الاثنين، 31 يناير 2022

Show HN: rqlite, distributed SQLite, v7.2: autoclustering via DNS and DNS SRV https://ift.tt/8y4haK60s

Show HN: rqlite, distributed SQLite, v7.2: autoclustering via DNS and DNS SRV https://ift.tt/fXw3jHerb February 1, 2022 at 09:05AM

Show HN: Colab-xterm – Open a terminal in colab, including the free tier https://ift.tt/qXk0axHEO

Show HN: Colab-xterm – Open a terminal in colab, including the free tier https://ift.tt/3Emvby7rQ February 1, 2022 at 04:30AM

Show HN: r.py, a small subset of Python Requests https://ift.tt/XVuqsKEne

Show HN: r.py, a small subset of Python Requests https://ift.tt/FUYSz5lct February 1, 2022 at 03:44AM

Show HN: Typing.ai – Secure typing biometrics authentication API https://ift.tt/JvRLsD9n2

Show HN: Typing.ai – Secure typing biometrics authentication API Hello HN, I am Rares, the founder of Typing AI ( https://typing.ai ). Typing AI is a typing biometrics authentication API that identifies users by the way they type using Artificial Intelligence. After seeing several hacked sites we came to the conclusion that any application, any database and any code can be hacked. We realized that most security breaches are due to poorly implemented authentication. This project uses Artificial Intelligence in order to detect the typing pattern by checking the keystroke dynamics. A unique typing ID is generated for each user. There are lots of peoples who tested the API and the accuracy level is over 99.9%. Our typing biometrics API can be easily integrated in web, desktop and mobile apps using any programming language. We're targeting big companies such as banks and top 500 businesses, because the API allows us to offer enterprise grade security. The biggest problem in the banking and fintech world right now is the security of the sensitive data. A data breach can lead to bankruptcy. Due to the Covid 19 pandemics, schools and colleges were forced to take exams online, some of our customers are educational organizations such as state and private schools, colleges, online courses and webinar platforms. We are a remote team of 5 members split across Romania, Croatia, Bangladesh and India. Typing AI Biometrics j.d.o.o. is a company registered in the Republic of Croatia. The company is accelerated by Fil Rouge Capital, the leading Croatian VC. By eliminating passwords, businesses can immediately reduce churn and cart abandonment and provide superior security for personal data. We have transformed authentication, making it faster, simpler and better! That's why we are helping more and more developers and businesses to secure web, mobile and desktop applications using typing biometrics authentication based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We have a Freemium Software as a Service (SaaS) business model and our monthly paid plans range from $21 to over $2000, depending on the number of user identity checks (monthly API calls). Our API can handle millions of API calls per hour (we paid for application load testing). We have over 1000 nonpaying monthly active users. Our biggest customer has over 1 000 000 registered users and is based in the United States of America. This company is an online teaching platform that offers courses for driving, flying, snorkeling and scuba diving. You can reach us on our official website: https://typing.ai Please share your feedback and ask me anything, thanks! https://typing.ai January 30, 2022 at 01:06AM

Show HN: xls2ics – Convert Excel files to calendar files https://ift.tt/jRl5hIaJQ

Show HN: xls2ics – Convert Excel files to calendar files https://www.xls2ics.de/ January 31, 2022 at 11:51AM

Show HN: C/C++ Time Travel debug extension for VSCode https://ift.tt/GjE3yiL7P

Show HN: C/C++ Time Travel debug extension for VSCode We made this for undo.io’s Time Travel C/C++ debugger, udb. There’s literally a visual timeline. You can get free trials of udb for linux and give it a go. https://ift.tt/3YroJP7mu January 31, 2022 at 08:58AM

الأحد، 30 يناير 2022

Show HN: BeanHub – A GitHub for Beancount https://ift.tt/RT54SUcgv

Show HN: BeanHub – A GitHub for Beancount https://beanhub.io/ January 31, 2022 at 01:19AM

Show HN: An Instagram Alternative https://ift.tt/9dsUYCH4P

Show HN: An Instagram Alternative We just launched the first version of Pidgeon. It’s meant to be a sort of “reddit for photos”, and we’re trying to fix a lot of the problems instagram has. Quite a lot of people these days hate instagram for one reason or another. Maybe you hate the amount of ads it has. Maybe you hate the algorithm. Maybe you hate the shop section that no one ever uses. Maybe you hate the data collection, or reels, or that it just seems like a giant popularity contest. We want to address all of the above. Organic outreach The feed is organized chronologically. Here you will only see your own posts and the posts of people you follow. Don’t worry about bots or engagement because that won’t tank your reach. The discovery queue is split into different categories, kind of like subreddits. Each post is then ranked by how good users think the photos in the post are, divided by a function of the age of the post - essentially the upvote/downvote system that exists on reddit. There are also no hashtags, because we didn’t want people to waste time coming up with a bunch. We think that in the long term, hashtags are a net negative as a feature. Of course, you can’t pay to promote your post, and this will never change. Photo based chat rooms When you share a photo, it’s a natural thing to want to talk about it. But comments aren’t always the nicest way to do this. So we made photo based chat rooms. You can create or join chat rooms and specify a couple categories for the room. Any time someone in the room makes a post to a category that’s associated with the room, the post will be shared to the room as well. So every time you make a post, your photos will be shared with a group of people who have a similar interest in the type of photo you’re posting. This also has another effect - usually social platforms need a couple million users to reach a “critical mass”, or a point where there’s any value at all to using the app. But with a chat room, you only need a hundred or so users for it to have value - and in fact, oftentimes you don’t want much more than that in the room anyway. We’re hoping this allows people to find value in using the app before we grow to a massive userbase. We won’t run ads Besides the obvious upside of not seeing ads, this also means we don’t have an incentive to collect your personal data and sell it to advertisers. Discord has shown that the freemium model can work, and that’s what we plan to do - most of the app being free, with none of the paid features being “essential”. In fact, for the near future we still have a ton of features we’d like to add to the app, and none of them are paid. Other things… We won’t add something stupid like the shop tab or snap scrolling on instagram. In fact, if we add something that our users end up hating, we’ll get rid of it. We have to, because our business model relies on keeping our users happy. In addition, only you can see who you’re following. So no more of that “follow me follow back” nonsense. Only follow people whose content you actually want to see, and unfollow them whenever you want without them knowing. Follower counts will still be public. We also have dark mode from day 1 If you want to check it out, it’s on the app store and play store: https://ift.tt/Dz6L3Y4gt https://ift.tt/T2UxYHgFz January 31, 2022 at 01:01AM

Show HN: Timezone – View current time of your distributed team members https://ift.tt/PosezWETa

Show HN: Timezone – View current time of your distributed team members https://ift.tt/khSiyZ4w5 January 30, 2022 at 10:45PM

Show HN: Cheating memory game with Playwright framework https://ift.tt/OF7mTZcWg

Show HN: Cheating memory game with Playwright framework https://ift.tt/nLFkDmsrM January 30, 2022 at 09:33PM

السبت، 29 يناير 2022

Show HN: UI to allow your team to easily create Airflow DAGs with no code https://ift.tt/kriIlpFjd

Show HN: UI to allow your team to easily create Airflow DAGs with no code https://ift.tt/mEN9bdail January 30, 2022 at 01:42AM

Show HN: Plotting New York using a collision dataset https://ift.tt/DHlIkQjM8

Show HN: Plotting New York using a collision dataset https://ift.tt/ZxzMwXETY January 30, 2022 at 01:44AM

Show HN: An offensive security toolkit written in Rust https://ift.tt/bkBQA8edp

Show HN: An offensive security toolkit written in Rust Remote Code Oxidation is a collection of tools that help offensive security professionals quickly adapt payloads to the needs of their engagement. Any and all feedback is welcome! https://bit.ly/3KRPPcz January 29, 2022 at 08:40PM

Show HN: Troogl – A new way to read the news https://ift.tt/TwiIl9SYj

Show HN: Troogl – A new way to read the news https://bit.ly/3obxbT4 January 29, 2022 at 05:25PM

Show HN: A cross-platform multi-target dotfiles manager https://ift.tt/RxMX2LKE9

Show HN: A cross-platform multi-target dotfiles manager https://bit.ly/3HsDFF3 January 29, 2022 at 08:03PM

Show HN: New Feature] we added new breathing exercise https://ift.tt/s3GxXRYn9

Show HN: New Feature] we added new breathing exercise https://getvealth.com/ January 29, 2022 at 03:44PM

Show HN: Criew - A place to share and review different types of contents https://ift.tt/MCvUISZj6

Show HN: Criew - A place to share and review different types of contents https://bit.ly/3HoQRdG January 29, 2022 at 03:07PM

الجمعة، 28 يناير 2022

Show HN: Faster R-CNN object detector implemented in PyTorch and TensorFlow 2 https://ift.tt/3gnoQYt

Show HN: Faster R-CNN object detector implemented in PyTorch and TensorFlow 2 Fresh and (I think) clean implementations of Faster R-CNN in PyTorch and TensorFlow 2/Keras. I wanted to learn about object detectors and decided to understand and implement a foundational model in the field, Faster R-CNN (elements of which are still used in modern models to this day), using the paper alone. That proved to be more difficult than expected and I had to relent and take a peak at existing implementations to fill in some important gaps. I've documented my struggles and learnings in the README for others to benefit from. I also wanted to solidify my understanding of TensorFlow/Keras and learn PyTorch, so I made sure to implement the model in both. Faster R-CNN is fairly challenging in that it doesn't quite map to Keras tutorial examples. For example, losses are not computed simply as a function of model output and input but rather, some of the training data is actually computed on-the-fly within the model during training and the losses have to explicitly be constructed as part of the graph. Personally, I found the "official" TensorFlow reference implementation ( https://ift.tt/3s2Oirg... ) to be very difficult to follow and I hope this proves to be useful to learners like myself. https://ift.tt/3G4bbzK January 28, 2022 at 11:19PM

Show HN: CraftBox, Run a Minecraft Server on Your Phone https://ift.tt/35npdQg

Show HN: CraftBox, Run a Minecraft Server on Your Phone I want to share my newest Android app with everyone on HN. CraftBox allows you to easily run a Minecraft server on your Android device. It is published in the Play Store, https://ift.tt/3oa6jmG... , and posted on GitHub: https://ift.tt/3IQuqi9 I know I am late to the Minecraft scene. I am a bit old to have been part of the original craze, but I now have a son who loves the game. Now that I have played it with him, I can see the appeal. I am an open source developer and the creator of UserLAnd, https://ift.tt/2pZzVo6 , so when I get excited about something, I am always thinking about how I can get involved and contribute to the community. I read an article on how to run a Minecraft Server on your phone, https://ift.tt/2LSxHlp , but I figured I could do better by not making people go through as many steps. So, that is a goal... make this simple. This is the first public release and there are many things that can be improved. You can see some of the issues I am going to be fixing soon in the GitHub issues. Anyway, please check it out and tell me what you think. Thanks! Corbin https://ift.tt/3IGHUN6 January 28, 2022 at 11:13PM

Show HN: Hexle ­- A Wordle-like game where you guess a 16-bit hex int https://ift.tt/32IJyyE

Show HN: Hexle ­- A Wordle-like game where you guess a 16-bit hex int https://ift.tt/3AFGv6M January 28, 2022 at 11:01PM

Show HN: Emojraw – Draw with an Emoji Palette https://ift.tt/3g3Qvxl

Show HN: Emojraw – Draw with an Emoji Palette https://ift.tt/3vJtWVd January 28, 2022 at 10:24PM

Show HN: Encycla – like GitHub for knowledge https://ift.tt/3KScXHT

Show HN: Encycla – like GitHub for knowledge https://encycla.com/ January 28, 2022 at 09:56PM

الخميس، 27 يناير 2022

Show HN: Hibiki HTML – New Frontend Framework (no scaffolding, no webpack) https://ift.tt/3Ha8ZrV

Show HN: Hibiki HTML – New Frontend Framework (no scaffolding, no webpack) https://ift.tt/3G3RFTX January 27, 2022 at 10:09PM

Show HN: An in-browser text editor to easily create static HTML https://ift.tt/3AFzsv6

Show HN: An in-browser text editor to easily create static HTML https://ift.tt/3o7ME6H January 28, 2022 at 12:54AM

Show HN: GravaMetrics – Powerful Dashboards made simple https://ift.tt/3KOgmaF

Show HN: GravaMetrics – Powerful Dashboards made simple https://ift.tt/34fRzM0 January 27, 2022 at 03:37PM

Show HN: Open-source admin panel for Supabase https://ift.tt/3g15jwv

Show HN: Open-source admin panel for Supabase https://ift.tt/3u944DM January 27, 2022 at 05:09PM

Show HN: Hides Windows during screen sharing https://ift.tt/3AB19oA

Show HN: Hides Windows during screen sharing https://ift.tt/3sdSMf9 January 27, 2022 at 01:52PM

الأربعاء، 26 يناير 2022

Show HN: Alexa is shutting down, so I made a UI for the most popular sites https://ift.tt/3AyW5RA

Show HN: Alexa is shutting down, so I made a UI for the most popular sites https://ift.tt/3u5epRc January 27, 2022 at 06:40AM

Show HN: Electric Tables – an experiment in personal databases https://ift.tt/3G86bKq

Show HN: Electric Tables – an experiment in personal databases https://ift.tt/3IF3rpv January 26, 2022 at 10:46PM

Show HN: Repository of Data SDKs Collect, for Play Store Data Safety Form https://ift.tt/34bPAbu

Show HN: Repository of Data SDKs Collect, for Play Store Data Safety Form https://ift.tt/3D52SCm January 26, 2022 at 02:20PM

الثلاثاء، 25 يناير 2022

Show HN: Visual Python 2.0 – GUI Python code generator for data science https://ift.tt/3H40jTS

Show HN: Visual Python 2.0 – GUI Python code generator for data science https://ift.tt/348UF42 January 26, 2022 at 08:31AM

Show HN: Convert image below a particular filesize online https://ift.tt/3tZewh6

Show HN: Convert image below a particular filesize online https://ift.tt/3KKeKyz January 26, 2022 at 07:31AM

Show HN: Random Data Generator for arbitrary data types https://ift.tt/345RVob

Show HN: Random Data Generator for arbitrary data types Datasino is a command line tool that can come handy when load testing a service or database. Give it a data schema (many compound types supported, including recursive types), an encoding (JSON, CSV or ClickHouse) and a target (a file or a Kafka partition) and a data rate and it will generate a reasonably optimized (native code) random data source. See the top of the README for some examples. If you have any ideas on how to extend this tool so that it's useful to more people, please let me know. https://ift.tt/3IBKh42 January 26, 2022 at 03:38AM

Show HN: SPyQL – SQL with Python in the middle https://ift.tt/3H67TgS

Show HN: SPyQL – SQL with Python in the middle SPyQL ( https://ift.tt/3rJfzPE ) is SQL with Python in the middle, an open-source project fully written in Python for making command-line data processing more intuitive, readable and powerful. Try mixing in the same pot: a SQL SELECT for providing the structure, Python expressions for defining transformations and conditions, the essence of awk as a data-processing language, and the JSON handling capabilities of jq. How does a SPyQL query looks like? $ spyql “ IMPORT pendulum AS p SELECT (p.now() - p.from_timestamp(purchase_ts)).in_days() AS days_ago, sum_agg(price * quantity) AS total FROM csv WHERE department.upper() == 'IT' and purchase_ts is not Null GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1 TO json” < my_purchases.csv In a single statement we are 1) reading a CSV (of purchases) with automatic header detection, dialect detection, type inference and casting, 2) filtering out records that do not belong to the IT department or do not have a purchase timestamp 3) summing the total purchases and grouping by how many days ago they happened, 4) sorting from the most to the least recent day and 5) writing the result in JSON format. All this without loading the full dataset into memory. The Readme is loaded with recipes and there is also a demo video: https://vimeo.com/danielcmoura/spyqldemo Any feedback is welcomed! Thank you. https://github.com/dcmoura/spyql January 25, 2022 at 09:29PM

Show HN: Run NPM Scripts with .envs https://ift.tt/3nXtFfa

Show HN: Run NPM Scripts with .envs https://ift.tt/385BtDS January 25, 2022 at 11:19PM

Show HN: My new platform. Check it out https://ift.tt/3AvRHTq

Show HN: My new platform. Check it out This platform is an experimental social network solely based on soundclips. SONAR is meant to encourage genuine conversation and entertainment. I believe audio culture in the form of this app could create a community that is safe, smart, and more human than many of the current social media platforms. https://ift.tt/3H3weUf January 25, 2022 at 08:55PM

الاثنين، 24 يناير 2022

Show HN: Social network that looks and works more like a forum https://ift.tt/3tWDTjz

Show HN: Social network that looks and works more like a forum https://hey.cafe January 25, 2022 at 04:25AM

Show HN: Image on home Page of Coinbase https://ift.tt/3qWH74M

Show HN: Image on home Page of Coinbase Note that this only shows up on my linux workstation and not on mac. So it is possible they are doing a A/B test. It feels like a exchange shouldn't be doing this and (implicitly) encourage people to buy (or hold) crypto. https://ift.tt/3ArNuQC January 25, 2022 at 01:37AM

Show HN: WebRTC Bandwidth Estimation. Send pre-recorded in multiple levels https://ift.tt/3FWEe8u

Show HN: WebRTC Bandwidth Estimation. Send pre-recorded in multiple levels https://ift.tt/3fNiQrs January 25, 2022 at 12:04AM

Show HN: HomeownerLog – For tracking the tasks you complete around the house https://ift.tt/3rHPfFC

Show HN: HomeownerLog – For tracking the tasks you complete around the house https://ift.tt/33Oz1lT January 24, 2022 at 06:01PM

Show HN: Let's Block It – Custom uBlock Origin Filters Made Easy https://ift.tt/3tURkRk

Show HN: Let's Block It – Custom uBlock Origin Filters Made Easy uBlock Origin is more than an ad-blocker, it's a general purpose content filter that can be leveraged to hide low-quality content from pages you browse. While the main filter lists can remove mailing list popups and obvious nags, the definition of low-quality content is personal, so one size cannot fit all. I used to have an ad-hoc script to render and publish a personal uBlock Origin filter list, added to all my browsers. The goal of this project is to enable more people to build such a list custom list to filter out low-quality content and nags. Chose from a list of community-maintained templates, set your options, add your custom rules, and get your personal filter list. The project is still pretty young and needs more filter templates, and lots of frontend improvements (my last web project was in 2005, this is not my forte). Any feedback is welcome! https://letsblock.it/ January 24, 2022 at 05:41PM

Show HN: Word.rodeo – Custom Word Puzzles https://ift.tt/35jA79N

Show HN: Word.rodeo – Custom Word Puzzles https://word.rodeo/ January 24, 2022 at 11:39AM

الأحد، 23 يناير 2022

Show HN: Grams.io – calculate how long drug(s) stay in body https://ift.tt/3FUnM8C

Show HN: Grams.io – calculate how long drug(s) stay in body https://ift.tt/3g7B0od January 24, 2022 at 04:10AM

Show HN: Insta – an enjoyable snapshot testing tool for Rust https://ift.tt/3rGKCvn

Show HN: Insta – an enjoyable snapshot testing tool for Rust https://insta.rs/ January 24, 2022 at 02:20AM

Show HN: Shoot the neural network before it shoots you https://ift.tt/3nQUOjX

Show HN: Shoot the neural network before it shoots you https://ift.tt/3FuyoeT January 24, 2022 at 03:44AM

Show HN: Maroofy – Search for songs that sound similar https://ift.tt/341wsN2

Show HN: Maroofy – Search for songs that sound similar https://maroofy.com/ January 24, 2022 at 03:44AM

السبت، 22 يناير 2022

Show HN: A desktop HN reader client in Rust/egui https://ift.tt/3KAy9BZ

Show HN: A desktop HN reader client in Rust/egui A little toy HN client for the desktop that I've been playing around with this week. https://ift.tt/3qNXS1X January 23, 2022 at 02:36AM

Show HN: Perspec – Scriptable desktop app to correct the perspective of images https://ift.tt/3GSpTv2

Show HN: Perspec – Scriptable desktop app to correct the perspective of images https://ift.tt/34axR3X January 23, 2022 at 01:57AM

Show HN: Monitor for displaying process traffic on Mac Status bar https://ift.tt/3tQ4nmJ

Show HN: Monitor for displaying process traffic on Mac Status bar 1. The tool show network speed by process 2. Adapt dark mode 3. Use nettop's delta mode to make statistics more accurate https://ift.tt/3x0xToa January 22, 2022 at 07:49PM

Show HN: Simple Wordle solver in command line in Python https://ift.tt/3GVKzSH

Show HN: Simple Wordle solver in command line in Python https://ift.tt/3qSd525 January 23, 2022 at 12:55AM

Show HN: Hacker XP – Hacker News styled as a Windows XP Outlook email client https://ift.tt/3IsEqOd

Show HN: Hacker XP – Hacker News styled as a Windows XP Outlook email client Hello HN, sharing my weekend project. I'm a fan of retro GUIs and fan of HN, so I built an alternative HN front end that resembles a Window XP desktop with an old Outlook email client. Archive and github links if you get 500 errors: https://ift.tt/3fKUiPY.... https://ift.tt/3IsJKkD https://hackerxp.com/ January 22, 2022 at 10:58PM

Show HN: kube-green, K8s operator to reduce CO2 footprint of your clusters https://ift.tt/3nQNDrP

Show HN: kube-green, K8s operator to reduce CO2 footprint of your clusters https://ift.tt/3qSNSoo January 22, 2022 at 04:45PM

Show HN: Chrome extension to get research paper details https://ift.tt/3u5uRkD

Show HN: Chrome extension to get research paper details https://ift.tt/35iCxpj January 22, 2022 at 03:00PM

Show HN: Howtoweb3.guide – A collection of resources for hackers https://ift.tt/3GUjwHB

Show HN: Howtoweb3.guide – A collection of resources for hackers A collection of resources to get you started programming NFT's, Dapps & all things Web3. https://ift.tt/3qQGERv January 22, 2022 at 05:34PM

Show HN: An open source alternative to Google Analytics back end https://ift.tt/3IrwFYR

Show HN: An open source alternative to Google Analytics back end It’s just the back end so it logs to MongoDB database so you can add any UI you want to it, feel free to contribute! (Suggestion’?) https://ift.tt/3KBWfw7 January 22, 2022 at 11:38AM

Show HN: Pianobar-remote-control – low-frills go web remote for pianobar https://ift.tt/3GRMDLJ

Show HN: Pianobar-remote-control – low-frills go web remote for pianobar I like to play pianobar on a bluetooth speaker but don't always want to walk over to my desk to hit next, so I made a terse little web remote in go. Now I just whip it open in my phone. Took about 3 hours and then another 1.5 later to polish it up for sharing. 'twas a fun little project that someone else might enjoy using. Looks like in retrospect there are some pretty feature-full pianobar-web repos out there, but certainly none as simple/short. https://ift.tt/3tSZ2Lx January 22, 2022 at 06:38AM

الجمعة، 21 يناير 2022

Show HN: Add Commenting to a Site Without JavaScript https://ift.tt/3rGG1cE

Show HN: Add Commenting to a Site Without JavaScript https://ift.tt/32n0VF5 January 22, 2022 at 06:46AM

Show HN: qme: simple utility for queueing long-running commands https://ift.tt/3Am2sHP

Show HN: qme: simple utility for queueing long-running commands I keep needing a way to run long-running resource intensive tasks after one another. Normally, I'd write a script which loops over the items, but not knowing what needs to run (I pick files as I go through a folder), I knew it's time I create something to scratch my own itch. So, I've created this utility to queue up commands. It captures command, args, env and working directory and puts it in a queue, and runs it when it's time. At the same time, it spins up an RPC server to receive commands from other instances. If there's no server available, it becomes a server itself and waits for commands or shuts itself down after idling for some time. This is my first (published) Golang project, so guidance & review would be appreciated. https://ift.tt/3fMMi0O January 22, 2022 at 02:31AM

Show HN: Muse, a simple language for making music https://ift.tt/3fSMxat

Show HN: Muse, a simple language for making music https://ift.tt/32oyHty January 22, 2022 at 12:27AM

الخميس، 20 يناير 2022

Show HN: Aamu.app – all-in-one productivity tool https://ift.tt/3FNouEF

Show HN: Aamu.app – all-in-one productivity tool Hi there HN. Aamu.app is an app that I've made and I hope to get some feedback. It aims to have all the most important productivity tools (for companies) in one package. It will hopefully get more of those features in time, but currently there are already quite a few – tasks, docs, video meetings and so on. Why did I do it? Because I thought the current ones were not that good, and I'm talking about things like Microsoft's offering now. The different parts of their software were clumsy and they were not integrated very well into the whole – i.e. different parts were not designed in collaboration in mind. I realize it's quite a big app for one person to do, but let's just say that I felt I needed to do and finish it. Couldn't stop after I had started it. --- Here's an url you can try it without registering into it, and the usernames/passwords: https://piper.aamu.app/ username: richard ... password: richard1 username: gilfoyle ... password: gilfoyle username: bighead ... password: nbighead username: dinesh ... password: xxdinesh --- The main url of the site: https://aamu.app/ Hope to get some feedback, thanks! January 21, 2022 at 08:46AM

Show HN: API with Linux Syscall information for various architectures https://ift.tt/3FMLL9I

Show HN: API with Linux Syscall information for various architectures https://ift.tt/33T7nnI January 21, 2022 at 03:18AM

Show HN: Regional Service Availability of Public Cloud Providers https://ift.tt/3qOy3yE

Show HN: Regional Service Availability of Public Cloud Providers https://mapthe.cloud January 21, 2022 at 03:54AM

Show HN: Simple and intuitive code instrumentation for Python https://ift.tt/3ruXMLG

Show HN: Simple and intuitive code instrumentation for Python https://ift.tt/3GMDIen January 21, 2022 at 02:04AM

Show HN: Get latest replies to an HN user https://ift.tt/3rzlAOE

Show HN: Get latest replies to an HN user Hi HN, I hacked a simple service for gathering HN replies and organizing them by the parent's username. The main idea is to be able to efficiently get the latest replies to an HN user. For example, you can use this service to send yourself notifications when some replies to you on HN. The service queries the official HN API and can be self-hosted. It is basically ~30 lines of Bash script. I made this mostly for educational purposes -- thought you might find it useful for something. Cheers! Edit: for example, here are the latest replies to me [0]. It includes only recent replies, since I started the service just yesterday and it hasn't observed older replies. [0] https://ift.tt/33CZanN https://ift.tt/3IlE8Zn January 21, 2022 at 12:25AM

Show HN: Lockless Ringbuffer Built with Go Generics https://ift.tt/3nJXeka

Show HN: Lockless Ringbuffer Built with Go Generics A single publisher, multi subscriber lockless ring buffer build with the new generics in Go 1.18beta. https://ift.tt/3qLFzdH January 21, 2022 at 12:14AM

Show HN: Progress.org https://ift.tt/3fCCh6m

Show HN: Progress.org Progress.org must be one of the oldest sites on the Internet, and quite likely the oldest site that has continuously advocated for economic justice. A few years ago, I took it over and gave it a new facelift (thanks, Webflow!) So today, it’s my great pleasure to announce a next chapter for Progress.org Earlier today I transferred stewardship of Progress.org into the capable hands of Floyd Marinescu, a man whom I deeply respect and admire. Floyd is a successful entrepreneur and the founder of UBI Works (https://ubiworks.ca), Canada’s preeminent basic income advocacy organization. While basic income was the start of Floyd’s journey of economic discovery, his journey didn’t end there, but continued to develop once Floyd discovered the inequities created through our contemporary system of property ownership. His interests have grown to encompass the teachings of JM Keynes, Henry George, and other economic giants. In their spirit, he intends to continue Progress.org’s legacy as a source of information and inspiration on economic and social justice. January 20, 2022 at 08:30AM

Show HN: Kerneltool – A Ubuntu mainline kernel installer https://ift.tt/3rG4iQa

Show HN: Kerneltool – A Ubuntu mainline kernel installer https://ift.tt/35c8orH January 20, 2022 at 12:57PM

الأربعاء، 19 يناير 2022

Show HN: Guitar Tabs Search Engine https://ift.tt/3nIzJb7

Show HN: Guitar Tabs Search Engine https://ift.tt/33SxwCN January 20, 2022 at 06:41AM

Show HN: Twitter Clone Social App https://ift.tt/3Ad4TfM

Show HN: Twitter Clone Social App https://pw.wzm.me January 20, 2022 at 12:07AM

Show HN: DevToys.app – An offline Swiss Army knife for developers https://ift.tt/3nInVG2

Show HN: DevToys.app – An offline Swiss Army knife for developers https://devtoys.app January 19, 2022 at 07:08PM

Show HN: Sudokle https://ift.tt/3GM4QKj

Show HN: Sudokle Hello Hackernew, I just built this up, its a mix of Sudoku and Wordle. Does the super minimum (not a web dev so its all old school). I think its super fun. Please let me know your feelings. [DNS propogation is still going on, sorry if you can't access it yet] https://www.sudokle.com January 19, 2022 at 11:47PM

الثلاثاء، 18 يناير 2022

Show HN: ExplainDev – Explain Code on the websites you browse, powered by AI https://ift.tt/3nCwVfw

Show HN: ExplainDev – Explain Code on the websites you browse, powered by AI https://explain.dev/ January 19, 2022 at 02:46AM

Show HN: Justyourip.com https://ift.tt/34QQpqj

Show HN: Justyourip.com https://justyourip.com/ January 19, 2022 at 02:21AM

Show HN: SlateJS(rich text editor) Svelte view layer https://ift.tt/3AdPWKl

Show HN: SlateJS(rich text editor) Svelte view layer https://ift.tt/3GIflyu January 19, 2022 at 01:15AM

Show HN: Live Chat from a Simple Link https://ift.tt/3FzpzzK

Show HN: Live Chat from a Simple Link https://ift.tt/3fButlb January 19, 2022 at 12:15AM

Show HN: Personal Twitch Stream Recorder https://ift.tt/3GSjiQY

Show HN: Personal Twitch Stream Recorder https://ift.tt/3rt1OV4 January 19, 2022 at 12:03AM

Show HN: Payitfwd.dev – Redirect Donors to Dependencies https://ift.tt/3FBE1Hr

Show HN: Payitfwd.dev – Redirect Donors to Dependencies https://payitfwd.dev/ January 18, 2022 at 11:50PM

Show HN: Stop Putting AWS Credentials in GitHub Secrets https://ift.tt/3FS5XXX

Show HN: Stop Putting AWS Credentials in GitHub Secrets Greetings! I've created a GitHub action that works that allows GitHub Actions to exchange a GitHub token for AWS Access Credentials. I've cultivated a few examples of it in action: https://ift.tt/3rt5qq6 I've always found management of AWS Credentials has been a pain. So this setting up this Action works like this: 1) A SAML Identity Provider is created in AWS 2) A Role in AWS is set up to trust that Identity Provider 3) A config file is added to the repository indicating which role can be assumed 4) The GitHub Action exchanges the Repo Secret for AWS Credentials using the SAML.to backend for the exchange Let me know what you think! I'm Happy to take questions and comments here or on Gitter: https://ift.tt/3tEk7cE https://ift.tt/33Mas8S January 18, 2022 at 11:50PM

الاثنين، 17 يناير 2022

Show HN: Use Explain Code App to Write SQL https://ift.tt/3fDR3cM

Show HN: Use Explain Code App to Write SQL Explain Code App works with SQL, a popular language for querying databases. You can tell Explain Code App what you want in plain language, and the app will generate the matching SQL code for you. https://ift.tt/3q1BRv5 January 18, 2022 at 04:34AM

Show HN: Food Inventory Management App https://ift.tt/3nuMPJ5

Show HN: Food Inventory Management App https://ift.tt/3fyO45B January 18, 2022 at 04:19AM

Show HN: Tiny Lisp (based on pg’s roots of Lisp) in caml https://ift.tt/3tzyeQl

Show HN: Tiny Lisp (based on pg’s roots of Lisp) in caml https://ift.tt/33GqQHZ January 18, 2022 at 02:54AM

Show HN: My first SFF short story, any suggestions? https://ift.tt/3KkgluR

Show HN: My first SFF short story, any suggestions? https://ift.tt/3IcPX47 January 18, 2022 at 02:19AM

Show HN: A tool to help you manage technical debt https://ift.tt/3qzR3Ru

Show HN: A tool to help you manage technical debt Caribou helps software teams manage long-term technical migrations in their projects. For example migrating from one networking library to another or migrating a codebase from one architecture pattern to another. These changes usually happen over a span of a few months and without any tooling, they can be difficult to manage. It’s difficult to understand how much progress has been made, what is still left to do and who are the engineers helping move the migration forward. Caribou was built to solve these problems. So how does it work? In simple terms, Caribou is a Github application which, after being configured, monitors all the changes in your repository and displays a dashboard with the progress of specific migrations along with who is contributing to these migrations. Caribou allows you to define all sorts of migrations using an easy-to-use rules engine; for example changing the project architecture, replacing a library or changing some coding conventions. You can get inspired by our examples in the docs section. Currently, Caribou is still in Beta. We believe the product can provide a lot of value as it currently stands, but there is more functionality that we’re looking to add in the coming months such as Slack integration and Pull Request comments so that engineers can get valuable feedback in their PRs. You can checkout Caribou here: https://ift.tt/2Yxru89 January 17, 2022 at 11:14PM

Show HN: Illegal Analytics Scanner https://ift.tt/3FCLYwa

Show HN: Illegal Analytics Scanner https://ift.tt/33rsfT1 January 17, 2022 at 06:50PM

Show HN: CSS Speedrun – A small game to test and improve your CSS knowledge https://ift.tt/33ivjRy

Show HN: CSS Speedrun – A small game to test and improve your CSS knowledge https://ift.tt/3GCXKrt January 17, 2022 at 12:13PM

الأحد، 16 يناير 2022

Show HN: Crosswordle: Sudoku Meets Wordle https://ift.tt/3Kh8NsC

Show HN: Crosswordle: Sudoku Meets Wordle https://ift.tt/3rIcnnt January 17, 2022 at 08:24AM

Show HN: Hatchet – Extracts unique unsubscribe links from mailing lists in Gmail https://ift.tt/33A2Q9r

Show HN: Hatchet – Extracts unique unsubscribe links from mailing lists in Gmail https://ift.tt/324EnZz January 17, 2022 at 02:18AM

Show HN: Smooth Life playground (continuous game of life simulation in WebGL) https://ift.tt/3nSIujd

Show HN: Smooth Life playground (continuous game of life simulation in WebGL) https://ift.tt/33LmjEo January 17, 2022 at 01:37AM

Show HN: WallSmash – An Infinite Brick Breaker Game https://ift.tt/3FAh8Er

Show HN: WallSmash – An Infinite Brick Breaker Game https://wallsmash.com/ January 17, 2022 at 12:30AM

Show HN: My 486 Server https://ift.tt/3twmNZH

Show HN: My 486 Server http://486servu.dy.fi/ January 16, 2022 at 11:34PM

Show HN: Building a Neural Network in Pure Lisp Without Built-In Numbers https://ift.tt/3Gz2nTH

Show HN: Building a Neural Network in Pure Lisp Without Built-In Numbers https://ift.tt/3GxQDRa January 16, 2022 at 03:02PM

Show HN: GoDBLedger-Web – GUI Interface for Open Source Accounting System https://ift.tt/3nw6E2C

Show HN: GoDBLedger-Web – GUI Interface for Open Source Accounting System https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19moSl4YFeI January 16, 2022 at 11:02AM

السبت، 15 يناير 2022

Show HN: Weird JSON https://ift.tt/3A0bJW0

Show HN: Weird JSON https://ift.tt/3BGeGuE January 16, 2022 at 07:56AM

Show HN: Free, async platform to discuss and learn as a dev https://ift.tt/3qvSqk2

Show HN: Free, async platform to discuss and learn as a dev https://ift.tt/3GBVBN0 January 16, 2022 at 07:05AM

Show HN: wst.rocks, an ultra-minimalist JSON hosting service https://ift.tt/33GTQiH

Show HN: wst.rocks, an ultra-minimalist JSON hosting service https://wst.rocks/ January 16, 2022 at 05:22AM

Show HN: Brew.fm – An alliance of artists who remix and edit each other's tracks https://ift.tt/3rr2vhL

Show HN: Brew.fm – An alliance of artists who remix and edit each other's tracks https://www.brew.fm/ January 16, 2022 at 06:14AM

Show HN: A Wordle clone for the terminal. Written in Rust https://ift.tt/3A1Fwxv

Show HN: A Wordle clone for the terminal. Written in Rust https://ift.tt/33BAZWo January 16, 2022 at 02:36AM

Show HN: Teyit – Automatically format your Python unittest assertions https://ift.tt/33G7lPF

Show HN: Teyit – Automatically format your Python unittest assertions https://ift.tt/3dhRhDX January 15, 2022 at 10:22PM

الجمعة، 14 يناير 2022

Show HN: NFT Smart Contract for releasing your own NFT collections https://ift.tt/33v8Os9

Show HN: NFT Smart Contract for releasing your own NFT collections https://ift.tt/3frLDSc January 15, 2022 at 12:49AM

Show HN: Live-Editable SVG Shaders/Filters for Drawing https://ift.tt/3fsafdM

Show HN: Live-Editable SVG Shaders/Filters for Drawing https://ift.tt/3KcSFIM January 15, 2022 at 12:45AM

Show HN: Yahoo Finance CLI Written in Rust https://ift.tt/3GuNKAx

Show HN: Yahoo Finance CLI Written in Rust https://ift.tt/3FAXA2Q January 14, 2022 at 11:49PM

Show HN: SQL on CSV/TSV/etc + native/WASM + worlds fastest CSV parser https://ift.tt/3qsSt07

Show HN: SQL on CSV/TSV/etc + native/WASM + worlds fastest CSV parser https://ift.tt/3FahqT1 January 14, 2022 at 10:06PM

Show HN: Hello – A conversational search engine powered by transformers https://ift.tt/3A1L7nG

Show HN: Hello – A conversational search engine powered by transformers https://ift.tt/3qqNm0w January 14, 2022 at 11:07PM

Show HN: RootMy.TV https://ift.tt/3I59vr5

Show HN: RootMy.TV https://rootmy.tv/ January 14, 2022 at 10:53PM

Show HN: Efficient autodiff using codual numbers https://ift.tt/3Im4QRZ

Show HN: Efficient autodiff using codual numbers https://ift.tt/3qs2niz January 14, 2022 at 08:59PM

Show HN: TypingKit – Practice and improve your typing skill https://ift.tt/3qqZX3z

Show HN: TypingKit – Practice and improve your typing skill https://typingkit.com/ January 14, 2022 at 08:21PM

Show HN: Blog post how to Run simple Node.js application in Kubernetes cluster https://ift.tt/31XpaJC

Show HN: Blog post how to Run simple Node.js application in Kubernetes cluster https://ift.tt/3nr4jpE January 14, 2022 at 02:13PM

Show HN: Distributed voting app example using Go/Docker/K8s/Helm/Terraform https://ift.tt/33bMZOJ

Show HN: Distributed voting app example using Go/Docker/K8s/Helm/Terraform https://ift.tt/31XCoWV January 14, 2022 at 11:40AM

الخميس، 13 يناير 2022

Show HN: Login with HN (Unofficially) https://ift.tt/3Gmn9FQ

Show HN: Login with HN (Unofficially) https://loginwithhn.com January 13, 2022 at 09:31PM

Show HN: Looptap – A minimal game to waste your time https://ift.tt/3GG6e1n

Show HN: Looptap – A minimal game to waste your time https://ift.tt/33vg2bA January 13, 2022 at 07:01PM

Show HN: Beth's Lux Mix https://ift.tt/3fj64AM

Show HN: Beth's Lux Mix https://bethsluxmix.com January 13, 2022 at 06:26PM

Show HN: 24hourcharts.com – Make Charts from Any Website Table https://ift.tt/3rd5UAx

Show HN: 24hourcharts.com – Make Charts from Any Website Table https://ift.tt/31T8SBs January 13, 2022 at 06:23PM

Show HN: I made a grid based font editor and font https://ift.tt/3KaL25o

Show HN: I made a grid based font editor and font https://brutalita.com/ January 13, 2022 at 06:36PM

Show HN: Hebrew Wordle https://ift.tt/3fipvcX

Show HN: Hebrew Wordle https://ift.tt/33dmRCV January 13, 2022 at 03:11PM

الأربعاء، 12 يناير 2022

Show HN: Help fight COVID with Prolog programs! https://ift.tt/3K8Fo3N

Show HN: Help fight COVID with Prolog programs! https://ift.tt/3fjh7Kc January 12, 2022 at 08:04PM

Show HN: EventCatalog – open-source tool to document event architectures https://ift.tt/3nlqcqm

Show HN: EventCatalog – open-source tool to document event architectures https://ift.tt/335h4iV January 12, 2022 at 07:19PM

Show HN: Squeaker: Like Docker, but for Smalltalk Images https://ift.tt/3rgcq9P

Show HN: Squeaker: Like Docker, but for Smalltalk Images https://ift.tt/3zT0Dlm January 12, 2022 at 07:08PM

Show HN: Appwrite 0.12 – Open Source alternative to Google's Firebase https://ift.tt/3GneOSm

Show HN: Appwrite 0.12 – Open Source alternative to Google's Firebase https://ift.tt/31WqT20 January 12, 2022 at 06:43PM

Show HN: A LRU cache using go generics https://ift.tt/3FkJIcE

Show HN: A LRU cache using go generics https://ift.tt/3FcyO8X January 12, 2022 at 05:13PM

Show HN: Stragif – Supercharge your Strava activity feed with GIF https://ift.tt/3teGx3Y

Show HN: Stragif – Supercharge your Strava activity feed with GIF https://www.stragif.run January 12, 2022 at 12:22PM

الثلاثاء، 11 يناير 2022

Show HN: Sieve: We processed 24 hours of video in 10 mins https://ift.tt/3FgfgQX

Show HN: Sieve: We processed 24 hours of video in 10 mins https://sievedata.com/ January 11, 2022 at 08:37PM

Show HN: Campy the Font https://ift.tt/3JZph8F

Show HN: Campy the Font https://ift.tt/3Fdo9L2 January 11, 2022 at 12:04AM

Show HN: Streamlit App to Compare Text Similarity Live https://ift.tt/3Ginz01

Show HN: Streamlit App to Compare Text Similarity Live https://ift.tt/33dvnSe January 11, 2022 at 08:10PM

Show HN: Threeboard – a full-size mechanical USB keyboard with only three keys https://ift.tt/3HP4MJS

Show HN: Threeboard – a full-size mechanical USB keyboard with only three keys https://ift.tt/3JZcP94 January 11, 2022 at 07:43PM

Show HN: MoonJournal – Digital planner pdf that syncs with your calendar https://ift.tt/3qgaVJn

Show HN: MoonJournal – Digital planner pdf that syncs with your calendar https://ift.tt/3rbarmU January 11, 2022 at 06:54PM

Show HN: Zoom – Google meet Open Source alternative for smart working https://ift.tt/3thshas

Show HN: Zoom – Google meet Open Source alternative for smart working https://ift.tt/3taQ640 January 11, 2022 at 05:10PM

Show HN: I made a Novak Djokovic tennis game https://ift.tt/3qcED1U

Show HN: I made a Novak Djokovic tennis game https://ift.tt/3GgzZWd January 11, 2022 at 01:29PM

الاثنين، 10 يناير 2022

Show HN: A little ETL framework I built in TypeScript https://ift.tt/3r2cry0

Show HN: A little ETL framework I built in TypeScript Hi HN, I build this a few months back, thinking about improving it but wanted to share as is first to see what feedback I can get. I built it to be modular and with a clean understandable codebase in mind so easily extendable. I want to add more components to it maybe... Thanks! Will add link to the repo in a comment now January 11, 2022 at 12:37AM

Show HN: I bought and tested the filtration of every mask on Amazon https://ift.tt/3f6Ujxd

Show HN: I bought and tested the filtration of every mask on Amazon https://ift.tt/3nchsD1 January 10, 2022 at 10:13PM

Show HN: Pgsodium – A Crytographic PostgreSQL Extension https://ift.tt/3tig9pM

Show HN: Pgsodium – A Crytographic PostgreSQL Extension https://ift.tt/2Zfu39o January 10, 2022 at 10:11PM

Show HN: Tippy – Send money to creators through Twitter https://ift.tt/3FhcLxM

Show HN: Tippy – Send money to creators through Twitter https://ift.tt/33m1AGY January 10, 2022 at 07:54PM

Show HN: Sneaker Price Comparison iOS App https://ift.tt/31HHt5q

Show HN: Sneaker Price Comparison iOS App https://ift.tt/3tcCVPL January 10, 2022 at 04:54PM

Show HN: Three ways to create 3D particle effects https://ift.tt/3n8vhlK

Show HN: Three ways to create 3D particle effects https://ift.tt/3HQ4tP1 January 10, 2022 at 07:54PM

Show HN: An OSS Clone of Wordle in React, TS, and Tailwind https://ift.tt/3fdL1iQ

Show HN: An OSS Clone of Wordle in React, TS, and Tailwind https://ift.tt/3tekyu0 January 10, 2022 at 07:52PM

Show HN: Convert any PDF boarding pass into Apple Wallet passbook https://ift.tt/3qc6LCd

Show HN: Convert any PDF boarding pass into Apple Wallet passbook https://ift.tt/3GhP0XJ January 10, 2022 at 04:56PM

Show HN: Video Editor in the Browser https://ift.tt/3r2hIFI

Show HN: Video Editor in the Browser https://www.videome.me/ January 10, 2022 at 04:23PM

Show HN: Business Software – CRM, OKR, HRMS, Project Management https://ift.tt/3zHdWW1

Show HN: Business Software – CRM, OKR, HRMS, Project Management https://skhokho.io January 10, 2022 at 01:50PM

Show HN: Free API for Sentiment Analysis https://ift.tt/3JZ7Ftu

Show HN: Free API for Sentiment Analysis https://ift.tt/3zJbmiA January 10, 2022 at 10:25AM

الأحد، 9 يناير 2022

Show HN: Video chat with like-minded developers https://ift.tt/3r0TOui

Show HN: Video chat with like-minded developers https://ift.tt/3HQ3EpG January 10, 2022 at 03:37AM

Show HN: Postdrop – quickly test and copy responsive HTML emails with inline CSS https://ift.tt/3r3W1Fi

Show HN: Postdrop – quickly test and copy responsive HTML emails with inline CSS https://ift.tt/3FbGkRx January 10, 2022 at 02:33AM

Show HN: MultiClock – FOSS macOS screensaver displays the time using 24 clocks https://ift.tt/3rkRbnl

Show HN: MultiClock – FOSS macOS screensaver displays the time using 24 clocks https://ift.tt/3zIAlCn January 9, 2022 at 11:14PM

Show HN: Webcrepe – SQL for the Internet https://ift.tt/3q7fupi

Show HN: Webcrepe – SQL for the Internet https://ift.tt/3naMrPI January 9, 2022 at 08:51PM

Show HN: MergerFS – A Featureful Union Filesystem https://ift.tt/3F8fFF1

Show HN: MergerFS – A Featureful Union Filesystem https://ift.tt/31C5efk January 7, 2022 at 10:26AM

Show HN: Evil Wordle https://ift.tt/3f29sA1

Show HN: Evil Wordle https://ift.tt/3JSNVrE January 9, 2022 at 08:04PM

Show HN: ThinkType – Write Down Your Thoughts https://ift.tt/3zDxWJn

Show HN: ThinkType – Write Down Your Thoughts https://thinktype.app/ January 9, 2022 at 07:11PM

Show HN: API to query catalogs of 20 streaming services across 60 countries https://ift.tt/3GayyIR

Show HN: API to query catalogs of 20 streaming services across 60 countries https://ift.tt/3zF7LSl January 9, 2022 at 04:13PM

السبت، 8 يناير 2022

Show HN: Like Twitter, but Immutable, Verifiable and Decentralized https://ift.tt/3F79LUD

Show HN: Like Twitter, but Immutable, Verifiable and Decentralized https://ift.tt/3qaeAZg January 9, 2022 at 08:24AM

Show HN: A store builder for indie makers https://ift.tt/3JUPEg8

Show HN: A store builder for indie makers https://ift.tt/3I22NCr January 8, 2022 at 05:40PM

Show HN: Cheat Sheet of 150 Cognitive biases and principles in marketing https://ift.tt/3zLXDYg

Show HN: Cheat Sheet of 150 Cognitive biases and principles in marketing https://ift.tt/2XYcht8 January 8, 2022 at 06:39PM

Show HN: FaChords – Guitar Learning Software and Science-Based Practice Lessons https://ift.tt/3t9g5J5

Show HN: FaChords – Guitar Learning Software and Science-Based Practice Lessons https://ift.tt/3f5eR9u January 8, 2022 at 04:43PM

Show HN: Open-source chat app that saves NO messages, anywhere, ever https://ift.tt/3f0FEne

Show HN: Open-source chat app that saves NO messages, anywhere, ever Inspired by Facebook's whistleblower confession about how Facebook (among some other apps) cares more about negative content and doesn't care about privacy, I decided to create an open-source chat app. This chat app doesn't save any history or messages in the database. Chat history is active as long as you are in the conversation screen, once you go back or close it, messages are not there. Some kind of "live chat". I made it open-source because I want people to be able to see how their data is being used and to see the truth behind the scene. By not open-sourcing the code it would by only my word "I'm not saving history", in this way it's tangible. I published the backend part on GitHub, the app is coming soon. You can follow me on Twitter (https://twitter.com/PozitivnaMirta) for more updates on my progress. Also you'll find there Github repos. January 8, 2022 at 03:40PM

Show HN: BookStack – An open source wiki platform and alternative to Confluence https://ift.tt/3q9eXmw

Show HN: BookStack – An open source wiki platform and alternative to Confluence https://ift.tt/1ZEr1H3 January 8, 2022 at 06:12PM

Show HN: CASA – Outsource service administration per Container https://ift.tt/34xaAto

Show HN: CASA – Outsource service administration per Container https://ift.tt/3oMlCm9 January 8, 2022 at 03:28PM

Show HN: Set Wallpaper from Your Terminal https://ift.tt/3r260e2

Show HN: Set Wallpaper from Your Terminal https://ift.tt/3t4Em2R January 8, 2022 at 03:26PM

الجمعة، 7 يناير 2022

Show HN: Email encoder – protect your public emails from bots and crawlers https://ift.tt/3f353N9

Show HN: Email encoder – protect your public emails from bots and crawlers https://ift.tt/3F7YsM7 January 8, 2022 at 09:22AM

Show HN: Graph Database for Python https://ift.tt/3HKiga2

Show HN: Graph Database for Python https://ift.tt/2QKTHmg January 8, 2022 at 08:36AM

Show HN: RNMC - A statistical mechanics Monte Carlo simulator https://ift.tt/34mD74E

Show HN: RNMC - A statistical mechanics Monte Carlo simulator https://ift.tt/3JSqmPK January 7, 2022 at 10:46PM

Show HN: NoraSector – low-latency WebRTC police/fire/EMS scanner (Seattle) https://ift.tt/3F0hjs9

Show HN: NoraSector – low-latency WebRTC police/fire/EMS scanner (Seattle) https://ift.tt/33bRPee January 7, 2022 at 09:21PM

Show HN: Radar Chat – Geolocation based communication https://ift.tt/332hFl4

Show HN: Radar Chat – Geolocation based communication https://app.radar.chat January 7, 2022 at 08:45PM

Show HN: LeftWrite, a site to slow down and write about what you read https://ift.tt/3JQXW8D

Show HN: LeftWrite, a site to slow down and write about what you read https://ift.tt/3n4N5OS January 7, 2022 at 07:00PM

Show HN: Auto-OTP: automatically send and receive OTPs, end-to-end encrypted https://ift.tt/3G9S8Vy

Show HN: Auto-OTP: automatically send and receive OTPs, end-to-end encrypted https://ift.tt/3EZku3j January 7, 2022 at 06:30PM

Show HN: I made a game with visually programable spells https://ift.tt/3G71GAL

Show HN: I made a game with visually programable spells https://ift.tt/34os8aR January 7, 2022 at 05:15PM

Show HN: Minimator, a Minimalist Graphical Editor https://ift.tt/3eXsHdS

Show HN: Minimator, a Minimalist Graphical Editor https://minimator.app January 7, 2022 at 04:17PM

Show HN: I'm 15 and building a live quiz app for classrooms: Quickz https://ift.tt/3n49X0M

Show HN: I'm 15 and building a live quiz app for classrooms: Quickz https://quickz.org/play January 7, 2022 at 01:09PM

الخميس، 6 يناير 2022

Show HN: Discuzz – open-source Comment System https://ift.tt/3zvJz4Z

Show HN: Discuzz – open-source Comment System https://ift.tt/3JPV7Vu January 7, 2022 at 03:29AM

Show HN: Thumbor Release 7.0.0 https://ift.tt/3qTPBIK

Show HN: Thumbor Release 7.0.0 https://ift.tt/34uJ27Z January 7, 2022 at 02:13AM

Show HN: Safari extension for iOS/Mac to highlight new HN comments https://ift.tt/337lDc7

Show HN: Safari extension for iOS/Mac to highlight new HN comments https://ift.tt/3HExg97 January 6, 2022 at 08:07PM

Show HN: Highlight code in Google slides and Google docs https://ift.tt/3n4KJPI

Show HN: Highlight code in Google slides and Google docs https://ift.tt/3q1rJ6G January 6, 2022 at 05:13PM

Show HN: Net 6 generic host boilerplate https://ift.tt/3zycmpi

Show HN: Net 6 generic host boilerplate https://ift.tt/32YU8S2 January 6, 2022 at 07:27PM

Show HN: Possimpible: A Kernel Running on the Browser https://ift.tt/3G3XIbV

Show HN: Possimpible: A Kernel Running on the Browser https://ift.tt/3eVKbqX January 6, 2022 at 07:00PM

Show HN: Allthevaccines.org – Information about all human vaccines https://ift.tt/3F4YNiq

Show HN: Allthevaccines.org – Information about all human vaccines https://ift.tt/336JoB4 January 6, 2022 at 06:34PM

Show HN: Learn Japanese with Manga https://ift.tt/34tnYyH

Show HN: Learn Japanese with Manga https://mangaelite.com January 6, 2022 at 06:16PM

Show HN: Netvyne – a Chrome extension to leave and read comments on any URL https://ift.tt/3G2DNu4

Show HN: Netvyne – a Chrome extension to leave and read comments on any URL https://ift.tt/3EYPalu January 6, 2022 at 05:31PM

Show HN: MicroFounder – build internet startup as a solo dev https://ift.tt/3pX7MxW

Show HN: MicroFounder – build internet startup as a solo dev https://ift.tt/3JWXDJE January 6, 2022 at 02:34PM

Show HN: WordLines – A zero-knowledge proof-based blockchain puzzle game https://ift.tt/3qX8zON

Show HN: WordLines – A zero-knowledge proof-based blockchain puzzle game https://ift.tt/3gLxQXE January 5, 2022 at 09:38AM

Show HN: Elixir Tips” Book https://ift.tt/31ttgce

Show HN: Elixir Tips” Book I wrote a book with 100 short Elixir samples: - 100 knowledge pills for you - 100 curated examples created for you - 100 ways to master Elixir - 100 opportunities to increase your knowledge It is free to download (just put a zero on the price field) https://ift.tt/3ETfnlr Enjoy January 6, 2022 at 04:27AM

الأربعاء، 5 يناير 2022

Show HN: Using SQL to query GitHub activity https://ift.tt/3pU5u2t

Show HN: Using SQL to query GitHub activity https://ift.tt/3pZYn8Y January 6, 2022 at 03:46AM

Show HN: Nosigsegv – Say goodbye to crashes in your Go apps https://ift.tt/3JJp8WQ

Show HN: Nosigsegv – Say goodbye to crashes in your Go apps https://ift.tt/3sYkDBJ January 6, 2022 at 02:42AM

الثلاثاء، 4 يناير 2022

Show HN: PageSpeed for Nginx – Fresh Debian Packages https://ift.tt/3t2nhqa

Show HN: PageSpeed for Nginx – Fresh Debian Packages https://ift.tt/34nq2bt January 4, 2022 at 09:21PM

Show HN: Curate your own search engine from pages you browse and bookmark https://ift.tt/3eSWMuY

Show HN: Curate your own search engine from pages you browse and bookmark https://ift.tt/3qLWImt January 4, 2022 at 08:09PM

Show HN: OnlyRecipe.app – Remove clutter from recipe sites https://ift.tt/3zqxuhm

Show HN: OnlyRecipe.app – Remove clutter from recipe sites https://ift.tt/32zoYAE January 4, 2022 at 07:03PM

Show HN: A pure bash web server. No netcat, socat, etc. https://ift.tt/3JKDQNa

Show HN: A pure bash web server. No netcat, socat, etc. https://ift.tt/3sSHXRz January 4, 2022 at 06:20PM

Show HN: Meetup with other travelers in a new place https://ift.tt/32HuNMB

Show HN: Meetup with other travelers in a new place https://ift.tt/3eMLBUz January 4, 2022 at 04:39PM

Show HN: Clone your voice and speak a foreign language https://ift.tt/3qNNc24

Show HN: Clone your voice and speak a foreign language https://coqui.ai/ January 4, 2022 at 12:17AM

الاثنين، 3 يناير 2022

Show HN: StreamDuo – A platform for B2B data streaming https://ift.tt/3zk81pX

Show HN: StreamDuo – A platform for B2B data streaming https://streamduo.com January 3, 2022 at 11:59PM

Show HN: Picosnitch – a reliable and lightweight security/privacy tool for Linux https://ift.tt/34cgW0V

Show HN: Picosnitch – a reliable and lightweight security/privacy tool for Linux https://ift.tt/3Hw1lrE January 3, 2022 at 11:12PM

Show HN: Rathole – An Rust alternative to frp and ngrok, with gains in perf https://ift.tt/32UBA59

Show HN: Rathole – An Rust alternative to frp and ngrok, with gains in perf https://ift.tt/3qMWmvK January 3, 2022 at 07:37PM

الأحد، 2 يناير 2022

Show HN: The Scale of Wealth – a 3D interactive webpage side project https://ift.tt/32JO4wP

Show HN: The Scale of Wealth – a 3D interactive webpage side project https://zach.ws/money/ January 3, 2022 at 05:26AM

Show HN: Built a VFD clock driven by an ESP32 https://ift.tt/3pMB2Ht

Show HN: Built a VFD clock driven by an ESP32 https://ift.tt/3EPlC9Q January 3, 2022 at 04:31AM

Show HN: A an R7RS Scheme Implementation in WebAssembly https://ift.tt/3qF3ydr

Show HN: A an R7RS Scheme Implementation in WebAssembly https://ift.tt/3eIkVnZ January 3, 2022 at 01:09AM

Show HN: Weekly summary of HN to help fight procrastination https://ift.tt/32IE9HN

Show HN: Weekly summary of HN to help fight procrastination Lately, I've realized I'm spending a lot of time on HN. I've also realized that my brain uses it as a some sort of "escape" route: whenever I'm dealing with something complicated, my brain defaults to Cmd+T + "news..". So I've decided that I need to stop continuously browsing HN. BUT, I still don't want to miss the relevant news, events and discussions. That's why I've built this very simple, statically generated summary of HN posts (by year, month and week): https://ift.tt/3zq9P0v I think it's also a good way to filter the noise and only focus on those relevant posts that had a considerable impact on their given week. I've also grouped the submissions on different (and arbitrary) groups that I consider relevant (for example: News, Dev Blogs, Scientific News, etc). Feel free to suggest changes/additions (it's all in a json file within the repo). I guess the only thing left is block news.ycombinator.com on my /etc/hosts :) [Source] https://ift.tt/3sPx9DD January 3, 2022 at 12:48AM

Show HN: Burglar simulation “The Clou” from 1994 ported right in the the browser https://ift.tt/34klK4J

Show HN: Burglar simulation “The Clou” from 1994 ported right in the the browser https://ift.tt/3pOSXgV January 3, 2022 at 12:03AM

Show HN: Randomly Guessing Bitcoin Addresses https://ift.tt/3JzFJw6

Show HN: Randomly Guessing Bitcoin Addresses https://coinspin.app/ January 2, 2022 at 11:40PM

Show HN: Fully Automated Snakes and Ladders https://ift.tt/32FKOCs

Show HN: Fully Automated Snakes and Ladders https://ift.tt/3qA68Bq January 2, 2022 at 10:22PM

Show HN: Mmids – New OSS live video workflow server https://ift.tt/3eLZsKS

Show HN: Mmids – New OSS live video workflow server https://ift.tt/3qEnk8N January 2, 2022 at 09:42PM

Show HN: Calculate the layout to hang up pictures on the wall with Python https://ift.tt/3zfXw6Y

Show HN: Calculate the layout to hang up pictures on the wall with Python https://ift.tt/3eGlDSD January 2, 2022 at 07:01PM

Show HN: I made a pomodoro technique timer https://ift.tt/32TKNeb

Show HN: I made a pomodoro technique timer https://pomotimer.com/ January 2, 2022 at 09:40AM

Show HN: A web app to turn photos into 3D AR models. https://ift.tt/3sNekkB

Show HN: A web app to turn photos into 3D AR models. https://usdz.app?ref=hn January 2, 2022 at 05:27AM

السبت، 1 يناير 2022

Show HN: Axomark – Anonymous Social Bookmarks https://ift.tt/3ze7ANP

Show HN: Axomark – Anonymous Social Bookmarks https://www.axomark.xyz January 1, 2022 at 09:36PM