السبت، 30 أبريل 2022

Show HN: I'm building the “chess.com” of speed cubing https://ift.tt/I8cweid

Show HN: I'm building the “chess.com” of speed cubing https://ift.tt/YZpny3J May 1, 2022 at 07:23AM

Show HN: Telegram to Notion Bot https://ift.tt/Fq6BvOK

Show HN: Telegram to Notion Bot https://ift.tt/RESd1kl April 30, 2022 at 08:03PM

Show HN: Make catch-ups happen in different time zones https://ift.tt/gFNA0L7

Show HN: Make catch-ups happen in different time zones https://ift.tt/dSDceX7 We (Sinan and Maciej) started off like any couple of young guys after a few drinks, setting ourselves a goal to “Change the World”. Except the next morning we were still determined to chase this goal. So to try and figure out how we were going to change the world, we said to each other: “Let’s Ketchup”. So we decided to “ketchup” regularly with the goal to change the world. We set ourselves some rituals and commitments as part of our ketchup (mainly just for fun, first). Over time, we iterated on our process and our ketchup developed and evolved. Now, after 3017920 minutes (over 40 “ketchups”), AND each of us moving countries/timezones multiple times. We always made it happen We always made it meaningful In the last year and a half, we have also started having regular ketchups with other groups of friends with different goals, some as simple as “just to stay in touch”. And again, we have found that with these other friends we also managed to ketchup and: Always make it happen Always make it meaningful Finally, as self-proclaimed “energy engineers”, we realized we really know how to “ketchup”. We know how to make it happen and make it meaningful, and now we are looking forward to sharing our secrets… and finally “Change the World”. April 30, 2022 at 11:26AM

الجمعة، 29 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Balloons – A clicker game generated by OpenAI Codex https://ift.tt/hCV2iFq

Show HN: Balloons – A clicker game generated by OpenAI Codex https://ift.tt/EODnf0P April 30, 2022 at 02:22AM

Show HN: Zb, a self-contained zip blog https://ift.tt/K683h5P

Show HN: Zb, a self-contained zip blog https://ift.tt/iz7HcVD April 30, 2022 at 02:18AM

Show HN: Colorfle – A daily color mixing game inspired by Wordle https://ift.tt/yFuIV7l

Show HN: Colorfle – A daily color mixing game inspired by Wordle Hi HN, I was inspired by Wordle to make Colorfle, a different take on the genre where the goal is to mix colors together to match the target color within six tries. There were some interesting problems to tackle in making this game, one of them being the difference between mixing digital colors and real-life behavior (in RGB, blue + yellow = grey!). I hope you enjoy it -- any feedback would be much appreciated! https://colorfle.com/ April 29, 2022 at 06:50PM

Show HN: Radiopaper – Troll-resistant public conversations https://ift.tt/Db1XRVt

Show HN: Radiopaper – Troll-resistant public conversations Hi HN! We're a bootstrapped team of 4 and have been building Radiopaper for around 16 months alongside other full-time, part-time, and consulting jobs. I wanted to highlight a couple of the unique characteristics of Radiopaper that may not be immediately apparent when browsing https://ift.tt/mTLzuUn * It's possible to interact with Radiopaper entirely by email, and never log-in interactively. The notification emails contain context that explains that if you reply to the email, your message will be published on https://radiopaper.com * The key mechanism that makes Radiopaper different from other social networks, and more resistant to trolling and abuse, is that messages are not published until the counterparty replies or accepts your comment. You can read more about this in our manifesto at https://ift.tt/tnxrevg The technical stack is a Vue/TypeScript app talking to an API backend written in Go, running on Cloud Run, and using Firestore for persistence, Firebase Auth for authentication. Email processing is handled through the Gmail API hooked up to a Cloud Pubsub notification which triggers another Cloud Run service. Outbound emails go through SendGrid. The whole stack "scales-to-zero", and on days that we have a few hundred active users, we're still under the free limits of Firebase Hosting, Cloud Run & Firestore, so this has allowed us to operate for a long time without funding or revenue. Our overall burn rate is around $40/month, mostly from the smattering of other SaaS offerings we use: Sentry, Mixpanel, Github & SendGrid. Dave & I discuss our tech stack in a little more detail in this conversation: https://ift.tt/2DjrLkq The team (myself, daave, davidschaengold, youngnh) will be around to answer any questions! https://ift.tt/mTLzuUn April 30, 2022 at 01:18AM

Show HN: Djaz-Envelope: DocuSign like e-signature https://ift.tt/yrSPTBC

Show HN: Djaz-Envelope: DocuSign like e-signature Landing: https://djaz.io Application: https://app.djaz.io Share one or more documents to sign or view by recipients. This is called Envelope in Djaz. You can also just sign own document without using Envelope. And than include it in Envelope for viewing. Watch here for details: https://youtu.be/-hlThDTyvDQ April 30, 2022 at 12:13AM

Show HN: Porting Zelda Classic to the Web https://ift.tt/4aTZ27M

Show HN: Porting Zelda Classic to the Web I spent the last two months porting Zelda Classic, a 20+ year old C++ Allegro program, to the web. If you're a fan of the 2D Zelda games, you'll likely find some very enjoyable games here. I also write at length about the process of porting a large C++ application to the web. https://ift.tt/3bpswNc April 29, 2022 at 10:57PM

الخميس، 28 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Recipes, not mommy blogs https://ift.tt/MRq5rLf

Show HN: Recipes, not mommy blogs Hi HN, COVID lockdowns made me and my wife cook a lot more at home, and we had a need to streamline our recipe management woes. These were some of the problems we identified: - Most recipe websites are what I call "mommy blogs", and the principal problem is that the recipe ingredient list and instructions are buried in a SEO-laden essay that we don't care about. We were sharing links to our favorite recipes, but links don't allow you to skip past the unnecessary essay prefacing the recipe. We knew we wanted a way to have recipes uncompromised by unrelated essays. - Popular recipe aggregating websites are run by publishing companies that do not want you, the reader, to contribute your own recipes. This is not true for all of them; Allrecipes.com does allow you to enter recipes but that UI leaves a lot to be desired. We knew we needed a way for us (and you) to write your own recipes. - Most recipe websites do not allow you to scale recipe ingredients. We like to cook a lot at once, and we don't like to keep track of a 2x, or 3x multiplier in our heads while cooking. We knew we wanted a simple way of scaling ingredients. - Most recipe websites do not contain adequate nutrition information about their recipes. When they do, they don't show their math, or their sources. We knew we needed an automatic nutrition calculation for recipes based on ingredients and their quantities. After a few months of nights and weekends, we are ready to share https://ift.tt/02NIGA1 . We solved all of the primary problems listed above, and more! Our features: - Recipe creation - Ingredient highlights in recipe text - Recipe components - Automatic nutrition calculation - Grocery lists - Scaling recipes - Tagging - No blogging, just recipes! No bullshit essay to scroll through. - Dark mode! We think the closest thing to CookTime is https://ift.tt/pP8o95U . Paprika is a paid native app, CookTime is a free mobile-ready website you can try _today_. I do not believe that recipe management really requires the performance, development cost, and App Store cost of a native app. Without a CookTime account, you can: - Browse recipes - Read their nutrition facts - Scale ingredients temporarily - Share links to recipes With a CookTime account, you can: - Add your own recipes - Add recipes to your personal groceries list Let me know what you think! Would you use it? What are you currently using to track your recipes? What missing feature is stopping you from using CookTime? https://ift.tt/02NIGA1 April 29, 2022 at 08:41AM

Show HN: I built a JSON based multiplayer framework and platform for web games https://ift.tt/Sg86YAb

Show HN: I built a JSON based multiplayer framework and platform for web games https://ift.tt/RPQYenr April 29, 2022 at 05:18AM

Show HN: go-find: Golang library and CLI implementation of GNU find https://ift.tt/JT9zCjF

Show HN: go-find: Golang library and CLI implementation of GNU find https://ift.tt/cQMRjkv April 29, 2022 at 05:31AM

Show HN: A unique to-do app that helps you focus on what truly matters https://ift.tt/ebH8KY9

Show HN: A unique to-do app that helps you focus on what truly matters https://useSimpler.com April 29, 2022 at 04:36AM

Show HN: WeakVim, My attempt at a modular, transparent starter kit for Neovim https://ift.tt/aD4Z6UT

Show HN: WeakVim, My attempt at a modular, transparent starter kit for Neovim Hi all, I _love_ Neovim. However, I think many parts of it could be easier to configure or understand, especially when it comes to LSPs. There's a ton of plugins that fill the gap, but some of them are sparse in documentation. There's also distributions like LunarVim that attempt to add a Doom Emacs-like layer above. My approach is a bit different, simply giving an opinionated, modular, and documented configuration that an interested user can easily modify to their needs. It makes use of the most helpful plugins I've encountered to create the best experience I could muster while retaining an air of simplicity. I hope this is helpful to someone out there! https://ift.tt/ykR8OzY April 29, 2022 at 04:03AM

Show HN: My own GPLv3 Monitoring app, but paid. Cross platform, native C++/Qt https://ift.tt/BCA0okF

Show HN: My own GPLv3 Monitoring app, but paid. Cross platform, native C++/Qt https://ift.tt/fSzv51T April 29, 2022 at 01:16AM

Show HN: Exafunction, efficient deep learning at scale https://ift.tt/bP7MYQg

Show HN: Exafunction, efficient deep learning at scale https://exafunction.com April 28, 2022 at 11:33PM

Show HN: JavaScript widget to help your customers set up DNS records https://ift.tt/3sdJFg9

Show HN: JavaScript widget to help your customers set up DNS records https://ift.tt/X2V1Ehx April 28, 2022 at 08:58PM

Show HN: Bonjourr · Minimalist browser homepage inspired by iOS https://ift.tt/mPH9NzJ

Show HN: Bonjourr · Minimalist browser homepage inspired by iOS Hey all! We've been working on this browser extension with a friend for the last three years and we've made a few updates recently, so I figured I'd post it here :) We're building it as an open source and more modern alternative to things like Momentum. There's still a ton more we'd like to do and we're looking for constructive criticism or advice, both to improve it and make more people know about it. We're really proud of it and hope you like it. Cheers! https://bonjourr.fr April 28, 2022 at 01:18PM

Show HN: Jina NOW - A lowcode tool for multimodal neural search https://ift.tt/Z52yVdx

Show HN: Jina NOW - A lowcode tool for multimodal neural search My startup's just released this open source tool which lets you perform multimodal search in two lines. I would love to hear what you all think about it, or if you have any use case ideas in mind. It even helps Emojipedia improve its results. read the blog here: https://ift.tt/Eg63wVy... https://ift.tt/F9zM1WT April 28, 2022 at 02:34PM

Show HN: Hatch 1.0.0 – Modern, extensible Python project management https://ift.tt/QwztWgp

Show HN: Hatch 1.0.0 – Modern, extensible Python project management https://ift.tt/jXZAVRD April 28, 2022 at 12:22PM

الأربعاء، 27 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Taaalk – a social network for long-form conversations https://ift.tt/mpsI8lW

Show HN: Taaalk – a social network for long-form conversations https://www.taaalk.co/ April 28, 2022 at 03:53AM

Show HN: Netplot, plot network connections in the terminal https://ift.tt/D3MVFms

Show HN: Netplot, plot network connections in the terminal https://ift.tt/BuyJqQi April 28, 2022 at 03:11AM

Show HN: TPI – Terraform provider for ML and self-recovering spot-instances https://ift.tt/82r0Gdx

Show HN: TPI – Terraform provider for ML and self-recovering spot-instances https://ift.tt/9fTGDO8 April 27, 2022 at 05:41PM

Show HN: Pindex: A tool to help you identify obfuscated ICs https://ift.tt/f7pHz40

Show HN: Pindex: A tool to help you identify obfuscated ICs https://ift.tt/rTXD3fw April 27, 2022 at 12:02PM

الثلاثاء، 26 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Online JSON Browser, Editor https://ift.tt/uzIeNkh

Show HN: Online JSON Browser, Editor https://jsonhero.io/ April 27, 2022 at 08:27AM

Show HN: Lists.sh – A Microblog for Lists https://ift.tt/sLvr8pD

Show HN: Lists.sh – A Microblog for Lists Greetings, creator here! I've been working on a new blogging platform specifically for lists on and off for a few months now and I'm excited to officially announce its launch. After seeing https://charm.sh a few months ago, I've been enamored by the idea of SSH apps. I decided that a blogging platform focused on developers could be the perfect use case for an SSH app. Also, I love writing lists. I think restricting writing to a set of lists can really help improve clarity in thought. The goal of this blogging platform is to make it simple to use the tools you love to write and publish lists. There is no installation, signup is as easy as SSH'ing into our CMS, and publishing content is as easy as copying files to our server. Check it out and let me know what you think! source: https://ift.tt/YlSxOm7 https://lists.sh April 25, 2022 at 05:44PM

Show HN: Oldest Search – Search for the oldest result on internet https://ift.tt/S5hKRCf

Show HN: Oldest Search – Search for the oldest result on internet https://ift.tt/DVTC5g6 April 27, 2022 at 04:18AM

Show HN: Create beautiful quotes that capture your attention (OSS) https://ift.tt/2aXQ9AP

Show HN: Create beautiful quotes that capture your attention (OSS) https://ift.tt/9JSAKaN April 27, 2022 at 01:00AM

Show HN: thin.dev, back end for making realtime, typesafe React Apps https://ift.tt/FQWu76Z

Show HN: thin.dev, back end for making realtime, typesafe React Apps https://thin.dev/ April 26, 2022 at 11:01AM

الاثنين، 25 أبريل 2022

Show HN: We launched a new web browser https://ift.tt/zf3k2Bl

Show HN: We launched a new web browser My company launched a new open source web browser built on Chromium. It supports decentralized domains on Handshake and is the first browser to support .eth DNS. It is also the first browser to support secure web browsing with DANE. Check it out: https://ift.tt/kgs6l1Z https://ift.tt/K4P2wvU April 26, 2022 at 05:45AM

Show HN: I Built a Word Game https://ift.tt/wm46oOf

Show HN: I Built a Word Game The idea is to get from a starting word to a target word by creating a list of words to go in the middle. You can only change one letter at a time. Yesterday's words: https://twitter.com/ChangelistGame/status/1518695582151237632 Today's game: https://ift.tt/ukfzPU9 April 26, 2022 at 12:53AM

Show HN: PyNeuraLogic: Python Differentiable Logic Programs https://ift.tt/sU5jTEv

Show HN: PyNeuraLogic: Python Differentiable Logic Programs PyNeuraLogic is a framework that lets you use Python to create differentiable logic programs. The framework offers an elegant way to express and further extend GNNs, as well as go beyond graphs and tackle other complex (relational) scenarios. Feel free to check the repository and give us some feedback here or on Github. Thank you. https://ift.tt/WlQa0Xc April 26, 2022 at 01:40AM

Show HN: A reasonably reliable traffic per application monitor using BPF https://ift.tt/sTmN3BA

Show HN: A reasonably reliable traffic per application monitor using BPF picosnitch helps you protect your security and privacy by "snitching" on anything that connects to the internet, letting you know when, how much data was transferred, and to where. It uses BPF to monitor network traffic per application, and per parent to cover those that just call others. It also hashes every executable, and will complain if some mischievous program is giving it trouble. https://ift.tt/89MQFE2 April 26, 2022 at 01:26AM

Show HN: Sqwok – A social chat alternative to Twitter and Reddit https://ift.tt/Hu4UKjO

Show HN: Sqwok – A social chat alternative to Twitter and Reddit https://sqwok.im April 26, 2022 at 12:40AM

Show HN: Laptop mount for your mechanical keyboard https://ift.tt/etwxhqW

Show HN: Laptop mount for your mechanical keyboard I travel a lot for work and can't type for long on my laptop keyboard due to RSI. To solve the problem, I 3D printed a platform for my laptop that I can put a mechanical keyboard on top of without pressing the built-in keys: https://ift.tt/Pvspm0a If you like it, let me know, I'll post the CAD file so you can print it yourself! EDIT: file and schematic are here: https://ift.tt/8lQoW3F April 25, 2022 at 09:16PM

Show HN: I Made a Magic Trick:) https://ift.tt/XN81Pja

Show HN: I Made a Magic Trick:) https://ift.tt/gBXcpu1 April 25, 2022 at 08:26PM

Show HN: Communick, a professionally-managed Fediverse and Matrix provider https://ift.tt/up7QwPa

Show HN: Communick, a professionally-managed Fediverse and Matrix provider https://communick.com April 25, 2022 at 08:05PM

Show HN: Crypto News Aggregator https://ift.tt/TPyjskl

Show HN: Crypto News Aggregator https://ift.tt/ErmvgSb April 25, 2022 at 08:04PM

Show HN: Badkeys.info – checking cryptographic keys for known vulnerabilities https://ift.tt/X3uD70h

Show HN: Badkeys.info – checking cryptographic keys for known vulnerabilities https://badkeys.info/ April 25, 2022 at 07:21PM

Show HN: Voxel Lunar Lander in the Browser https://ift.tt/RfuNT4k

Show HN: Voxel Lunar Lander in the Browser https://ift.tt/iMEs4AS April 25, 2022 at 04:06PM

Show HN: M3O – Universal Public API Interface https://ift.tt/hgDRI6H

Show HN: M3O – Universal Public API Interface Hey all, I'm Asim Aslam, the founder of M3O, a curated catalog of APIs that provides simple abstractions for the most common API use cases. The idea is to create a single place to explore, discover and consume public APIs as higher level building blocks. Most of the time I don’t use all the features of an API and I assume most devs don't either, so picking and choosing the common patterns, abstracting it away and surfacing a new building block is useful. For example, Twilio has a lot of APIs but I only care about SMS. Even then I just want a quick way to send it. So stripping it all away results in something that's one endpoint and 3 fields (from, to and message). Another example is something like email. There are services like sendgrid that provide a really feature rich experience for email but I’m just looking for something simple that will let me send plain text or html. There are a number of API marketplaces out there, but we’re doing something different—our goal is to improve productivity. For example, RapidAPI has thousands of APIs, but there’s a lot of duplication. It’s overwhelming for developers. Choice is the enemy of productivity. AWS, on the other hand, focused on a curated catalog of services where each focuses on a specific problem. We feel the same: from an API perspective you only need one of each building block. You only need one SMS, Email or Geocoding service. My obsession with this problem goes back to working as an SRE at Google in 2011, seeing how the internal platform and APIs were being used by teams. I then worked at a ride hailing startup called Hailo where we got to build something similar, and experience the velocity of development in shipping products on top of simple, easily discovered APIs. I spent the next few years bootstrapping an open source project called Micro, trying to get people to standardize their API development to reach this goal. Ultimately it took raising funding to take a real shot at it. After seeing the productivity Google unlocked and what Hailo could have done with their platform, it was clear it could and should be a product: a single way to consume APIs with one platform, one account and one framework. Our goal is to build an API catalog that can act as the building blocks for most use cases, and then double down on services that have a lot of demand so we can improve the features and reliability. In the wild, every API looks different, the docs are different, you have to figure out if there's client libraries or not. We unify all that, so everything looks and feels the same. All our docs are generated based on OpenAPI specs, and we code generate examples/client libraries for JS, Go, Dart and the CLI. It means you only ever need one client to access all these APIs. Unifying API development and consumption requires a lot of resources to do at scale, hence its only happening inside fast growing startups and large tech cos. There are a lot of barriers to entry. Getting started isn't easy. Our approach has been to first nail API development for ourselves and then focus on API consumption by end users— ultimately we want to let anyone offer APIs on our platform. That requires enough large scale distribution and inbound traffic to make an attractive proposition to developers. We've spent a year building the product with a lot of feedback on what worked and what didn't. We’ve signed up 8000 people, served 5M API requests and have 60+ APIs on the platform. On billing: we're still figuring it out and would like feedback. It started as a free product, then moved into per request pricing. Unfortunately that's hard to scale without a lot of volume and it felt like people were more used to subscriptions for SaaS products so that's the route we've gone. Anyway that's us, hope you like the idea and try it out: https://m3o.com . Cheers Asim https://m3o.com?show=hn April 25, 2022 at 02:09PM

الأحد، 24 أبريل 2022

Show HN: I'm making a dynamic language in Rust https://ift.tt/JIxRljO

Show HN: I'm making a dynamic language in Rust https://ift.tt/lfAdGk3 An implementation of a dynamic programming language in Rust. Includes: Parser/Compiler, REPL, Virtual Machine, Bytecode Disassembler This started out as a learning project to teach myself Rust. It has grown into a decently substantial piece of software and I've learned quite a bit in the process! Some neat things: + A garbage collector that can store dynamically sized types without any double-indirection (i.e. I have my own Box implementation with manual alloc/dealloc) + The smart pointer used to reference GCed data is a thin pointer. The ptr metadata needed for DSTs is stored in the GC allocation itself, so that the GC smart pointer is just a single usize wide. This allows me to keep the core value enum Variant down to 16 bytes (8 bytes for data, the enum discriminant, and some padding). + The GC also supports weak references! + Statically dispatched type object model using a newtype wrapper and Rust's declarative macros. Ok, what that means is that I have a MetaObject trait that I can use to easily add new data types and define the behavior for specific types. Similar idea to Python's PyTypeObject though very different in implementation. However, I don't resort to dynamic dispatch or trait objects despite working with dynamically type data. Instead, I have a newtype wrapper over the core value enum Variant that statically dispatches to each of the enum branches! And then a few macros that minimize the boilerplate required if I want to add a new branch to Variant or a new method to MetaObject (just a single line in each case). + Different string representations! This was inspired by the flexstr crate. Strings that are short enough to fit inside a Variant are "inlined" directly in the value. Longer strings are either GCed or interned in a thread-local string table. All identifiers are interned. + An efficient implementation of closures inspired by Lua's upvalues. The language is still pretty WIP. I'm planning to add an import system, a small standard library, and a few other things (Yes, the name might not be the best, being also used by a well-known ReST docs generator, I'll take suggestions. I do like the name though, both as a reference to the mythological creature and the cat :D) April 25, 2022 at 03:46AM

Show HN: Come&try Decision Intelligence version “Agar“ environment, Gobigger https://ift.tt/C5c6OU0

Show HN: Come&try Decision Intelligence version “Agar“ environment, Gobigger https://ift.tt/JX1blTx April 24, 2022 at 03:56PM

Show HN: I built a dashboard of official data ahead of French elections https://ift.tt/dtaV3K7

Show HN: I built a dashboard of official data ahead of French elections https://ift.tt/ckDGzeq April 24, 2022 at 02:44PM

Show HN: My typical working day as Software Engineer https://ift.tt/1mHw83O

Show HN: My typical working day as Software Engineer https://ift.tt/NhulpfU April 24, 2022 at 11:44AM

السبت، 23 أبريل 2022

Show HN: I run a newsletter about Chrome extensions https://ift.tt/96APpNr

Show HN: I run a newsletter about Chrome extensions https://ift.tt/5cvk7qZ April 23, 2022 at 08:12PM

Show HN: This AI Does Not Exist https://ift.tt/whk1il3

Show HN: This AI Does Not Exist Hey HN! Author of the site here. I tried a few tricks to keep the text-generation part of the site up, but even leaning hard on Huggingface's API and bumping time-outs up, it looks like the site is struggling a bit. I'm going to see if there's anything I can do to keep the text-generation part available, but in the meantime, the pre-generated set should stay pretty stable. Not sure if there's much else I can do without burning a hole in my cloud bills — sorry for the troubles! I've put up a more detailed description of how this works on the GitHub - https://ift.tt/a73uW4p PS - if anyone at Huggingface is reading this and wants to help out with keeping the API up, that would be super :) https://ift.tt/qDdKmoZ April 23, 2022 at 11:04PM

Show HN: A better Reddit search engine to find Menswear recommendations https://ift.tt/cpzxXC1

Show HN: A better Reddit search engine to find Menswear recommendations Hey HN Community! We built this simple community search tool that basically allows people to search through thousands of past Reddit threads and tens of thousands of recommendations using tags. It mostly covers a few bigger subreddits like r/BIFL, r/MFA, r/AskMen, r/SkincareAddiction but along the way, I expanded it to include other smaller subreddits too. In addition to filtering by category, power users can also search by -Body Fit (big thigh, long torso) -Occupation (work in retail, teacher, doctor) -Age (18-24, 25-35), Size (height, weight) -Brand comparison (similar to: X) -Use (suitable for wedding, everyday wear) -Location (available in UK, use in Northeast US) -Mood/Style (minimalist, vintage, retro) Check it out. Buy fewer, buy better. Happy Earth Day! https://reddrecs.com April 24, 2022 at 01:42AM

Show HN: Def – A zsh plugin for default folder behavior https://ift.tt/1aJoq4i

Show HN: Def – A zsh plugin for default folder behavior https://ift.tt/7xAwrZ8 April 24, 2022 at 12:42AM

Show HN: [Experimental] Fleet – A build tool for Rust that's upto 5x faster https://ift.tt/7mqUjcS

Show HN: [Experimental] Fleet – A build tool for Rust that's upto 5x faster Fleet is an experimental fast, lightweight, open-source, build tool for Rust. Builds with Fleet enabled are up-to 5x faster! For a production repository (infinyon/fluvio) which we tested, we were able to cut down our incremental build times from 29 seconds down to 9 seconds, boosted by Fleet. We saw even better results on dimensionhq/volt, with our build times cut down from 3 minutes to just 1 minute - a 3x speed improvement! How does fleet work? Fleet works by optimizing your builds using existing tooling available in the Rust ecosystem, including seamlessly integrating sccache, lld, zld, ramdisks (for those using WSL or HDD's) et al. You can get fleet at the official website. Check out fleet over at https://ift.tt/mYD2KzX and our website at https://fleet.rs Looking forward to your feedback and thoughts! April 23, 2022 at 01:31PM

Show HN: Minos (Virtualization Solution for Embedded System) v0.4 Released https://ift.tt/oG5iLDp

Show HN: Minos (Virtualization Solution for Embedded System) v0.4 Released https://ift.tt/2GZhL3d April 23, 2022 at 10:30AM

الجمعة، 22 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Written: Typographic Tools for Strings https://ift.tt/EDvQyRh

Show HN: Written: Typographic Tools for Strings https://ift.tt/8GDrmvU April 23, 2022 at 03:17AM

Show HN: Cloaker.mobi now encrypts arbitrarily large files in desktop Chrome https://ift.tt/kXhlp9M

Show HN: Cloaker.mobi now encrypts arbitrarily large files in desktop Chrome https://cloaker.mobi April 23, 2022 at 01:54AM

Show HN: Earth Day Twitter bot replying to corp's w their netzero plans analyzed https://ift.tt/40LKTEo

Show HN: Earth Day Twitter bot replying to corp's w their netzero plans analyzed https://twitter.com/EarthDayApp April 23, 2022 at 01:15AM

Show HN: A 2MB, GC-Free, Memory-Safe, and Easy-to-Use NPM Audio Lib for Browsers https://ift.tt/rfK01u2

Show HN: A 2MB, GC-Free, Memory-Safe, and Easy-to-Use NPM Audio Lib for Browsers https://glicol.js.org/ April 22, 2022 at 08:07PM

Show HN: Visualize MIDI notes in augmented reality using iOS LiDAR devices https://ift.tt/0k92NeW

Show HN: Visualize MIDI notes in augmented reality using iOS LiDAR devices Reality Synthesizer utilizes iOS 15.4's addition of the LiDAR sensor to AVFoundation to visualize MIDI notes played on a connected synthesizer. The notes are visualized in augmented reality as the music is played. The demo uses a couple Metal shaders for depth-based visuals. https://ift.tt/n1dezGW April 22, 2022 at 09:25PM

Show HN: Prevent your computer sleeping with just a webpage https://ift.tt/DSPEyoU

Show HN: Prevent your computer sleeping with just a webpage There's often times I want to prevent a computer/laptop/VM from sleeping and while, yes, there's various Caffeine/Amphetamine apps they're often overkill. Instead, this small (12Kb) page does the job and only needs a web browser. It's just a very simple usage of a web api normally used for things like video players: https://ift.tt/ez4uNG3... https://nosleep.page/ April 22, 2022 at 08:12PM

Show HN: Augmented reality apps made hands-on interactive https://ift.tt/fvyCEtr

Show HN: Augmented reality apps made hands-on interactive https://ift.tt/uctvzRV April 22, 2022 at 06:05PM

Show HN: Laravel Nova alternative with no code UI editor, search, BRAC, and more https://ift.tt/xPSeduT

Show HN: Laravel Nova alternative with no code UI editor, search, BRAC, and more https://ift.tt/IjKVnMF April 22, 2022 at 04:58PM

Show HN: A programmer's approach to finding gifts https://ift.tt/sJbmHkC

Show HN: A programmer's approach to finding gifts Hey Folks, I’ve been really annoyed with the search part of finding gifts. It’s hard to use keyword search for something when it’s an “I’ll know it when I see it” kind of deal. So I thought, what if we scraped/indexed TONS of products and then just focused on removing the things we don’t want and then see what’s left to see if there’s anything cool? I built it in Flutter so it's both iOS and Android but it could be web too. I’ve only just started the scraping/tagging of products and if anyone has suggestions for bulk tagging images/content I would love to hear them. That’s the current bottleneck. Any feedback would be welcome! cvanvlack AT gmail DOT com if you want to discuss 1-on-1. https://ift.tt/JWrFKwZ April 22, 2022 at 02:35PM

Show HN: I built an app to help with Windows container networking https://ift.tt/cukRSE0

Show HN: I built an app to help with Windows container networking I've been playing with cross platform windows/linux Kubernetes clusters recently and have had endless problems with installer scripts misconfiguring networking by using the wrong NIC etc. I got frustrated with the tooling on windows to debug container networking so I built a tool that attempts to stitch together the HNS (Host Network Service) & HCS (Host Compute Service) resources into a tree that shows the relationship between configs. You can also search over it to find the networking impacting your containers or launch the windows built in packet capture tool to create a network trace you can open in Wireshark for analysis. I'm not a desktop app developer so it's pretty rough around the edges and I've only really tested on Windows 11 and Server 2019. https://ift.tt/drkhnex April 22, 2022 at 10:38AM

الخميس، 21 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Algorithmic trading for everyone https://ift.tt/ufDcS1Y

Show HN: Algorithmic trading for everyone Hi there. I built a company that makes algorithmic trading strategies for its users to invest with. --> https://justfor.fund Advice and feedback are very much welcomed! Disclaimer: New born business with its first beta version (12 users) currently live. Details: - I'm the sole developer and founder - I applied to YC S22 batch on the last day - Currently facing a big KYC compliance wall (code and protocols) - My priority right now is obtaining funds to cover minimal operational cost's. Need to pay for broker partnership costs too. - I have essentially no funds to cover cost's right now. - Currently applying for dev positions on several companies. - Developed the beta version on 3.5 months full-time. Thank you https://justfor.fund April 22, 2022 at 05:31AM

Show HN: Secure, use, and manage sensitive data–without touching it https://ift.tt/XATxriJ

Show HN: Secure, use, and manage sensitive data–without touching it https://ift.tt/MtKHJ7x April 22, 2022 at 12:52AM

الأربعاء، 20 أبريل 2022

Show HN: ScanCore, a High Performance CLI Virus Scanner Written in PHP https://ift.tt/i1mqRXJ

Show HN: ScanCore, a High Performance CLI Virus Scanner Written in PHP https://ift.tt/nxOFXJ8 April 21, 2022 at 08:32AM

Show HN: Python Logfmter https://ift.tt/KV90pwX

Show HN: Python Logfmter https://ift.tt/wdFCnOX April 21, 2022 at 06:24AM

Show HN: React hook to transition a value https://ift.tt/ULv4Z6p

Show HN: React hook to transition a value It is inspired by react-spring. I wanted something simpler and smaller. This is my first open source project. Happy about feedback. https://ift.tt/y3olx5C April 21, 2022 at 02:57AM

Show HN: New course on real-world ML systems https://ift.tt/1zFTViK

Show HN: New course on real-world ML systems https://ift.tt/7oFclUj April 21, 2022 at 01:05AM

Show HN: Two-way Jira sync in a collaborative spreadsheet and Gantt https://ift.tt/A62vQqy

Show HN: Two-way Jira sync in a collaborative spreadsheet and Gantt Hello HN, Our startup nearly died 2 years ago. We kept losing customers to spreadsheets. And it made us see a problem right under our nose: everyone just wanted flexibility & speed from a spreadsheet. But they have to stay in sync with {Jira / Salesforce / insert SaaS app}. When we followed this thread, we discovered how broken the integration experience was for flexible products like Airtable, Smartsheet, Monday, and Google Sheets. Their big problem is that they transform external data into their own format. This makes setup harder, since you have to get the mapping just right. And often you can’t sync back. We took a different path when building Visor. We essentially made a data lake & ETL tool with a front-end. Visor integrates with your Jira instance, reads its schema, helps you import the right data, and lets you work in a flexible spreadsheet* that syncs both ways. There’s also an interactive Gantt & Timeline view. *Spreadsheet is a generous term for now. Formulas are still on the roadmap. As are many true “spreadsheet” features. But we’re working towards it. Our roadmap is public, here: https://ift.tt/gd821mE And for VueJS devs, we eked out more performance from Vue 2 by modifying the core, documented here: https://ift.tt/4KdYESi... For database geeks, you might enjoy learning about the realtime graph DB we built to power the product: https://ift.tt/ZWoVjHP I’ve seen so many great companies start out by launching on HN. It’s quite a special personal moment finally to be sharing with you all. I’m happy to answer questions, take criticism, and generally hear what you think. https://ift.tt/7jgT1uA April 20, 2022 at 07:11PM

Show HN: Organise Your SQL Snippets https://ift.tt/IybX3Up

Show HN: Organise Your SQL Snippets https://querystash.com April 21, 2022 at 01:00AM

Show HN: PyInpaint, a lightweight image inpainting tool written in Python https://ift.tt/cWqmy0K

Show HN: PyInpaint, a lightweight image inpainting tool written in Python - A simple and effective tool to remove scratches, bruises and small holes on images. - Basically it does the job by doing Dirichlet interpolation on a non-local graph created using images. - Could be easy integrated at the backend for fask or django projects related to image processing. https://ift.tt/hQiKdPs April 21, 2022 at 12:19AM

Show HN: Owky – open source two-factor application https://ift.tt/fN3drj0

Show HN: Owky – open source two-factor application https://owky.xyz/ April 20, 2022 at 10:50AM

الثلاثاء، 19 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Ransomware protection in 222 lines of VBScript https://ift.tt/q7WDiuV

Show HN: Ransomware protection in 222 lines of VBScript https://ift.tt/Yqb0v23 April 20, 2022 at 08:33AM

Show HN: Loop macro with user-definable clauses in C preprocessor, for Awk https://ift.tt/X6s3Ono

Show HN: Loop macro with user-definable clauses in C preprocessor, for Awk https://ift.tt/oFqEZKV April 20, 2022 at 07:48AM

Show HN: Job board to find venture capital jobs https://ift.tt/1b0PH79

Show HN: Job board to find venture capital jobs https://ift.tt/3xuF7Lh April 20, 2022 at 06:51AM

Show HN: Crylic, a visual editor for React https://ift.tt/EjbgQ3V

Show HN: Crylic, a visual editor for React https://www.crylic.io April 20, 2022 at 03:27AM

Show HN: I have just open-sourced a 3D drafting demo https://ift.tt/RFwji4s

Show HN: I have just open-sourced a 3D drafting demo https://ift.tt/cXeUanC April 20, 2022 at 01:31AM

Show HN: I built a simulator for personal finance: ProjectionLab https://ift.tt/WsBhKA5

Show HN: I built a simulator for personal finance: ProjectionLab https://ift.tt/UGY6goN April 19, 2022 at 05:52PM

Show HN: Delightful loading animations for your next project https://ift.tt/ghF4J10

Show HN: Delightful loading animations for your next project https://ift.tt/VqrIi8f April 19, 2022 at 05:30PM

Show HN: Airplane for Mac https://ift.tt/ynG3sQE

Show HN: Airplane for Mac To focus on writing & working, there are the times where I don’t want my machine to be connected to the outside world, so the idea is what if there is a way to kill the wireless tech anytime & anywhere. This is something not new in the market, there is a great example on smartphones - Airplane mode. Instead of reinventing something new, just like an iPhone, what if there is an Airplane mode for Mac that turns on/off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other things. Here is the quick video where you can checkout how it works: https://ift.tt/iBluafy https://ift.tt/qIOVH31 April 19, 2022 at 04:08PM

Show HN: I built an opensource, privacy-first Google Analytics https://ift.tt/mAcdyrU

Show HN: I built an opensource, privacy-first Google Analytics https://swetrix.com April 19, 2022 at 01:46PM

الاثنين، 18 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Photogrammetry of Seattle landmarks rendered in WebGL https://ift.tt/8AHb6RG

Show HN: Photogrammetry of Seattle landmarks rendered in WebGL https://ift.tt/BjR0yES April 19, 2022 at 01:12AM

Show HN: Studius – a simple, powerful flashcards app with spaced repetition https://ift.tt/RaZcV4t

Show HN: Studius – a simple, powerful flashcards app with spaced repetition https://studius.ai/ April 18, 2022 at 11:49PM

الأحد، 17 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Toolkit of software to backup Google Takeout at 6GB/s+ to Azure https://ift.tt/Gc2qyKk

Show HN: Toolkit of software to backup Google Takeout at 6GB/s+ to Azure After seeing all those posts about Google accounts being banned for frivolous and automated reasons, I started to use Google Takeout more and more to prepare for the worst. If you aren't aware of what Google Takeout it, it is a Google service that allows you to download archives of all your data from Google. I understand that this may be kind of niche, but if the size of your Google Takeout is large and prohibitive to transfer and backup, this toolkit I made may be right for you. Problem is, my Takeout jobs are 1.25TB as it also includes the videos I've uploaded in my YouTube account. Without them, it's 300GB which is still a very large amount to me. It got really old to be transferring 1.25TB by hand manually. It's a pain to do it even on a gigabit connection and it is also a pain to do it in a VPS. At most I got 300MB/s doing it inside a VPS but every session took an hour or three to complete and it was rather high-touch. The Google Takeout interface is hostile to automation and download links obtained from it are only valid for 15 minutes before you must re-enter your credentials. You can't queue up downloads. Not only that, you must have some temporary storage on whatever computer you have before you send it off to some final archival storage. What a pain! In HN-overkill fashion, I came up with a toolkit to make this whole process much, much faster. I noticed that each connection of a download from Google Takeout archive seemed to be limited to 30MB/s. However, multiple connections scaled this up well. 5 connections, 150MB/s. I noticed that Azure had functionality to do "server-to-server" transfers of data from public URLs with different data ranges. It seems this is used for built-in transfer of resources from external object storage services such as S3 or GCS. I noticed that you can send as many parallel commands to Azure as you want to do as many transfers in parallel as possible. As it was Google, I'm sure their infrastructure could handle it. I noticed that there were extensions for Chromium browsers that could intercept downloads and get their "final download link". So I glued all this stuff together. Unfortunately, there were some issues with some bugs in Azure that prevented direct downloading of Google links and Azure only exposed their endpoints over HTTP 1.1 which greatly limits the amount of parallel downloads. I noticed that Cloudflare Workers can be used to overcome all these limitations by base64-ing the Google URLs and HTTP3-izing the Azure endpoint. Another great thing is that Cloudflare Workers does not care about charging for ingress and egress bandwidth. Also, like Google, Cloudflare has an absurd amount of bandwidth and peering. With all this combined, I am able to get 6GB/s+ transfers of my 50GB archives from Google Takeout to Azure Storage and am able to back it up periodically without having to setup a VPS, find storage, find bandwidth, or really having any "large" computing or networking resources. I use this toolkit a lot myself and it may be useful for you too if you're in the same situation as me! https://ift.tt/AoT2sw6 April 18, 2022 at 08:00AM

Show HN: I built a Covid sewage numbers Twitter bot https://ift.tt/71EgXTJ

Show HN: I built a Covid sewage numbers Twitter bot https://ift.tt/Wg4ijVo April 18, 2022 at 07:50AM

Show HN: A note-taking CLI for zipfile enthusiasts https://ift.tt/uc6YrKZ

Show HN: A note-taking CLI for zipfile enthusiasts https://ift.tt/urGhWko April 18, 2022 at 05:31AM

Show HN: A React component for WinBox, A virtual window manager for React https://ift.tt/Lm0uUz3

Show HN: A React component for WinBox, A virtual window manager for React https://ift.tt/PgKmlny April 18, 2022 at 12:29AM

Show HN: Heyhey – Building a Linktree-like app thought me more than college https://ift.tt/C2y7b3H

Show HN: Heyhey – Building a Linktree-like app thought me more than college Hello Hacker News! HEYHEY is a service that will hopefully bridge the different parts of people's online lives. So far, I've spent about 2 months developing it, and as a college student, it honestly helped me learn more about computer science than any undergrad course we have. Also, after getting the inspiration from HN, I wanted to prove to myself that, in 2022, anyone could build a full-fledged web service alone. Thanks to its modern-yet-traditional infrastructure, HEYHEY is costing me about 0 dollars a month to run (so far!). I really wanted to keep the service simple but functional. So naturally, I tried to stay away from a JS-based front-end. Instead, HEYHEY uses simple HTML pages with modern CSS and forms to function (you can disable JS!). Last week, I silently turned on registers, and if you register today, you will have a 10% chance to get Pro for life — it enables custom usernames (heyhey.to/[username]) and rich themes. I am not trying to take over the "Linktree" space, nor trying to build a unicorn startup. After making HEYHEY presentable, I just wanted others to have access to it as well. I hope to keep developing HEYHEY so that it can further integrate with other social platforms while staying lightweight and functional. Would love to hear your feedback! If you registered and want to delete your account, just shoot an email to: friends@heyhey.to https://heyhey.to/ April 18, 2022 at 01:00AM

Show HN: "q", a DNS query tool with support for UDP, TCP, DoT, DoH, DoQ and ODoH https://ift.tt/xwg0ZvP

Show HN: "q", a DNS query tool with support for UDP, TCP, DoT, DoH, DoQ and ODoH https://ift.tt/XCUuaFl April 18, 2022 at 12:55AM

Show HN: Employees.fyi – Easily compare U.S. workforce demographic data https://ift.tt/kKCO8Ht

Show HN: Employees.fyi – Easily compare U.S. workforce demographic data Hi HN! We built Employees.fyi to make it easy to compare U.S. workforce demographic data across companies and against industry reference data. In the U.S., the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requires the collection and submission of demographic workforce data. We collected and organized the publicly available federal data from the EEOC as well as publicly available EEO-1 submissions from individual companies. By doing so, we hope to make it easy to compare U.S. workforce demographic data across companies and against industry reference data. The URL contains your current selection. Just copy the URL and share it! Some examples: * A comparison of 2018 data for the "Professionals" job category across the Information industry, Facebook, and Netflix: https://ift.tt/ETluBLX... * A comparison of 2018 data for all job categories across the Finance and Insurance industry, BlackRock, and PayPal: https://ift.tt/jUz4JtS... * A comparison of 2018 data for the "Exec/Sr Officials & Managers" category across the Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services industry, Accenture, and Nvidia: https://ift.tt/LNswfK6... If there's a company with EEO-1 data that you would like to see, consider submitting a URL via this form: https://ift.tt/GUcoKCA Let us know what feedback you have for us! For those who are curious: at runtime, Employees.fyi uses normalize.css and the Open Sans font. They are hosted with the website. https://employees.fyi April 17, 2022 at 10:02PM

Show HN: Quickly build a GraphQL API in Rust using create-rust-app https://ift.tt/BnwQ3gG

Show HN: Quickly build a GraphQL API in Rust using create-rust-app https://ift.tt/4QnuAgE April 17, 2022 at 06:33PM

Show HN: I built an extension to disable copying from stackoverflow https://ift.tt/PwmE6NJ

Show HN: I built an extension to disable copying from stackoverflow https://ift.tt/6uEDcqM April 17, 2022 at 01:04PM

Show HN: Wordle Meets Candy Crush https://ift.tt/1FuQosm

Show HN: Wordle Meets Candy Crush https://ift.tt/aRP2yI4 April 17, 2022 at 11:23AM

Show HN: Subreply News (Beta) https://ift.tt/fDtAYbw

Show HN: Subreply News (Beta) https://ift.tt/uACHR8f April 17, 2022 at 02:50PM

السبت، 16 أبريل 2022

Show HN: My website, hosted on a 386 25 MHz, 4 MiB of RAM, 38400 baud internet https://ift.tt/Isi53bK

Show HN: My website, hosted on a 386 25 MHz, 4 MiB of RAM, 38400 baud internet http://serentty.com April 16, 2022 at 11:06PM

Show HN: 4917 Machine Code for Kids – Card Game https://ift.tt/cGPg9UK

Show HN: 4917 Machine Code for Kids – Card Game https://punkx.org/4917/ April 15, 2022 at 04:07PM

Show HN: Breeze job search filter with 14M+ listings now in beta https://ift.tt/qS0Thad

Show HN: Breeze job search filter with 14M+ listings now in beta https://ift.tt/nsAUGKf April 16, 2022 at 10:44PM

الجمعة، 15 أبريل 2022

Show HN: A small Hypercard stack running as a PWA https://ift.tt/Y24cJxM

Show HN: A small Hypercard stack running as a PWA In my early programming years, I went from BASIC to HyperCard, then learned C when I couldn't make HyperCard do everything I wanted. Plenty of folks have pointed out how the lack of native support for color doomed HyperCard. But I think it was really over when the web got started and replaced everything in the "personal content" space from underneath, so I decided to see if the idea of HyperCard would work as a web app. There are some missing pieces -- it's not perfectly compatible. You can, however, make stacks online and let others see them. Free, no ads, no personal information, you are not tracked, just a fun project. https://ift.tt/BtEg8xZ April 15, 2022 at 07:19PM

Show HN: A tiny Docker image running althttpd https://ift.tt/5IrWUe6

Show HN: A tiny Docker image running althttpd https://ift.tt/1neMYld April 15, 2022 at 11:41PM

Show HN: React state management you already know how to use https://ift.tt/Wh8mOgv

Show HN: React state management you already know how to use https://ift.tt/wQEIz2R April 15, 2022 at 11:22PM

Show HN: Ray traced 4D Julia fractal renderer (Linux/Windows) https://ift.tt/ZgQ7fPx

Show HN: Ray traced 4D Julia fractal renderer (Linux/Windows) https://ift.tt/ja8H7nY April 15, 2022 at 09:38PM

Show HN: Come and fight professional AI in StarCraftII https://ift.tt/WC6I7S4

Show HN: Come and fight professional AI in StarCraftII https://ift.tt/04ik1db April 15, 2022 at 08:27AM

Show HN: I made a tool to help beginners learn HTML code from browser https://ift.tt/iBlFk60

Show HN: I made a tool to help beginners learn HTML code from browser https://ift.tt/erxI8Yu April 15, 2022 at 11:18AM

Show HN: Pure C Asynchronous HTTP Framework https://ift.tt/3vni5uk

Show HN: Pure C Asynchronous HTTP Framework https://ift.tt/RfBT3YG April 15, 2022 at 09:06AM

الخميس، 14 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Fast,Compiled deep-learning based modules for inferencing on CPUs https://ift.tt/rsK1XGS

Show HN: Fast,Compiled deep-learning based modules for inferencing on CPUs Hi HN,I am Anubhav from RamanLabs.We have been developing dedicated modules based on deep-learning for purposes like face-detection,object-detection,pose-estimation etc. We hope to make it easy for developers,hobbyists to integrate such functionalities into their existing app/pipeline at the cost of a few milliseconds.All our modules run end to end in super-realtime even on consumer-grade CPUs[0]. For now we provide only Python based API. We provide Demo for each of the modules to allow testing for your desired data distribution.We also have a blog[1] where we hope to add more technical details about the framework used to develop these modules. The framework used to develop these modules is completely written in Nim language.We wrap existing ops implementations from libraries like ONEDNN and write our own code where we cannot find one or existing implementation is not good enough,mainly for preprocessing and postprocessing code.Having full access to framework code and being written in a high level language allows us to port newer architectures and optimize them quickly. We would love to hear your feedback on our attempt. [0] Quad-core Cpu with AVX2 instructions. [1] < https://ramanlabs.in/static/blog/index.html > https://ift.tt/NutIY4B April 14, 2022 at 10:08PM

Show HN: My mate is making a tool for DnD players to quickly visualise scenarios https://ift.tt/fkgsKZ0

Show HN: My mate is making a tool for DnD players to quickly visualise scenarios https://doodlegrid.com April 14, 2022 at 02:23PM

Show HN: Get a unique sakura base on your input https://ift.tt/jgZrfQz

Show HN: Get a unique sakura base on your input https://ift.tt/TVsp5kw April 14, 2022 at 07:13PM

Show HN: Team collaboration with different message types https://ift.tt/UxoeCEV

Show HN: Team collaboration with different message types https://lampoint.com/ April 14, 2022 at 07:08PM

Show HN: Windows XP on PineNote https://ift.tt/ZevwuP1

Show HN: Windows XP on PineNote https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_XRdHec154 April 14, 2022 at 05:36PM

الأربعاء، 13 أبريل 2022

Show HN: My simple guessing and learning game https://ift.tt/QcRVwEI

Show HN: My simple guessing and learning game Simple guessing + learning game You think of something, and the computer has to guess what you're thing of. If it guesses wrong, you can add a new Yes/No question to distinguish between your answer and what the computer thought it was. In this way the computer learns more things, and is more likely to guess correctly in future. It's great fun for kids! (..for a few minutes) https://ift.tt/lEtyqD8 April 13, 2022 at 12:07PM

Show HN: I built a website for suppliers to bid for inventory stockings https://ift.tt/Yb9dMvz

Show HN: I built a website for suppliers to bid for inventory stockings https://ift.tt/Hfj6wz2 April 13, 2022 at 08:07PM

Show HN: Usage, Cut your AWS Bill by 50%+ in 5 Minutes https://ift.tt/Ny6tJYe

Show HN: Usage, Cut your AWS Bill by 50%+ in 5 Minutes Hi HN community, [Direct Link: www.usage.ai] I’m Kaveh, founder and CEO of Usage, and am excited to show you Usage, an app that helps you slash your AWS EC2 bill by 50% in ~5min by trading reservations. As of today, Usage is in General Availability and any AWS user can use it. It works by creating a limited-access IAM role (ReadOnly + Ability to Manage Reservations) into your AWS account(s). The AWS console interface has made it hard for companies to optimize their AWS spend. After years of working for different companies that use AWS, I still find it difficult to understand how much money I’m spending on AWS. I don’t know who owns what instances, how our commitments are saving us money (RIs, SPs, EDPs), and what instances can be sized down (or switched to spot). At Usage, we are building a web-based app that keeps you in charge of your AWS while minimizing your bill. No code change, no moving your AWS account or instances around, and no downtime. We’ve built: 1) Real-Time RI/SP Recommendations: See which instances are uncovered by your SPs and/or RIs and get them covered with a single button tap. Instant savings. 2) RI Sell Recommendations: RIs that are no longer utilized are highlighted and sold instantly. No more worrying about unutilized RIs and no more needing to forecast your compute needs. 3) Consolidated View: View your EC2 instances and RI/SPs across all your AWS accounts in a single space. No more switching between AWS accounts. 4) Teams and Audit Log: Add as many users as you’d like to your Usage dashboard, and see who approved which recommendations. We built Usage in ReactJS, Python, Java– and along the way we built our own internal accounting system to keep track of customer savings. We have plans to eventually release an open-source version of Usage. Our business model is 20% of the savings we find you. We only make money when we save you money. We bill monthly and have longer-term enterprise plans available. We take privacy extremely seriously. Your data is always protected both at-rest and in-transit. Additionally, Usage never collects or stores sensitive information. Usage only collects meta-data such as CPU utilization, launch time, instance configuration, region, etc. You can read our full privacy policy here: www.usage.ai/policy/ We are confident we can deliver a better AWS cost savings experience that is meaningfully better than other tools. If you use AWS, please give it a shot at www.usage.ai and let us know. Let me know what you think! Ask me anything! April 13, 2022 at 06:38PM

Show HN: Program Synthesis for Ruby https://ift.tt/GDZNSfx

Show HN: Program Synthesis for Ruby https://ift.tt/nKgD4Jp April 13, 2022 at 06:52PM

Show HN: Stacktape – Full power of AWS with Heroku-like experience https://ift.tt/8HFEXKr

Show HN: Stacktape – Full power of AWS with Heroku-like experience https://ift.tt/AXSpROr April 13, 2022 at 05:16PM

Show HN: Generating Type-Safe React Hooks from OpenAPI https://ift.tt/0LMoV8z

Show HN: Generating Type-Safe React Hooks from OpenAPI https://ift.tt/6Wfj3T8 April 13, 2022 at 11:14AM

Show HN: I made a website to search for half loaves of bread near you https://ift.tt/dWrgt7m

Show HN: I made a website to search for half loaves of bread near you https://ift.tt/wUkJOb3 April 13, 2022 at 03:15PM

الثلاثاء، 12 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Enhanced GNU Awk https://ift.tt/8clEUHW

Show HN: Enhanced GNU Awk https://ift.tt/gteZ0xf April 13, 2022 at 05:33AM

Show HN: A Simple Memory Game https://ift.tt/Vw74toU

Show HN: A Simple Memory Game https://ift.tt/iV98Jd2 April 13, 2022 at 03:38AM

Show HN: AV1 and WebRTC https://ift.tt/5jYhMiV

Show HN: AV1 and WebRTC https://ift.tt/owxFVMD April 12, 2022 at 06:20PM

Show HN: Discover the IndieWeb, one blog post at a time https://ift.tt/WwusiIF

Show HN: Discover the IndieWeb, one blog post at a time https://indieblog.page/ April 12, 2022 at 05:11PM

Show HN: Monocle – bidirectional code generation library https://ift.tt/Nlj1MHS

Show HN: Monocle – bidirectional code generation library I just published a bidirectional code generation library. Afaik it's the first of its kind, and it opens up a lot of possibilities for cool new types of dev tools. The PoC is for ruby, but the concept is very portable. https://ift.tt/sS7Ey3x April 12, 2022 at 04:49PM

Show HN: pyinfra v2 https://ift.tt/FqwCkNA

Show HN: pyinfra v2 https://ift.tt/tL5q4JO April 12, 2022 at 09:43AM

Show HN: HRConvert2 v2.7 Released https://ift.tt/aoRlnfb

Show HN: HRConvert2 v2.7 Released https://ift.tt/hfMYX4c April 12, 2022 at 11:16AM

الاثنين، 11 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Oregon State University Class Data Explorer https://ift.tt/MtdeJ2G

Show HN: Oregon State University Class Data Explorer https://ift.tt/48fcx9Y April 12, 2022 at 03:21AM

Show HN: ToolJet v1.10 The open-source alternative to Retool https://ift.tt/Neyg50h

Show HN: ToolJet v1.10 The open-source alternative to Retool https://ift.tt/B062URt April 12, 2022 at 05:32AM

Show HN: Esht – Embeddable SHell Tags https://ift.tt/rXwvzG6

Show HN: Esht – Embeddable SHell Tags https://ift.tt/tmTSsIn April 12, 2022 at 12:45AM

Show HN: How to compile C/C++ for WASM, pure Clang, no libs, no framework https://ift.tt/Tp59Elt

Show HN: How to compile C/C++ for WASM, pure Clang, no libs, no framework A little help for programmers, who wants to run C/C++ code in the browser. (This is my second attempt to show it, first time I got banned bcoz of my personal page domain, I don't really understand it why is is suspicious.) https://ift.tt/FpODKHC April 11, 2022 at 08:35PM

Show HN: A minimal, unbloated archiving and bookmarking tool https://ift.tt/UQxs7O4

Show HN: A minimal, unbloated archiving and bookmarking tool https://ift.tt/MB3W4Yh April 11, 2022 at 12:18PM

Show HN: Real Time HTML Editor https://ift.tt/IBSkQmX

Show HN: Real Time HTML Editor https://ift.tt/t5OKl3o April 11, 2022 at 12:01PM

Show HN: Enrich your bookmarsk with more metadata and kBookmarks https://ift.tt/Vsdw9AH

Show HN: Enrich your bookmarsk with more metadata and kBookmarks https://ift.tt/HkBs29L April 11, 2022 at 11:44AM

Show HN: Tool to Test Moment.js Formatting https://ift.tt/Ilc1ENJ

Show HN: Tool to Test Moment.js Formatting https://ift.tt/n3ytqOl April 11, 2022 at 10:37AM

Show HN: Web app for creating and running contests on TikTok https://ift.tt/ZNVjLAM

Show HN: Web app for creating and running contests on TikTok https://ift.tt/iLGANVw April 11, 2022 at 06:18PM

الأحد، 10 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Brain, a commandline note-taking tool for creating a zettelkasten https://ift.tt/g61xrKF

Show HN: Brain, a commandline note-taking tool for creating a zettelkasten https://ift.tt/BCxKgVX April 10, 2022 at 10:52PM

Show HN: Cypress Recorder that adapts to UI changes with Email testing https://ift.tt/A5fD4V2

Show HN: Cypress Recorder that adapts to UI changes with Email testing https://ift.tt/WfsaCNG April 10, 2022 at 10:21PM

Show HN: Ultra fast Terraform plan and state parser written in Rust https://ift.tt/XtWjdH0

Show HN: Ultra fast Terraform plan and state parser written in Rust https://ift.tt/dyaRXPn April 10, 2022 at 11:11PM

السبت، 9 أبريل 2022

Show HN: How to Compile C to WASM https://ift.tt/kMomwYG

Show HN: How to Compile C to WASM A minimal example how to compile C code for WASM target: no extra libs or tools, using only CLANG compiler and some JavaScript to embed .wasm module. You can use Linux, MacOS or Windows to build. Some help: https://ift.tt/4S2hunI... https://ift.tt/gSLdulY April 10, 2022 at 01:35AM

Show HN: tmux.nvim – turning Neovim into a terminal multiplexer https://ift.tt/GdvnY0J

Show HN: tmux.nvim – turning Neovim into a terminal multiplexer https://ift.tt/IjKzCle April 10, 2022 at 12:53AM

Show HN: MassCode v2 – a code snippets manager for developers https://ift.tt/f3VSzMe

Show HN: MassCode v2 – a code snippets manager for developers https://ift.tt/NoeUtOE April 9, 2022 at 08:53PM

Show HN: Dev Toolbox – A browser extension with simple offline dev tools https://ift.tt/uDnXGwJ

Show HN: Dev Toolbox – A browser extension with simple offline dev tools Hello HN! I'd like to share a browser extension I made that provides quick offline access to various development tools. Current tool set: Calculate hashes; encode and decode HTML, URI, Base64; convert numbers between different bases; parse and manipulate various time formats; format and inspect IPv4/CIDR addresses; search all v13.1 emoji with quick copying in various formats. It runs entirely offline, making no external requests (even emoji PNG files are bundled), and only requires local storage permission to remember your last tab and input. This was inspired by an old extension called Hasher (no longer on the Chrome Store) that provided a simple interface to similar utilities. This was an opportunity to get back into making extensions, practice with Vue a bit, and expand upon the original idea. It's available for Chrome, Edge (via Chrome Store), and Firefox; links and screenshots are on GitHub, where you can also report any problems. Feedback and suggestions are very welcome. Thanks! https://ift.tt/p0sNCgl https://ift.tt/p0sNCgl April 9, 2022 at 11:43PM

Show HN: Anno – Effortlessly annotate and comment on videos/audio https://ift.tt/pFr9X0V

Show HN: Anno – Effortlessly annotate and comment on videos/audio https://anno.so/ April 9, 2022 at 06:36PM

Show HN: Big integer multiplication in JavaScript using pen-and-paper algorithm https://ift.tt/W3UDqLQ

Show HN: Big integer multiplication in JavaScript using pen-and-paper algorithm https://ift.tt/fobh0nL April 9, 2022 at 08:32AM

Show HN: HRCloud3 Early prototype noSQL and cookieless self-hosted Cloud/CMS https://ift.tt/CQhJMsH

Show HN: HRCloud3 Early prototype noSQL and cookieless self-hosted Cloud/CMS https://ift.tt/BGo35sJ April 9, 2022 at 08:15AM

Show HN: 3D model file thumbnails for Windows Explorer https://ift.tt/cZ0dBzA

Show HN: 3D model file thumbnails for Windows Explorer https://ift.tt/7Eopkdu April 9, 2022 at 12:05PM

الجمعة، 8 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Relevanto (beta) – I curate the relevant web https://ift.tt/cNHh6RG

Show HN: Relevanto (beta) – I curate the relevant web Hi! This is Alex Dragusin and lately I've been working on Relevanto where I look for and save the best of the web. I literally search through search engines for the best of everything (yes, lots of site:reddit.com in there and so on), check it out if it's legit (I search for reputational data like reviews etc) save it, categorize it and list it on Relevanto. I have a knack for curation and organization so I am putting my skills to, hopefully good use. This, at this point is intended for a global audience, stuff that make sense for most people. I got fed up with Google and other search engines results being filled with too many results that are not really useful and I hope Relevanto will eventually be a gateway for most of the stuffs I do on the web, leaving the search engines for more specific stuffs - to use them as an option rather than primary way. Love speed and privacy. I am big on privacy thus no tracking and the usual nonsense. The site is static and managed by a backend I created through which I manage the sites in the database. The static exporter is written in PHP. Nothing too fancy. I am constantly adding, adjusting and since it's beta, many more categories are coming up. In the works: *apart from the highlighter, a similar function that will filter all the sites by [keyword], that is, show only what contain [keyword], hide everything else. *dedicated pages, for example Music, on this page there will be all about music from links to websites for consumption to tools of creation to news and so on. Monetization: Will monetize in 2 ways, one by having a Marketplace page (the only place for ads, no ads on other parts of the site as long as I am at the helm), where one can advertise their service/product/company for a consistent fee (aka high barrier of entry) while abiding by strict guidelines (Money is good but not at the expense of my visitors!) and second by patronages taken through Patreon or other provider. That's it, the goal is not endless growth at the expense of the users but to provide value, real value! This is the future of the web, the relevant web! Thank you and hope to have you along for the ride. https://ift.tt/9myfhdN April 8, 2022 at 10:39PM

Show HN: Gomarvin: generate custom boilerplate for Go REST servers https://ift.tt/JHGwfR5

Show HN: Gomarvin: generate custom boilerplate for Go REST servers https://ift.tt/autPCUg April 8, 2022 at 10:10PM

Show HN: Zaplib – Speed up your webapp with Rust+Wasm https://ift.tt/EN6FgIb

Show HN: Zaplib – Speed up your webapp with Rust+Wasm https://ift.tt/UakpD0q April 8, 2022 at 10:06PM

Show HN: Google Cloud Compute Engine Comparison https://ift.tt/QzdNBhO

Show HN: Google Cloud Compute Engine Comparison https://ift.tt/PZ7YULu April 8, 2022 at 07:00PM

Show HN: A poem inside HTTP response headers https://ift.tt/qBkrtO8

Show HN: A poem inside HTTP response headers https://ift.tt/GPLHQaS April 8, 2022 at 03:57PM

Show HN: Colludle – Collaborative Wordle Game https://ift.tt/iRMrqa8

Show HN: Colludle – Collaborative Wordle Game https://ift.tt/z7Uqyj3 April 8, 2022 at 05:37PM

Show HN: Programmatic – a REPL for creating labeled data https://ift.tt/dzHNJq9

Show HN: Programmatic – a REPL for creating labeled data Hey HN, I’m Jordan cofounder of Humanloop (YC S20) and I’m excited to show you Programmatic — an annotation tool for building large labeled datasets for NLP without manual annotation . Programmatic is like a REPL for data annotation. You: 1. Write simple rules/functions that can approximately label the data 2. Get near-instant feedback across your entire corpus 3. Iterate and improve your rules Finally, it uses a Bayesian label model [1] to convert these noisy annotations into a single, large, clean dataset, which you can then use for training machine learning models. You can programmatically label millions of datapoints in the time taken to hand-label hundreds. What we do differently from weak supervision packages like Snorkel/skweak[1] is to focus on UI to give near-instantaneous feedback. We love these packages but when we tried to iterate on labeling functions we had to write a ton of boilerplate code and wrestle with pandas to understand what was going on. Building a dataset programmatically requires you to grok the impact of labeling rules on a whole corpus of text. We’ve been told that the exploration tools and feedback makes the process feel game-like and even fun (!!). We built it because we see that getting labeled data remains a blocker for businesses using NLP today. We have a platform for active learning (see our Launch HN [2]) but we wanted to give software engineers and data scientists a way to build the datasets needed themselves and to make best use of subject-matter-experts’ time. The package is free and you can install it now as a pip package [2]. It supports NER / span extraction tasks at the moment and document classification will be added soon. To help improve it, we'd love to hear your feedback or any success/failures you’ve had with weak supervision in the past. [1]: We use a HMM model for NER tasks, and Naive-Bayes for classification using the two approaches given in the papers below: Pierre Lison, Jeremy Barnes, and Aliaksandr Hubin. "skweak: Weak Supervision Made Easy for NLP." https://ift.tt/rCsUQqy (2021) Alex Ratner, Christopher De Sa, Sen Wu, Daniel Selsam, Chris Ré. "Data Programming: Creating Large Training Sets, Quickly" https://ift.tt/NpztrfE (NIPS 2016) [2]: Our Launch HN for our main active learning platform, Humanloop – https://ift.tt/puJhGLo [3]: Can install it directly here https://ift.tt/OqgB267... https://ift.tt/T1xHpaS April 8, 2022 at 03:35PM

Show HN: Disable now useless “What's new” page in Firefox https://ift.tt/k6Hd5on

Show HN: Disable now useless “What's new” page in Firefox Firefox 99 started serving a "What's New" page that is an ad for Pocket instead of listing what's new in the browser. Another disappointment. Here's how to disable the now useless "What's new page": 1. Go to about:config 2. Change the value of "browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone" to "ignore". Bingo! One less page with ads. Thanks for nothing, Mozilla. April 8, 2022 at 11:19AM

الخميس، 7 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Pipedream 2.0 – AWS Lambda + Zapier alternative https://ift.tt/iRqWVmo

Show HN: Pipedream 2.0 – AWS Lambda + Zapier alternative https://pipedream.com/ April 7, 2022 at 11:35AM

Show HN: Glicol - A Graph-Oriented Live Coding Language/DSP Lib Written in Rust https://ift.tt/qLlA3mG

Show HN: Glicol - A Graph-Oriented Live Coding Language/DSP Lib Written in Rust https://ift.tt/zEutwIN April 7, 2022 at 12:35PM

الأربعاء، 6 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Codestat.dev – stats from 2m+ OSS repositories https://ift.tt/vuRVpKF

Show HN: Codestat.dev – stats from 2m+ OSS repositories https://codestat.dev/ April 7, 2022 at 07:13AM

Show HN: The Causes of Latency in Computing Systems, and Why It Frustrates Us https://ift.tt/ziCyDGf

Show HN: The Causes of Latency in Computing Systems, and Why It Frustrates Us https://ift.tt/4Xc5Wkq April 7, 2022 at 04:05AM

Show HN: Airbyte Cloud – ELT platform with open-source data connectors https://ift.tt/cVMkJxP

Show HN: Airbyte Cloud – ELT platform with open-source data connectors https://airbyte.com/ April 6, 2022 at 06:19PM

Show HN: Transforms and Multi-Table Relational Databases https://ift.tt/LNrIvyu

Show HN: Transforms and Multi-Table Relational Databases https://ift.tt/T2Dwf7i April 6, 2022 at 05:13PM

Show HN: ProductDiv – A Website Editor for Developers https://ift.tt/Em3Ilpk

Show HN: ProductDiv – A Website Editor for Developers I've been working on a library for developing websites visually. There are many tools for building websites, but none that fit my workflow as a front-end developer, so I made my own! It is an open source library called ProductDiv and it lets you: - Drag and drop any HTML template into your site. - Change elements with utility classes you can customize - Export clean HTML elements and copy into your source code. - Use in any framework! ProductDiv is developer-first, meaning the configuration for the editor lives in your source code. You can evolve the configuration as your project grows (as it inevitably will!). This lets you standardize design patterns and makes it easy to distribute high quality components to your team. I published a demo at https://ift.tt/WZSkoKE that includes Bootstrap 5 utility classes and some basic templates to experiment with. I would love your feedback on UX and to answer the big question: Would you use this in your project? Why or why not? https://ift.tt/WZSkoKE April 6, 2022 at 07:05PM

Show HN: Tilepieces – An open source project to visually editing HTML documents https://ift.tt/u6rSoas

Show HN: Tilepieces – An open source project to visually editing HTML documents Hi all, My name is Simone Di Nuovo and i'm the creator of tilepieces, an open source project to visually editing HTML documents and Web applications. Tilepieces is a software that allows you to create applications for editing HTML documents, using some of the popular interfaces of the browser developer tools (with which it is possible to integrate css edits). Tilepieces also allows you to reuse your favorite code and libraries, and exposes APIs that are useful for editing multiple files at a time. You can start using tilepieces with its progressive web application version at https://ift.tt/Nc0aWKE ! I will be happy to receive any comments from you. https://tilepieces.net April 6, 2022 at 05:14PM

Show HN: Kukkee – the free, open source and self-hostable Doodle alternative https://ift.tt/nrcw3ks

Show HN: Kukkee – the free, open source and self-hostable Doodle alternative Hello world, we're super happy to share Kukkee here! We started Kukkee because we wanted to empower people — friends, teams, university students and faculty, organisation members, and more — to quickly find the right time to meet, while letting them keep control of their personal data, branding and costs at all times. We're just getting started so keep an eye out for Kukkee's upcoming features. Kukkee is open source, and contributions are more than welcome! Excited to have you try Kukkee and hear any feedback you might have along the way! You can learn more about Kukkee's current and upcoming features, how to self-host and even try out a live demo – at https://kukkee.com. Check us out at ProductHunt: https://ift.tt/UDbOkRT. April 6, 2022 at 02:03PM

الثلاثاء، 5 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Rust test harness that measures energy consumption https://ift.tt/EeQ4Izt

Show HN: Rust test harness that measures energy consumption https://ift.tt/3WPq2U8 April 5, 2022 at 04:51PM

Show HN: Encome, one place to discover, analyze and trade stocks on NSE https://ift.tt/d2HitTm

Show HN: Encome, one place to discover, analyze and trade stocks on NSE https://encome.io/ April 5, 2022 at 04:42PM

Show HN: Easy to reference database of HTTP Status Codes https://ift.tt/GTyC0NK

Show HN: Easy to reference database of HTTP Status Codes https://ift.tt/q62dCIy April 5, 2022 at 10:52AM

الاثنين، 4 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Chrome Recorder Crawler https://ift.tt/pigfyoA

Show HN: Chrome Recorder Crawler https://ift.tt/VuAK3rD April 5, 2022 at 09:58AM

Show HN: We built a Data Science specific job board https://ift.tt/l2Gd57Y

Show HN: We built a Data Science specific job board https://ift.tt/cp2dEFh April 5, 2022 at 04:57AM

Show HN: Faros CE – open-source engineering operations platform https://ift.tt/3hL1q9e

Show HN: Faros CE – open-source engineering operations platform https://ift.tt/lYjGUwn April 5, 2022 at 02:40AM

Show HN: Pbkit – Protobuf toolkit written in Deno/TypeScript https://ift.tt/gutKYHA

Show HN: Pbkit – Protobuf toolkit written in Deno/TypeScript https://pbkit.dev/ April 4, 2022 at 09:55AM

Show HN: CRDTs+WASM for local-first, collaborative note-taking in the browser https://ift.tt/OEqMCYj

Show HN: CRDTs+WASM for local-first, collaborative note-taking in the browser https://fuzzynote.xyz April 4, 2022 at 12:25PM

Show HN: An ever-growing collection of developer blogs https://ift.tt/zBiUthb

Show HN: An ever-growing collection of developer blogs https://ift.tt/ndvoHzh April 4, 2022 at 08:47AM

الأحد، 3 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Traindle, the Sydney train game – Make four numbers equal 10 in order https://ift.tt/k6Syltb

Show HN: Traindle, the Sydney train game – Make four numbers equal 10 in order https://ift.tt/xZ9JKNf April 4, 2022 at 12:53AM

Show HN: A CLI tool that analyzes with PMD and posts findings as GitHub comments https://ift.tt/Iu9qhmV

Show HN: A CLI tool that analyzes with PMD and posts findings as GitHub comments https://ift.tt/tjcHFDE April 4, 2022 at 01:32AM

Show HN: Txtai – SQL-driven semantic search with machine learning functions https://ift.tt/EvkPZRt

Show HN: Txtai – SQL-driven semantic search with machine learning functions https://ift.tt/RAsDPkt April 4, 2022 at 01:11AM

Show HN: Deps.live – On the fly “tech tree” visualization of dependencies https://ift.tt/eGIJcSx

Show HN: Deps.live – On the fly “tech tree” visualization of dependencies https://deps.live/ April 3, 2022 at 11:56AM

Show HN: A clicker game about the future https://ift.tt/5IvLdTs

Show HN: A clicker game about the future This was supposed to be submitted to a game jam a few months ago, but I ended up missing the deadline. The theme of the jam was "the future". I recently tried to finish it. It's pretty unbalanced and after a certain point it gets impossible to progress, but maybe someone will find it interesting. This is written in C++ and built for the web with emscripten. Link to the source is on the page. The repository also has a Qt-based editor for the tech tree. https://ift.tt/jxetiGq April 3, 2022 at 08:28AM

Show HN: Fusio 3.0 released – open-source, self hosted API management platform https://ift.tt/eQorUWj

Show HN: Fusio 3.0 released – open-source, self hosted API management platform https://ift.tt/Llj2JXR April 3, 2022 at 12:45PM

Show HN: Yaade – An open-source, self-hosted, collaborative API dev environment https://ift.tt/4yQiOD3

Show HN: Yaade – An open-source, self-hosted, collaborative API dev environment https://ift.tt/f63Tk02 April 3, 2022 at 12:23PM

السبت، 2 أبريل 2022

Show HN: NFT floor price alerts, watchlist and portfolio – Coinwink NFT https://ift.tt/Et1meZl

Show HN: NFT floor price alerts, watchlist and portfolio – Coinwink NFT https://ift.tt/nvimDLb April 3, 2022 at 07:31AM

Show HN: I built a Wi-Fi 6 survey kit to see how common it was in my area https://ift.tt/be8UFxE

Show HN: I built a Wi-Fi 6 survey kit to see how common it was in my area https://ift.tt/LjHxGyO April 3, 2022 at 01:47AM

Show HN: Inch https://ift.tt/1UEGlkp

Show HN: Inch https://ift.tt/3SFxTGy April 2, 2022 at 07:52PM

Show HN: I introduced link sharing to Gmail https://ift.tt/MIgkVO3

Show HN: I introduced link sharing to Gmail https://mailie.app/ April 3, 2022 at 01:45AM

الجمعة، 1 أبريل 2022

Show HN: Host Touchless Menus for Free https://ift.tt/PKBCcin

Show HN: Host Touchless Menus for Free Many restaurants moved to touchless menus during the pandemic. The restaurant owners need a solution to host their existing digital menus (in PDF) online and give QR codes to their customers. When customers scan the QR codes, they can view the menus on mobile and order in person. I built a website for this simple use case last night. I'm planning to get first 100 users and validate product market fit in next few weeks. The basic functionalities will always be free. I probably will be able to monetize by offering tracking and analytics. I don't know if there is a strong need for ordering food on mobile. Some restaurants certainly do this. However heavy automation in the ordering process creates a different dining experience which may not fit all restaurants. I'm not a frontend engineer by any means. The UI is very primitive. I can also open source the project if there's any interest. https://ift.tt/RAw4H9z April 2, 2022 at 04:51AM

Show HN: NFTs for Starving Children https://ift.tt/oy2cEAr

Show HN: NFTs for Starving Children https://ift.tt/o1Lu8Ax April 2, 2022 at 06:25AM

Show HN: Snabl – a practical embedded Lisp in C++ https://ift.tt/Ft56lGv

Show HN: Snabl – a practical embedded Lisp in C++ https://ift.tt/Upj5HRe April 2, 2022 at 04:31AM

Show HN: I Made a Node Based Image Processing App https://ift.tt/vBnpf7T

Show HN: I Made a Node Based Image Processing App https://batchnode.com April 2, 2022 at 12:07AM

Show HN: An online learning platform but for traders https://ift.tt/4zumUSG

Show HN: An online learning platform but for traders https://ift.tt/CpI0URm April 2, 2022 at 12:17AM

Show HN: Rickblocker, a computer vision approach to end rickrolling https://ift.tt/V61ORBP

Show HN: Rickblocker, a computer vision approach to end rickrolling https://ift.tt/FQSaTh3 April 2, 2022 at 12:09AM