الخميس، 30 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Layoff Support https://ift.tt/doK8EBG

Show HN: Layoff Support https://ift.tt/gA4jdGX July 1, 2022 at 03:41AM

Show HN: I wrote a story about GPT-3 writing a story about me writing about GPT3 https://ift.tt/hKIYsWp

Show HN: I wrote a story about GPT-3 writing a story about me writing about GPT3 https://ift.tt/RgUu7re July 1, 2022 at 03:33AM

الأربعاء، 29 يونيو 2022

Show HN: The International Institute of Food-Related Protocols https://ift.tt/oeJtDbv

Show HN: The International Institute of Food-Related Protocols https://iifrp.org/ June 30, 2022 at 02:27AM

Show HN: Let’s Gym, the app that lets you find a nearby Gym Partner https://ift.tt/kYIoKrD

Show HN: Let’s Gym, the app that lets you find a nearby Gym Partner Hi All, I recently launched the beta version of Let’s Gym and looking for people interested in using this app in hopes to get feedback. The app idea came up after I moved to a new city and all my buddies back home were the people I worked out with daily. My drive to the gym suffered since the workout “comradely” was no longer there. After speaking to most people around the city it seem it was a common theme of people moving here and not having a workout partner. There are facebook groups in some cities that try and alleviate this issue but the problem was that you couldn’t filter on the workout goal of the person and responses back was more of a miss than a hit using FB. We are in a very early beta in select cities in the US and would love feedback. https://www.letsgym.io/ June 30, 2022 at 02:14AM

Show HN: Calculator for US Individual Income tax, from 1970-present https://ift.tt/Dvz8nGV

Show HN: Calculator for US Individual Income tax, from 1970-present I wanted to share a simple web app I created recently, which lets you estimate income taxes owed in the US: https://taxsim.app All the calculations occur directly in the browser, and are powered by a Fortran program that has been converted to WASM using emscripten. This calculator was originally developed in the 1970s [1] by the non-profit National Bureau of Economic Research. NBER has been maintaining this F77 codebase for the last 50 years, and uses it primarily for academic research on tax policy. The Fortran source code itself is over 1MB of text, because it codifies both federal and all 50 states' tax laws for each of the last 62 years. I first learned about NBER TAXSIM [2] a few months ago via an interesting paper they published "Automatic Tax Filing: Simulating a Pre-Populated Form 1040" [3]. The Fortran code itself is not open-source, but is available on request for research purposes. I reached out to NBER and proposed compiling it to WASM, so it could be run directly in a browser. With relatively little effort I was able to create a js/wasm version [4], thanks in huge part to previous open-source work [5]. This WASM build now powers https://taxsim.app, which is my attempt to create an interactive UI to allow for easier exploration of the US tax code. Specific tax scenarios can also be shared easily, by simply copying the browser URL. The code for this webapp is also open-source [6]. This was my first time experimenting with WASM, and I am already a huge fan. Not only was I able to take a 60 year old codebase and get it working on every modern browser and device, this work is also now benefiting the academic community. For example, the js/wasm can be run directly in V8, which means it can also now be run locally within R using libv8 [7]. Previously most researchers were uploading their tax scenarios to NBER's servers via ftp/ssh/http. [1] https://ift.tt/9Ck8neH [2] https://ift.tt/aXATqo0 [3] https://ift.tt/xoLYw9W [4] https://ift.tt/nH8st76 [5] https://ift.tt/jyTaXSL [6] https://ift.tt/5yAzqYn [7] https://ift.tt/E2ocSKs June 30, 2022 at 01:22AM

Show HN: Sudopad – Private link sharing board for friends https://ift.tt/WDGZxms

Show HN: Sudopad – Private link sharing board for friends https://sudopad.com June 30, 2022 at 01:06AM

Show HN: Ploomber Cloud (YC W22) – run notebooks at scale without infrastructure https://ift.tt/DFNhtpT

Show HN: Ploomber Cloud (YC W22) – run notebooks at scale without infrastructure Hi, we’re Ido & Eduardo, the founders of Ploomber. We’re launching Ploomber Cloud today, a service that allows data scientists to scale their work from their laptops to the cloud. Our open-source users ( https://ift.tt/8ISqDcH ) usually start their work on their laptops; however, often, their local environment falls short, and they need more resources. Typical use cases run out of memory or optimize models to squeeze out the best performance. Ploomber Cloud eases this transition by allowing users to quickly move their existing projects into the cloud without extra configurations. Furthermore, users can request custom resources for specific tasks (vCPUs, GPUs, RAM). Both of us experienced this challenge firsthand. Analysis usually starts in a local notebook or script, and whenever we wanted to run our code on a larger infrastructure we had to refactor the code (i.e. rewrite our notebooks using Kubeflow’s SDK) and add a bunch of cloud configurations. Ploomber Cloud is a lot simpler, if your notebook or script runs locally, you can run it in the cloud with no code changes and no extra configuration. Furthermore, you can go back and forth between your local/interactive environment and the cloud. We built Ploomber Cloud on top of AWS. Users only need to declare their dependencies via a requirements.txt file, and Ploomber Cloud will take care of making the Docker image and storing it on ECR. Part of this implementation is open-source and available at: https://ift.tt/gtqvOFH Once the Docker image is ready, we spin up EC2 instances to run the user’s pipeline distributively (for example, to run hundreds of ML experiments in parallel) and store the results in S3. Users can monitor execution through the logs and download artifacts. If source code hasn’t changed for a given pipeline task, we use cached artifacts and skip redundant computations, severely cutting each run's cost, especially for pipelines that require GPUs. Users can sign up to Ploomber Cloud for free and get started quickly. We made a significant effort to simplify the experience ( https://ift.tt/VgxofTI ). There are three plans ( https://ift.tt/qci7k9Z ): the first is the Community plan, which is free with limited computing. The Teams plan has a flat $50 monthly and usage-based billing, and the Enterprise plan includes SLAs and custom pricing. We’re thrilled to share Ploomber Cloud with you! So if you’re a data scientist who has experienced these endless cycles of getting a machine and going through an ops team, an ML engineer who helps data scientists scale their work, or you have any feedback, please share your thoughts! We love discussing these problems since exchanging ideas sparks exciting discussions and brings our attention to issues we haven’t considered before! You may also reach out to me at ido@ploomber.io. June 29, 2022 at 07:04PM

Show HN: ColorTiles Browser Game https://ift.tt/mYdNyvR

Show HN: ColorTiles Browser Game Hello HN! Here is a little game I made, colorful tiles must be placed next to other tiles and match in symbol or color. This game is inspired by Passage 3 and similar games like Qwirkle, Rummy or Dominoes. There exist some browser-based versions here and there, but I wasn't completely satisfied with any of them, so I made my own. This is optimized for a broad range of screen sizes and auto-rotates the playing field for narrow (portrait) viewports. As I've discovered with my own parents, folks who enjoy playing Solitaire, Hearts and similar games might enjoy this as well, so gladly spread the word. Have fun and feedback is appreciated! :) https://colortiles.net/ June 29, 2022 at 06:38PM

Show HN: I wrote a book on how to hire and manage remote teams https://ift.tt/WfLlSdC

Show HN: I wrote a book on how to hire and manage remote teams https://ift.tt/GwhVK7n June 29, 2022 at 05:48PM

Show HN: Create a Step-by-Step Walkthrough of a Pull Request https://ift.tt/WoBLtA2

Show HN: Create a Step-by-Step Walkthrough of a Pull Request https://www.gitline.io/ June 29, 2022 at 05:36PM

Show HN: Privately own or co-use DialMe phone numbers to receive SMS on web https://ift.tt/o7Yl5RF

Show HN: Privately own or co-use DialMe phone numbers to receive SMS on web Use brand-new or co-use free SIM-based phone numbers to receive texts to your URL without providing your ID. Don't wait for shipping or pay taxes and activation fees for your DialMe phone numbers. Texts are visible on your dashboard within seconds. https://www.dialme.shop June 29, 2022 at 04:41PM

الثلاثاء، 28 يونيو 2022

Show HN: We created a data-driven sticky note powered by AI https://ift.tt/dyazWfw

Show HN: We created a data-driven sticky note powered by AI https://www.notably.ai/ June 29, 2022 at 04:04AM

Show HN: The Fastest Slider library for high performance websites https://ift.tt/Udsj6TZ

Show HN: The Fastest Slider library for high performance websites https://ift.tt/EoL5rPt June 29, 2022 at 12:12AM

Show HN: Flookup – Data cleaning by fuzzy matching https://ift.tt/xUBFgHf

Show HN: Flookup – Data cleaning by fuzzy matching Hello HN! It has been about three years since I launched this current iteration of my Google Sheets add-on called Flookup. I'm a solo developer and, currently, I handle absolutely everything to do with Flookup from writing code, designing the user interface, replying support emails and even marketing. It is quite a lot of work but very satisfying when I see how helpful it has been to my userbase. Before Flookup, there was only one prominent Google Sheets add-on that could be used for data cleaning (to a certain degree) but, luckily for men, it had left a gap in its functionality that I was very glad to fill. To develop Flookup, I had to write a new algorithm from the ground up in order to make it more useful to my userbase. Originally, this userbase comprised me and a small team at an organisation I was working for but, today, that number has grown to at least 10,000 Daily Active Users all over the world (except Antarctica). What is Flookup? It is an add-on that uses fuzzy matching algorithms to power its data cleaning functions. Flookup's functions allow you to match or merge tables without worrying about how uniform your data is. You can also highlight and remove duplicates even if the text contains typos, punctuations marks or spelling differences. So, today, I'm inviting you to try it out and let me know what you think... here is the link: > https://ift.tt/QK3SGbp Your free trial is free and unlimited. Thank you; I hope you like it! June 29, 2022 at 12:07AM

Show HN: Free QR Code Generator https://ift.tt/JmHLjtK

Show HN: Free QR Code Generator https://ift.tt/4FWCkIN June 28, 2022 at 06:25PM

الاثنين، 27 يونيو 2022

Show HN: I stripped DALL·E Mini to its bare essentials and converted it to Torch https://ift.tt/hsAJSOC

Show HN: I stripped DALL·E Mini to its bare essentials and converted it to Torch https://ift.tt/R9HoCnf June 28, 2022 at 05:27AM

Show HN: Messy Play Kits Sensory Bins https://ift.tt/vuJmG72

Show HN: Messy Play Kits Sensory Bins https://ift.tt/uWAjhYP June 28, 2022 at 04:47AM

Show HN: WebExtension Playground https://ift.tt/n3jFiQE

Show HN: WebExtension Playground https://ift.tt/U4TeyaX June 28, 2022 at 03:05AM

Show HN: AirScript – Like Lua, but in Rust, and Different https://ift.tt/Vma1CKn

Show HN: AirScript – Like Lua, but in Rust, and Different https://ift.tt/8jqCL9d June 28, 2022 at 02:18AM

Show HN: [NSFW] Diffusion models for porn generation https://ift.tt/Y7ZNlg6

Show HN: [NSFW] Diffusion models for porn generation https://ift.tt/RUH0MoK June 28, 2022 at 12:08AM

Show HN: AI powered food ingredient analysis for healthier shopping https://ift.tt/TjwLaJY

Show HN: AI powered food ingredient analysis for healthier shopping Itsmyfood is a Calorie Counter App that encourages healthy eating with Food Additive Library for healthy grocery shopping and a meal planner to make healthy meal plans. Users can access the AI-powered food ingredient analysis by simply scanning a barcode. available at https://ift.tt/BVqLWT6 https://ift.tt/JicWquz June 27, 2022 at 04:02PM

Show HN: Rapidly Develop CRUD Web Apps with Locode https://ift.tt/ef4RbvY

Show HN: Rapidly Develop CRUD Web Apps with Locode https://www.locode.dev June 27, 2022 at 02:04PM

Show HN: Yboard is a multiplayer desktop-like workspace based on CRDT https://ift.tt/FDOLAae

Show HN: Yboard is a multiplayer desktop-like workspace based on CRDT I've always been curious about real-time multiplayer user interfaces. When I found out about CRDTs and Yjs[1] I thought they could serve as a solid base for a project like that. So I built this pretty simple desktop-like UI (heavily inspired by lifeat.io) and used Yjs to replicate the whole UI state among multiple peers, creating the experience of a unique interface. Try online: https://yboard.lol [1]: https://ift.tt/Zc6Kk0b https://ift.tt/YcrXZnz June 27, 2022 at 11:33AM

الأحد، 26 يونيو 2022

Show HN: A framebuffer console viewer, pure Go https://ift.tt/HiGasfg

Show HN: A framebuffer console viewer, pure Go Another Sunday afternoon project: add some pizzaz to your boring bare metal or virtual machine consoles! Written as a single Go binary; no dependencies. https://ift.tt/DLH1Zp6 As usual, feedback please! June 27, 2022 at 03:16AM

Show HN: A Working Nintendo Gameboy Backpack https://ift.tt/9103pjL

Show HN: A Working Nintendo Gameboy Backpack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdD7AtGhssI June 27, 2022 at 01:46AM

Show HN: Isthisabearmarket.com https://ift.tt/2yIHKkY

Show HN: Isthisabearmarket.com Hey HN! Here's a quick sideproject that I've been working on for the last week The market downturn got me thinking about stock price APIs and how I could use them, overall I had a lot of fun writing this up https://ift.tt/ATamrdR June 26, 2022 at 11:57PM

Show HN: Particles – the URL contains the whole program code https://ift.tt/NUfYwRb

Show HN: Particles – the URL contains the whole program code https://ift.tt/MW5YU6R June 26, 2022 at 04:07PM

السبت، 25 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Medots – Cross-platform tool to deploy dot files https://ift.tt/nG5Jkdt

Show HN: Medots – Cross-platform tool to deploy dot files https://ift.tt/GQHCeqL June 26, 2022 at 02:01AM

Show HN: Product Analytics in SQL with dbt https://ift.tt/gjdblxJ

Show HN: Product Analytics in SQL with dbt Hey everyone! Like many data analysts and engineers, I love SQL and the dbt ecosystem. So it bothers me that we have to use separate tools for product analytics. We do our transformations, BI work, and ad-hoc queries in SQL, but when it's time to look at funnels and flows, we have to use (and procure) a separate platform like Mixpanel or Amplitude. This dbt package is a (very rough) start at fixing that. With it, you can create event streams and run funnel analyses via dbt[0]. More features like flows and retention are coming soon! But I'm mostly curious how you all are doing product analytics right now. Are you using a dedicated tool like Amplitude? What could be better? Do you want to do product analytics in SQL in the warehouse or would you rather it live somewhere else? Would love to get your thoughts, and thanks for taking a look! --- 0. (and soon, with dbt Server, in your favorite BI tool or SQL client): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdSMSbQxnO0&ab_channel=dbt https://ift.tt/N58hfEA June 25, 2022 at 11:23PM

Show HN: Feather – 90 percent of Bloomberg terminal, for 5 percent of the price https://ift.tt/HQfNVJn

Show HN: Feather – 90 percent of Bloomberg terminal, for 5 percent of the price Hey, Wanted to share what my friend and I built — Feather. It provides investors with all imaginable financial data, without breaking the bank. Effectively 90 percent of the Bloomberg Terminal, at 5 percent of the price. We just opened sign ups for early access — all you need to sign up is your email address. We’ll open access to the software in order of sign ups, and we’d love to have you onboard. Check it out! https://try-feather.com June 25, 2022 at 10:35PM

Show HN: Unzip-HTTP – extract files over HTTP https://ift.tt/hBYcro1

Show HN: Unzip-HTTP – extract files over HTTP https://ift.tt/exFStfX June 25, 2022 at 09:01PM

Show HN: Pathfinding Visualizer https://ift.tt/HaM9hys

Show HN: Pathfinding Visualizer Decided to remake my old pathfinding project to hexagonal tiles. Pretty happy with how it turned out. Source code: https://ift.tt/lNucYs7 https://ift.tt/k4pcOeS June 25, 2022 at 06:30PM

Show HN: Obsidian – Now on Web with Neverinstall https://ift.tt/IdOE726

Show HN: Obsidian – Now on Web with Neverinstall https://ift.tt/eb4k7Ua June 25, 2022 at 11:36AM

Show HN: Ferris, social network for IRL activities with your closest friends https://ift.tt/cOIJnUQ

Show HN: Ferris, social network for IRL activities with your closest friends https://ift.tt/QONbZPC June 25, 2022 at 06:00PM

Show HN: Git-bug's reusable data model https://ift.tt/kOQemrV

Show HN: Git-bug's reusable data model https://ift.tt/42QpmEK June 25, 2022 at 02:51PM

Show HN: Dismember – Scan memory for secrets and interesting information https://ift.tt/rT4qnXQ

Show HN: Dismember – Scan memory for secrets and interesting information https://ift.tt/jQn5DlB June 25, 2022 at 11:07AM

الجمعة، 24 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Coldbrew – A Web GUI for Homebrew Cask https://ift.tt/rj9RixC

Show HN: Coldbrew – A Web GUI for Homebrew Cask https://ift.tt/WvohDAY June 25, 2022 at 12:20AM

Show HN: Domfetch.com - free tool to find expired domains with history https://ift.tt/IanmxJh

Show HN: Domfetch.com - free tool to find expired domains with history We have finally launched Domfetch! Domfetch is a free platform to find expired domains. Users can search through domains that are (almost) available for registration. We enrich these domains with extra data to help users find valuable domains. We created this tool because we found the (free) alternatives lacking certain data, such as Moz, Alexa history (we check 5 years of data) & search volume history over a period of 1 year. Let us know what you think! More features and tld's will be added in the near future. https://domfetch.com June 24, 2022 at 03:16PM

Show HN: OpsFlow – Low-code DevOps. Webflow for infrastructure https://ift.tt/HfcmwWJ

Show HN: OpsFlow – Low-code DevOps. Webflow for infrastructure https://opsflow.app/ June 24, 2022 at 01:51PM

الخميس، 23 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Simple Badges – Simple Icons on Your Favorite Shields.io Badges https://ift.tt/U8uP2RL

Show HN: Simple Badges – Simple Icons on Your Favorite Shields.io Badges Around this time a year ago, I forked and built Simple Badges on top of the Simple Icons website. Existing projects on this often try to manually maintain a single, huge Markdown file containing pre-assembled Shields.io badges for people to pick. They usually require constant manual effort to follow upstream updates and may lack some icons as a result. Simple Badges automatically tracks upstream icon updates, provides a badge preview page that easy to navigate, and makes it easy to get all four styles of badges in Markdown or HTML img format. If you happen to be refurbishing your profile - give Simple Badges a try! Suggestion and contribution are welcomed :-) https://ift.tt/ACULZIP June 24, 2022 at 07:16AM

Show HN: Brave Goggle that upranks news sources that are politically centrist https://ift.tt/Glzvf92

Show HN: Brave Goggle that upranks news sources that are politically centrist https://ift.tt/SRLEMfk June 24, 2022 at 06:45AM

Show HN: Lexman Artificial Podcast https://ift.tt/otM2Ajk

Show HN: Lexman Artificial Podcast https://lexman.rocks June 24, 2022 at 01:10AM

Show HN: Nerd Crawler – we monitor original comic art sites so you don't have to https://ift.tt/Jyk1aIn

Show HN: Nerd Crawler – we monitor original comic art sites so you don't have to I've been a fan of comics since I watched the X-Men Animated Series in the 90s, and I fell in love with collecting original comic art when I got my first Jim Lee sketch in high school. But, after missing out on some original comic art pieces because I didn't know when they were added for sale on websites, I decided to take it upon myself to make an app that monitors original comic art sites and emails/texts you when new art drops. It's called Nerd Crawler and I'm building it myself so there might be some bugs but I'm hoping it helps comic art collectors. It works with over 40 original comic art websites like Albert Moy (Jim Lee's art dealer), Cadence Comic Art, Artcoholics, a bunch of Big Cartel sites like Jim Cheung / Jason Fabok / Dustin Nguyen, Greg Capullo Art, Skottie Young, and more. It's free to try @ https://ift.tt/Dmr8HWT , and you can upgrade to a paid plan if you want text messages alerts or want to check sites every 10 minutes or 1 minute. From a technical standpoint, my tech stack is: - Ruby on Rails - Hosted on Heroku - Emails sent by Mailgun - Texts sent by Twilio - Images hosted on Cloudinary - Credit card charging handled by Stripe and the new, low-code Stripe Checkout The minimum viable product was built in about a week with minor bug fixes and new features added weekly. If you have any feedback, have art sites you wanted added, or questions, let me know! https://ift.tt/Dmr8HWT June 24, 2022 at 02:10AM

Show HN: request_migrations – request and response migrations for Rails APIs https://ift.tt/ox5CmyJ

Show HN: request_migrations – request and response migrations for Rails APIs https://ift.tt/G5EAg92 June 24, 2022 at 01:43AM

Show HN: Translating DOOM from C to V via C2V, building under 1s and running it https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31855315

Show HN: Translating DOOM from C to V via C2V, building under 1s and running it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oXrz3oRoEg June 24, 2022 at 01:22AM

Show HN: In-depth photographic look at all the golf courses I play https://ift.tt/eg6bpBl

Show HN: In-depth photographic look at all the golf courses I play I'm an avid golfer; it's my main hobby. I decided to start taking pictures of all the courses I play. While there's a lot of golf websites out there, none of them really try to document the courses in depth and look at each hole, along with the course facilities like the practice areas. I live in Chicago and am starting with the courses in this area (of which there are dozens of public courses to play). While I play golf, I take photos with my phone of every (relevant) aspect of the golf course I can think of. Then they're processed and organized on the website. Obviously I'm starting this journey on my own, and in that sense it's not scalable. I won't be able to visit all the courses in the US, let alone the world. I hope to find others that would like to contribute to the effort. At some point I'd like to add course news and histories to the site. Many golf courses in the US are over 100 years old and have rich histories. And of course many older courses exist in Europe. I also have started adding descriptions/commentary for each hole on courses. For example, see: https://ift.tt/hqKpML7... And maybe went a little overboard on this one: https://ift.tt/0qFNViB... Anyway, it's a fun project and could go in a lot of directions. PS: I'm always looking to expand my golfing circle. If you're in Chicago and want to play sometime, hit me up -- contact details are on the website. https://ift.tt/I1qCmot June 23, 2022 at 11:53PM

Show HN: Integrate ONDC with just a few lines of code https://ift.tt/XqHpTCy

Show HN: Integrate ONDC with just a few lines of code https://ift.tt/2lzVPhb June 23, 2022 at 11:36AM

الأربعاء، 22 يونيو 2022

Show HN: VSCode extension that allows you to find and add links to your Markdown https://ift.tt/Xh6yD7e

Show HN: VSCode extension that allows you to find and add links to your Markdown https://ift.tt/F8d2zAr June 23, 2022 at 06:48AM

Show HN: Shopify's headless commerce stack now GA (Hydrogen and Oxygen) https://ift.tt/mhKnqRJ

Show HN: Shopify's headless commerce stack now GA (Hydrogen and Oxygen) https://ift.tt/u4lH5Tt June 23, 2022 at 02:28AM

Show HN: Pragmatic Formal Modeling (Tutorial series with runnable examples) https://ift.tt/YjIrlFy

Show HN: Pragmatic Formal Modeling (Tutorial series with runnable examples) Formal modeling is a mathematical approach for designing and checking correctness of software systems. It focuses on standard software engineering and distributed systems problems of the sort programmers face every day. It takes a pragmatic engineering approach: each problem starts with UML diagrams, design decisions and sometimes even a requirements document. We work through how to get from a whiteboard design to an initial mathematical model. Then we refine it based on logical errors found by the model checker, which return with a level of detail unheard of in a standard debugger. Formal modeling is a skill every engineer should have in their toolbox. All the examples are downloadable, and their is a quick setup section at the start. Additionally, there is an explorable model error debugger build right into the website. https://ift.tt/98rvHTx June 22, 2022 at 09:43PM

Show HN: Crocodile - Better code review for GitHub https://ift.tt/h3M5CgE

Show HN: Crocodile - Better code review for GitHub Hi HN! I've been working on a code review app for GitHub called Crocodile for about a year. I used to work at Microsoft where we used a tool called CodeFlow for reviewing code and I missed it after I left. I know many other ex-Microsoft engineers feel the same. Here are some of the distinguishing features of Crocodile that are inspired by CodeFlow: * Comments float above the code instead of being inline. Long discussions that are displayed inline make it really hard to review the code. * Comment on any text selection in the file, even a single character. * Comments don't get lost when code changes. I hate it when comments become "outdated" because I rebase or the line is edited. I also implemented lots of features that I wish CodeFlow had which you can read more about on the blog. [1] For those curious about the tech stack: it's mostly written in Go with Alpine.js, HTMX, and Tailwind CSS for the frontend. For storage I use PostgreSQL, S3 compatible object storage, and Redis for caching. I use Pulumi for infrastructure provisioning and Kubernetes deployments. Everything is hosted on DigitalOcean. Feedback is welcome! [1] https://ift.tt/NtTWO0n https://ift.tt/hVMxmlg June 23, 2022 at 12:07AM

Show HN: Fluid Simulation that I created. Any tips for improvement https://ift.tt/cf8sL6h

Show HN: Fluid Simulation that I created. Any tips for improvement https://ift.tt/i8hHW2x June 22, 2022 at 11:08AM

الثلاثاء، 21 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Vimified – Master Vim by Developing Muscle Memory https://ift.tt/zrDvPBy

Show HN: Vimified – Master Vim by Developing Muscle Memory https://ift.tt/4jMPKl5 June 22, 2022 at 08:50AM

Show HN: PyCircTools – A Python library to create circuits https://ift.tt/elg2Kfp

Show HN: PyCircTools – A Python library to create circuits PyCircTools is a python library that allows any programmer to create circuits with it. It is currently a work in progress and as for today, v0.0.3 is the most recent release. It just has logic gates, custom exceptions and tests for now, but the library will be updated with more content, so check back on it back to see new additions! https://ift.tt/jkXFDSg June 22, 2022 at 01:41AM

Show HN: A simple website to show how NFTs are stored https://ift.tt/uOBfWXq

Show HN: A simple website to show how NFTs are stored https://ift.tt/LQdG8pN June 22, 2022 at 03:41AM

Show HN: Hacker Blues https://ift.tt/SE8mdpv

Show HN: Hacker Blues https://ift.tt/KcltsR6 June 22, 2022 at 02:12AM

Show HN: Weld – ETL, Reverse-ETL and SQL modelling all in one tool https://ift.tt/qDrHW4v

Show HN: Weld – ETL, Reverse-ETL and SQL modelling all in one tool https://weld.app/ June 21, 2022 at 12:47PM

الاثنين، 20 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Figr.app – a real time, multi-user, notepad style calculator https://ift.tt/W4M2ARI

Show HN: Figr.app – a real time, multi-user, notepad style calculator https://www.figr.app June 21, 2022 at 04:10AM

Show HN: Open-source library to trace code executed per HTTP request https://ift.tt/PVq6Q4u

Show HN: Open-source library to trace code executed per HTTP request https://ift.tt/u8cXpP2 June 21, 2022 at 02:50AM

Show HN: Into the Futureverse https://ift.tt/UtglHZB

Show HN: Into the Futureverse https://ift.tt/sQ0HiC6 June 21, 2022 at 01:11AM

Show HN: Just – Zero Config TypeScript Development Tool https://ift.tt/K73fhlr

Show HN: Just – Zero Config TypeScript Development Tool I built a cli tool that gets you started with TypeScript development with zero config. Initially created to solve my own problem but thought it might be useful for others as well. - SWC compiler - TypeScript type check support - Live reload support - .env file support - Path alias support - Typescript script runner - REPL support Please tell me I am not going down a rabbit hole. https://ift.tt/NIKdAhY June 20, 2022 at 11:52PM

Show HN: A minimal example of DNS amplification attacks https://ift.tt/K3zCshX

Show HN: A minimal example of DNS amplification attacks https://ift.tt/WDOx2C3 June 20, 2022 at 01:56PM

Show HN: Open-source structured data profiling library https://ift.tt/JIFjtDo

Show HN: Open-source structured data profiling library https://ift.tt/65iZ3Xm June 20, 2022 at 02:01PM

Show HN: Create Tours for Your GitHub Projects https://ift.tt/NuaTstE

Show HN: Create Tours for Your GitHub Projects https://ift.tt/C3dDtBr June 20, 2022 at 12:26PM

Show HN: An open source web crawler for the Mwmbl non-profit search engine https://ift.tt/biea9q7

Show HN: An open source web crawler for the Mwmbl non-profit search engine https://ift.tt/rh8eYaH June 20, 2022 at 12:18PM

الأحد، 19 يونيو 2022

Show HN: StatusVista – An all-in-one status page of the systems you depend on https://ift.tt/IkE0T8x

Show HN: StatusVista – An all-in-one status page of the systems you depend on https://statusvista.com June 20, 2022 at 12:06AM

Show HN: Bulletyn – custom email digests of Reddit, HN, and RSS https://ift.tt/ZCIw19u

Show HN: Bulletyn – custom email digests of Reddit, HN, and RSS http://bulletyn.co June 20, 2022 at 12:21AM

Show HN: Effortless Authentication for Your Web Application https://ift.tt/jR7SJkd

Show HN: Effortless Authentication for Your Web Application Hey folks, Michael here. I have been working in this project on and of for about a year and a half and I finally got it into a state where I can share it. I initially started this project to learn Rust and afterwards decided to make it useful for others. Vulpo Auth is an authentication server that you can host yourself. The goal was to make it as easy as possible for you to get started and have a complete authentication solution without you having to configure anything. Project Website: https://auth.vulpo.dev The Project contains: - Auth Server (Rust) - Admin Dashboard - JS and react SDK - Prebuilt Web UI (currently react) (https://ift.tt/PQZXdk3) - rust SDK for rocket Some of the features: - Email and Password Auth - Passwordless Auth - Google Auth - Translateable Email Templates - Enable/Disable Sign In or Sign Up - Password Reset Flow - Update Email Flow There is still a lot to do, the code base is full of experimental ideas and there a bunch of things to clean up, but first I want to focus on writing documentation and guides before adding more features. Besides the missing documentation, what are you missing? June 19, 2022 at 09:08PM

Show HN: Assert: testing and assertion library on top of Go generics https://ift.tt/gw0taB9

Show HN: Assert: testing and assertion library on top of Go generics https://ift.tt/Dr7EOdo June 19, 2022 at 03:04PM

السبت، 18 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Dream Makers Community – What is your dream and what is stopping you https://ift.tt/43isG1O

Show HN: Dream Makers Community – What is your dream and what is stopping you Hey HN! Did a website to share what is your dream or what you want, and what is stopping you. That way the community can help you remove the obstacles to make the dream come true or that is the naive approach hehe. Imagine I should add users, a captcha, a mailer, more things, but it is a start. It is built with Rails and plain ERB with Bootstrap and the source code is at: https://ift.tt/6bvm7XA It is 100% inspired by the TED Talk by this lady https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2rG4Dg6xyI Hope you like it! https://ift.tt/htgL0fY June 19, 2022 at 05:05AM

Show HN: Control your Hyundai car with Python https://ift.tt/PqMkbIn

Show HN: Control your Hyundai car with Python https://ift.tt/FIjROLD June 19, 2022 at 02:45AM

Show HN: I have created something new to make your browsing experience enjoyable https://ift.tt/HwdIKy7

Show HN: I have created something new to make your browsing experience enjoyable https://ift.tt/KqiI0bU June 19, 2022 at 01:56AM

Show HN: Tickler: Go library to enqueue and process jobs in background https://ift.tt/OX43EDS

Show HN: Tickler: Go library to enqueue and process jobs in background https://ift.tt/7VY3Dk6 June 19, 2022 at 12:36AM

Show HN: Check how trackable you are based on your extensions https://ift.tt/97BArC4

Show HN: Check how trackable you are based on your extensions https://ift.tt/IKP1Rym June 18, 2022 at 11:06PM

الجمعة، 17 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Unsubscan – Free and offline mailing list unsubscription tool https://ift.tt/lk1UQBR

Show HN: Unsubscan – Free and offline mailing list unsubscription tool https://ift.tt/ZW3mpU8 June 18, 2022 at 04:50AM

Show HN: EconIsle, a Web-Based Game That Teaches Economics https://ift.tt/Lw1Ujdf

Show HN: EconIsle, a Web-Based Game That Teaches Economics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx_URujI3pw June 18, 2022 at 03:50AM

Show HN: hTorrent – A HTTP to BitTorrent gateway with seeking written in Go https://ift.tt/sibgDGw

Show HN: hTorrent – A HTTP to BitTorrent gateway with seeking written in Go Hey HN! I just released hTorrent, a gateway that allows for retrieving torrents through a plain HTTP interface. It supports seeking, which means that it can be used to stream media directly using e.g. MPV without having to wait for the download to complete. I'd love to get your feedback :) https://ift.tt/mpQVXkq June 18, 2022 at 02:02AM

Show HN: Vulner – discover CVEs for packages installed by the portage https://ift.tt/Dp8nbtI

Show HN: Vulner – discover CVEs for packages installed by the portage https://ift.tt/2IBT9uo June 17, 2022 at 11:50PM

Show HN: A central bank simulator game with a realistic economic model https://ift.tt/m3FBXs7

Show HN: A central bank simulator game with a realistic economic model https://ift.tt/426iruf June 18, 2022 at 02:24AM

Show HN: Let's build an end-to-end encrypted data store https://ift.tt/9EbpqwO

Show HN: Let's build an end-to-end encrypted data store https://ift.tt/VSBWmi6 June 17, 2022 at 11:16PM

Show HN: Coding as Text Rewriting https://ift.tt/TwRNHUJ

Show HN: Coding as Text Rewriting https://ift.tt/SNIrXAO June 17, 2022 at 07:42PM

Show HN: Mailauth, CLI utility to analyze DKIM, DMARC, SPF, ARC, BIMI signatures https://ift.tt/NhXcDoQ

Show HN: Mailauth, CLI utility to analyze DKIM, DMARC, SPF, ARC, BIMI signatures https://ift.tt/Q21mSKi June 17, 2022 at 08:53PM

Show HN: Convert Cloudformation Templates to Terraform https://ift.tt/xul0C9V

Show HN: Convert Cloudformation Templates to Terraform https://ift.tt/6WyxLkZ June 17, 2022 at 08:54PM

Show HN: I built a version of Google Trends for investors https://ift.tt/C59a1mR

Show HN: I built a version of Google Trends for investors https://ift.tt/tC3KMRP June 17, 2022 at 05:47PM

Show HN: Root Cause as a Service – Never dig through logs again https://ift.tt/R0oaMJc

Show HN: Root Cause as a Service – Never dig through logs again Hey Folks – Larry, Ajay and Rod here! We address the age old painful problem of digging through logs to find the root cause when a problem occurs. No-one likes searching through logs, and so we spent a few years analyzing 100’s of real world incidents to understand how humans troubleshoot in logs. And then we built a solution that automatically finds the same root cause indicators a human would have had to manually search for. We call it Root Cause as a Service. RCaaS works with any app and does not require manual training or rules. Our foundational thoughts and more details can be found here: https://ift.tt/1JTbwuz. Obviously, everyone is skeptical when they hear about RCaaS. We encourage you try it yourself, but we also have a really strong validation point. One of our customers performed a study using 192 actual customer incidents from 4 different products and found that Zebrium correctly identified the root cause indicators in the logs in over 95% of the incidents – see https://ift.tt/T0X8RIq. For those that are interested, this is actually our second SHOW HN post, our first was last June - https://ift.tt/jFZmx6E. The link in that post points to our current home page but our initial comment was, "We're excited to share Zebrium's autonomous incident detection software". At the time, our focus was on a tool that used unsupervised ML to automatically detect any kind of new or unknown software incident. We had done a lot of customer testing and were achieving > 90% detection accuracy in catching almost any kind of problem. But what we underestimated is just how high the bar is for incident detection. If someone is going to hook you up to a pager, then even an occasional false positive is enough for a user to start cursing your product! And users quickly forget about the times when your product saved their bacon by catching problems that they would otherwise have missed. But late last year we had a huge aha moment! Most customers already have monitoring tools in place that are really good at detecting problems, but what they don't have is an automated way to find the root cause. So, we built some really elegant integrations for Datadog, New Relic, Elastic, Grafana, Dynatrace, AppDynamics and ScienceLogic (and more to come via our open APIs) so that when there's a problem, you see details of the root cause directly on your monitoring dashboard. Here's a 2 minute demo of what it looks like: https://youtu.be/t83Egs5l8ok. You're welcome to sign-up for a free trial at https://www.zebrium.com and we'd love to hear your questions and feedback. June 17, 2022 at 07:55PM

الخميس، 16 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Export React Code from Figma https://ift.tt/P3R1ftq

Show HN: Export React Code from Figma https://ift.tt/73dQURW June 17, 2022 at 01:02AM

Show HN: Fortunately – Understand the tradeoffs of financial decisions https://ift.tt/ElwLOkx

Show HN: Fortunately – Understand the tradeoffs of financial decisions https://ift.tt/ySwv5tA June 17, 2022 at 01:19AM

Show HN: Automate Your Gifting https://ift.tt/890ylsQ

Show HN: Automate Your Gifting https://joyful.gifts/ June 16, 2022 at 09:20PM

Show HN: Marklog, a minimalist tool to collect links and Twitter Bookmarks https://ift.tt/HmR1wcp

Show HN: Marklog, a minimalist tool to collect links and Twitter Bookmarks https://marklog.app/ June 16, 2022 at 01:04PM

الأربعاء، 15 يونيو 2022

Show HN: I made a GPT-3 thing to help me make better hackathon projects https://ift.tt/7EhrgDb

Show HN: I made a GPT-3 thing to help me make better hackathon projects https://ift.tt/Yajbo5H June 16, 2022 at 12:12AM

Show HN: IoT device to warn you of a supernova hours before Earth is destroyed https://ift.tt/iR7Kaok

Show HN: IoT device to warn you of a supernova hours before Earth is destroyed https://ift.tt/PC9snZJ June 16, 2022 at 02:55AM

Show HN: Soliciting post placement on Hacker News https://ift.tt/jsnubQd

Show HN: Soliciting post placement on Hacker News Hey, HN -- I just received the following email and I'm not sure what to do about it. Obviously I want to discourage requested-posting like this; is there some structured way that we can do that? One of the things I love about HN is how high the signal-to-noise ratio is relative to...pretty much the rest of the internet. I wouldn't ordinarily call someone out like this, but I want to innoculate HN against this sort of thing. ---- Hey doches, Not sure if it's conventional, but thought I'd ask anyway. Would you be open to posting about my product on Hacker News? I understand that similar to Product Hunt, HN gives higher priority to users with higher karma. I usually keep up with recent discussions via RSS feed on Feedly, but almost neve post. So I thought I'd reach out to someone that has authority. My product is called Popupular and it helps embed just about anything into a popup via a Google Chrome extension. [rest of email truncated] June 15, 2022 at 09:47PM

Show HN: Cut your AWS costs by stopping non-production resources when not needed https://ift.tt/WH9QJ0t

Show HN: Cut your AWS costs by stopping non-production resources when not needed Hello HN community! Sri and Brian here from CloudPal (https://ift.tt/JAxs3UW). We are building a tool to help companies reduce their cloud costs by stopping non-production resources when they’re not needed. The problem: Almost every company on the cloud struggles with cost management. While optimizing production costs can be complex, reducing non-production costs should be a straightforward case of shutting down resources when they’re not in use. However, most companies lack an elegant solution for this. The solution: CloudPal - A downtime scheduler for non-production resources (currently supports AWS EC2 & RDS) - start / stop button, allowing users to override the schedule (eg. if working on weekends). Next up on the feature roadmap is: - Intelligent start / stop functionality for non-production resources - resources will automatically stop when not in use and quickly spin back up when needed, resulting in lots more delicious cost savings! - Support for more cloud providers and resource types (eg. ECS, K8s, etc.) We're really happy we get to show this to you all, thank you for reading about it! Please let us know your thoughts and questions in the comments. Many thanks, Sri & Brian June 15, 2022 at 08:58PM

Show HN: I made a site that shows jobs where you can work pseudonymously https://ift.tt/SH7EnOD

Show HN: I made a site that shows jobs where you can work pseudonymously https://ift.tt/16UfDxz June 15, 2022 at 08:00PM

Show HN: I made a visual NFT collection https://ift.tt/nQT3aBN

Show HN: I made a visual NFT collection https://ift.tt/kMBCltT June 15, 2022 at 07:42PM

Show HN: Semantic Search Across RSS Feeds https://ift.tt/9Jv3uaR

Show HN: Semantic Search Across RSS Feeds https://ift.tt/ji8ZXHm June 15, 2022 at 12:28AM

الثلاثاء، 14 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Fu** Digital Sticky Notes https://ift.tt/YZqMPpz

Show HN: Fu** Digital Sticky Notes I said what I said. All the hipster apps that allow you to put stickys on a board to manage progress are missing the point. Tasks to do tasks dont necessarily lead you to accomplishing your goals. I built a tool with my team that makes users align all work to their goals. No way around it. We call them missions. Let me know your thoughts! Roast it, love it, be confused by it...let us know! https://twigflo.com June 15, 2022 at 04:43AM

Show HN: My Side Project Rocks – Share and discover side projects https://ift.tt/ARbQdNu

Show HN: My Side Project Rocks – Share and discover side projects https://ift.tt/LWcPlGi June 14, 2022 at 07:35PM

Show HN: My Permanent Cure for Boredom https://ift.tt/uiMmN9U

Show HN: My Permanent Cure for Boredom https://ift.tt/adX9MKP June 14, 2022 at 06:55PM

Show HN: Plain Text Cryptocurrency Prices https://ift.tt/lDdakBc

Show HN: Plain Text Cryptocurrency Prices https://plaintextco.in June 14, 2022 at 05:09PM

Show HN: Offline voice messages transcription in Signal Desktop https://ift.tt/iGQnj3f

Show HN: Offline voice messages transcription in Signal Desktop https://ift.tt/4BZ7C8I June 14, 2022 at 11:20AM

الاثنين، 13 يونيو 2022

Show HN: The Coinbase FOMO Calculator https://ift.tt/ZGFa7mk

Show HN: The Coinbase FOMO Calculator Made this using Power BI and the Crypto Watch API. Started making this in November 2021, but never got around to publishing it, so that is the reason for the 'FOMO' in the title - probably a good thing if you 'missed out' on the crypto hype late last year. Now it serves as a way to see how much you 'saved' by not putting in money. Hope someone finds it fun! https://ift.tt/a7XjAOg June 14, 2022 at 08:02AM

Show HN: My first website ever, just out of college (1999) https://ift.tt/kF6nrZQ

Show HN: My first website ever, just out of college (1999) https://ift.tt/L9DHVUz June 14, 2022 at 12:06AM

Show HN: How Box-Sizing Works https://ift.tt/plNHt3f

Show HN: How Box-Sizing Works https://ift.tt/Jz2vWwl June 13, 2022 at 11:55PM

Show HN: PostgresML integrates Hugging Face to bring SOTA models into the db https://ift.tt/rNtpbMV

Show HN: PostgresML integrates Hugging Face to bring SOTA models into the db Hello folks, It's been a few weeks, so we thought it might be time for another update and this one is very exciting indeed. We've added automatic integration with Hugging Face transformers! By running just a single SQL command, anyone is now able to deploy any of the state-of-the-art models into their Postgres DB for real time inference & tuning. The list of models is long, but here it is anyway: translation, sentiment analysis, summarization, question answering and text generation. Let us know what you think! Montana & Lev https://ift.tt/dFRgraw June 13, 2022 at 10:12PM

Show HN: Display P3 exclusive Pantone colors https://ift.tt/AB2yrlV

Show HN: Display P3 exclusive Pantone colors https://ift.tt/g5Lfx3O June 13, 2022 at 10:00AM

Show HN: Stylepad – Free moodboards for creative professionals https://ift.tt/Cqx76Z4

Show HN: Stylepad – Free moodboards for creative professionals https://stylepad.io June 13, 2022 at 10:36AM

الأحد، 12 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Reddit search engine for startup founders https://ift.tt/a6J1Ovp

Show HN: Reddit search engine for startup founders https://ift.tt/CuSiEL9 June 13, 2022 at 06:14AM

Show HN: Cleanup – UI app to erase the hard disk (Lite Touch MDT installation) https://ift.tt/3IW5ywH

Show HN: Cleanup – UI app to erase the hard disk (Lite Touch MDT installation) https://ift.tt/xrgAwoX June 12, 2022 at 11:32AM

Show HN: The Lambdaway Project https://ift.tt/VO6tPYj

Show HN: The Lambdaway Project https://ift.tt/QYray4n June 12, 2022 at 10:48AM

السبت، 11 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Building services on lambda should be easy and fun https://ift.tt/MkoF09h

Show HN: Building services on lambda should be easy and fun i had previously posted this when it was aws-rce. it’s changed enough that i want to post it again. https://ift.tt/ubzMwHS June 12, 2022 at 08:23AM

Show HN: Browser extension that spoofs your location data to match your VPN https://ift.tt/qdrvNt2

Show HN: Browser extension that spoofs your location data to match your VPN https://ift.tt/ZJNK36l June 12, 2022 at 06:10AM

Show HN: Album Rotation – Organize and visualize your favorite albums (desktop) https://ift.tt/Cv2c5XD

Show HN: Album Rotation – Organize and visualize your favorite albums (desktop) https://ift.tt/6BXVF8l June 12, 2022 at 05:50AM

Show HN: Generate images using DALL-E Mega and Mini https://ift.tt/oTZVeGU

Show HN: Generate images using DALL-E Mega and Mini https://ift.tt/gRcHqDT June 11, 2022 at 10:04PM

Show HN: A new tool to fight inflation using real economy and crypto https://ift.tt/2yX1oHr

Show HN: A new tool to fight inflation using real economy and crypto https://ift.tt/2kFZ1mn June 11, 2022 at 05:48PM

Show HN: Guad – An open list of things which are good for the future of mankind https://ift.tt/j6RaBQ3

Show HN: Guad – An open list of things which are good for the future of mankind https://guad.info/ June 11, 2022 at 02:06AM

الجمعة، 10 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Big HN – Tiny Userscript to Increase Font Size on HN https://ift.tt/5dehwI0

Show HN: Big HN – Tiny Userscript to Increase Font Size on HN https://ift.tt/BeyWq1X June 11, 2022 at 01:20AM

Show HN: We Launched New Agro Coin https://ift.tt/HmjtB0a

Show HN: We Launched New Agro Coin We would love to know HN feedback on our MVP. Basically you can have your own farm. We had yield farming, this is real farming ;) Hopefully lots of HN member speak Spanish! https://ift.tt/yKzGQkL June 11, 2022 at 04:38AM

Show HN: A web-based sequencer where you can make, listen to, and share patterns https://ift.tt/vPdLO4f

Show HN: A web-based sequencer where you can make, listen to, and share patterns https://drawbeats.com/ June 11, 2022 at 01:30AM

Show HN: I built a tool to describe ~4.3B colors https://ift.tt/ZOhz0LJ

Show HN: I built a tool to describe ~4.3B colors A simple tool I made over the week to explore and learn about different colors. You can select any color with any opacity #000000-FFFFFFFF (~4.3 billion colors/variants), and you can view a dedicated page detailing the color's closest name, conversions to Hex, RGB, CMYK, etc., shades, tints, tones, harmonies, opacities, and WCAG contrast compliance. https://colorwaze.com June 10, 2022 at 11:57PM

Show HN: Analyzing top HN posts with language models https://ift.tt/ku3IHTb

Show HN: Analyzing top HN posts with language models Hi HN, I spent a few weeks looking at the top HN posts of all time. This included exploration, clustering, creating visualizations, and zooming in on what (to me personally) seems like some of the best discussions on here. Three things in this post: 1- The interesting groups of HN posts 2- The interactive visualizations that you can explore in your browser 3- The data from this exploration -- this includes CSV of the titles as well as the text embeddings of 3,000 Ask HN articles. Blog post about this whole process here: [1] ============ 1- The interesting groups of HN posts From the exploration, Ask HN proved the most interesting. These are the top four groups of topics I found insightful. Each group contains about 400 posts. - Life experiences and advice threads [2] - Technical and personal development [3] - Software career insights, advice, and discussions [4] - General content recommendations (blogs/podcasts) [5] ============ 2- The interactive visualizations that you can explore in your browser - Top 10,000 Hacker News articles of all time [6] - Top 3,000 posts in Ask HN [7] ============ 3- The data from this exploration CSV file of top 3K Ask HN posts: [8] The sentence embeddings of the titles of those posts: [9] This is a colab notebook containing the code examples (including loading these two data files): [10] ============ If you've ever wanted to get into language models, this is a good place to start. Happy to answer any questions June 10, 2022 at 04:47PM

Show HN: Regular MySQL Backup to Email https://ift.tt/d20GKVE

Show HN: Regular MySQL Backup to Email Hi, everyone. I got big flood last week. Weather was crazy and water got to my company warehouse. Luckily company local server was not in that room. Of course I was to lazy to set up any automatic off site db backup. But now I got it working. I wanna hear you thought? Is it smart to use email for db backup or should I just upload it to remote server? For those lazy like me, try to setup this app and give it a go. https://ift.tt/XRq9kD7 June 10, 2022 at 04:10PM

Show HN: Terragen.dev – Automagically Generate Terraform for AWS https://ift.tt/gxG4di5

Show HN: Terragen.dev – Automagically Generate Terraform for AWS https://terragen.dev/ June 10, 2022 at 02:42PM

الخميس، 9 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Pixie, open source observability for Kubernetes using eBPF https://ift.tt/iVCUbgW

Show HN: Pixie, open source observability for Kubernetes using eBPF https://ift.tt/NQjHBXt June 10, 2022 at 02:54AM

Show HN: Mario Bros. Clock https://ift.tt/03CN1BV

Show HN: Mario Bros. Clock https://ift.tt/26an4WF June 10, 2022 at 01:28AM

Show HN: LinkWarden – A self-hosted bookmark + archive manager https://ift.tt/GioeOJM

Show HN: LinkWarden – A self-hosted bookmark + archive manager https://ift.tt/P0Z8oYU June 10, 2022 at 12:26AM

Show HN: TLDR (short) news website with my own algorithm https://ift.tt/yPOCI09

Show HN: TLDR (short) news website with my own algorithm I'm actively working on a news shortening website. Trying to save you from clickbaits, save your time and save you from reading Bible-sized articles What I hate the most when reading news is reading Bible-size articles just to find the main point of the article. Usually journalists write a bunch of unnecessary information just to create 400+ long articles and position better on Google. Worst of all are those clickbait titles or titles that tell you a portion of information just to make you intrigue and make you click on the article. For me personally, it is very annoying and frustrating. I like to spend like 30 seconds tops on an article, I want to get the information as fast as possible and move on. So with my [ExcerptDaily]( https://ift.tt/vc8oENU ) I'm trying to: * Save people's time * Inform you as fast as possible * Give you the main point of an article in 5 sentences * Save you from clickbait or half clickbait titles I wrote my own algorithm and tried a few of them, now I'm focusing on my own algorithm and making it better. I focused on the US market and CNN only so far, it is my ground zero. https://ift.tt/vc8oENU June 10, 2022 at 12:07AM

Show HN: Sake – tool to run tasks on remote servers https://ift.tt/wYrfKqu

Show HN: Personal AI Writing Assistant for Mac https://ift.tt/5uDZSi9

Show HN: Personal AI Writing Assistant for Mac https://elephas.app June 9, 2022 at 10:40AM

الأربعاء، 8 يونيو 2022

Show HN: One Soft Landing – hire people that were recently laid off https://ift.tt/LUEcaM4

Show HN: One Soft Landing – hire people that were recently laid off https://ift.tt/ZdeCQLc June 9, 2022 at 03:10AM

Show HN: Proof of concept – colorise/animate any website font https://ift.tt/u2BacsR

Show HN: Proof of concept – colorise/animate any website font https://ift.tt/nCe7KWk June 8, 2022 at 10:48PM

Show HN: castable-video https://ift.tt/SNefJxC

Show HN: castable-video https://ift.tt/bda6zvN June 8, 2022 at 08:56PM

Show HN: Color palettes generator for data visualization https://ift.tt/3Od6bXB

Show HN: Color palettes generator for data visualization A generator app for charts/visualizations color palettes based on the article "How to pick the least wrong colors" [1] by Matthew Ström featured recently on HN [2]. The code is available on github [3]. [1] https://ift.tt/NJ9dCnu... [2] https://ift.tt/0kVeNrZ [3] https://ift.tt/v4gBFk8 https://ift.tt/yLOGhqQ June 8, 2022 at 11:29PM

Show HN: Ip4.me/ip6.me API now shows X-Forwarded-For and RFC7239 headers https://ift.tt/Wsc3Zp8

Show HN: Ip4.me/ip6.me API now shows X-Forwarded-For and RFC7239 headers X-Forwarced-For and/or the newer RFC7239 Forwarded headers may show the local or public IP's behind a proxy or load balancer. This could be useful for some users, especially in dynamic environments. It can also be used to (sometimes) detect proxies you might not be aware of or to detect unwanted IP leakage. https://ip4.me/docs/ June 8, 2022 at 05:15PM

Show HN: Tasqueue – A simple, customisable distributed job/worker in Go https://ift.tt/cLldq6u

Show HN: Tasqueue – A simple, customisable distributed job/worker in Go https://ift.tt/Uxm5Opc June 8, 2022 at 03:45PM

Show HN: Evangelion Title Card Generator https://ift.tt/5j7zVFZ

Show HN: Evangelion Title Card Generator https://ift.tt/zRp1Gnr June 8, 2022 at 10:11AM

الثلاثاء، 7 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Groundview – backchannel references for anyone without the work https://ift.tt/hpfSQqj

Show HN: Groundview – backchannel references for anyone without the work https://groundview.io June 7, 2022 at 10:24PM

Show HN: SetOps – Run containers, databases and more in your own AWS account https://ift.tt/Djsv7Wp

Show HN: SetOps – Run containers, databases and more in your own AWS account https://www.setops.co/ June 7, 2022 at 06:19PM

Show HN: An open-source, privacy-friendly Google Analytics and GTM alternative https://ift.tt/jUX9PQl

Show HN: An open-source, privacy-friendly Google Analytics and GTM alternative https://ift.tt/YUbRdsv June 7, 2022 at 10:57PM

Show HN: The Bitcoin Note – Secure, Self-Custodial Bitcoin Wallets in Cash Form https://ift.tt/jSpmcG6

Show HN: The Bitcoin Note – Secure, Self-Custodial Bitcoin Wallets in Cash Form https://ift.tt/p8cHJCn June 7, 2022 at 05:11PM

Show HN: Boot.dev – Learn computer science, not the latest hotness https://ift.tt/KDG2LJo

Show HN: Boot.dev – Learn computer science, not the latest hotness https://boot.dev June 7, 2022 at 04:51PM

Show HN: Semantic GIF Search https://ift.tt/rfY5RXD

Show HN: Semantic GIF Search https://ift.tt/2yGxi1u June 7, 2022 at 03:48PM

Show HN: Resize Your Images in Bulk https://ift.tt/eYrgmO5

Show HN: Resize Your Images in Bulk https://ift.tt/dbW4ftq June 7, 2022 at 04:37PM

Show HN: Better (arguably) & 8x cheaper text-to-speech than AWS https://ift.tt/g3Pf1Di

Show HN: Better (arguably) & 8x cheaper text-to-speech than AWS https://ift.tt/5RCo401 June 7, 2022 at 04:06PM

Show HN: Notik – A new way of managing projects https://ift.tt/TriNgkv

Show HN: Notik – A new way of managing projects https://notik.app/ June 7, 2022 at 10:12AM

الاثنين، 6 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Making network frames physical objects in UE5 with a DIY CNI in 67s https://ift.tt/iY5ZFk3

Show HN: Making network frames physical objects in UE5 with a DIY CNI in 67s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soxJmFpoNTU June 7, 2022 at 07:37AM

Show HN: Dns.toys https://ift.tt/nKHZG0W

Show HN: Dns.toys https://www.dns.toys June 6, 2022 at 06:57PM

Show HN: Magic Functions in Python https://ift.tt/zd02MGB

Show HN: Magic Functions in Python https://ift.tt/wFz8Ee9 June 6, 2022 at 06:33PM

Show HN: WunderGraph – open-source API Developer Toolkit https://ift.tt/BkdRKwP

Show HN: WunderGraph – open-source API Developer Toolkit Dear HN Community. We're Bjorn, Dustin, Stefan & Jens, the founders of WunderGraph. More than two years ago, Jens started WunderGraph as a Side Project. The initial idea was to solve the problem of integrating multiple disparate DataSources into a single, unified API Layer. While solving this problem, Jens realized that his mental model of APIs was wrong. Most API tools treat APIs as abstract things or just endpoints, in a very imperative way. At some point, he realized that there's a better model to think about APIs: APIs are dependencies and we should treat them in a declarative way! And that's how the idea of the "Package Manager for APIs"[1] came to be: WunderGraph is an API Developer toolkit which allows you to import and export APIs, just like npm packages. This is possible because every WunderGraph project generates a static, conflict-free and versionable artifact. It shouldn't take days to add a new 3rd party API to your API layer, with WunderGraph, this is possible in seconds. WunderGraph lets you define your API dependencies in a declarative way. The whole "Graph" of API dependencies is represented as an unified GraphQL Schema. Meta-data like API credentials, can be configured with our TypeScript SDK. API Operations are defined as regular GraphQL Operations. Custom middleware / business logic can be written using TypeScript. Finally, WunderGraph generates a Gateway + Client(s). Gateway and clients communicate via JSON-RPC. We call this approach "Compile-time" GraphQL queries. The client is 100% TypeSafe. The Gateway handles Authentication, Authorization, Caching, Middleware, etc... WunderGraph gives you the Developer Experience of working with a single, monolithic API layer, although you're using many different internal and external Services and Databases behind the scenes. WunderGraph Supports any OpenID Connect compliant IDP for Authentication, S3 for file storage, REST (OpenAPI), GraphQL & Apollo Federation for APIs and PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQLServer, Planetscale and MongoDB for the data-layer. Today, we're happy to announce that WunderGraph is finally Open Source! Check out the Monorepo[2] on GitHub. If you like our ambitions, give us a star! You can run WunderGraph locally and air-gapped, no strings attached. There's also a more extensive release post on our blog[3]. Have a look at the examples[4], we're keen to hear your opinion! [1]: https://ift.tt/SivR2qf [2]: https://ift.tt/2Q4xKvo [3]: https://ift.tt/YUM5yWs [4]: https://ift.tt/MGWbrao June 6, 2022 at 04:59PM

الأحد، 5 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Seal – Verifiable timestamp for your private ideas https://ift.tt/EsMRyzI

Show HN: Seal – Verifiable timestamp for your private ideas https://ift.tt/ZKVgbaj June 6, 2022 at 08:00AM

Show HN: Hit – CLI to manage and execute HTTP requests https://ift.tt/wBFNfWv

Show HN: Hit – CLI to manage and execute HTTP requests https://ift.tt/QBTowWR June 6, 2022 at 03:12AM

Show HN: Pidove, an Alternative to the Java Streams API https://ift.tt/HNvhLGw

Show HN: Pidove, an Alternative to the Java Streams API https://ift.tt/LiKTQzg June 6, 2022 at 06:21AM

Show HN: End-to-End 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Stereo Cameras https://ift.tt/1vtiamC

Show HN: End-to-End 3D Hand Pose Estimation from Stereo Cameras https://ift.tt/L3Ex4Hi June 6, 2022 at 05:07AM

Show HN: Worble, a Wordle-inspired word game https://ift.tt/ugQv38m

Show HN: Worble, a Wordle-inspired word game https://www.worble.fun June 5, 2022 at 11:18PM

Show HN: To prevent dry eyes and back pain, I create a macOS app https://ift.tt/pGicALD

Show HN: To prevent dry eyes and back pain, I create a macOS app In 2019, I experienced eye soreness and back pain for a while because I was constantly working long hours in front of my 16 inch Macbook without any rest. I decided to do something to change that. I’m not a fan of Apple Watch or smartbands. So the first thing I did was looking for some reminder software to remind me to take a break in the App Store, but none of them were smart enough for my needs. I wish the software could automatically tell if I was working, rather than requiring me to manually set an alarm. At the same time, when I go to the bathroom or drink coffee, it can automatically increase the time I can continue to work afterward. So I created Eye Monitor. Eye Monitor is an automatic reminder tool. It judges whether you are using the computer through the use of the mouse and keyboard. (which means when a user is watching Youtube videos, Eye Monitor will consider it as not using computer. I haven't found a solution yet.) Whenever you use it continuously, your fatigue value will increase, and after a period of rest, your fatigue value will decrease automatically. When your fatigue value reaches the threshold you set, it will trigger a reminder (including the dock icon, status bar, notification, full-screen pop-up window, etc.). After a year of iteration, Eye monitor now has a chart to show your usage of the day. And users now can customize the fatigue threshold, rest duration, reminder interval, reminder style, etc., and even customize the text of the notification (My customized notification text is “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”) or upload your favorite picture as the wallpaper of the full-screen pop-up window.(Not so useful, but I like it.) I like to set the reminder interval very small, like 1 minute, so that when I turn off the reminder, 1 minute later the reminder will reappear again and I will decide to take a break. This software is like a bit of a nagging mom, taking the trouble to remind you to rest. I hope you will like it. Here is the App Store URL: [https://ift.tt/6pLQZg9 June 5, 2022 at 05:01PM

Show HN: A new way to fight manipulation in news https://ift.tt/TVZiFtb

Show HN: A new way to fight manipulation in news https://dailyedit.com/ June 5, 2022 at 05:01PM

Show HN: Domain driven design with Node.js template https://ift.tt/PrmxA83

Show HN: Domain driven design with Node.js template https://ift.tt/nGAMWOt June 5, 2022 at 02:45PM

Show HN: Send commands to KVM/HDMI matrix devices when touching screen edge https://ift.tt/vCdQwc8

Show HN: Send commands to KVM/HDMI matrix devices when touching screen edge https://ift.tt/9aOoIqP June 5, 2022 at 11:03AM

Show HN: SSH Now – a terminal into any machine https://ift.tt/1wL0Oxl

Show HN: SSH Now – a terminal into any machine https://ift.tt/g8GzoEV June 5, 2022 at 05:37AM

Show HN: The First Softmod for All Japanese PS1 Console Revisions https://ift.tt/fji1ags

Show HN: The First Softmod for All Japanese PS1 Console Revisions https://ift.tt/eOuMB7Z June 5, 2022 at 07:30AM

السبت، 4 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Grid.js – Advanced table library that works everywhere (2020) https://ift.tt/oU0fVeF

Show HN: Grid.js – Advanced table library that works everywhere (2020) https://gridjs.io/?hn June 5, 2022 at 03:35AM

Show HN: WhatsApp extreme energy use on macOS, despite no calls or use https://ift.tt/eBjDs5f

Show HN: WhatsApp extreme energy use on macOS, despite no calls or use https://ift.tt/UodPfv7 June 4, 2022 at 11:00AM

الجمعة، 3 يونيو 2022

Show HN: ModelRunner – open source, speech-enabled data management platform https://ift.tt/wNCiTDt

Show HN: ModelRunner – open source, speech-enabled data management platform Warning: this whole post is a blatant plug for my Open Source project https://ift.tt/gESNpvI There is lot of discussion around no code platforms and why developers don’t like them. My view is that they can be very useful to quickly get through the boring parts of a project, like creating master data management screens for example. So I’ve built my own version which interprets models at run time and, it turns out, understands natural language queries too! Hi, my name is Etienne, I love coding and I’ve been doing it for a few decades now so I’d rather focus on code that keeps me interested. Unfortunately, I find that there is always a lot to code before I get to the interesting stuff. So, like every other half-decent programmer, I’ve always tried to automate as much as possible and build reusable libraries by adding levels of indirection and parameters. I’ve been doing this for so long now that my code has become ‘hyper’ parameterised, so much so that I had to store all the parameters in configuration files. These evolved into complete models which are basically a mix between ER models and UML diagrams: they include Entities and Attributes but also support all UML relationships (plus Back References) as well as formulas in object notation like “Product.Name” and “Sum(OrderLines.Amount)”. I’ve even extended the idea to include workflow models to specify what happens when an object is created, updated or deleted or when a pre-requisite condition becomes true. To simplify managing the models, I’ve written a graphical editor, starting with Eclipse GEF but since I like to reinvent the wheel, I moved to plain HTML5/JS. To make it even easier, I’ve added Google Speech Recognition so I can now design models by just talking to Chrome and when I’m done, I can deploy them with one click or by saying something like ‘please deploy the application’. This will create a schema for the data and the ‘meta’ application will be ready to offer standard, web based, data management screens. At this stage you’re probably thinking “Great, you can design and deploy data driven apps with your voice, so what?” Ok, let’s move on to something more interesting then, which is what the ‘meta’ app can do because it has access to all the information in the model at run time, like for example, the ability to manipulate the data using natural language queries. This works because having access to the semantics in the model removes the current gap between Machine Learning based Natural Language Understanding systems, which are very flexible but mostly ignorant of the domain model and, on the other hand, old fashioned back end systems with very rigid APIs. You can find a more detailed discussion here: https://ift.tt/WUPL7zQ... . So I’ve also added Google Speech Recognition to the ‘meta’ application and I can now just speak to it and tell it to “create a city called Melbourne and set postcode to 3000 and set notes to the most liveable city in the world” or “get me a list of customers living in Sydney aged 40” which I think is pretty cool and almost justifies all the hours and late nights I’ve spent coding it! I think this has pretty obvious applications like for example, being able to manage your data on the go by just talking to your phone instead of trying to use a GUI on a small screen. So, I highly recommend the parameterised indirection approach but if you don’t have a lot of time to write your own code, you might want to have a look at mine, it’s all Open Source with an MIT license: https://ift.tt/gESNpvI . Or, if you just want to try it or watch a demo, just head to https://modelrunner.org . Now, it’s still very much a work in progress and I’ve spent more time on the core engine than on the UI so if you try to break it, you probably will! But, if you give it a try, please let me know how you went! Thank you! https://ift.tt/r4N7blx June 4, 2022 at 02:26AM

Show HN: Cryptid Zero Trust Authentication and Authorization, Open Source Oberon https://ift.tt/c73OFPh

Show HN: Cryptid Zero Trust Authentication and Authorization, Open Source Oberon Oberon makes it possible for a service provider to issue capability tokens to clients in such a way that the service provider never sees the value of the capability token. This prevents the service provider from being able to impersonate the client. Oberon relies upon zero-knowledge proof presentation of the capability token so that the token is never transmitted norrevealed. Instead of the client sending the token to the service—as is done with API tokens today—the client sends a zero-knowledge proof proving that they have a valid capability token issued by the service provider; this is called proof-of-knowledge. GitHub: https://ift.tt/P9HVTx4 Get cryptid: https://ift.tt/UXc14Wj] June 3, 2022 at 09:47PM

Show HN: I spent a year building a desktop environment that runs in the browser https://ift.tt/W6qRa9O

Show HN: I spent a year building a desktop environment that runs in the browser https://puter.com/ June 3, 2022 at 09:14PM

Show HN: HyperUPnP – Android UPnP Client App That Lets You to Stream Media https://ift.tt/qFUlR9J

Show HN: HyperUPnP – Android UPnP Client App That Lets You to Stream Media https://ift.tt/CleQMN7 June 3, 2022 at 03:48PM

Show HN: Go-srpc: Simple streaming RPC for Golang https://ift.tt/eXz21VF

Show HN: Go-srpc: Simple streaming RPC for Golang https://ift.tt/xyIt4WN June 3, 2022 at 01:07PM

Show HN: I restored Palm's webOS App Catalog, SDK and online help system https://ift.tt/hkTrv4V

Show HN: I restored Palm's webOS App Catalog, SDK and online help system My pandemic project was to find, restore and organize scattered and archived remnants of Palm/HP's mobile webOS platform to help keep these delightful little devices alive. https://ift.tt/CQHnfju June 3, 2022 at 04:28PM

الخميس، 2 يونيو 2022

Show HN: I wrote a short story about the Minus World in Super Mario Bros https://ift.tt/vZbKLBj

Show HN: I wrote a short story about the Minus World in Super Mario Bros https://ift.tt/oBaCrHO June 3, 2022 at 08:32AM

Show HN: I’ve Built a Digital Organ and This Is What I Learned https://ift.tt/uvSFBo8

Show HN: I’ve Built a Digital Organ and This Is What I Learned https://ift.tt/F1VRhHl June 3, 2022 at 12:01AM

Show HN: Svelvet – A component library for building interactive flow diagrams https://ift.tt/7Xh8KYI

Show HN: Svelvet – A component library for building interactive flow diagrams https://svelvet.io/ June 2, 2022 at 07:09PM

Show HN: I spent my vacation writing a modern JVM assembler https://ift.tt/sPHCMtn

Show HN: I spent my vacation writing a modern JVM assembler https://ift.tt/oFKvune June 2, 2022 at 11:40PM

Show HN: Notkia – A Linux phone with LoRa+WiFi+BT connectivity https://ift.tt/Khu9iyk

Show HN: Notkia – A Linux phone with LoRa+WiFi+BT connectivity https://ift.tt/5GFSW7v June 2, 2022 at 01:04PM

الأربعاء، 1 يونيو 2022

Show HN: Common Lisp running natively over WebAssembly for the first time ever https://ift.tt/pKmjVUh

Show HN: Common Lisp running natively over WebAssembly for the first time ever https://ift.tt/QatuYVI June 2, 2022 at 07:02AM

Show HN: spotify-player – A command driven Spotify player https://ift.tt/yhtY3db

Show HN: spotify-player – A command driven Spotify player https://ift.tt/cufwFmR June 2, 2022 at 04:58AM

Show HN: Teenager create social news website https://ift.tt/btVj3f4

Show HN: Teenager create social news website 13 years old kid create social news website like hackernews http://wulu.ueuo.com June 2, 2022 at 01:43AM

Show HN: Idea ramen – a little different domain name generator https://ift.tt/8IPOluk

Show HN: Idea ramen – a little different domain name generator https://idearamen.com/ June 2, 2022 at 01:29AM

Show HN: A friend and I spent 6 years making a simulation game, finally released https://ift.tt/8cngIAQ

Show HN: A friend and I spent 6 years making a simulation game, finally released I've seen some interests in (simulation) video games here on HN so I thought I'd share a short version of our story. More than 6 years ago, me and my friend from university were playing around with an idea of making a game we always wanted to play. We worked on it on weekends but the progress was quite slow, especially due to so many dead ends and wasted effort. Eventually however, we solidified our direction and decided to take the risk to resign from our well paid SWE jobs and work on it full time. It took more than a year but yesterday we have finally released it on Steam: https://ift.tt/1reJjlB... I am still not sure if this was a good decision financially, but unlike in a corporate environment, I am so much happier working on a product that I can put my love into and see people enjoy it, see my direct impact, and be able to make big decisions (although this also adds a lot of stress). I also quite enjoy the added SWE challenges. I had to write so many complex algorithms (path-finding, logistics, serialization, ...) and optimize things down to bits (shaders, compression of in-memory data, ...) that were rarely required by my corp job. Anyhow, this is getting a little long, feel free to ask any questions, I will do my best to answer them. June 1, 2022 at 11:31PM

Show HN: Hand-drawn collection of 300 vector scribbles, arrows and shapes [free] https://ift.tt/xya15bT

Show HN: Hand-drawn collection of 300 vector scribbles, arrows and shapes [free] https://ift.tt/B50QSUM June 2, 2022 at 03:02AM

Show HN: Display famous paintings on your Terminal https://ift.tt/8QMiWjH

Show HN: Display famous paintings on your Terminal https://ift.tt/1SZmT2f June 2, 2022 at 12:25AM

Show HN: Beautiful open-source themes for CodeMirror https://ift.tt/tUhECQP

Show HN: Beautiful open-source themes for CodeMirror https://thememirror.net June 2, 2022 at 12:54AM

Show HN: GitNoter – An open source alternative to Evernote (Self Hosted) https://ift.tt/qayQYri

Show HN: GitNoter – An open source alternative to Evernote (Self Hosted) https://ift.tt/kxBoe6X June 1, 2022 at 02:37PM