 14, 2021 at 11:15PM

Show HN: Nothingly – The gift of nothing https://ift.tt/3ikI9BO

Show HN: Nothingly – The gift of nothing https://nothing.ly/ January 14, 2021 at 08:10PM

Show HN: StaticBackend – A web and mobile back end without lock-in https://ift.tt/3nEjxow

Show HN: StaticBackend – A web and mobile back end without lock-in https://ift.tt/2XD60TN January 14, 2021 at 03:43PM

Show HN: Control – Accelerate and automate security and SOC2 compliance for free https://ift.tt/3icUFD4

Show HN: Control – Accelerate and automate security and SOC2 compliance for free https://ift.tt/2XEHgu7 January 14, 2021 at 08:47PM

Show HN: Browsing and Searching your Twitter Likes https://ift.tt/35GDKDV

Show HN: Browsing and Searching your Twitter Likes https://ift.tt/3bDJ3Yx January 14, 2021 at 05:20PM

Show HN: Keyboard Control for Hacker News https://ift.tt/3nN6kcV

Show HN: Keyboard Control for Hacker News https://ift.tt/3m6FawP January 14, 2021 at 04:12PM

Show HN: I've launched a Scala job board. Feedback welcome https://ift.tt/38HTmsP

Show HN: I've launched a Scala job board. Feedback welcome https://scalajobs.dev/ January 14, 2021 at 11:15AM

Show HN: OpenGL/Golang Pixel Destruction Game https://ift.tt/2LPv9ro

Show HN: OpenGL/Golang Pixel Destruction Game https://ift.tt/2HPAeyy January 14, 2021 at 12:57PM

Show HN: Custom link shortener using Cloudflare Workers and KV https://ift.tt/2LwGkWj

Show HN: Custom link shortener using Cloudflare Workers and KV https://ift.tt/2XDvzE6 January 14, 2021 at 09:01AM

الأربعاء، 13 يناير 2021

Show HN: Clendar, a Minimal Calendar App https://ift.tt/2LnoDZq

Show HN: Clendar, a Minimal Calendar App https://ift.tt/3nLKNBw January 14, 2021 at 08:18AM

Show HN: rePOWCHA – CAPTCHA that stops Humans, powered by crypto https://ift.tt/3oM0uKc

Show HN: rePOWCHA – CAPTCHA that stops Humans, powered by crypto https://repowcha.com January 14, 2021 at 07:49AM

Show HN: A Heart Rate Monitor App Written in Vanilla JavaScript https://ift.tt/2LuQ6Iy

Show HN: A Heart Rate Monitor App Written in Vanilla JavaScript https://ift.tt/2XFDZe2 January 14, 2021 at 01:19AM

Show HN: Listen to any web article in your podcast player https://ift.tt/3icdYfL

Show HN: Listen to any web article in your podcast player http://audiblogs.com January 14, 2021 at 12:38AM

Show HN: I made a Chrome extension to instantly show recipes without scrolling https://ift.tt/3oTufZy

Show HN: I made a Chrome extension to instantly show recipes without scrolling http://repibox.com/ January 13, 2021 at 10:25PM

Show HN: Generate cover photos for all social media – Try for free https://ift.tt/3smOvoH

Show HN: Generate cover photos for all social media – Try for free https://www.gabzzle.com January 13, 2021 at 08:21PM

Show HN: GS2JSON: Turn any Google Sheet to a JSON – No login – open-source https://ift.tt/35AFheE

Show HN: GS2JSON: Turn any Google Sheet to a JSON – No login – open-source https://ift.tt/2LtW4tc January 13, 2021 at 09:53PM

Show HN: I created a writing course specifically for HN https://ift.tt/2MWcXNn

Show HN: I created a writing course specifically for HN https://ift.tt/3oHBOTk January 13, 2021 at 08:06PM

Show HN: Open-source Golang OAuth2 provider Ory Hydra 1.9 https://ift.tt/3oL5X44

Show HN: Open-source Golang OAuth2 provider Ory Hydra 1.9 https://ift.tt/2LpvTnq January 13, 2021 at 07:08PM

Show HN: Open-Source Time Tracker https://ift.tt/2KbXGHt

Show HN: Open-Source Time Tracker https://timetagger.app/ January 13, 2021 at 06:57PM

Show HN: Share and Embed Executable Apps, Websites, Directory Snapshots https://ift.tt/2LlzfrL

Show HN: Share and Embed Executable Apps, Websites, Directory Snapshots https://gist.cafe January 13, 2021 at 06:38PM

Show HN: PlanckForth: Bootstrapping an Interpreter from Handwritten 1KB Binary https://ift.tt/2LwUwhX

Show HN: PlanckForth: Bootstrapping an Interpreter from Handwritten 1KB Binary https://ift.tt/2XBf23w January 13, 2021 at 03:31PM

Show HN: Modularity can be achieved by implementing hexagonal architecture https://ift.tt/3oHXRcj

Show HN: Modularity can be achieved by implementing hexagonal architecture https://ift.tt/3bwfwA9 January 13, 2021 at 02:50PM

Show HN: Waver – Messaging Through Sound https://ift.tt/3oFsfEt

Show HN: Waver – Messaging Through Sound https://ift.tt/2MxDh07 January 13, 2021 at 04:04PM

Show HN: Simplest and cleanest RSS Search Engine in the world https://ift.tt/3oAz9ux

Show HN: Simplest and cleanest RSS Search Engine in the world https://datorss.com January 13, 2021 at 02:03PM

Show HN: Soundescape – Generative 3D audio environments for focused work https://ift.tt/2XHrRJr

Show HN: Soundescape – Generative 3D audio environments for focused work https://soundescape.io/ January 13, 2021 at 01:06PM

الثلاثاء، 12 يناير 2021

Show HN: Grafito – Portable, Serverless and Light SQLite-Based Graph Database https://ift.tt/39sCbur

Show HN: Grafito – Portable, Serverless and Light SQLite-Based Graph Database https://ift.tt/3qdk1ng January 13, 2021 at 10:39AM

Show HN: Flowfill: pack images and videos into a rectangle https://ift.tt/3ijT2nv

Show HN: Flowfill: pack images and videos into a rectangle https://ift.tt/3bz0EB9 January 13, 2021 at 06:36AM

Show HN: I made NIGHT.FM, a cyberpunk-inspired online radio https://ift.tt/3oGKQQi

Show HN: I made NIGHT.FM, a cyberpunk-inspired online radio https://night.fm/ January 13, 2021 at 06:51AM

Show HN: Cosmic Merge Requests – Git-like workflows for CMS content https://ift.tt/3oHXtea

Show HN: Cosmic Merge Requests – Git-like workflows for CMS content https://ift.tt/3i4WphX January 12, 2021 at 09:16PM

Show HN: Climate Change App https://ift.tt/3qdLiG3

Show HN: Climate Change App https://ift.tt/2IYC1ly January 12, 2021 at 10:12PM

Show HN: Vantage – An alternative AWS console focused on developer experience https://ift.tt/3q7DbuG

Show HN: Vantage – An alternative AWS console focused on developer experience https://www.vantage.sh/ January 12, 2021 at 10:09PM

Show HN: Amplication – Instantly Generate Node.js Apps with GraphQL and REST API https://ift.tt/3sddCdH

Show HN: Amplication – Instantly Generate Node.js Apps with GraphQL and REST API https://ift.tt/2Wo98Cn January 12, 2021 at 08:49PM

Show HN: Control the browser's tabs from the command line https://ift.tt/2XwknsX

Show HN: Control the browser's tabs from the command line https://ift.tt/2Yso9oL January 12, 2021 at 08:25PM

Show HN: Chrome extension to collapse and expand HN parent comments threads https://ift.tt/39mCsPK

Show HN: Chrome extension to collapse and expand HN parent comments threads https://ift.tt/3oE6Xad January 12, 2021 at 07:50PM

Show HN: Native, infinitely nest-able notes with multi-dimensional tagging https://ift.tt/3oEg9ey

Show HN: Native, infinitely nest-able notes with multi-dimensional tagging https://northnotes.app January 12, 2021 at 02:36PM

Show HN: Learn Japanese Vocabulary Visually https://ift.tt/3shWu6w

Show HN: Learn Japanese Vocabulary Visually https://ift.tt/3qhzsLj January 12, 2021 at 01:17PM

Show HN: See the Price of Stocks in BTC https://ift.tt/3shzggQ

Show HN: See the Price of Stocks in BTC https://ift.tt/3bx5lLu January 12, 2021 at 12:34PM

Show HN: A CRM demo customer entity defined in a low code tool I'm writing https://ift.tt/3i52R8p

Show HN: A CRM demo customer entity defined in a low code tool I'm writing https://ift.tt/3shu5xq January 12, 2021 at 11:56AM

Show HN: A cool Drag-and-Drop implementation for Svelte https://ift.tt/3oBScEX

Show HN: A cool Drag-and-Drop implementation for Svelte https://ift.tt/331lmFj January 12, 2021 at 10:40AM

الاثنين، 11 يناير 2021

Show HN: Symmetrical Drawing Tool for Doodling https://ift.tt/2XAgrak

Show HN: Symmetrical Drawing Tool for Doodling https://ift.tt/3siYNq3 January 12, 2021 at 07:29AM

Show HN: Sieve – Filter Out Jobs with Broken Hiring Practices, Recruiter Spam https://ift.tt/3sjwFmo

Show HN: Sieve – Filter Out Jobs with Broken Hiring Practices, Recruiter Spam https://sievejobs.com/ January 12, 2021 at 05:04AM

Show HN: Hacn – a React “monad” implemented using F#/Fable https://ift.tt/2MWhiQT

Show HN: Hacn – a React “monad” implemented using F#/Fable https://ift.tt/2Ju6XdH January 12, 2021 at 12:00AM

Show HN: DatoJi fastest JSON storage service ever made https://ift.tt/3hZZzU4

Show HN: DatoJi fastest JSON storage service ever made https://datoji.dev January 11, 2021 at 10:25PM

Show HN: Porting traditional interactive fiction to mobile (Counterfeit Monkey) https://ift.tt/39kBhA5

Show HN: Porting traditional interactive fiction to mobile (Counterfeit Monkey) https://ift.tt/2LdCZeN January 11, 2021 at 10:23PM

Show HN: McPiper 1.3 – track Gitlab CI/CD pipelines from macOS status bar https://ift.tt/35vekJg

Show HN: McPiper 1.3 – track Gitlab CI/CD pipelines from macOS status bar https://ift.tt/2BFHQ3l January 11, 2021 at 10:21PM

Show HN: Thumbnail.ai – Just paste a blog post link and get a thumbnail https://ift.tt/3q7ttbK

Show HN: Thumbnail.ai – Just paste a blog post link and get a thumbnail https://thumbnail.ai/ January 11, 2021 at 10:05PM

Show HN: I made ngork but for game servers https://ift.tt/2MLn33C

Show HN: I made ngork but for game servers https://playit.gg/ January 11, 2021 at 06:41PM

Show HN: Track live crypto prices across exchanges in your notification tray https://ift.tt/2MP0XNH

Show HN: Track live crypto prices across exchanges in your notification tray https://cryptowale.com/ January 11, 2021 at 01:45PM

الأحد، 10 يناير 2021

Show HN: CLI Heaviside text processing tool https://ift.tt/38yJjGg

Show HN: CLI Heaviside text processing tool https://ift.tt/2LayVMn January 11, 2021 at 01:47AM

Show HN: Using flamegraphs to read big HN threads https://ift.tt/2Xu5ibq

Show HN: Using flamegraphs to read big HN threads https://ift.tt/3q5ExGj January 10, 2021 at 04:03PM

Show HN: Build a wall of testimonials with videos/tweets/text. Here is mine https://ift.tt/35w2zCG

Show HN: Build a wall of testimonials with videos/tweets/text. Here is mine https://ift.tt/3bqIX6B January 11, 2021 at 01:47AM

Show HN: I built an app to amplify the voice of the customer https://ift.tt/35pZLXK

Show HN: I built an app to amplify the voice of the customer https://shieldvoc.com/ January 11, 2021 at 12:29AM

Show HN: OnlyCows, the worlds first Cow based NSFW platform https://ift.tt/35uSyFF

Show HN: OnlyCows, the worlds first Cow based NSFW platform http://onlycows.sexy January 11, 2021 at 12:47AM

Show HN: We made a Discord community for sharing projects, finding co-founders https://ift.tt/39h60hz

Show HN: We made a Discord community for sharing projects, finding co-founders https://ift.tt/3q3mErN January 10, 2021 at 07:59PM

Show HN: Dexter, a Voice Controlled Assistant https://ift.tt/35vccRQ

Show HN: Dexter, a Voice Controlled Assistant https://ift.tt/2XsyLlU January 10, 2021 at 11:12PM

Show HN: Pmbuild: A simple, configurable and extendible build system for gamedev https://ift.tt/3bx2ket

Show HN: Pmbuild: A simple, configurable and extendible build system for gamedev https://ift.tt/3ns3f1P January 10, 2021 at 08:24PM

Show HN: A Gmail tool to trim away annoying mailing lists https://ift.tt/3i1OVfx

Show HN: A Gmail tool to trim away annoying mailing lists https://trimbox.io/ January 10, 2021 at 06:59PM

Show HN: Ephemere – End-to-end encrypted and ephemeral messaging https://ift.tt/2LkAZ4b

Show HN: Ephemere – End-to-end encrypted and ephemeral messaging https://ephemere.app January 10, 2021 at 02:54PM

Show HN: Dataset of Sarcastic HN Comments https://ift.tt/38ApD5f

Show HN: Dataset of Sarcastic HN Comments https://ift.tt/2LDtrt6 January 10, 2021 at 02:59PM

Show HN: Vocabulary Learning Browser Extension https://ift.tt/3q7BjlH

Show HN: Vocabulary Learning Browser Extension https://ift.tt/39jKfxG January 10, 2021 at 12:49PM

Show HN: Array – A Better Python List https://ift.tt/35rFIrM

Show HN: Array – A Better Python List https://ift.tt/38tmTpV January 10, 2021 at 04:10PM

Show HN: JPEG.rocks – Optimize JPEG images using WebAssembly https://ift.tt/38v4RUz

Show HN: JPEG.rocks – Optimize JPEG images using WebAssembly https://jpeg.rocks January 10, 2021 at 12:25PM

السبت، 9 يناير 2021

Show HN: Aqua – Invest in Private Equity for a Lower Minimum Investment https://ift.tt/2XtXvKB

Show HN: Aqua – Invest in Private Equity for a Lower Minimum Investment https://ift.tt/2MSMn89 January 10, 2021 at 02:17AM

Show HN: JSON Graphs – Create Graphviz Visualizations with JSON Data https://ift.tt/3ownUmV

Show HN: JSON Graphs – Create Graphviz Visualizations with JSON Data https://nounparse.com/ January 10, 2021 at 02:34AM

Show HN: JavaScript Program Synthesis https://ift.tt/2K4eFvg

Show HN: JavaScript Program Synthesis https://ift.tt/2JMW7PR January 10, 2021 at 01:38AM

Show HN: Make CSS shapes with mathematical functions https://ift.tt/2XowlEG

Show HN: Make CSS shapes with mathematical functions https://ift.tt/35pUoYB January 9, 2021 at 09:02PM

Show HN: Source for Helm chart that uses Ansible to set up a hardened WordPress https://ift.tt/3q2eZKg

Show HN: Source for Helm chart that uses Ansible to set up a hardened WordPress https://ift.tt/3nnsEda January 9, 2021 at 03:33PM

Show HN: DevBooks – Help Developers find indy books https://ift.tt/39v4N6z

Show HN: DevBooks – Help Developers find indy books https://ift.tt/3hXQ2wE January 9, 2021 at 12:43PM

Show HN: Convier.me – A Calendar Service for Developers https://ift.tt/39j6DXZ

Show HN: Convier.me – A Calendar Service for Developers https://convier.me January 9, 2021 at 11:26AM

الجمعة، 8 يناير 2021

Show HN: KataScript, new language looking for feedback https://ift.tt/2K2kYPY

Show HN: KataScript, new language looking for feedback https://ift.tt/33sVEca January 9, 2021 at 05:41AM

Show HN: Esochess, customized chess (3/4 player, capablanca, two king) in C/WASM https://ift.tt/35l6LVO

Show HN: Esochess, customized chess (3/4 player, capablanca, two king) in C/WASM https://esochess.net January 9, 2021 at 03:23AM

Show HN: TinyTV DIY Kit https://ift.tt/2Lijod8

Show HN: TinyTV DIY Kit https://ift.tt/38rccnW January 9, 2021 at 12:46AM

Show HN: ThermOS – A DIY multi-zone homekit compatible thermostat https://ift.tt/3bnqfNo

Show HN: ThermOS – A DIY multi-zone homekit compatible thermostat https://ift.tt/35n6gup January 8, 2021 at 09:30PM

Show HN: An online GPX file editor https://ift.tt/3nnU4Qd

Show HN: An online GPX file editor https://ift.tt/3s4PYjt January 8, 2021 at 08:20PM

Show HN: Thumbnail.ai – Automatically generate thumbnails for your blog posts https://ift.tt/35jxBxm

Show HN: Thumbnail.ai – Automatically generate thumbnails for your blog posts https://thumbnail.ai/ January 8, 2021 at 10:20PM

Show HN: Fourhands is a P2P MIDI jam room for pianists https://ift.tt/3bl5TUX

Show HN: Fourhands is a P2P MIDI jam room for pianists https://ift.tt/38qRoNu January 8, 2021 at 07:56PM

Show HN: 19 y/o earned $200K selling a software now launching my SaaS https://ift.tt/2XAgVO5

Show HN: 19 y/o earned $200K selling a software now launching my SaaS http://www.ektora.com/ January 8, 2021 at 04:28PM

Show HN: Bufferi.ng: fake a bad connection on zoom https://ift.tt/3oqPAJH

Show HN: Bufferi.ng: fake a bad connection on zoom Https://www.bufferi.ng January 8, 2021 at 04:54PM

Show HN: Ecco – See what your NLP language model is “thinking” https://ift.tt/3hSfG69

Show HN: Ecco – See what your NLP language model is “thinking” https://www.eccox.io/ January 8, 2021 at 04:08PM

Show HN: A lean HTML editor with instant preview https://ift.tt/3pYq6Uw

Show HN: A lean HTML editor with instant preview https://ift.tt/3s7iUY8 January 8, 2021 at 04:06PM

Show HN: Vuex-light – state management library for Vue 3 https://ift.tt/3nmv2kt

Show HN: Vuex-light – state management library for Vue 3 https://ift.tt/2LsyZXs January 8, 2021 at 03:48PM

Show HN: Where is the “average” person in each US state? https://ift.tt/38nlHoe

Show HN: Where is the “average” person in each US state? https://ift.tt/3hTyKRc January 8, 2021 at 01:00PM

الخميس، 7 يناير 2021

Show HN: I built a fear setting webapp to help rationalize fear and achieve more https://ift.tt/3nqpPI4

Show HN: I built a fear setting webapp to help rationalize fear and achieve more https://ift.tt/2L2Oh5x January 8, 2021 at 07:31AM

Show HN: Leet Resumes – a free technical resume-writing service https://ift.tt/2LuPXEy

Show HN: Leet Resumes – a free technical resume-writing service https://ift.tt/38q9dfi January 8, 2021 at 02:30AM

Show HN: Deckmill – affordable, high quality, language-learning flashcards https://ift.tt/3pZ67oO

Show HN: Deckmill – affordable, high quality, language-learning flashcards https://deckmill.com/ January 8, 2021 at 12:35AM

Show HN: I built a 4kb alternative to React, Vue, etc for building web UIs. https://ift.tt/3ok3EEV

Show HN: I built a 4kb alternative to React, Vue, etc for building web UIs. https://synergyjs.org January 8, 2021 at 12:50AM

Show HN: DroidGraph, test GraphQL API from your phone https://ift.tt/3bjXEbM

Show HN: DroidGraph, test GraphQL API from your phone https://ift.tt/2IHT1My January 7, 2021 at 11:18PM

Show HN: 500 ML, Deep learning, CV, and NLP Projects with code https://ift.tt/3bj56Ub

Show HN: 500 ML, Deep learning, CV, and NLP Projects with code https://ift.tt/2L6D97r January 7, 2021 at 08:29PM

Show HN: AI-generated framed prints artworks https://ift.tt/2Xhadwb

Show HN: AI-generated framed prints artworks http://uniqueaiart.com/ January 7, 2021 at 06:35PM

Show HN: I built an intercom for my 6 yo to keep us connected during quarantine https://ift.tt/2JTfYwZ

Show HN: I built an intercom for my 6 yo to keep us connected during quarantine https://ift.tt/3npMV1H January 7, 2021 at 07:11PM

Show HN: Fastest Remote Recruitment Software, 1 Click, 1 Job/Hire https://ift.tt/3s0qFil

Show HN: Fastest Remote Recruitment Software, 1 Click, 1 Job/Hire https://likeava.com January 7, 2021 at 07:06PM

Show HN: Track cargo across shipping lines and railroads https://ift.tt/3oiYxEZ

Show HN: Track cargo across shipping lines and railroads https://ift.tt/2WSgOgs January 7, 2021 at 06:59PM

الأربعاء، 6 يناير 2021

Show HN: How to setup contact form on static page with Amazon Lambda https://ift.tt/38m2DH2

Show HN: How to setup contact form on static page with Amazon Lambda https://ift.tt/35fzsTK January 7, 2021 at 07:22AM

Show HN: Autonomous Haiku Machine: Haiku Written by AI https://ift.tt/2JRj5p3

Show HN: Autonomous Haiku Machine: Haiku Written by AI https://ift.tt/3beHQa7 January 7, 2021 at 07:14AM

Show HN: I made a free iOS 14 home screen icon generator https://ift.tt/38mTqOk

Show HN: I made a free iOS 14 home screen icon generator https://ift.tt/3pTarWs January 7, 2021 at 04:01AM

Show HN: High-five strangers around the world in real-time https://ift.tt/35dFcgL

Show HN: High-five strangers around the world in real-time https://h1ghf1ve.me/ January 7, 2021 at 02:33AM

Show HN: v8-riscv — Port of JavaScript V8 engine to RISC-V https://ift.tt/38im8Aa

Show HN: v8-riscv — Port of JavaScript V8 engine to RISC-V https://ift.tt/2XeYb6f January 7, 2021 at 02:18AM

Show HN: CSS-powered hover-animations library https://ift.tt/3hWDrKk

Show HN: CSS-powered hover-animations library Hello, I've created a CSS-library called sunset.css. If offers a collection of (hopefully) useful CSS-powered hover-animations and also some animations that react to clicks instead. It's my first open-source project so I try to make everything right: * I created a npm-project so it is available on npmjs and CDNs * I created a public github-repository with a wiki for documentation * I created a landing page to show off the animations I'd love to here some feedback about all of this! :) Here are the links: https://ift.tt/3pToRpB https://sunsetcss.com -------------- I have hidden the original post, because it didn't follow the rule to add "Show HN". January 7, 2021 at 01:32AM

Show HN: Microsoft Office 97 clipart converted to SVG https://ift.tt/3oleCdr

Show HN: Microsoft Office 97 clipart converted to SVG https://ift.tt/3q8BCgj January 7, 2021 at 01:21AM

Show HN: Experimental Semantic Code Explorer https://ift.tt/3bgq2v2

Show HN: Experimental Semantic Code Explorer https://ift.tt/3bbB4lr January 7, 2021 at 01:18AM

Show HN: TileFlip – A Rule-Based Visualization Playground https://ift.tt/2Xgwv0Z

Show HN: TileFlip – A Rule-Based Visualization Playground https://tileflip.xyz January 6, 2021 at 08:53PM

Show HN: I have written a cloud native dark web crawler in Go https://ift.tt/3bj7vhN

Show HN: I have written a cloud native dark web crawler in Go https://ift.tt/38hNdn2 January 6, 2021 at 09:33PM

Show HN: I made a website with job offers only from product based companies https://ift.tt/3nkJTf1

Show HN: I made a website with job offers only from product based companies https://ift.tt/3id2TLn January 6, 2021 at 09:05PM

Show HN: JiffyCV – Build Tailored CVs in a Jiffy https://ift.tt/3hRg19c

Show HN: JiffyCV – Build Tailored CVs in a Jiffy https://jiffycv.com January 6, 2021 at 08:02PM

Show HN: I built the antithesis of Zoom. Add GIFs, stickers, BGs. Talk like IRL https://ift.tt/2Mz0COZ

Show HN: I built the antithesis of Zoom. Add GIFs, stickers, BGs. Talk like IRL https://reslash.co January 6, 2021 at 04:43PM

Show HN: Collection of free illustrations like undraw https://ift.tt/2JTfcQC

Show HN: Collection of free illustrations like undraw https://ift.tt/3nm74Wp January 6, 2021 at 05:41PM

Show HN: Incremental learning of polynomials (and other LIP models) with IRMA https://ift.tt/35hGeZj

Show HN: Incremental learning of polynomials (and other LIP models) with IRMA https://ift.tt/2LqC4HC January 6, 2021 at 05:10PM

Show HN: Ultra minimal and open source Android launcher (22 kB) https://ift.tt/38jW4oo

Show HN: Ultra minimal and open source Android launcher (22 kB) https://ift.tt/2XdTs4K January 6, 2021 at 05:05PM

Show HN: Covid-19 Vaccination Tracker https://ift.tt/35e1mzH

Show HN: Covid-19 Vaccination Tracker https://ift.tt/3onDIZc January 6, 2021 at 01:19PM

Show HN: Hurl – Run and test HTTP requests https://ift.tt/3njTX8e

Show HN: Hurl – Run and test HTTP requests https://hurl.dev January 6, 2021 at 12:25PM

الثلاثاء، 5 يناير 2021

Show HN: VersioningRight – a rabbit hole of research on version numbering https://ift.tt/3pQD7iS

Show HN: VersioningRight – a rabbit hole of research on version numbering https://ift.tt/392tPs2 January 6, 2021 at 07:11AM

Show HN: Extension.dev – quickly build custom internal Chrome extensions https://ift.tt/398ljZE

Show HN: Extension.dev – quickly build custom internal Chrome extensions https://extension.dev/ January 6, 2021 at 04:00AM

Show HN: Build your own programming language in C++ https://ift.tt/2Lrm33T

Show HN: Build your own programming language in C++ https://ift.tt/3aYy9MG January 6, 2021 at 03:41AM

Show HN: I Built a Swipeless Tinder Prototype Using iOS 14's Vision Hand Pose https://ift.tt/2Mr181t

Show HN: I Built a Swipeless Tinder Prototype Using iOS 14's Vision Hand Pose https://ift.tt/2XfWIwx January 6, 2021 at 12:20AM

Show HN: Commandline first app for capturing notes and reflections in markdown https://ift.tt/2MBN6dD

Show HN: Commandline first app for capturing notes and reflections in markdown https://ift.tt/3pSHwln January 5, 2021 at 11:37PM

Show HN: Mljar Automated Machine Learning for Tabular Data (Explanation,AutoDoc) https://ift.tt/3ni7Gwn

Show HN: Mljar Automated Machine Learning for Tabular Data (Explanation,AutoDoc) https://ift.tt/2LiAdBc January 5, 2021 at 04:13PM

Show HN: Cmap – interactive visualization library for concept map https://ift.tt/35cm3vH

Show HN: Cmap – interactive visualization library for concept map https://ift.tt/3b98ZLr January 5, 2021 at 03:38PM

Show HN: Hill Runner – First Game https://ift.tt/2XbAr3d

Show HN: Hill Runner – First Game https://ift.tt/2JL63cE January 5, 2021 at 08:49PM

Show HN: OpenFaaS template for headless Chrome and Puppeteer https://ift.tt/3bbDosM

Show HN: OpenFaaS template for headless Chrome and Puppeteer https://ift.tt/3myjvhZ January 5, 2021 at 07:34PM

Show HN: CheerpX – x86 Node.js/python3/Ruby REPL in browser via WebAssembly JIT https://ift.tt/3nguxs3

Show HN: CheerpX – x86 Node.js/python3/Ruby REPL in browser via WebAssembly JIT https://ift.tt/3neskx5 January 5, 2021 at 06:46PM

Show HN: Superfast KV store for React Native https://ift.tt/2LmKtvw

Show HN: Superfast KV store for React Native https://ift.tt/3oiJmeT January 5, 2021 at 06:26PM

Show HN: Unclack – a macOS app that auto-mutes your keyboard https://ift.tt/2LnetYk

Show HN: Unclack – a macOS app that auto-mutes your keyboard https://unclack.app January 5, 2021 at 04:27PM

Show HN: I'm building a website where people can swap books https://ift.tt/38ccyi5

Show HN: I'm building a website where people can swap books Https://swapiverse.com/ January 5, 2021 at 09:34AM

Show HN: Vanity. A Vim plugin for managing color schemes https://ift.tt/2JR98YU

Show HN: Vanity. A Vim plugin for managing color schemes https://ift.tt/3pNLBr2 January 5, 2021 at 02:36PM

Show HN: 3D-Parallax, an XP of 3D on a single 2D image using the parallax effect https://ift.tt/39h2Ien

Show HN: 3D-Parallax, an XP of 3D on a single 2D image using the parallax effect https://ift.tt/3hKXpYj January 5, 2021 at 11:32AM

الاثنين، 4 يناير 2021

Show HN: Discord for Businesses Vicegamers https://ift.tt/2X8PBGn

Show HN: Discord for Businesses Vicegamers https://ift.tt/3pQv0Ty January 5, 2021 at 07:26AM

Show HN: Handel – A procedural programming language for writing songs in browser https://ift.tt/3rSCo2s

Show HN: Handel – A procedural programming language for writing songs in browser https://ift.tt/3b52Yzz January 5, 2021 at 06:45AM

Show HN: I made a new GraphQL IDE – grepql, generates every queries from schema https://ift.tt/3neSHTM

Show HN: I made a new GraphQL IDE – grepql, generates every queries from schema https://ift.tt/3pSbuWu January 5, 2021 at 04:05AM

Show HN: PolicyTrail – Paste in your app's privacy policy and deploy in seconds https://ift.tt/3ogB5rQ

Show HN: PolicyTrail – Paste in your app's privacy policy and deploy in seconds https://ift.tt/3g8qSdP January 5, 2021 at 12:04AM

Show HN: TensorFlow for .NET and Unity ML Agents https://ift.tt/35aGysJ

Show HN: TensorFlow for .NET and Unity ML Agents https://ift.tt/3q0O69J January 4, 2021 at 11:22PM

Show HN: I made an alternative platform for professional profiles https://ift.tt/3oejctS

Show HN: I made an alternative platform for professional profiles https://read.cv January 4, 2021 at 09:04PM

Show HN: Open-source customer support on Telegram https://ift.tt/3naOQao

Show HN: Open-source customer support on Telegram https://ift.tt/3o314my January 4, 2021 at 06:51PM

Show HN: Crash course statistics and asset pricing 4 newbies to bank/risk [pdf] https://ift.tt/38aiCrh

Show HN: Crash course statistics and asset pricing 4 newbies to bank/risk [pdf] https://ift.tt/2X9rUxK January 4, 2021 at 05:53PM

Show HN: Super fast lookup of ingredient combinations https://ift.tt/2X6JuCa

Show HN: Super fast lookup of ingredient combinations https://ift.tt/34tZP7f January 4, 2021 at 04:30PM

Show HN: Autocomplete Python Code with Transformers https://ift.tt/3887wTQ

Show HN: Autocomplete Python Code with Transformers This is a small project we created to train a character level autoregressive transformer (or LSTM) model to predict Python source code. We trained it on GitHub repositories found on awesome pytorch list. Github repo: https://ift.tt/3pNn9pS You can try training on Google Colab: https://ift.tt/3887Fqm Here are some sample evaluations/visualizations of the trained model: https://ift.tt/38d7Y38 Working on a simple VSCode extension to test this out. Will open source it soon on the same repository. January 4, 2021 at 02:31PM

Show HN: Organizedly – Linked notes, todo's, calendar and queries https://ift.tt/3b36kCX

Show HN: Organizedly – Linked notes, todo's, calendar and queries https://organizedly.io January 3, 2021 at 07:21PM

Show HN: Product Discovery: A no-nonsense guide https://ift.tt/3hCAkHg

Show HN: Product Discovery: A no-nonsense guide https://ift.tt/38UQnfD January 4, 2021 at 10:44AM

الأحد، 3 يناير 2021

Show HN: Lightspeed – subsecond, open source, self hosted stream from OBS https://ift.tt/3hHbbva

Show HN: Lightspeed – subsecond, open source, self hosted stream from OBS https://ift.tt/3rQg75l January 4, 2021 at 07:31AM

Show HN: Write For Your Reader, a weekend project for nested writing https://ift.tt/3rSbMif

Show HN: Write For Your Reader, a weekend project for nested writing https://ift.tt/3oovGiN January 4, 2021 at 04:13AM

Show HN: Duuce – marketplace for buying/selling newsletters https://ift.tt/2MrbzSJ

Show HN: Duuce – marketplace for buying/selling newsletters https://duuce.com January 4, 2021 at 04:20AM

Show HN: Ngext – A routing framework for Angular inspired by React's nextjs https://ift.tt/3hEoY5n

Show HN: Ngext – A routing framework for Angular inspired by React's nextjs https://ift.tt/356f9s9 January 4, 2021 at 03:02AM

Show HN: Unique macOS system monitor app https://ift.tt/3b4SekD

Show HN: Unique macOS system monitor app https://ift.tt/3pNjnwK January 4, 2021 at 12:03AM

Show HN: DashingDev – a card deck that guides programmers https://ift.tt/2JEcnTd

Show HN: DashingDev – a card deck that guides programmers https://ift.tt/3pOziKT January 3, 2021 at 10:08PM

Show HN: CoinBLAS – Bitcoin Analysis with the GraphBLAS https://ift.tt/3hCgFXQ

Show HN: CoinBLAS – Bitcoin Analysis with the GraphBLAS https://ift.tt/3b42OIL January 3, 2021 at 10:03PM

Show HN: Speedreader.xyz – train yourself to read faster https://ift.tt/3pPpYGV

Show HN: Speedreader.xyz – train yourself to read faster https://ift.tt/355DSwy January 3, 2021 at 09:26PM

Show HN: Automatic Baseball Pitching Motion and Trajectory Overlay in Realtime https://ift.tt/3b4jBve

Show HN: Automatic Baseball Pitching Motion and Trajectory Overlay in Realtime https://ift.tt/2LmTVis January 3, 2021 at 08:22PM

Show HN: OpenScan – open-source document scanner app https://ift.tt/38Xfv5b

Show HN: OpenScan – open-source document scanner app https://ift.tt/2L07410 January 3, 2021 at 06:57PM

Show HN: Let's Build a Version Control System https://ift.tt/2X5JVNg

Show HN: Let's Build a Version Control System https://ift.tt/2JCama9 January 2, 2021 at 10:26AM

Show HN: Fast and spec-compliant printf implementation in JavaScript https://ift.tt/3ogswgY

Show HN: Fast and spec-compliant printf implementation in JavaScript https://ift.tt/2X6nd7O January 3, 2021 at 07:24AM

Show HN: Think an AI can’t write, design and code? Think again https://ift.tt/3547RVH

Show HN: Think an AI can’t write, design and code? Think again https://ift.tt/3rQSnOH January 3, 2021 at 04:34PM

Show HN: I made a free documentation tool https://ift.tt/3rNHgpr

Show HN: I made a free documentation tool https://sidepage.co January 3, 2021 at 01:25PM

Show HN: Powerful Python Pattern Matching Library https://ift.tt/3hDJKCc

Show HN: Powerful Python Pattern Matching Library https://ift.tt/2X7gLx7 January 3, 2021 at 08:18AM

السبت، 2 يناير 2021

Show HN: stationary_vector: A Parallelizable, Low-Latency C++ Vector https://ift.tt/38W5nK3

Show HN: stationary_vector: A Parallelizable, Low-Latency C++ Vector https://ift.tt/2KNAbF3 January 3, 2021 at 09:12AM

Show HN: DFlex – JavaScript Project to Manipulate DOM Elements https://ift.tt/2LcZPCL

Show HN: DFlex – JavaScript Project to Manipulate DOM Elements https://ift.tt/3d4B3Od January 3, 2021 at 06:31AM

Show HN: Airbnb for Musicians https://ift.tt/3rPzZFG

Show HN: Airbnb for Musicians https://noisycamp.com January 3, 2021 at 01:28AM

Show HN: Build your own programming language in C++ https://ift.tt/3hJUwXO

Show HN: Build your own programming language in C++ https://ift.tt/3aYy9MG January 3, 2021 at 03:09AM

Show HN: I made a Chrome extension to add flying snowflakes to all the webpages https://ift.tt/2X2UfWr

Show HN: I made a Chrome extension to add flying snowflakes to all the webpages https://ift.tt/2X6yULv January 2, 2021 at 11:48PM

Show HN: I've just published a CLI to run NPM scripts with changing environments https://ift.tt/384q5rX

Show HN: I've just published a CLI to run NPM scripts with changing environments https://ift.tt/385BtDS January 2, 2021 at 11:23PM

Show HN: MistralCSS – Premade TailwindCSS components to kickstart your projects https://ift.tt/2KW4SaP

Show HN: MistralCSS – Premade TailwindCSS components to kickstart your projects http://mistralcss.com/ January 2, 2021 at 08:50PM

Show HN: I made a horror game about midwestern architecture https://ift.tt/2X0IqzY

Show HN: I made a horror game about midwestern architecture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4yE86prY6g January 2, 2021 at 09:39PM

Show HN: I shot high-res stitched panoramas in Iceland using a thermal camera https://ift.tt/2X0T9dC

Show HN: I shot high-res stitched panoramas in Iceland using a thermal camera https://ift.tt/30wA4jh January 2, 2021 at 09:00PM

Show HN: Check if a GitHub repo is open to contributions https://ift.tt/2Li3VJG

Show HN: Check if a GitHub repo is open to contributions https://ift.tt/3n3Gh13 January 2, 2021 at 07:20PM

Show HN: A Mashup to find LineageOS supported phones that are repairable https://ift.tt/3n1sk3C

Show HN: A Mashup to find LineageOS supported phones that are repairable https://ift.tt/3hIaSAh December 31, 2020 at 04:34PM

Show HN: Open-Source Web/API Monitoring Tool https://ift.tt/38WrKyT

Show HN: Open-Source Web/API Monitoring Tool https://ift.tt/2MtjU8z January 2, 2021 at 05:06PM

Show HN: My personal OKR for 2021 (More to be added) https://ift.tt/3o8Br3T

Show HN: My personal OKR for 2021 (More to be added) https://ift.tt/3rNOnOD January 2, 2021 at 03:22PM

الجمعة، 1 يناير 2021

Show HN: Compiled, buildtime atomic CSS in JavaScript and all your favorite APIs https://ift.tt/3b22ryq

Show HN: Compiled, buildtime atomic CSS in JavaScript and all your favorite APIs https://ift.tt/3bEguIH January 2, 2021 at 10:49AM

Show HN: I Made Cameo for Influencers https://ift.tt/3hyBy6e

Show HN: I Made Cameo for Influencers https://collabstr.com/ January 2, 2021 at 06:09AM

Show HN: Interactive Version of “Programmer's Competency Matrix” https://ift.tt/3pGqVkz

Show HN: Interactive Version of “Programmer's Competency Matrix” https://ift.tt/2KSaTW9 January 2, 2021 at 06:16AM

Show HN: Fast search for no-code tools https://ift.tt/3hxuYgq

Show HN: Fast search for no-code tools https://bearchip.com January 2, 2021 at 05:41AM

Show HN: Using SIMD to decode and encode gigabytes of varints per second in Rust https://ift.tt/3o8BTiq

Show HN: Using SIMD to decode and encode gigabytes of varints per second in Rust https://ift.tt/38E8aYf January 2, 2021 at 05:51AM

Show HN: I Created an Algolia Powered Search for the Top Tech/Engineering Blogs https://ift.tt/3b1xn1I

Show HN: I Created an Algolia Powered Search for the Top Tech/Engineering Blogs https://englog.io January 2, 2021 at 01:44AM

Show HN: Scanning the Web for Security.txt Files https://ift.tt/3rNShqP

Show HN: Scanning the Web for Security.txt Files https://ift.tt/3pCnfR1 January 1, 2021 at 10:06PM

Show HN: Slowbug – Debug your code in slow-mo https://ift.tt/3n4YsU1

Show HN: Slowbug – Debug your code in slow-mo https://ift.tt/3aZopSD January 1, 2021 at 09:09PM

Show HN: A tool to structure your business idea brainstorming https://ift.tt/3pSCyVZ

Show HN: A tool to structure your business idea brainstorming Hey guys. Yesterday, we released a blog post outlining the Niche-Action-Problem system for business idea brainstorming. Today, we wanted to share a completely free tool that we made to help guide you through this process and really structure your thought as you try to come up with a good business idea. Link to the free app: https://ift.tt/33wXQzW Read more about NAP: https://ift.tt/3n1wZCI January 1, 2021 at 08:56PM

Show HN: iMessage Wrapped – your year in texts https://ift.tt/2KJ00pH

Show HN: iMessage Wrapped – your year in texts https://ift.tt/3pHtiUs January 1, 2021 at 07:33PM

Show HN: SimpleLocalize – simple, clean, user-friendly translation management https://ift.tt/3n9zSkO

Show HN: SimpleLocalize – simple, clean, user-friendly translation management https://ift.tt/2QlQuum January 1, 2021 at 04:25PM

Show HN: Stasis, a simple static site generator with deployment to S3/CloudFront https://ift.tt/3rUMlwu

Show HN: Stasis, a simple static site generator with deployment to S3/CloudFront https://ift.tt/3mYUtby January 1, 2021 at 06:29PM

Show HN: I made a job board that doesn't allow HackerRank tests https://ift.tt/3n7rpi5

Show HN: I made a job board that doesn't allow HackerRank tests https://ift.tt/3hw5nEu January 1, 2021 at 05:45PM

Show HN: PJDL 5.0 an open alternative to 1-wire with a range of 2000m https://ift.tt/3hvm4ju

Show HN: PJDL 5.0 an open alternative to 1-wire with a range of 2000m https://ift.tt/3o4skRO January 1, 2021 at 05:24PM

Show HN: Docker-run – API for running code in containers https://ift.tt/3n6OeSU

Show HN: Docker-run – API for running code in containers https://ift.tt/3rKXP5G January 1, 2021 at 04:48PM

Show HN: Self-hosted tool for catching spelling mistakes on websites https://ift.tt/2MpIpn6

Show HN: Self-hosted tool for catching spelling mistakes on websites https://ift.tt/2K0JbWn January 1, 2021 at 02:09PM

Show HN: 7.css – for all Windows 7 lovers https://ift.tt/3hzX4Y9

Show HN: 7.css – for all Windows 7 lovers https://ift.tt/3n1XQhP January 1, 2021 at 12:04PM

Show HN: New Yearly Pricing – 1MB Online IDE and Website Hosting https://ift.tt/3aUTOFL

Show HN: New Yearly Pricing – 1MB Online IDE and Website Hosting https://1mb.co January 1, 2021 at 10:00AM

Show HN: SharePad.io – A collaborative code editor and compiler https://ift.tt/38QdtDV

Show HN: SharePad.io – A collaborative code editor and compiler https://ift.tt/3b4Nzzj January 1, 2021 at 07:15AM