الثلاثاء، 31 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Compile for Arm at native speeds in an emulated system https://ift.tt/38uH2vi

Show HN: Compile for Arm at native speeds in an emulated system https://ift.tt/3jv9tPW September 1, 2021 at 08:29AM

Show HN: Hypothesis and CrossHair demo (concolic / SMT-based PBT) https://ift.tt/3Bu8bLb

Show HN: Hypothesis and CrossHair demo (concolic / SMT-based PBT) https://ift.tt/2Y5U546 September 1, 2021 at 04:51AM

Show HN: I created a digital product, here is how I did it https://ift.tt/2WByjoK

Show HN: I created a digital product, here is how I did it https://ift.tt/3DsiZeu September 1, 2021 at 05:12AM

Show HN: Dynamic Resume Generator https://ift.tt/38shU86

Show HN: Dynamic Resume Generator https://ift.tt/3yyHfbk September 1, 2021 at 02:35AM

Show HN: One-pass lambda-to-C compiler https://ift.tt/3DvjUep

Show HN: One-pass lambda-to-C compiler https://ift.tt/3kKznP5 September 1, 2021 at 02:26AM

Show HN: A Commodore Vic-20 Emulator on the Raspberry Pi Pico https://ift.tt/3kIRswO

Show HN: A Commodore Vic-20 Emulator on the Raspberry Pi Pico https://ift.tt/38r9o9J September 1, 2021 at 02:04AM

Show HN: You've all heard of stock photos, but what about stock text? https://ift.tt/3kzpxzq

Show HN: You've all heard of stock photos, but what about stock text? https://uicopy.io September 1, 2021 at 01:18AM

Show HN: Market analysis framework for rental property investors https://ift.tt/3gOAQmg

Show HN: Market analysis framework for rental property investors https://ift.tt/3kMuncS September 1, 2021 at 12:51AM

Show HN: CLI for authentication into AWS right from your terminal (supports MFA) https://ift.tt/3mKYV17

Show HN: CLI for authentication into AWS right from your terminal (supports MFA) https://ift.tt/3zxsXsF August 31, 2021 at 11:48PM

Show HN: I made an app to draw stickers for iMessage, Discord, and Slack https://ift.tt/3t0c1J3

Show HN: I made an app to draw stickers for iMessage, Discord, and Slack https://ift.tt/2YfljWb August 31, 2021 at 09:36PM

Show HN: BokehCamera: Blur webcam background photorealistically using RealSense https://ift.tt/3yru3Vy

Show HN: BokehCamera: Blur webcam background photorealistically using RealSense https://ift.tt/3t3CEwD August 31, 2021 at 08:52PM

Show HN: Whole-fleet continuous profiler for C/C++/Rust/Go/JVM/Python/Ruby/PHP https://ift.tt/2YhKGqx

Show HN: Whole-fleet continuous profiler for C/C++/Rust/Go/JVM/Python/Ruby/PHP https://ift.tt/3gJkDyL August 31, 2021 at 07:41PM

Show HN: I made a Gravatar-like service for favicons https://ift.tt/2WFM0Te

Show HN: I made a Gravatar-like service for favicons https://icon.horse August 31, 2021 at 07:27PM

Show HN: Jax Transformer implementation from scratch with notes https://ift.tt/3ywwTIW

Show HN: Jax Transformer implementation from scratch with notes https://ift.tt/3t283zx August 31, 2021 at 10:16AM

Show HN: HACK - Android iOS macOS client for Hacker News with reply notification https://ift.tt/3sZ45Yu

Show HN: HACK - Android iOS macOS client for Hacker News with reply notification https://ift.tt/3jvIq79 August 31, 2021 at 04:21PM

Show HN: Follow GitHub repos the way you like https://ift.tt/2WIcvYg

Show HN: Follow GitHub repos the way you like https://ohmycode.cc August 31, 2021 at 04:13PM

الاثنين، 30 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Skybison, an optimized greenfield Python runtime https://ift.tt/3jtZmuu

Show HN: Skybison, an optimized greenfield Python runtime https://ift.tt/2WBxVX2 August 31, 2021 at 03:57AM

Show HN: Open-Source Cloud Security Alert Contextualization https://ift.tt/3Bladgo

Show HN: Open-Source Cloud Security Alert Contextualization https://ift.tt/38tatgZ August 31, 2021 at 03:57AM

Show HN: Blur Webcam Background on Linux https://ift.tt/3kAiUgl

Show HN: Blur Webcam Background on Linux https://ift.tt/3kws25y August 31, 2021 at 03:30AM

Show HN: Excel for Writers https://ift.tt/2WBMHwG

Show HN: Excel for Writers https://zeminary.com/ August 31, 2021 at 03:28AM

Show HN: NLP Flashcards for Most of the Internet https://ift.tt/3zqcWop

Show HN: NLP Flashcards for Most of the Internet Hello HN! We're Sam and Kanyes. We're building an extension to help you remember what you read online. We're calling it Ferret [1]. When you open Ferret on an HTML page, it generates recall-based questions + answers to reinforce key concepts with NLP. Consider the following toy example where we open Ferret on an explanation of Bayesian statistics. [2] Q: What does the frequentist interpretation view probability as? A: the limit of the relative frequency of an event after many trials Q: What is often computed in Bayesian statistics using mathematical optimization methods? A:The maximum a posteriori We do this by (1) Parsing the DOM tree of an HTML page for

tags on the client, and segmenting these into preprocessed chunks (2) Performing inference on question-generation with a T5-base model pretrained on SQuAD (3) Extractive question-answering with the chunk & question we've generated with RoBERTa, also pretrained on SQuAD. No GPT-3 here— where's the fun in an API call when you can do it yourself. Ferret is built as a React.JS app deployed as a chrome extension, with models hosted on AWS Sagemaker. Finally, why could this be helpful? Human memory is lossy. Psychologists have shown for forever that your memory can be modeled with a forgetting curve. If you don't attempt to retain knowledge, you'll likely lose it. But most of the content we read online (technical blog posts, documentation, course notes, articles) gets ingested and quickly forgotten. We're interested in low-friction approaches to helping people better remember this content , starting with fellow engineers who depend on their ability to remember key concepts to do the best job. We've open-sourced the full repo and are actively responding to PRs + issues. [3]. You can read more about the technical + product challenges we faced if that interests you as well. [4] We appreciate all feedback and suggestions! [1]https://ift.tt/3n02UqT [2] https://ift.tt/3zAr5iU [3] https://ift.tt/2WFb0K0 [4] https://ift.tt/38wYuyV August 31, 2021 at 12:00AM

Show HN: A website to build and host a form that writes to your Google Sheet https://ift.tt/3jpNA4p

Show HN: A website to build and host a form that writes to your Google Sheet https://ift.tt/3t1T7Bf August 30, 2021 at 11:50PM

Show HN: A hackable custom Lisp in C https://ift.tt/3zuWC5H

Show HN: A hackable custom Lisp in C https://ift.tt/3jtFmIq August 31, 2021 at 01:03AM

Show HN: Computer Engineering for Babies (Book) https://ift.tt/3yx5SVL

Show HN: Computer Engineering for Babies (Book) https://ift.tt/32C0Esv August 30, 2021 at 11:02PM

Show HN: Create best-selling stores using Tailwind CSS https://ift.tt/3DyUOLk

Show HN: Create best-selling stores using Tailwind CSS https://ift.tt/3juAvad August 30, 2021 at 01:28PM

Show HN: A WebGL Renderer for Starcraft Broodwar https://ift.tt/38rBUI2

Show HN: A WebGL Renderer for Starcraft Broodwar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwzkjboEbqo August 30, 2021 at 04:31PM

Show HN: Paper – Bookmarking and note-taking extension for VSCode https://ift.tt/2WuEyL2

Show HN: Paper – Bookmarking and note-taking extension for VSCode https://ift.tt/2UYMBin August 30, 2021 at 03:02PM

Show HN: Note Tool Obsessed with Learners(Outliner+SRS) https://ift.tt/38oXQ6U

Show HN: Note Tool Obsessed with Learners(Outliner+SRS) https://notegarden.io/ August 30, 2021 at 11:13AM

Show HN: I made a zero knowledge mobile puzzle game with NFT awards https://ift.tt/3sXp39X

Show HN: I made a zero knowledge mobile puzzle game with NFT awards https://ift.tt/3gLxQXE August 30, 2021 at 03:33AM

الأحد، 29 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Serverless Cloud – Fast, Forkable App Platform https://ift.tt/3zuXjfh

Show HN: Serverless Cloud – Fast, Forkable App Platform https://ift.tt/3Br5sSu August 30, 2021 at 09:35AM

Show HN: Google Photos Bulk Upload https://ift.tt/3BpFKxM

Show HN: Google Photos Bulk Upload https://ift.tt/3Du94oD August 30, 2021 at 03:24AM

Show HN: A strongly-typed document DB that runs on any transactional KV store https://ift.tt/3sV447M

Show HN: A strongly-typed document DB that runs on any transactional KV store https://ift.tt/3kyJqqq August 30, 2021 at 07:42AM

Show HN: Pylectronics – Reproduce digital electronics in Python https://ift.tt/3gIhAqD

Show HN: Pylectronics – Reproduce digital electronics in Python https://ift.tt/38nzLNz August 30, 2021 at 06:42AM

Show HN: A C# library to help you enforce a Given-When-Then structured Unit test https://ift.tt/2Ww7SQM

Show HN: A C# library to help you enforce a Given-When-Then structured Unit test I always strive to write better, clean and readable code. But I often find unit tests are hard to read, and especially harder to quickly identify what are the important pieces, or even what the test is testing about. So I came up with this lightweight library to help enforce unit tests with a Given-When-Then structure. I hope you find this useful. Any feedback are welcome. https://ift.tt/38nP7BN August 30, 2021 at 06:27AM

Show HN: Dotplan Online https://ift.tt/3ysb25e

Show HN: Dotplan Online https://dotplan.online/ August 30, 2021 at 03:58AM

Show HN: Papiro is a script for an offline, privacy and security focused, backup https://ift.tt/3mK2zsc

Show HN: Papiro is a script for an offline, privacy and security focused, backup https://ift.tt/3jrbOeL August 30, 2021 at 01:03AM

Show HN: Hurricane Ida's pressure falling in Louisiana, data from Android phones https://ift.tt/3zs3xwJ

Show HN: Hurricane Ida's pressure falling in Louisiana, data from Android phones https://ift.tt/3yszaVF August 30, 2021 at 12:51AM

Show HN: I developed a native macOS client for EC2/S3 console https://ift.tt/3kyARfc

Show HN: I developed a native macOS client for EC2/S3 console Hello HN: Here is the link https://ift.tt/3kuuEAS After forgetting to turn off a p2.xlarge instance for a week, I got so mad at myself I learnt swiftUI to build a native macOS console for most of the actions I do on the web AWS console. I didnt want to use electron or other non native frameworks. Most importantly I just wanted it to know how much a certain instance costs right now, no matter its state, its type, its lifecycle(like ondemand or spot) and the costs associated with the EBS volumes attached including their IOPS/throughput and etc. It also has a S3 object browser, and a drag and drop UI to upload your files so that you can make S3 your own personal dropbox. I dont track or store anything, you just query the aws api. Sorry its a paid app, if anyone wants to try it and cant afford it let me know, I can send it to you. I think this can be useful and cost saving for individuals that spend more than 50usd per month on aws. August 29, 2021 at 09:53PM

Show HN: We built an end-to-end encrypted alternative to Google Photos https://ift.tt/3Bjv1VN

Show HN: We built an end-to-end encrypted alternative to Google Photos Hello HN, Over the last year we've been building ente[1], a privacy-friendly, easy-to-use alternative to Google Photos. We've so far built Android[2][3], iOS[4], web[5] apps that encrypt your files and back them up in the background. You can access these across your devices, and share them with other ente users, end-to-end encrypted. You can also use our electron app[6] to maintain a local copy of your backed up files. We've built a fault-tolerant data replication layer that replicates your data to two different storage providers in the EU. We will be providing additional replicas as an addon in the future. We're relying on libsodium[7] for performing all cryptographic operations. Under the hood it uses XChaCha20 and XSalsa20 for encryption and Argon2 for key derivation. We have documented our architecture[8] and open-sourced our clients[9]. We did a soft-launch on r/degoogle[10] sometime ago, and have since then ironed out issues and polished the product. But we are far from where we want to be in terms of features (object and face detection, location clustering, image filters, ...) and user experience. We are hoping to use this post as an opportunity to collect feedback from fellow hackers. If there's anything we can do better, please let us know, we would like to. Best, - Vishnu, Neeraj, Abhinav [1]: https://ente.io [2]: https://ente.io/apk [3]: https://ift.tt/3BptQnU [4]: https://ift.tt/3sU3aIO [5]: https://web.ente.io [6]: https://ift.tt/3t4idje [7]: https://ift.tt/2WrzG9r [8]: https://ift.tt/3jpTq5S [9]: https://ift.tt/3zrzLId [10]: https://ift.tt/3fE2S2l August 29, 2021 at 07:23PM

Show HN: Voicera – Add life-like AI voice dictation to your blogs and articles https://ift.tt/38rODdG

Show HN: Voicera – Add life-like AI voice dictation to your blogs and articles https://www.voicera.co August 29, 2021 at 06:10PM

Show HN: Bhagavad Gita Android App for searching verses by topics like anxiety https://ift.tt/3mFsPUj

Show HN: Bhagavad Gita Android App for searching verses by topics like anxiety https://ift.tt/2XWgell August 29, 2021 at 05:16PM

Show HN: CLI for .new Shortcuts https://ift.tt/3h1hbzN

Show HN: CLI for .new Shortcuts https://ift.tt/3mFJ3wT August 29, 2021 at 03:53PM

Show HN: Get lists of files in a directory that contains a large number of files https://ift.tt/3yrDdBw

Show HN: Get lists of files in a directory that contains a large number of files https://ift.tt/3DtRscM August 29, 2021 at 09:15AM

السبت، 28 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: 65,536 Cities – Lat/long, sampled by population (252KB) https://ift.tt/38qrqZm

Show HN: 65,536 Cities – Lat/long, sampled by population (252KB) https://ift.tt/3gH2GRb August 28, 2021 at 11:02PM

Show HN: 10 months of startup life blog posts https://ift.tt/3gGJJOR

Show HN: 10 months of startup life blog posts https://ift.tt/3BjmPVj August 28, 2021 at 08:43PM

Show HN: Degen Raffle – A raffle built on Ethereum https://ift.tt/2UTVCsP

Show HN: Degen Raffle – A raffle built on Ethereum Hey HN! I've been working on this idea off and on for a few weeks now and I figured it was time to show it to folks before continuing to build it out any further (hence the terrible UI). The idea is this: A smart contract that allows players to win the tokens in the contract in proportion to the number of tokens they've depositing into the smart contract. For example, if you and another player enter a round with 1 token each, you both have a 50/50 shot of winning the other's token. Here's the catch. Anyone can end the round at any moment, even people who haven't deposited any tokens. The contract is currently deployed to Rinkeby and I currently hold all of the Degen Raffle Tokens (DRT) needed to enter the raffle. If you're interested in playing, let me know and I'll send you a few million. https://ift.tt/3zpITx9 August 28, 2021 at 09:41PM

Show HN: Simple tool for creating commandline bar charts https://ift.tt/3joN06S

Show HN: Simple tool for creating commandline bar charts https://ift.tt/3yrFVXs August 28, 2021 at 09:00PM

Show HN: I made cognitive biases as online flashcards that made $43k this year https://ift.tt/38Asg6h

Show HN: I made cognitive biases as online flashcards that made $43k this year https://ift.tt/3ymEERz August 28, 2021 at 06:58PM

Show HN: A static site generator built for longevity https://ift.tt/3jo7UTN

Show HN: A static site generator built for longevity https://prpl.dev August 28, 2021 at 09:36AM

Show HN: Generate a neural hash collision with any two images https://ift.tt/3gFm2X2

Show HN: Generate a neural hash collision with any two images https://ift.tt/3jml8Ah August 28, 2021 at 06:38AM

الجمعة، 27 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: ReactJS with JSX without bundling or transpiling https://ift.tt/3kwkHmr

Show HN: ReactJS with JSX without bundling or transpiling source: https://ift.tt/3sUQEZx Static Template
August 28, 2021 at 03:08AM

Show HN: Double Entry Bookkeeping Server with SQL Back End and gRPC Inputs https://ift.tt/2WxdcmN

Show HN: Double Entry Bookkeeping Server with SQL Back End and gRPC Inputs https://ift.tt/3mlfugB August 28, 2021 at 01:17AM

Show HN: Visualize Rust Crates Dependencies https://ift.tt/3sXb1VR

Show HN: Visualize Rust Crates Dependencies https://ift.tt/3zsE2vg August 28, 2021 at 01:40AM

Show HN: ParcelRobin – The cheapest shipping rates from FedEx, UPS and USPS https://ift.tt/3gEsCNy

Show HN: ParcelRobin – The cheapest shipping rates from FedEx, UPS and USPS https://parcelrobin.com August 27, 2021 at 11:58PM

Show HN: CLI Background Remover https://ift.tt/3gFcPxY

Show HN: CLI Background Remover https://ift.tt/3kMgJYy August 27, 2021 at 07:23PM

Show HN: VAERS CSV to MongoDB converter with sample data aggregations https://ift.tt/3ylXZCA

Show HN: VAERS CSV to MongoDB converter with sample data aggregations https://ift.tt/3jmsyDO August 27, 2021 at 11:57PM

Show HN: Grokkoli – an individualized/adaptive math-tutoring web app https://ift.tt/3ztH8is

Show HN: Grokkoli – an individualized/adaptive math-tutoring web app Hi All - I'm Eric, and I’ve been working on a math-tutoring application that continually adapts to a child’s learning needs as they answer questions: www.grokkoli.com/beta (introduces new concepts in granular steps, figures out where/how learners might be confused & attempts to resolve it, speeds kids past the stuff they understand clearly, tracks their recall, answer-speed, and more). Currently in beta, looking for families with kids in grades 1-6 to beta-test. Especially interested in taking on families that are finding math to be a challenge. Happy to share more details if needed (still assessing the level of detail most considerate/appropriate on HN). All feedback is welcome. August 27, 2021 at 11:05PM

Show HN: I made a meme creator that makes around $4k a month https://ift.tt/3jnnfnD

Show HN: I made a meme creator that makes around $4k a month https://metameme.app/ August 27, 2021 at 07:59PM

Show HN: The Full Stack – A Professional Network for Software Engineers https://ift.tt/3zsW0O4

Show HN: The Full Stack – A Professional Network for Software Engineers https://ift.tt/3BjKNzO August 27, 2021 at 06:23PM

Show HN: Beam.gg – Build gamified communities your users will love and return to https://ift.tt/3ky6aqk

Show HN: Beam.gg – Build gamified communities your users will love and return to https://beam.gg August 27, 2021 at 06:10PM

Show HN: Typed Postgres CRUD Queries https://ift.tt/3Dnhoa0

Show HN: Typed Postgres CRUD Queries https://ift.tt/2Wzdyd0 August 27, 2021 at 02:32PM

الخميس، 26 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Cofounder Quest — an MS-DOS style game to find my next cofounder https://ift.tt/3ynBUmS

Show HN: Cofounder Quest — an MS-DOS style game to find my next cofounder https://cofounder.quest August 27, 2021 at 05:01AM

Show HN: Chrome extension that summarizes text content using DistilBART model https://ift.tt/3mD4WwU

Show HN: Chrome extension that summarizes text content using DistilBART model https://ift.tt/38hzufi August 27, 2021 at 03:36AM

Show HN: Made a virtual spinner that now drives 40% of my startup's web traffic https://ift.tt/2XRv5xq

Show HN: Made a virtual spinner that now drives 40% of my startup's web traffic http://fidgetpage.com August 27, 2021 at 04:34AM

Show HN: With a 9-5 job and 2 kids I have finally finished my first MVP https://ift.tt/3BlD5W9

Show HN: With a 9-5 job and 2 kids I have finally finished my first MVP Hello HN crowd. I worked on this project on weekends and evenings. I'm excited I made it into a presentable MVP, and it is so satisfying. I would like to get some honest feedback from this great community. I made https://ift.tt/3sPW7AF, to scratch a personal itch. I myself trade options as a hobby, and I didn't find a screener that satisfies my need to be able to explore raw options data freely and without preset constraints. So I made this app that allows playing with options market data and extract interesting opportunities. The techs used: - Laravel + Jquery + Mysql - Tradier API for market data - DigitalOcean for hosting - OVH for domain name It costs me 5$/month to run the website. I'll be glade to continue if it proves to be a viable product in the long run and maybe I will take it to the next level and try monetize it. Note: the app is not suitable for phone screens yet, although this is a planned feature. August 27, 2021 at 12:36AM

Show HN: Shoogle – Community project to find local shops easily https://ift.tt/3mPxjIn

Show HN: Shoogle – Community project to find local shops easily https://shoogle.net/ August 26, 2021 at 09:47PM

Show HN: The Cloud Resume Challenge Book https://ift.tt/3gBHtIn

Show HN: The Cloud Resume Challenge Book Since April 2020, the Cloud Resume Challenge [0] has helped hundreds of people • skill up on cloud, • improve their career prospects, • and even land cloud jobs from totally non-tech fields like plumbing and HR. I ended up turning the challenge into a book to help the next generation of folks transition to cloud, and I'm very excited to launch it today! [1] What’s inside the ebook: ° 130+ pages of tools, tips, and bonus projects • The secret “17th step” that makes your project stand out above the crowd • How to write a challenge blog post that will get the right kind of attention • Four all-new bonus projects covering AWS, Kubernetes, and more • Proven challenge-to-job strategies for both career-changers and upskillers • Case studies from challenge champions: how they got hired, what they learned Plus, you get free access to my regular “Best Jobs in Cloud” newsletter [2], featuring curated job opportunities for both juniors and seniors - a $50/year value. You can check out the original challenge, which forms the backbone of the book, at [3]. I would love any thoughts or feedback. [0] https://ift.tt/2zK9ryY [1] https://ift.tt/38fXrn5 [2] https://ift.tt/3yk3q4S [3] https://ift.tt/3BdjHKK August 26, 2021 at 07:36PM

Show HN: Hop2.page URL shortener – Track and analyze your customers https://ift.tt/3yig7gn

Show HN: Hop2.page URL shortener – Track and analyze your customers https://hop2.page August 26, 2021 at 08:46PM

Show HN: Pulse – An open-source Baremetrics / ProfitWell alternative https://ift.tt/3sR7YhO

Show HN: Pulse – An open-source Baremetrics / ProfitWell alternative https://ift.tt/2UGVvRg August 26, 2021 at 03:15PM

Show HN: AlphaChat – NLU chatbots that can authenticate users https://ift.tt/2UQx6sJ

Show HN: AlphaChat – NLU chatbots that can authenticate users https://ift.tt/3bC4qZx August 26, 2021 at 02:50PM

Show HN: Hippobase – easily self-host open source databases https://ift.tt/2WrxYET

Show HN: Hippobase – easily self-host open source databases https://hippobase.io August 26, 2021 at 12:04PM

الأربعاء، 25 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: sqlite-import-csv (short shell script using SQLite to import CSV file) https://ift.tt/3sQ1hMZ

Show HN: sqlite-import-csv (short shell script using SQLite to import CSV file) https://ift.tt/2WhYzEx August 26, 2021 at 02:46AM

Show HN: Processing's New Website and Version 4.0 Beta Release https://ift.tt/3ksQdlc

Show HN: Processing's New Website and Version 4.0 Beta Release https://processing.org/ August 26, 2021 at 05:33AM

Show HN: ReGit – A Tiny Git-Compatible Git Implementation https://ift.tt/3mv8KQJ

Show HN: ReGit – A Tiny Git-Compatible Git Implementation https://ift.tt/3jjMd7a August 25, 2021 at 06:44PM

Show HN: Heraldry in ClojureScript https://ift.tt/38elqmC

Show HN: Heraldry in ClojureScript https://ift.tt/38kaUtT August 25, 2021 at 11:19PM

Show HN: Muon, a meson implementation written in C https://ift.tt/3myMJjO

Show HN: Muon, a meson implementation written in C https://ift.tt/3mMr1Jx August 25, 2021 at 11:56PM

Show HN: 59a34eabe31910abfb06f308 NeuralHash Collision Demo https://ift.tt/3DgIYpa

Show HN: 59a34eabe31910abfb06f308 NeuralHash Collision Demo https://ift.tt/3jcB0Fz August 25, 2021 at 10:49PM

Show HN: Rasterizer.io – Make Dynamic Images https://ift.tt/3myExA0

Show HN: Rasterizer.io – Make Dynamic Images https://rasterizer.io August 25, 2021 at 10:36PM

Show HN: Try Apple’s Neural Hash in the Browser https://ift.tt/3DjYT64

Show HN: Try Apple’s Neural Hash in the Browser https://ift.tt/3mDo265 August 25, 2021 at 10:02PM

Show HN: NotOnlyFans – Self-hosted OnlyFans with cryptocurrency payment https://ift.tt/3jgaX0b

Show HN: NotOnlyFans – Self-hosted OnlyFans with cryptocurrency payment https://ift.tt/3jdaNqy August 25, 2021 at 07:08PM

Show HN: Cloud Pricing API (GraphQL) – 3M Prices from AWS, Azure and GCP https://ift.tt/3kljNt6

Show HN: Cloud Pricing API (GraphQL) – 3M Prices from AWS, Azure and GCP https://ift.tt/3iveJ33 August 25, 2021 at 06:20PM

Show HN: Exatorrent – Self-hostable Torrent client written in Go https://ift.tt/38eSB9v

Show HN: Exatorrent – Self-hostable Torrent client written in Go https://ift.tt/3sMZoRx August 25, 2021 at 05:28PM

Show HN: WebCrate – an open source, social and self-hosted bookmarking tool https://ift.tt/38g0trv

Show HN: WebCrate – an open source, social and self-hosted bookmarking tool https://webcrate.app August 25, 2021 at 05:15PM

Show HN: Instantly Listen to Any URL https://ift.tt/3guPteu

Show HN: Instantly Listen to Any URL https://www.per.quest/ August 25, 2021 at 08:56AM

الثلاثاء، 24 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Angband Running In-Browser with WASM https://ift.tt/38pirbf

Show HN: Angband Running In-Browser with WASM https://ift.tt/3Dobohh August 24, 2021 at 10:45PM

Show HN: Dopaminite – I wasn't productive, so I built this tool for myself https://ift.tt/3koefh9

Show HN: Dopaminite – I wasn't productive, so I built this tool for myself https://ift.tt/3jdP8ON August 24, 2021 at 09:38PM

Show HN: Slack/Discord bot for running interactive REPLs and shells from a chat https://ift.tt/3B5r0UI

Show HN: Slack/Discord bot for running interactive REPLs and shells from a chat https://ift.tt/3DfayTB August 24, 2021 at 08:57PM

Show HN: Kryptor – A simple, modern, and secure encryption tool https://ift.tt/2UHGMFI

Show HN: Kryptor – A simple, modern, and secure encryption tool https://ift.tt/38cchuG August 24, 2021 at 08:45PM

Show HN: Template to set-up Serverless WebSockets https://ift.tt/3jcvXFa

Show HN: Template to set-up Serverless WebSockets https://ift.tt/3zghLjV August 24, 2021 at 07:23PM

Show HN: Audiome, a tool to explore hip-hop careers, collabs, and catalogs https://ift.tt/3mIdmDh

Show HN: Audiome, a tool to explore hip-hop careers, collabs, and catalogs https://www.audiome.io August 24, 2021 at 03:10PM

Show HN: Casa – a place for creators (from artists to programmers) https://ift.tt/3sVePqV

Show HN: Casa – a place for creators (from artists to programmers) Hey everyone, We were once creators that had to quit because it was hard to monetise & grow in the early days. So we've built a platform for creators to create a website and offer direct engagement to their follower base. Here's an example of the profile: www.trycasa.app/dhruv Would be great to get some of you signed up at www.trycasa.app for feedback. This is useful for the following group: -Artists who are looking to monetise their followers -Developers looking to freelance or teach directly to their network. -Sales/Marketing folks looking to help small businesses grow. -3D freelancers that are looking to engage directly with their following or grow it. -Anyone that is trying to become their own business and easily create a platform for themselves. August 24, 2021 at 04:22PM

Show HN: MergeFeed – Paste a bunch of links to create a multifeed https://ift.tt/3jcE5FN

Show HN: MergeFeed – Paste a bunch of links to create a multifeed https://mergefeed.net/ August 24, 2021 at 04:29PM

Show HN: Micro – A public API platform (now free during beta) https://ift.tt/38btJiV

Show HN: Micro – A public API platform (now free during beta) https://m3o.com August 24, 2021 at 04:05PM

Show HN: A complete compiler for a simple language (less than 150 LoC of OCaml) https://ift.tt/3Bd1IUV

Show HN: A complete compiler for a simple language (less than 150 LoC of OCaml) https://ift.tt/3j5JUoi August 23, 2021 at 08:33PM

Show HN: AI-Generated Illustrations of Plants https://ift.tt/3DfQO2a

Show HN: AI-Generated Illustrations of Plants https://ift.tt/3zdK6aN August 24, 2021 at 12:10PM

Show HN: SlashApi – a web platform to build REST APIs without code https://ift.tt/2WkYq2P

Show HN: SlashApi – a web platform to build REST APIs without code https://slashapi.com/ August 24, 2021 at 10:20AM

الاثنين، 23 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: My Covid Project: An LED Dreamcoat https://ift.tt/3DcSolx

Show HN: My Covid Project: An LED Dreamcoat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWzdUJsAMa4 August 24, 2021 at 05:14AM

Show HN: Tmux Super Fingers https://ift.tt/3kzvJHR

Show HN: Tmux Super Fingers https://ift.tt/3y6qCmV August 23, 2021 at 09:32PM

Show HN: Awsboilerplate – Get live on AWS in minutes (react, lambda, cicd, cdk) https://ift.tt/3B5bic7

Show HN: Awsboilerplate – Get live on AWS in minutes (react, lambda, cicd, cdk) https://ift.tt/3ycfEN1 August 24, 2021 at 12:01AM

Show HN: WishAlbum, an online wish list https://ift.tt/3B5fOY9

Show HN: WishAlbum, an online wish list https://wishalbum.com August 23, 2021 at 09:15PM

Show HN: Static blog generator in about 1.2KLOC https://ift.tt/3kgYJUz

Show HN: Static blog generator in about 1.2KLOC https://ift.tt/305gf42 August 23, 2021 at 07:31PM

Show HN: A sleeping pet on the Mac menu bar https://ift.tt/3DkmHXN

Show HN: A sleeping pet on the Mac menu bar https://ift.tt/3DaaXGV August 23, 2021 at 04:45PM

Show HN: Hypergraph, a data structure library to generate directed hypergraphs https://ift.tt/3jbCTT8

Show HN: Hypergraph, a data structure library to generate directed hypergraphs https://ift.tt/2I4rQLC August 23, 2021 at 03:34PM

Show HN: An Option Object for JavaScript and TypeScript https://ift.tt/3sJk38P

Show HN: An Option Object for JavaScript and TypeScript https://ift.tt/38kwheZ August 23, 2021 at 12:27PM

Show HN: Use libsqlite3 directly from Python with ctypes https://ift.tt/3zaK6s2

Show HN: Use libsqlite3 directly from Python with ctypes https://ift.tt/3j7158T August 23, 2021 at 10:27AM

الأحد، 22 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: GLAuth 2.0 out, only a year late https://ift.tt/3zdjbvF

Show HN: GLAuth 2.0 out, only a year late https://ift.tt/3kjOpuX August 23, 2021 at 02:06AM

Show HN: Hacker News Summary Service (HNSS) https://ift.tt/384PxwU

Show HN: Hacker News Summary Service (HNSS) I'm Sid Sijbrandij and I love reading Hacker News. I almost always read the comment section and when there is a summary of the article in there that is frequently helpful. But most articles don't have a summary so I want to hire someone to create more summaries. I hope that this will make Hacker News more enjoyable and efficient to use for its readers. Many times it takes a while to figure out what the article is about, a summary would allow people a quick way to see if they are interested in investing that time. There are potential downsides: 1. People only read the summary and not the full article. 2. The summary might not be clear or correct. 3. People who already read the article don't want to see the summary. With a one month experiment we should have a better idea if HNSS is worth it. If it is here to stay we can also see if the summary can become an official part of HN. The writer of the summaries should: 1. Be able to do this for a month 2. Have at least 20 comments on Hacker News 3. Be able to invoice me as a contractor Apply via https://ift.tt/3zafWoQ August 22, 2021 at 11:00PM

Show HN: Shirtbot irresponsibly easy t-shirts in slack https://ift.tt/3B48pZi

Show HN: Shirtbot irresponsibly easy t-shirts in slack https://ift.tt/3j92prY August 22, 2021 at 08:15PM

Show HN: Where I get the last word https://ift.tt/2UCygYz

Show HN: Where I get the last word https://ift.tt/3sBoqmx August 22, 2021 at 08:57PM

Show HN: Free to play old-school browser MMORPG https://ift.tt/3j6Ya09

Show HN: Free to play old-school browser MMORPG https://ift.tt/3j3bUJg August 22, 2021 at 02:51PM

Show HN: A https://ift.tt/3D5qQyp

Show HN: A https://typeitjs.com August 22, 2021 at 09:18AM

السبت، 21 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: A toy compiler of a Scala subset https://ift.tt/3sDysmZ

Show HN: A toy compiler of a Scala subset https://ift.tt/3sBO4aE August 22, 2021 at 05:34AM

Show HN: Version 8.0 of SixArm Unix shell functions https://ift.tt/3gFNt39

Show HN: Version 8.0 of SixArm Unix shell functions https://ift.tt/384mxFw August 21, 2021 at 05:29PM

Show HN: A Pure SQL Raytracer https://ift.tt/3mlHN1G

Show HN: A Pure SQL Raytracer https://ift.tt/37ZYJCw August 22, 2021 at 12:36AM

Show HN: edotool (X11/Wayland) https://ift.tt/3gk6Eis

Show HN: edotool (X11/Wayland) Howdy folks! edotool: Simulate keystrokes. X11 and Wayland supported - Please see: https://ift.tt/3mqOQGn or https://ift.tt/3y4zpWr Cheers! August 21, 2021 at 11:53PM

Show HN: Facata – Connect to SQL Databases from Python https://ift.tt/3gFh8th

Show HN: Facata – Connect to SQL Databases from Python https://ift.tt/3Dah8uW August 21, 2021 at 08:47PM

Show HN: DocOne – A Search Engine for Healthcare https://ift.tt/3j5iChX

Show HN: DocOne – A Search Engine for Healthcare https://docone.io August 21, 2021 at 12:27PM

Show HN: Browser extension to (fuzzy) search bookmarks, history and open tabs https://ift.tt/3z9aJxr

Show HN: Browser extension to (fuzzy) search bookmarks, history and open tabs https://ift.tt/3AZDpcW August 21, 2021 at 09:34AM

الجمعة، 20 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Build a Lisp in Swift https://ift.tt/3j2jWlF

Show HN: Build a Lisp in Swift https://ift.tt/3rYIq25 August 21, 2021 at 04:26AM

Show HN: Duedilly.io – Accuracy of Reddit Trading Ideas https://ift.tt/3sBHZen

Show HN: Duedilly.io – Accuracy of Reddit Trading Ideas http://duedilly.io/ August 20, 2021 at 03:06PM

Show HN: FreeBoardGames.org – FOSS platform for publishing boardgame.io games https://ift.tt/2W92N0z

Show HN: FreeBoardGames.org – FOSS platform for publishing boardgame.io games Hello HN, I have started FBG some years ago when I moved to the Bay Area and could not find a simple, cross-platform, no-registration way to play board games with my friends back in my home country. I also wanted to make it simple to create multiplayer board games online for developers in their free time. Shortly after, I found out about boardgame.io with similar goals and decided to join forces with them. It became the engine of our board games, and we focused on publishing/serving them. To be fair with everyone and inspired by Wikipedia, we made the project a non-profit with GPLv3 Affero license. Since then, the project has gotten many amazing contributors that developed really cool board games, added translations, helped with infra, etc (see https://ift.tt/3glVHNr ...). My focus has been on the infrastructure (scaling, adding text chat, etc). During the pandemic, we saw a large 30x increase in usage, and it also became more useful for me, as I started using it at work for (now virtual) fun team meeting events. Please check it out and give any feedback! August 20, 2021 at 10:14PM

Show HN: Cassyni – Relaunching Academic Seminars https://ift.tt/3y5b3fh

Show HN: Cassyni – Relaunching Academic Seminars Hi, this is Andrew (arhpreston) and Ben (benjyk) from Cassyni ( https://cassyni.com ). We both completed PhDs in physics before going on to found Publons and Kopernio, companies that were acquired by -- and became a part of -- Web of Science, a product researchers on HN may be familiar with. It is well known how important academic seminars are for networking, promoting your research, and keeping up with latest developments. But the scale is under-appreciated: by our estimates more than 1 million academic seminars were happening every year. And then Covid came along... As a result many seminar series are now online and recorded using solutions that cobble together tools like Zoom, Google Sites and Sheets. This all more or less works but is painful and time consuming to operate. Our co-founders, researchers at Imperial College London and Texas A&M, experienced this firsthand. With their input we set out to build a tool to take the pain out of organising a seminar series. The idea is that in just a few minutes you can set up a professional looking seminar series and begin inviting researchers. We take care of the tedious process of setting up an online presence and working with speakers to find a time slot that works for them, collect their bio, abstract, promotion and more. We’ve been operating in beta for several months now. You can see some of the seminar series that are up and running on our homepage. These range from your standard departmental series (ABI Tuesday Seminars: https://ift.tt/3mi7RL0 ), to a series about a specific tool for scientific simulations (PyFR: https://ift.tt/3zbj2ZS ) through to a journal that brings in authors to talk about influential papers (J. Comp Phys.: https://ift.tt/2UDmk98 ). Note that you can click on the archive tab of each series to watch recordings of previous seminars. As you can see, these are not just standard departmental seminars; the shift to online has removed geographics barriers, enabling different types of seminar series to develop. What they all have in common is that they are helping communities to form around different kinds of research topics, and they all give you information and nuance you wouldn’t find by reading the related publications alone. On the attendee side, we’ve done some nifty work to integrate with Zoom so the live experience is better (instead of a name in a Zoom meeting you can see the profile of people in the room and participate in a live Q&A: https://ift.tt/3ml5G9t ). In the longer term we think Cassyni can help to make seminars and their recordings a searchable (e.g., check out the slides we’ve automatically extracted from the video and search for “flux” here: https://ift.tt/3D5RkA3 ) and citable (as you can see from the previous link public seminars on Cassyni get a DOI and are indexed in CrossRef) part of the sphere of human knowledge -- a complement to the published literature. We thought we’d share what we’ve built with HN in the hope of getting some feedback about what we can improve. If you are a researcher please do take a look and let us know what you think. And if you’re interested in setting up a seminar series drop us a line (help@cassyni.com) to let us know where you came from and we’ll organise an HN discount for you. August 20, 2021 at 07:03PM

Show HN: Yay||Nay – The Peak of Automation: Automating saying yes/no https://ift.tt/3D2xAwV

Show HN: Yay||Nay – The Peak of Automation: Automating saying yes/no https://yay.ornay.net/ August 20, 2021 at 09:37AM

الخميس، 19 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: I made earrings that work like earphones https://ift.tt/3j3z6H6

Show HN: I made earrings that work like earphones https://ift.tt/3miId8U August 20, 2021 at 03:59AM

Show HN: Tangram – Train a model from a CSV file on the command line https://ift.tt/3karMJ7

Show HN: Tangram – Train a model from a CSV file on the command line https://www.tangram.dev August 18, 2021 at 06:03PM

Show HN: Minymon – cute and helpful pets for your website https://ift.tt/2XAMQkp

Show HN: Minymon – cute and helpful pets for your website https://ift.tt/3B1hGBr August 19, 2021 at 09:53PM

Show HN: Made a service that can text you as soon as the PS5 is back in stock https://ift.tt/3y1h3pm

Show HN: Made a service that can text you as soon as the PS5 is back in stock https://ift.tt/3iZ3q5H August 19, 2021 at 09:09PM

Show HN: Canonic: Visual Development Platform https://ift.tt/3kbrhP2

Show HN: Canonic: Visual Development Platform https://ift.tt/37Wt6tt August 19, 2021 at 08:33PM

Show HN: Gossip: short form social audio https://ift.tt/2UC88xa

Show HN: Gossip: short form social audio https://ift.tt/2Wc6frw August 19, 2021 at 02:44PM

Show HN: SurplusCI – runners for your CI pipelines. More builds, smaller bills https://ift.tt/3CYTBNl

Show HN: SurplusCI – runners for your CI pipelines. More builds, smaller bills https://surplusci.com August 19, 2021 at 06:03PM

Show HN: Video conference from 6ft away using your hands or phone to interact https://ift.tt/2XGCZty

Show HN: Video conference from 6ft away using your hands or phone to interact https://ift.tt/3z2yKWX August 18, 2021 at 07:49PM

Show HN: ETSD – Transmit sensitive data encrypted across your organization https://ift.tt/3k66NHu

Show HN: ETSD – Transmit sensitive data encrypted across your organization https://ift.tt/3z32B1u August 18, 2021 at 02:56PM

الأربعاء، 18 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: How Do I Cook That? Recipe search by photo https://ift.tt/3z4bub5

Show HN: How Do I Cook That? Recipe search by photo https://ift.tt/3k2vxR3 August 19, 2021 at 08:17AM

Show HN: Job Board for Rust Developer Skills https://ift.tt/3mg1nME

Show HN: Job Board for Rust Developer Skills https://rustjob.xyz/ August 19, 2021 at 07:18AM

Show HN: Neural-hash-collider – make your own NeuralHash collisions https://ift.tt/37VAhlW

Show HN: Neural-hash-collider – make your own NeuralHash collisions https://ift.tt/2XF5kR1 August 19, 2021 at 05:22AM

Show HN: FilesRemote. Edit files over SSH with any local editor. With sudo https://ift.tt/3CW25om

Show HN: FilesRemote. Edit files over SSH with any local editor. With sudo https://ift.tt/3k9xNWq August 19, 2021 at 04:49AM

Show HN: Learn music theory with Ableton Push, WebMIDI and WebUSB display driver https://ift.tt/3AS8u1Z

Show HN: Learn music theory with Ableton Push, WebMIDI and WebUSB display driver https://ift.tt/3k7vxPK August 19, 2021 at 12:04AM

Show HN: BrainTool – Beyond Bookmarks, a Topic Manager for your online life https://ift.tt/3k2pV9r

Show HN: BrainTool – Beyond Bookmarks, a Topic Manager for your online life Long time looker, first time Show-er here! I built the initial BrainTool to scratch a personal itch - to unify my bookmarks and online resources with text-based notes. I've spent the last several months iterating on it with feedback from early adopters and UX volunteers. It's finally at the point where I feel confident enough to seek this communities feedback. BrainTool is a browser extension that makes it easy to save pages of interest into a personal 'topic' hierarchy, along with associated notes. Your topics are shown in an editable side panel which can also control the browser - opening and closing tabs, tab groups and windows by topic. There's a 90 sec intro video here: https://youtu.be/7zvyvATpoVM The above by itself makes BrainTool one of the handiest bookmarks/tabs/browser managers around, but the kicker is that all your data is stored in a separately editable org-mode[1] format plaintext file. Off-browser I edit my braintool file in emacs but I've also played around syncing with LogSeq, Orgzly and other org-based tools. If you're an emacs user it could give you a shallow on-ramp into the world of org-mode, if you're an aspiring PKMer it's an easy way to slurp in all of your online resources, if you just want to get out of tab hell and up your browser game - dive right in! Its serverless so your data never leaves your personal environment. Chromium-based browsers only for now (Chrome, Edge, Brave, etc. not FF). Landing page: https://braintool.org Some articles on use: https://ift.tt/2W25nW8 Github repo: https://ift.tt/37RSC3d [1] https://orgmode.org/ August 18, 2021 at 08:52PM

Show HN: Shisho, a lightweight code matching and transformation engine in Rust https://ift.tt/3y0923U

Show HN: Shisho, a lightweight code matching and transformation engine in Rust https://ift.tt/3sq6pra August 18, 2021 at 09:11PM

Show HN: Pop.com – pair programming with low-latency, Screenhero-style sharing https://ift.tt/3yYFIvX

Show HN: Pop.com – pair programming with low-latency, Screenhero-style sharing https://pop.com/home August 18, 2021 at 08:25PM

Show HN: Visionrare, an NFT-fuelled startup investment game https://ift.tt/3CVNARn

Show HN: Visionrare, an NFT-fuelled startup investment game http://visionrare.com/ August 18, 2021 at 07:01PM

Show HN: Sturdy – online-first version control focused on collaboration https://ift.tt/3AWFt5t

Show HN: Sturdy – online-first version control focused on collaboration https://ift.tt/3m9UJI1 August 18, 2021 at 06:10PM

Show HN: I built an AI art installation at home generating new pieces on the fly https://ift.tt/3y2kk7U

Show HN: I built an AI art installation at home generating new pieces on the fly https://ift.tt/3pvy7Q0 August 18, 2021 at 06:56PM

Show HN: Move over Yfinance – Quantel, the Most Powerful Finance Library Python https://ift.tt/37SWZuJ

Show HN: Move over Yfinance – Quantel, the Most Powerful Finance Library Python https://ift.tt/3gd8CBm August 18, 2021 at 05:45PM

Show HN: I made a Safari Extension that enables dark mode for Hacker News https://ift.tt/3j2L7wR

Show HN: I made a Safari Extension that enables dark mode for Hacker News https://ift.tt/3z0qYg6 August 18, 2021 at 04:00PM

Show HN: SmartConvo – An automated conversation starter app for Shopify https://ift.tt/3mdQHhO

Show HN: SmartConvo – An automated conversation starter app for Shopify https://ift.tt/3AMfD3K August 18, 2021 at 03:25PM

Show HN: Fabform.io an Alternative to Google Forms https://ift.tt/3g9bBuw

Show HN: Fabform.io an Alternative to Google Forms google forms alternative https://fabform.io August 18, 2021 at 03:24PM

Show HN: Simple Image encrypt/decrypt using Python https://ift.tt/2W5JLIH

Show HN: Simple Image encrypt/decrypt using Python https://ift.tt/3jlmM2h August 18, 2021 at 03:12PM

Show HN: I made a clone of FTL in two weeks, and I open sourced it https://ift.tt/3CXztuY

Show HN: I made a clone of FTL in two weeks, and I open sourced it https://ift.tt/3yYSjzu August 18, 2021 at 02:55PM

الثلاثاء، 17 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Turn text into images with VQGAN+CLIP https://ift.tt/3k3z7dB

Show HN: Turn text into images with VQGAN+CLIP https://ift.tt/3iXhDQA August 18, 2021 at 05:09AM

Show HN: EmailEngine, open source REST interface to read and send email messages https://ift.tt/3iUpUF1

Show HN: EmailEngine, open source REST interface to read and send email messages https://ift.tt/3sqX1n8 August 17, 2021 at 11:47PM

Show HN: Demigod (YC S19) – Build compounding habits with a human coach https://ift.tt/3gbeqLE

Show HN: Demigod (YC S19) – Build compounding habits with a human coach Hi HackerNews! Need to get back in a rhythm for the reopening? We’re Gokul, @dhanush_rad, and @ peteturnbull from www.demigod.ai - we were inspired by atomic habits to build the system for progressing towards your goals. As founders and creators with unstructured time, ambitious goals, and an uncertain journey, we really needed a system to guarantee consistent progress and avoid random procrastinating. We found James Clear’s https://ift.tt/2DLUigB and it just clicked. With the pandemic and shutdown, everyone’s regular routines were thrown completely off. We were forced to think about what we had been doing and if it resonated with our real goals versus what addiction engineering https://twitter.com/naval/status/1084739181593559040?s=20 was prescribing. With the upcoming reopening we want to help you architect your system with intention. We’re adding the levers to make it easy to be intentional with your time and make sure you hit your goals. We built our habit tracker into GCal because we realized it’s the de facto way we think about our time. We’ve added weekly data summaries, habit progress data, friend challenges, completion wagers, and most importantly - a human planning assistant to review your data and plan your next week. Step 1: Describe your objectives * Set personalized goals or just set up a comfortable daily flow Step 2: Add habits * Sleep - A consistent bedtime schedule is a keystone habit for wellness * Reading - It's hard to pick up a book, so find something you like and start with 1 page * Meditation - A minute a day keeps founders in play * Deep Work/Emails - Whether it's inbox 0, outbound targets, or lines of code. Make sure you don't miss a day. * Daily Exercise - Always sounds like a good idea but a huge workout can be daunting, we'll find something you love and make it easy * Free Time - Been stuck in a work/life purgatory? Finish the important stuff and make time to step away * Planning Session - Crucial for making sure you're actually doing what needs to get done, and stepping away afterwards Step 3: Make them atomic * Start with the smallest unit of progress for each habit you create. Shape your environment, stack habits, and reward completions. Step 4: Set up your system * Add you friends for accountability to build durable streaks * Weekly check-ins to increment, decrement, remove, or create habits * Easy resets for when you fall off Book an onboarding call https://ift.tt/3k15Dx5 or check it out on the app store https://ift.tt/3AUJE1H and let us know what you think! August 17, 2021 at 07:23PM

Show HN: Tara 2.0 – Fast project management with built-in automation https://ift.tt/2W0nuvS

Show HN: Tara 2.0 – Fast project management with built-in automation https://tara.ai/ August 17, 2021 at 06:52PM

Show HN: Mockupclips.com – Showcase your app/website in a tracked 4k stock video https://ift.tt/2W2i17Y

Show HN: Mockupclips.com – Showcase your app/website in a tracked 4k stock video https://ift.tt/3g6Ed7x August 17, 2021 at 06:10PM

Show HN: Lemon – Alternative UI for AWS https://ift.tt/3sqokxU

Show HN: Lemon – Alternative UI for AWS https://uselemon.io/ August 17, 2021 at 05:26PM

Show HN: Reward and Cashback API https://ift.tt/3AOt03t

Show HN: Reward and Cashback API https://nector.io August 17, 2021 at 06:00AM

Show HN: Domainy – Monitor domain names for availability https://ift.tt/3jYwlXa

Show HN: Domainy – Monitor domain names for availability Domainy is a tool to get alerted on when the domain names you like and want are about to expire and also become available. https://www.domainy.io A few use cases - I'm monitoring all the other TLD domain names for which I would like to eventually acquire to protect brand names for the domain names that I already have (e.g. I have google.com and I want to make sure that I have google.abcde, google.edfg etc etc) - I also want to know when some of the domains that I would like will expire and possibly become available, so I can quickly buy them if I can. Just because a domain is expired, it doesn't mean it's available right away. But still, I'd like to keep my eye on them. - Sometimes, it's just super interesting to see when some high profile names are available through obsecure TLDs (e.g. twitter.beauty, twitter.accountant, twitter.dealer domain names are available. What would happen if I buy them and do something with it. Twitter will probably come after me, but hey, it's an interesting thought. Maybe they'll buy them off? I don't know. What other high profile names are available through other TLDs? cheers! August 17, 2021 at 04:58PM

Show HN: A snappy and resilient Hacker News clone in ~1k lines of rust https://ift.tt/3AFRqMG

Show HN: A snappy and resilient Hacker News clone in ~1k lines of rust https://ift.tt/3jZDlCY August 17, 2021 at 09:34AM

Show HN: Siesta 6, run JavaScript/TypeScript tests in browsers, Node.js and Deno https://ift.tt/3xO55PS

Show HN: Siesta 6, run JavaScript/TypeScript tests in browsers, Node.js and Deno https://siesta.works/ August 17, 2021 at 02:00PM

Show HN: Imba – I have spent 7 years creating a programming language for the web https://ift.tt/2W0Or28

Show HN: Imba – I have spent 7 years creating a programming language for the web Hey all My name is Sindre, and I am the CTO of Scrimba (YC S21). For the last 7 years, I have written all my web apps in a full-stack programming language called Imba. It compiles to JavaScript and its main goal is to make web developers more productive. I just launched a major overhaul of Imba, so I wanted to share it here on HN, in case anyone are interested in learning more about it. It is very opinionated, so some of you might not like it, but I would love to hear anyones feedback regardless. Constructive criticism appreciated! The backstory: Imba initially started in 2012 as an effort to bring the elegance and conciseness of Ruby into the browser, and also because I felt that JavaScript and the DOM should be more tightly coupled together. Over the years, I have taken inspiration from React/JSX, and also Tailwind. Since 2013, I have built several business-critical apps in Imba, so this is not a toy project or an academic exercise, it is extracted from a real project trying to solve real problems. Today, we are currently a small but passionate community of devs who use Imba all over the world. The nitty-gritty details: As mentioned, Imba compiles to JavaScript, and it works on both the frontend and backend. The quickest way to get a feeling of how it works is by checking out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XS5q9xhaMc Alternatively, here is a list of the main benefits of the language: * Clean syntax with built-in tags and inline styles * Imba's Memoized DOM approach is *an order of magnitude* faster than Virtual DOMs (Vue, React). Learn more here: https://ift.tt/2wyb9SQ * Imba works with Node and the npm ecosystem, and integrates tightly with both JS and TypeScript * Blazing-fast dev/build tools based on esbuild Each of the benefits above are explained more thoroughly in our docs here, so please check it out if any of the above points spark your interest: https://imba.io With this version I feel that I am very close to my vision for what Imba should be. In other words; it is finally ready for public consumption. I'd wholeheartedly advice you to look into it and give it a whirl if you are interested in web development :) Hope you like it, and please share any feedback you might have in the comments! August 17, 2021 at 12:55PM

الاثنين، 16 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Ain is a terminal API client https://ift.tt/37Nb10O

Show HN: Ain is a terminal API client https://ift.tt/3gbtKrB August 17, 2021 at 04:35AM

Show HN: Burnrate.fyi v2.0 – A FREE business expense estimator https://ift.tt/3g3Vy19

Show HN: Burnrate.fyi v2.0 – A FREE business expense estimator https://burnrate.fyi/ August 17, 2021 at 02:41AM

Show HN: dotmatrix – A dot matrix rendered using Braille characters. https://ift.tt/2VYBmXc

Show HN: dotmatrix – A dot matrix rendered using Braille characters. https://ift.tt/3yNeSqJ August 16, 2021 at 10:10PM

Show HN: Yesterday-Read all updates from your favorite websites in a single mail https://ift.tt/3g8v7Ht

Show HN: Yesterday-Read all updates from your favorite websites in a single mail https://ift.tt/3kfpn07 August 16, 2021 at 06:15PM

Show HN: LemonadeJS: a micro reactive, two-way binding, no dependencies lib(4KB) https://ift.tt/3CLk157

Show HN: LemonadeJS: a micro reactive, two-way binding, no dependencies lib(4KB) https://ift.tt/3ssCUVB August 16, 2021 at 03:18PM

Show HN: TweetCatcher – Twitter Bookmarks on Steroids https://ift.tt/3AKaolo

Show HN: TweetCatcher – Twitter Bookmarks on Steroids Hey Everyone! It's Firat from Fluffzy. We're a small product studio, and I'm so happy to share TweetCatcher at here. TweetCatcher is a mobile app for saving, organizing and finding Tweets you love. It's a simple app that solves a frustrating problem. Couple weeks ago my Co-founder Ege was trying to show me a funny Tweet from his bookmarks. He scroll through dozens times, try to use twitter search. At the end, he hopelessly tried Google search. We hate to go through all of our bookmarks, when we want to find a tweet we love. And It wasn't the first time we were frustrated. We have couple clients projects at hand, but we had our weekends. So, we build TweetCatcher in our weekends. It's a simple app that let you save tweets, create folders and search all your bookmarks. August 16, 2021 at 12:33AM

Show HN: KeebMangler https://ift.tt/3AKS5fH

Show HN: KeebMangler https://ift.tt/3CU4fok August 16, 2021 at 12:51PM

Show HN: List of the top open startups (with revenue displayed) https://ift.tt/3AIC2PC

Show HN: List of the top open startups (with revenue displayed) https://makerlead.com August 16, 2021 at 11:58AM

Show HN: Repurposing AWS Systems Manager API to automate infrastructure testing https://ift.tt/3CPxj0k

Show HN: Repurposing AWS Systems Manager API to automate infrastructure testing https://ift.tt/3ANVFWi August 16, 2021 at 09:29AM

الأحد، 15 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Tzar, Easy compression and extraction for any compression format https://ift.tt/3jWLwjB

Show HN: Tzar, Easy compression and extraction for any compression format https://ift.tt/3jZ1XeZ August 16, 2021 at 07:04AM

Show HN: Burst – start a cloud server, run your code, turn it off https://ift.tt/3m4MnkM

Show HN: Burst – start a cloud server, run your code, turn it off https://burstable.ai August 15, 2021 at 11:03PM

Show HN: The “tl;dr” of Recent Transformer Papers https://ift.tt/3CLFnPT

Show HN: The “tl;dr” of Recent Transformer Papers https://ift.tt/3iBpdjU August 15, 2021 at 10:20PM

Show HN: Imnew.to – get added to a group chat with other newly relocated people https://ift.tt/3AK5TXX

Show HN: Imnew.to – get added to a group chat with other newly relocated people https://imnew.to August 15, 2021 at 06:40PM

Show HN: SafeHODL – Safe way to track your Bitcoin holdings value via terminal https://ift.tt/3jZWdle

Show HN: SafeHODL – Safe way to track your Bitcoin holdings value via terminal https://ift.tt/3AHir2e August 15, 2021 at 01:17PM

السبت، 14 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Theme Park Scavenger Hunt Game Deployed as a PWA Instead of App Store https://ift.tt/3kbQysH

Show HN: Theme Park Scavenger Hunt Game Deployed as a PWA Instead of App Store https://ift.tt/3z16zrD August 14, 2021 at 11:38PM

Show HN: RxEffects- reactive state and effect management with RxJS https://ift.tt/3xNgUpF

Show HN: RxEffects- reactive state and effect management with RxJS https://ift.tt/3g3yqQq August 14, 2021 at 08:34PM

Show HN: SQLite-S3-query – Python function to query a SQLite database on S3 https://ift.tt/3yP8z5V

Show HN: SQLite-S3-query – Python function to query a SQLite database on S3 https://ift.tt/2VOHkdc August 14, 2021 at 08:45PM

Show HN: Play online chess with real chess board https://ift.tt/2VWVcSw

Show HN: Play online chess with real chess board https://ift.tt/37HMZo5 August 14, 2021 at 06:51PM

Show HN: Certificate Maker Built with GSlide, Gsheets and Gmail https://ift.tt/3sl5doP

Show HN: Certificate Maker Built with GSlide, Gsheets and Gmail https://ift.tt/3fZjFOf August 14, 2021 at 04:04PM

Show HN: DocOne – A Search Engine for Healthcare https://ift.tt/2VUDorJ

Show HN: DocOne – A Search Engine for Healthcare Hi Hacker News! I’m the founder of DocOne (https://docone.io). DocOne delivers the most relevant physicians for any medical condition based on expertise. We currently cover all US physicians and ~4500 conditions. Why? The complexity of medicine is accelerating exponentially. Medical knowledge doubles every few months. To keep up, physicians are focusing on narrow groups of conditions. While there are only around 40 traditional medical specialties, in reality there are >500 ultra-specialties. If there’s one thing we’ve heard over and over from physicians (when they refer their patients) and people (when they search for specialists), it’s that they struggle to identify the right physicians. I’ve personally experienced this. Old-school physician directories (hospital, insurance, 3rd party like ZocDoc and Healthgrades) are essentially phone books. They don’t rely on expertise. They use patient reviews, which have no correlation with expertise. They often sell ads. That’s why we created DocOne. Our team has a background in data science and medicine. We capture and mine large-scale, up-to-date medical knowledge sources, and use data science (computational linguistics, NLP, shallow and deep learning language models, information retrieval) to build models of medical conditions and to rank physicians according to their relevance to any given condition. Instead of doing the traditional search by physician specialty, people can do a precise search by an individual condition. We're excited to show you the free and open version of our platform. We've tested it with a narrow group of patients, but we're ready to open it up to a broader user base. To search, start typing a medical condition and select an option from the drop down menu. Search nationwide, or type in a zip code or city/state. Filter by specialty (the platform knows all relevant specialties for each condition, helping the user search for the right type of specialist). We hope you’ll take a moment to try docone.io and let us know how it goes. Excited to have your feedback! Please leave your thoughts and comments. August 14, 2021 at 08:24AM

الجمعة، 13 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: C++ vector type up to 50% faster than std:vector https://ift.tt/2VYhbZI

Show HN: C++ vector type up to 50% faster than std:vector https://ift.tt/3CLcrY4 August 14, 2021 at 04:58AM

Show HN: Script to compare Postgres data between two points in time https://ift.tt/3shr8NN

Show HN: Script to compare Postgres data between two points in time https://ift.tt/2VUcC2H I cobbled together various programs into a bash script to compare how data changes between two points in time. My idea was basically to have a `git diff` but for data inside postgres. I wanted a util like this to help get to know a new code base: Interact with an app and watch how the data changes. You run the script with a given key (anything) before interacting with an app, then run it again with the same key to see the data diff. I'm not much of a bash scripter, as you can probably see from the script, but it was a fun and useful tool to make. Might make some more improvements in the future (eg. BYO diff command, etc.) but we'll see. August 14, 2021 at 02:56AM

Show HN: Playable Quotes for Game Boy https://ift.tt/3fZOQZO

Show HN: Playable Quotes for Game Boy https://ift.tt/37Ihjiy August 13, 2021 at 09:32PM

Show HN: Pushpin – a proxy server for adding push to your API https://ift.tt/37FZH6J

Show HN: Pushpin – a proxy server for adding push to your API https://ift.tt/2Vik7QV August 13, 2021 at 08:17PM

Show HN: Alicorn Cloud – Easily move between AWS, GCP and Azure https://ift.tt/3yN5oMf

Show HN: Alicorn Cloud – Easily move between AWS, GCP and Azure https://ift.tt/3fWgTcI August 13, 2021 at 02:28PM

Show HN: Instantly Listen to Any URL https://ift.tt/3ACzWAI

Show HN: Instantly Listen to Any URL https://per.quest/ August 13, 2021 at 07:57PM

Show HN: ModelMaster – Hands on excel training with in browser emulator https://ift.tt/3scr8i6

Show HN: ModelMaster – Hands on excel training with in browser emulator https://ift.tt/3CL9nLD August 13, 2021 at 06:54PM

Show HN: Instantly Listen to Any URL https://ift.tt/3g0V7op

Show HN: Instantly Listen to Any URL https://per.quest August 13, 2021 at 10:04AM

Show HN: Free Jekyll online CV theme https://ift.tt/3iJAUFc

Show HN: Free Jekyll online CV theme https://ift.tt/3xInZHX August 13, 2021 at 02:36PM

Show HN: Judo - Build Native App Experiences with No Code https://ift.tt/3jVFy2t

Show HN: Judo - Build Native App Experiences with No Code https://www.judo.app/ August 13, 2021 at 02:31PM

Show HN: Nomad Visa – Working remotely? Explore your visa options https://ift.tt/3AvUqLw

Show HN: Nomad Visa – Working remotely? Explore your visa options https://nomadvisa.io/ August 13, 2021 at 02:30PM

Show HN: C programming language extension: Cedro pre-processor https://ift.tt/3yMUVR0

Show HN: C programming language extension: Cedro pre-processor https://ift.tt/3fYLo1B August 13, 2021 at 10:36AM

Show HN: Tech Talks at Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google https://ift.tt/3CKEl6n

Show HN: Tech Talks at Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google Ever wonder how large scale services at built at large tech companies? I've collected tech talks given by Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google to share! Facebook: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqXBqaWzmb_eP2NRpwar0qtJcyrWlgLr2 - Facebook: Memcache at Scale, Whatsapp Erlang, Scaling Instagram, RocksDB, Haskell Spam fighting Amazon: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqXBqaWzmb_fRGEAYEbXpQnHrqq5q_BkA - Amazon: S3 Eleven Nines Durability, DynamoDB, Lambda, EBS under the hood, Alexa NLP, Amazon Go Netflix: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqXBqaWzmb_c0d3jHhxk8cF0ldP6EGfvL - Netflix: Chaos Engineering, Regional Failover, Machine Learning and Recommender Systems, Studio Engineering Google: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqXBqaWzmb_c54Ff9-1kz-PJRcmtBuutH - Google: Borg, Spanner, MapReduce, GFS, Google AI, Ads Marketplaces, Robotics, SREs, Deep Learning August 13, 2021 at 08:50AM

الخميس، 12 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Is the summary enough? Save time reading non-fiction books https://ift.tt/3yM69oA

Show HN: Is the summary enough? Save time reading non-fiction books https://ift.tt/2VSxjvm August 13, 2021 at 06:09AM

Show HN: Lisp implementation in modern Java, Go, C#, TypeScript, Python https://ift.tt/3iILLPW

Show HN: Lisp implementation in modern Java, Go, C#, TypeScript, Python https://ift.tt/3lVReEU August 13, 2021 at 05:55AM

Show HN: "TL;DR" on Recent Transformers Papers https://ift.tt/3sehjAb

Show HN: "TL;DR" on Recent Transformers Papers With the explosion in research on all things transformers, it seemed there was a need to have a single table to distill the "tl;dr" of each paper's contributions relative to each other. Here is what I got so far: https://ift.tt/3iBpdjU . Would love feedback - and feel free to contribute too :) August 13, 2021 at 03:29AM

Show HN: Taxtool https://ift.tt/3AxYURI

Show HN: Taxtool https://ift.tt/3sahaO2 August 12, 2021 at 10:13PM

Show HN: What3Books – Custom recommendations from multiple books https://ift.tt/3se4vd5

Show HN: What3Books – Custom recommendations from multiple books https://what3books.com/ August 12, 2021 at 03:54PM

Show HN: I Built the World's Largest Cap Gun [video] https://ift.tt/2VSY8jq

Show HN: I Built the World's Largest Cap Gun [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVlrxIJ0kKc August 12, 2021 at 05:07AM

Show HN: Who Rules the World in '21. Biden vs. Bezos https://ift.tt/3yO7mvW

Show HN: Who Rules the World in '21. Biden vs. Bezos https://ift.tt/3xBb5LO August 12, 2021 at 08:46PM

Show HN: AtomicEdits – automatically remove silences from videos https://ift.tt/2Xel9xE

Show HN: AtomicEdits – automatically remove silences from videos https://ift.tt/3iD78lA August 12, 2021 at 08:42PM

Show HN: Absurd-SQL – Use sqlite3 on the web with storage in IndexedDB https://ift.tt/3jMfgQ5

Show HN: Absurd-SQL – Use sqlite3 on the web with storage in IndexedDB https://ift.tt/3jLZVyR August 12, 2021 at 07:02PM

Show HN: Rewwind – Save words and how you discovered them https://ift.tt/3jQG1CY

Show HN: Rewwind – Save words and how you discovered them https://rewwind.co August 12, 2021 at 05:18PM

Show HN: WhatsForm – Build form & get data from customer's WhatsApp number https://ift.tt/3yHZRpZ

Show HN: WhatsForm – Build form & get data from customer's WhatsApp number https://whatsform.com August 12, 2021 at 11:45AM

الأربعاء، 11 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Grok (VSCode Extension) Code-Centric Documentation in the IDE https://ift.tt/3fVwZ6e

Show HN: Grok (VSCode Extension) Code-Centric Documentation in the IDE https://ift.tt/37zicK3 August 12, 2021 at 04:38AM

Show HN: Build a Lisp in Swift https://ift.tt/2U8McJB

Show HN: Build a Lisp in Swift https://ift.tt/3rYIq25 August 12, 2021 at 04:01AM

Show HN: Rollup your emails into daily digests https://ift.tt/3AzuPBd

Show HN: Rollup your emails into daily digests https://ift.tt/3Ay6vzF August 11, 2021 at 07:56PM

Show HN: OCR Invoices and Receipts in Seconds Using Go SDK https://ift.tt/3CGVH4k

Show HN: OCR Invoices and Receipts in Seconds Using Go SDK Here's an introduction to the Go SDK for Veryfi API that the team and I have been working on. We're gonna walkthrough a problem (having thousands of backlogged receipts) and solve it together by leveraging the Go SDK. Let me know what you all think. https://veryfi.com/go August 11, 2021 at 08:47PM

Show HN: Phase – Slack app to see trending messages, keyword alerts, sentiment https://ift.tt/3iBGeuc

Show HN: Phase – Slack app to see trending messages, keyword alerts, sentiment https://phasecrm.com/ August 11, 2021 at 08:20PM

Show HN: KmCaster – display keyboard and mouse events on-screen https://ift.tt/3fSgloa

Show HN: KmCaster – display keyboard and mouse events on-screen https://ift.tt/32ZkPUo August 11, 2021 at 07:39PM

Show HN: UI Guideline – No more friction between designers and developers https://ift.tt/3lTlJuZ

Show HN: UI Guideline – No more friction between designers and developers https://ift.tt/2N5jd2l August 11, 2021 at 04:37PM

Show HN: Free Backlink Checker https://ift.tt/3CDCrEB

Show HN: Free Backlink Checker https://ift.tt/3ACDZx3 August 11, 2021 at 03:33PM

Show HN: Smart Virtual Engagement Platform for Marketing Teams https://ift.tt/3CDPI0c

Show HN: Smart Virtual Engagement Platform for Marketing Teams https://wwww.goevex.com August 11, 2021 at 02:41PM

Show HN: Free Exchange Rates API https://ift.tt/3lXoOKC

Show HN: Free Exchange Rates API https://ift.tt/3oheRWP August 11, 2021 at 02:14PM

Show HN: My Favorite Hosting Stack. Consul, Nomad and Vault on Digital Ocean https://ift.tt/2VNyVXR

Show HN: My Favorite Hosting Stack. Consul, Nomad and Vault on Digital Ocean https://ift.tt/3yD5dmz August 11, 2021 at 03:10PM

Show HN: Fake Data Generation in Swift https://ift.tt/3yG2RDk

Show HN: Fake Data Generation in Swift https://ift.tt/3CBJLkc August 11, 2021 at 12:09PM

Show HN: Padka – Make your Zoom sessions more fun and engaging https://ift.tt/3iBRKFQ

Show HN: Padka – Make your Zoom sessions more fun and engaging https://www.padka.com/ August 9, 2021 at 10:46PM

الثلاثاء، 10 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Zig monthly: iOS support, tutorials, tree-sitter, and more https://ift.tt/3yEMXt5

Show HN: Zig monthly: iOS support, tutorials, tree-sitter, and more https://ift.tt/3izghvp August 11, 2021 at 06:25AM

Show HN: What's My Car Worth? https://ift.tt/3lQKKHi

Show HN: What's My Car Worth? https://ift.tt/3xGKpJw August 11, 2021 at 03:30AM

Show HN: YouTube Musical Spectrum – visualizer for YouTube with musical notes https://ift.tt/3lVpa4q

Show HN: YouTube Musical Spectrum – visualizer for YouTube with musical notes https://ift.tt/3jHWfOL August 11, 2021 at 02:31AM

Show HN: Lona – Framework for responsive web apps in full Python without JS https://ift.tt/2VIePya

Show HN: Lona – Framework for responsive web apps in full Python without JS http://lona-web.org August 10, 2021 at 05:19PM

Show HN: Write universally accessible SQL, not library-specific ORM wrapper APIs https://ift.tt/3jHjuIz

Show HN: Write universally accessible SQL, not library-specific ORM wrapper APIs https://ift.tt/2QgNPTR August 10, 2021 at 06:32PM

Show HN: Solar Storm – audio reactive music video with React Three Fiber https://ift.tt/3yCZEoe

Show HN: Solar Storm – audio reactive music video with React Three Fiber https://ift.tt/3xyn5xu August 10, 2021 at 06:21PM

Show HN: Shottr – screenshot app for pixel professionals (macOS) https://ift.tt/37u4aJG

Show HN: Shottr – screenshot app for pixel professionals (macOS) https://shottr.cc/ August 10, 2021 at 05:37PM

Show HN: CreditHero – extend your AWS free credits https://ift.tt/3ix4Ynw

Show HN: CreditHero – extend your AWS free credits https://credithero.io August 10, 2021 at 03:24PM

Show HN: Hypertask – self service with monetized Azure Pipelines https://ift.tt/3fNKlS6

Show HN: Hypertask – self service with monetized Azure Pipelines https://hypertask.app August 10, 2021 at 10:41AM

Show HN: Bunny – An Ephemeral Desktop in the Browser https://ift.tt/3yDMzed

Show HN: Bunny – An Ephemeral Desktop in the Browser https://bunny.lucy.sh August 10, 2021 at 04:09AM

الاثنين، 9 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: A collection of lessons for early stages of building a marketplace https://ift.tt/3lMr5bo

Show HN: A collection of lessons for early stages of building a marketplace https://ift.tt/3s1vAA8 August 10, 2021 at 04:09AM

Show HN: Muxile – a tmux plugin that puts your terminal on your mobile https://ift.tt/2X3fr1y

Show HN: Muxile – a tmux plugin that puts your terminal on your mobile https://ift.tt/3iu1eTD August 9, 2021 at 09:41PM

Show HN: Torrentinim – low memory-footprint, API-only torrent search engine https://ift.tt/3ixrDzS

Show HN: Torrentinim – low memory-footprint, API-only torrent search engine https://ift.tt/321Z18U August 10, 2021 at 12:37AM

Show HN: Accessibility Testing Tool for Developers https://ift.tt/3CAhsm7

Show HN: Accessibility Testing Tool for Developers https://ift.tt/3yBICqj August 9, 2021 at 11:22PM

Show HN: Free, Accessible AI Art for Nonprogrammers https://ift.tt/3iALa2F

Show HN: Free, Accessible AI Art for Nonprogrammers https://ift.tt/2Ve1spk August 9, 2021 at 10:16PM

Show HN: LifeBits – share memories, not posts https://ift.tt/3iy6s0N

Show HN: LifeBits – share memories, not posts https://lifebits.app August 9, 2021 at 10:00PM

Show HN: Get a plastic, wallet-size vaccine card https://ift.tt/3Cx5GsQ

Show HN: Get a plastic, wallet-size vaccine card https://vaxcard.com August 9, 2021 at 09:33PM

Show HN: Personal Zero-Trust HashiCorp Vault https://ift.tt/3ixJQgV

Show HN: Personal Zero-Trust HashiCorp Vault https://ift.tt/2VHRlci August 9, 2021 at 05:08PM

Show HN: A floating chat web component for any framework https://ift.tt/3AqmTlL

Show HN: A floating chat web component for any framework https://ift.tt/3lHYWCt August 9, 2021 at 06:19PM

Show HN: Countdown Game Solver in Tree Format https://ift.tt/3lMJMM8

Show HN: Countdown Game Solver in Tree Format https://ift.tt/3s50Uhb August 9, 2021 at 12:39PM

Show HN: Ots – share a secret via one-time URL (a simple Go CLI) https://ift.tt/3s0ZynM

Show HN: Ots – share a secret via one-time URL (a simple Go CLI) https://ift.tt/3fNNz8l August 9, 2021 at 05:38PM

Show HN: Everyday Utilities for the Everyday Developer https://ift.tt/3s14wkm

Show HN: Everyday Utilities for the Everyday Developer https://ift.tt/37rp38v August 9, 2021 at 12:54PM

Show HN: Visualizing linear algebra algorithms like QR iteration https://ift.tt/3ADva6f

Show HN: Visualizing linear algebra algorithms like QR iteration https://ift.tt/2X540GF August 9, 2021 at 12:17PM

الأحد، 8 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Find soonest AZ GP appointments near you in Australia https://ift.tt/3AjdDje

Show HN: Find soonest AZ GP appointments near you in Australia https://ift.tt/3lL7Xe8 August 9, 2021 at 03:59AM

Show HN: Open-Source EMarket Online Store https://ift.tt/3fJKaqU

Show HN: Open-Source EMarket Online Store https://ift.tt/37slr5V August 9, 2021 at 02:05AM

Show HN: Generating Collisions on NeuralHash https://ift.tt/3Cts723

Show HN: Generating Collisions on NeuralHash https://ift.tt/3juwkKa August 8, 2021 at 03:05PM

Show HN: Yet another Homebrew Video Game Console, this time FPGA-based https://ift.tt/3fEVUer

Show HN: Yet another Homebrew Video Game Console, this time FPGA-based https://ift.tt/3jubpHa August 9, 2021 at 12:23AM

Show HN: Forever Domains https://ift.tt/3yLhJRb

Show HN: Forever Domains https://ift.tt/3jEOZ6b August 8, 2021 at 10:25PM

Show HN: Create Realistic AI-Generated Images with VQGAN + CLIP https://ift.tt/3ixHNt8

Show HN: Create Realistic AI-Generated Images with VQGAN + CLIP https://ift.tt/3s3LPwI August 8, 2021 at 08:29PM

Show HN: Windows Bubbles Screensaver in JavaScript https://ift.tt/3fJhtKZ

Show HN: Windows Bubbles Screensaver in JavaScript https://ift.tt/3lIXeAW August 8, 2021 at 09:35AM

Show HN: Textual – An async-powered terminal application framework for Python https://ift.tt/37tvAPO

Show HN: Textual – An async-powered terminal application framework for Python https://ift.tt/3rt8Dp3 August 8, 2021 at 05:02PM

Show HN: An interactive 3D mesh viewer https://ift.tt/3fJVP99

Show HN: An interactive 3D mesh viewer https://ift.tt/3rZm3tn August 8, 2021 at 04:44PM

Show HN: Estinator – simulation tool for project management https://ift.tt/3jsR1Go

Show HN: Estinator – simulation tool for project management https://estinator.com August 8, 2021 at 11:45AM

Show HN: Postman Alternative for gRPC https://ift.tt/37vQ5LT

Show HN: Postman Alternative for gRPC https://kreya.app August 8, 2021 at 11:27AM

السبت، 7 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Agora: Sell Files on the Web https://ift.tt/3yxO5yA

Show HN: Agora: Sell Files on the Web https://ift.tt/3xv2jiq August 7, 2021 at 12:16AM

Show HN: Build a Lisp in Swift https://ift.tt/2WVHkbN

Show HN: Build a Lisp in Swift https://ift.tt/3rYIq25 August 8, 2021 at 04:54AM

Show HN: Object Detection in an Hour https://ift.tt/3lIqWpl

Show HN: Object Detection in an Hour https://ift.tt/3lV1xt1 August 7, 2021 at 09:38PM

Show HN: AIMER.app – Actively improve your French listening with YouTube https://ift.tt/3jvbV7W

Show HN: AIMER.app – Actively improve your French listening with YouTube https://aimer.app August 7, 2021 at 09:37PM

Show HN: Trending Machine Learning Papers on Twitter https://ift.tt/3yrKzpk

Show HN: Trending Machine Learning Papers on Twitter https://ift.tt/3eO3rXE August 7, 2021 at 01:07PM

Show HN: Preventing Mindless Twitter Scrolling on iPhone https://ift.tt/3rYcfzR

Show HN: Preventing Mindless Twitter Scrolling on iPhone https://twitter.com/actuflow/status/1423318269440798723 August 7, 2021 at 03:51PM

Show HN: Hook, supplying the missing links to macOS https://ift.tt/3xvMcRI

Show HN: Hook, supplying the missing links to macOS Hook is an information retrieval tool for macOS that supplies & resolves links & bookmarks to all kinds of info, to minimize what Seth Godin recently called "Mode Switching". This week, we @ CogSci Apps Corp. released Hook 3.2 for Mac, adding - support for Instapaper + GoodLinks (Hook already supported Pinboard); - simultaneous deep linking and quoting of PDF text; - new integrations with Merlin Project, Notion and Zoom; - etc. See https://ift.tt/2tFtrwN Hook has a free 30-day trial and a free its Lite mode. # Product description Hook features a nimble keyboarder-friendly popup window resembling Spotlight® and launchers (Alfred, LaunchBar). In contrast, however, Hook is context-aware ; it generates and leverages information networks. How? Bring Hook's context window up on a selected or open file, email, task, or almost any item in almost any Mac app, and it will allow you to `Copy Link` to the item (⌘C). This provides a uniform gesture that works not only across browsers (no plugin/extension required) but in any app that is truly linkable ( https://ift.tt/37ob0Az) The scheme of the URL returned by Hook's `Copy Link` (⌘C) command for the given foreground app is determined a priori as follows. When possible, the scheme is standard (eg, https). Otherwise if the app has its own URL scheme, Hook will normally use it (e.g., `x-devonthink-item:` URL or omnifocus:); otherwise, if possible Hook will supply a link with its own scheme + subscheme. Eg, Hook provides a `hook://file/` URL for the open or selected Finder file, which unlike `file://` URL works even if you move the file (eg, offload a Git or Dropbox folder & remount it elsewhere). `hook://file/` links can be shared between users (assuming the recipient has the same file). Hook's `hook://email/` URLs include the RFC-5322 compliant email ID; so they work across compliant email apps, determined by the Hook mail preference set by whoever activates the link. Hook also can generate bidirectional links ("hooks") to/from the foreground app's current item (the "context"). Hook's solution predates and is much more general & versatile than macOS 12 Quick Note. Hook also enables one to create `.hook` files for the currently open item. More general and robust than aliases and .weblocs, and they are plain text (markdown). Because `Copy Link` is a highly discriminative signal of future information relevance, Hook internally bookmarks what you link, optionally to Pinboard, Instapaper &/or GoodLinks. Hook also enables deep PDF linking across multiple apps. Select text in a "linkable" PDF app, use Hook's context-sensitive `Copy Link`: get a link to the specific location in that file. You or your recipient can open it with any compliant PDF app. See [our notes on interoperability](https://ift.tt/3CqJ6Sr). Eg Hook has an API. And you can view and edit its "integration scripts". Hook can't adequately be pigeon-holed in terms of current products. So it takes a few minutes of focused attention to get one's head wrapped around it. To a first approximation, you can think of Hook as _privately_ and nimbly provisioning the "last mile" beyond the web, bidirectionally linking your Mac's local resources to each other, to the cloud and the web (you can also webpages, of course). Hook overcomes the silo-ness of apps (e.g., connecting e-mail messages to tasks and files) without forcing you to use a particular multi-function suite (like Evernote or Notion). Long ago, I was an at-founding employee of Tundra Semiconductors, which made hardware bus bridges between disparate CPUs/buses. That gave me the idea for Hook, a connector of user-facing software resources. And yes, a companion for iPhone&iPad is coming (not a replacement). CogSci Apps Corp. is a privately held Canadian company of which I am co-founder. I'm co-inventor of Hook. August 7, 2021 at 10:49AM

الجمعة، 6 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Swifties – a custom language construction kit in Swift https://ift.tt/3fB67Ze

Show HN: Swifties – a custom language construction kit in Swift https://ift.tt/3jtUUe5 August 7, 2021 at 04:03AM

Show HN: DenseClus, clustering for categorical and numeric data https://ift.tt/2U2ZtUa

Show HN: DenseClus, clustering for categorical and numeric data https://ift.tt/3ynvF3f August 6, 2021 at 08:49PM

Show HN: Open-source A/B Testing framework https://ift.tt/3CnHNnv

Show HN: Open-source A/B Testing framework https://ift.tt/3zeln6s August 6, 2021 at 07:53PM

Show HN: Beam.gg – Applying game theory and game design to online communities https://ift.tt/3xrMvNh

Show HN: Beam.gg – Applying game theory and game design to online communities https://beam.gg August 6, 2021 at 06:57PM

Show HN: Physically-Based GPU Pathtracer with Mitsuba XML Support https://ift.tt/3xsLdBC

Show HN: Physically-Based GPU Pathtracer with Mitsuba XML Support https://ift.tt/2FOGgyd August 6, 2021 at 05:39PM

Show HN: A link aggregator with tags about anything that piques your curiosity https://ift.tt/37DWpkF

Show HN: A link aggregator with tags about anything that piques your curiosity https://sic.pm/ August 6, 2021 at 05:09PM

Show HN: Death to video calls. Interactive audio spaces are the future https://ift.tt/3xtXKVA

Show HN: Death to video calls. Interactive audio spaces are the future https://ift.tt/3AfHskT August 6, 2021 at 03:51PM

Show HN: Paper Time – Listen to abstracts of CS papers, like a custom podcast https://ift.tt/3xxzwcN

Show HN: Paper Time – Listen to abstracts of CS papers, like a custom podcast https://papertime.app August 6, 2021 at 03:59PM

Show HN: Digsby – A virtual host for your Airbnb rental https://ift.tt/2WWcfVn

Show HN: Digsby – A virtual host for your Airbnb rental https://askdigsby.com August 6, 2021 at 03:16PM

Show HN: Reddit clone built in no-code in 2 weeks https://ift.tt/3xqTFBy

Show HN: Reddit clone built in no-code in 2 weeks https://ift.tt/2VwJK0j August 6, 2021 at 03:05PM

Show HN: Archive Your Website for Free https://ift.tt/3iqGRXm

Show HN: Archive Your Website for Free https://ift.tt/2SxDLGS August 6, 2021 at 01:56PM

Show HN: Git statistics simple and easy in pure bash https://ift.tt/3fDYhOt

Show HN: Git statistics simple and easy in pure bash https://ift.tt/3xs3wXL August 6, 2021 at 01:22PM

Show HN: Crypto data from multiple exchanges to multiple storage systems-Updated https://ift.tt/3fCWv0a

Show HN: Crypto data from multiple exchanges to multiple storage systems-Updated https://ift.tt/3sYBTEk August 6, 2021 at 01:08PM

Show HN: Visualizer for High Level System Design https://ift.tt/3js9naD

Show HN: Visualizer for High Level System Design https://ift.tt/3lD8C10 August 6, 2021 at 11:01AM

الخميس، 5 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Procedural log cabins using code CAD https://ift.tt/3CoLt8n

Show HN: Procedural log cabins using code CAD https://ift.tt/3lzgXmr August 6, 2021 at 09:20AM

Show HN: NightCafe Creator – Create art from a text prompt using VQGAN+CLIP https://ift.tt/3lAjyMN

Show HN: NightCafe Creator – Create art from a text prompt using VQGAN+CLIP https://ift.tt/3rUMn81 August 6, 2021 at 02:54AM

Show HN: Fabform.io an Alternative to Google Forms https://ift.tt/3lAJSqb

Show HN: Fabform.io an Alternative to Google Forms https://fabform.io a google forms alternative August 6, 2021 at 02:44AM

Show HN: Collaborative Online Sticky Notes https://ift.tt/2VjawcB

Show HN: Collaborative Online Sticky Notes https://ift.tt/3fxAKPc August 5, 2021 at 07:21PM

Show HN: Visualizing a Codebase https://ift.tt/3fzW0E2

Show HN: Visualizing a Codebase I explored an alternative way to view codebases to the typical folder/file list, showing a bird's-eye-view of its structure. https://ift.tt/3lECcU1 August 5, 2021 at 07:09PM

Show HN: LiaScript - Markdown for interactive and open online courses https://ift.tt/3jo3c7f

Show HN: LiaScript - Markdown for interactive and open online courses https://ift.tt/2WT3Ceh August 5, 2021 at 04:12PM

Show HN: Makeai.art – Create Art from a Description https://ift.tt/2WT5GD3

Show HN: Makeai.art – Create Art from a Description https://makeai.art August 5, 2021 at 09:17AM

Show HN: Made an internal communication app with just SWIFTUI https://ift.tt/3lz1aUI

Show HN: Made an internal communication app with just SWIFTUI https://ift.tt/3ic3gGD August 5, 2021 at 02:06PM

Show HN: Open-source React SPA blog (MIT license) https://ift.tt/3xAMRBv

Show HN: Open-source React SPA blog (MIT license) https://ift.tt/3ymnSCW August 5, 2021 at 10:50AM

الأربعاء، 4 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Hookdeck – an infrastructure to consume webhooks https://ift.tt/3xtqihH

Show HN: Hookdeck – an infrastructure to consume webhooks https://ift.tt/37zwhY9 August 4, 2021 at 09:14PM

Show HN: Mapus – An open source map tool with real-time collaboration https://ift.tt/2TRPKzM

Show HN: Mapus – An open source map tool with real-time collaboration https://ift.tt/3lsjApT August 4, 2021 at 12:51PM

Show HN: 8-Bit NES Emulator as Progressive Web App https://ift.tt/3xlmwHf

Show HN: 8-Bit NES Emulator as Progressive Web App https://ift.tt/3ikX1ld August 4, 2021 at 03:54PM

Show HN: Learn to identify the birds at any location in the world https://ift.tt/3fwKQzT

Show HN: Learn to identify the birds at any location in the world https://ift.tt/3fvNfL5 August 4, 2021 at 03:33PM

Show HN: Open-source low-code BI tool https://ift.tt/2TXy9qm

Show HN: Open-source low-code BI tool https://ift.tt/3iYHTuC August 4, 2021 at 01:30PM

Show HN: Ray Tracer from Scratch https://ift.tt/3Cj2ukC

Show HN: Ray Tracer from Scratch https://ift.tt/3A3P5L6 August 4, 2021 at 09:28AM

Show HN: Till – Unblock and scale your web scrapers, with minimal code changes https://ift.tt/3AcmPpx

Show HN: Till – Unblock and scale your web scrapers, with minimal code changes https://ift.tt/3inx8RS August 4, 2021 at 02:16PM

Show HN: I wrote a novel about my work developing the Xerox Star https://ift.tt/3lvVriu

Show HN: I wrote a novel about my work developing the Xerox Star https://ift.tt/3Aca66e August 4, 2021 at 02:10PM

Show HN: KSON Is JSON with SQL and Networking https://ift.tt/3indC84

Show HN: KSON Is JSON with SQL and Networking https://ift.tt/3Chhdfw August 4, 2021 at 11:03AM

Show HN: Kiteshield – an open source packer/obfuscator for ELF binaries on Linux https://ift.tt/3CdzrP4

Show HN: Kiteshield – an open source packer/obfuscator for ELF binaries on Linux https://ift.tt/3q3oh8x August 4, 2021 at 09:02AM

الثلاثاء، 3 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Pebble Finance – Create a Custom ETF https://ift.tt/3Cd04nr

Show HN: Pebble Finance – Create a Custom ETF https://ift.tt/3ij2Xey August 4, 2021 at 12:33AM

Show HN: Corvus Robotics (YC S18) – Level 4 autonomy, warehouse inventory UAVs https://ift.tt/3fsQz9Y

Show HN: Corvus Robotics (YC S18) – Level 4 autonomy, warehouse inventory UAVs https://ift.tt/3A8dsY0 August 3, 2021 at 09:11PM

Show HN: Tomatotree.tv – Find your next series to watch using Rotten Tomatoes https://ift.tt/3foZiKo

Show HN: Tomatotree.tv – Find your next series to watch using Rotten Tomatoes https://tomatotree.tv/ August 3, 2021 at 09:04PM

Show HN: OnionShare with Just Tor and Redbean https://ift.tt/3jgVxHP

Show HN: OnionShare with Just Tor and Redbean https://ift.tt/37gEJuS August 3, 2021 at 08:37PM

Show HN: Authentication and Verification of Digital Media Assets for Everyone https://ift.tt/3fsxSmK

Show HN: Authentication and Verification of Digital Media Assets for Everyone https://www.tovera.com August 3, 2021 at 07:00PM

Show HN: Tinyevents.js – A tiny event utility library https://ift.tt/3ypJ5ff

Show HN: Tinyevents.js – A tiny event utility library https://ift.tt/2WLEDJP August 3, 2021 at 06:27PM

Show HN: Atomd v0.1.0 – Markdown Lexer and HTML Parser (Python) https://ift.tt/3ymaWNj

Show HN: Atomd v0.1.0 – Markdown Lexer and HTML Parser (Python) https://ift.tt/2Vr4Mgz August 3, 2021 at 04:08PM

Show HN: Build ECommerce Website on AI Powered SaaS Platform |Shoptimize https://ift.tt/3ftqVlj

Show HN: Build ECommerce Website on AI Powered SaaS Platform |Shoptimize https://ift.tt/3friHu2 August 3, 2021 at 02:51PM

Show HN: Let AI predict how old you are https://ift.tt/3iil2t0

Show HN: Let AI predict how old you are https://ift.tt/3jlrZsv August 3, 2021 at 06:25PM

Show HN: A work in progress C compiler from scratch https://ift.tt/3A0uNSA

Show HN: A work in progress C compiler from scratch https://ift.tt/2Vd9heW August 3, 2021 at 04:50PM

Show HN: Shiny Buildings – GitHub for Buildings https://ift.tt/2Vioco2

Show HN: Shiny Buildings – GitHub for Buildings https://ift.tt/3jgMyGz August 3, 2021 at 03:29PM

Show HN: PinePage– A monetization platform rooted in the value of Free Speech https://ift.tt/2TRYAxF

Show HN: PinePage– A monetization platform rooted in the value of Free Speech https://pinepage.com/ August 3, 2021 at 12:26PM

Show HN: Free Private gRPC Documentation https://ift.tt/3A5EBuU

Show HN: Free Private gRPC Documentation https://ift.tt/3A5tMsB August 3, 2021 at 12:26PM

الاثنين، 2 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: The Simplest ML API https://ift.tt/3A4x7YQ

Show HN: The Simplest ML API https://ift.tt/3A1RExd August 2, 2021 at 11:45PM

Show HN: Volcano | Co-watch YouTube videos just by adding –-- to the URL https://ift.tt/3fqlOCm

Show HN: Volcano | Co-watch YouTube videos just by adding –-- to the URL Just follow the super easy steps below to try it right away: 1. Open any youtube video and play it in the browser. 2. Edit the youtube.com video URL to you---tube.com (adding three hyphens between "you" and "tube" in the address bar) 3. Enter and Done, Share the URL with others for them to join or live-stream your co-watching stream. (private and visible only to people with the URL you share) Example: Modify https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX2qFMC8cFo to https://ift.tt/2TNoMcA and press enter in the address bar. Voila! August 2, 2021 at 09:10PM

Show HN: A tiny browser game where you have 45 seconds to trade a fake stock https://ift.tt/3ynctTn

Show HN: A tiny browser game where you have 45 seconds to trade a fake stock https://ift.tt/37gxlQo August 2, 2021 at 08:36PM

Show HN: A web video player for local files https://ift.tt/3jg4RvK

Show HN: A web video player for local files https://ift.tt/37hnnOx August 2, 2021 at 06:55PM

Show HN: Open by Design https://ift.tt/3rO2cgt

Show HN: Open by Design https://ift.tt/2WB9dpp August 2, 2021 at 06:40PM

Show HN: Practice Python Projects eBook for beginners https://ift.tt/3C8OwBu

Show HN: Practice Python Projects eBook for beginners https://ift.tt/3lmkTH1 August 2, 2021 at 04:05PM

Show HN: Connecting Arduino and Android https://ift.tt/2VqLOGy

Show HN: Connecting Arduino and Android https://ift.tt/3lm8uCX August 2, 2021 at 02:50PM

Show HN: A team org chart built inside Slack https://ift.tt/3C93Z4I

Show HN: A team org chart built inside Slack https://www.ochart.co/ August 2, 2021 at 09:55AM

Show HN: Nordigen Free banking data API (EU) https://ift.tt/37b9YaW

Show HN: Nordigen Free banking data API (EU) https://ift.tt/3y8ZhS4 August 2, 2021 at 01:35PM

الأحد، 1 أغسطس 2021

Show HN: Mathematics Chalkboard with LaTeX and Markdown Support https://ift.tt/2TRZPwO

Show HN: Mathematics Chalkboard with LaTeX and Markdown Support https://ift.tt/2PBUfvM August 2, 2021 at 08:48AM

Show HN: Python Source Code Refactoring Toolkit via AST https://ift.tt/3rL3uJf

Show HN: Python Source Code Refactoring Toolkit via AST https://ift.tt/2WgGWo5 August 1, 2021 at 07:34PM

Show HN: nbb - run a ClojureScript script on Node without a Clojure build tool https://ift.tt/3ynsfxC

Show HN: nbb - run a ClojureScript script on Node without a Clojure build tool https://ift.tt/2V3KjP6 August 1, 2021 at 03:52PM

Show HN: Gamestonk Terminal Update. A FOSS Alternative to Bloomberg Terminal https://ift.tt/3C3AmBz

Show HN: Gamestonk Terminal Update. A FOSS Alternative to Bloomberg Terminal Hey all, Monthly update on the state of the best -and only one- Free Open-Source Terminal: Gamestonk Terminal. Since last month, some of the features that have been added are: * Insider Screener based on http://openinsider.com * Market overview from https://ift.tt/3fjshyS * A neat ETF screener to filter for ETFs that meet a certain criteria, like: price, assets held, net asset valuation, expense ratio, PE Ratio, dividend yield, and more. * An initial version of a supply-chain analysis, that based on a company shows not only the suppliers but also customers. * Literally 40 new crypto commands from a single contributor! It's actually insane the amount of new functionalities this crypto menu already has... * We incorporated also an Options screener from https://ift.tt/3gV2COs. The author (https://ift.tt/3rzWcrx) has been extremely keen with incorporating his API. * New partnership with Sentiment Investor!!! Which allows us to have an even better behavioural analysis, and we increase the list of our partners to 4. * For more terminal updates, you can follow our twitter account https://twitter.com/gamestonkt or check the #new-features channel on our discord. Some of the next steps: * We want to improve our unique feature of automatic report generation to help the community benefiting from real good DD. I personally benefit massively from the DD everyone puts here, and feel like there should be a tool to host all this information. And the way we automate it will make it much easier for content creators to add their notes and share their DD with everyone. * We have been having regular weekly calls with contributors to agree on the structure of the data that will be used for our sick GUI. If you are unsure about the terminal, let me tell you why I spend 99% of my spare time developing it: 1. The terminal is timeless. The terminal is fully open-source, which means that it won't die. It also means that there's 100% transparency on everything we do. You can even see the very first commit of the project, and how fast we've grown since then. 2. The terminal is 100% free. There isn't a single command that requires money from the user. It also means equality between every user, i.e. all users are premium in our view. 3. Unlimited upside. With the amount of data we are gathering, the possibilities of what we can do are unlimited. Even this week I was reached out by some DS guys where they want to improve our Residual Analysis menu to add explanations of what does that mean to people less familiar with this mathematical terms. 4. Driven by the community. Most of the features I mentioned above came from users on discord messaging us with "what about a supply-chain analysis like bloomberg terminal" or "look this openinsider website looks legit, we could do something nice with it". 5. Amazing community. I can't stress this enough. Some of the people we're working with on this, are extremely smart and hard-working people. Personally, I'm learning a ton while having a lot of fun. 6. The opportunity to make a difference. Definitely the most rewarding for me. Last year when COVID happened, I had no clue what a SPAC was, and had never invested in anything. Today I have the chance to make an impact in the financial world.You know when people say "To the people". The community behind this project are actually that same people. We don't come from Wall St, we all have 9-5 jobs and are trying to level the financial world, 1 commit at a time.Everyone can give their contribution on this project, I welcome every single one of you to join our discord. Even if you are not a developer, requesting features, finding bugs, is just as important. August 1, 2021 at 06:26PM

Show HN: Declarative GUIs in Racket [video] https://ift.tt/3C21hhl

Show HN: Declarative GUIs in Racket [video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXJ9tTVGDwU August 1, 2021 at 04:30PM

Show HN: Best Pumps Reviewed and Compared- Feedback Please https://ift.tt/3flrsWt

Show HN: Best Pumps Reviewed and Compared- Feedback Please https://ift.tt/2WI7WNw August 1, 2021 at 05:51PM

Show HN: Blackjack – Probabilties, Card Counting – Calculation and Simulation https://ift.tt/3yhVGkP

Show HN: Blackjack – Probabilties, Card Counting – Calculation and Simulation https://ift.tt/3C1w11P August 1, 2021 at 03:37PM