الثلاثاء، 28 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Dak – a Lisp like language that transpiles to JavaScript https://ift.tt/kN4d2WZ

Show HN: Dak – a Lisp like language that transpiles to JavaScript https://ift.tt/zuGTAWl February 27, 2023 at 05:08PM

Show HN: Collect and search robotics data with SensorSurf https://ift.tt/bsLWB98

Show HN: Collect and search robotics data with SensorSurf We've been building SensorSurf and are thrilled to share our beta with the robotics community: https://ift.tt/A8vZhMm . SensorSurf is an open source platform that makes it easy for robotics engineers to collect and search data from their fleet. You can define triggers for when to record data (e.g. emergency stop) and capture the moments leading up to the event with rolling buffers. We integrate directly with ROS. Drop our agent into your system, and start collecting data! ================= What prompted me to found this company: > I was a perception engineer working on autonomous boats. > I needed tons of imagery to build computer vision datasets. > It was impossible to offload all this data over satellite. > I interviewed robotics companies, and learned this was a common problem. ================= Our beta enables you to: 1. Trigger recording on arbitrary ROS topic data. 2. Capture the data leading up to the trigger (rolling buffer). 3. Offload over a poor connection (set max upload rate). 4. Search imagery with natural language. ================= Open source announcement: https://ift.tt/awLIlXD https://ift.tt/5wKZf7T February 28, 2023 at 11:02PM

Show HN: Drai – AI Art Engine https://ift.tt/AxhRWJO

Show HN: Drai – AI Art Engine https://ift.tt/KXd5Ghl February 28, 2023 at 04:58PM

Show HN: Ink – Pocket ChatGPT https://ift.tt/MwYPCmF

Show HN: Ink – Pocket ChatGPT https://ift.tt/9BlKbD1 February 28, 2023 at 04:44PM

الاثنين، 27 فبراير 2023

Show HN: AI Email Summaries https://ift.tt/icqCJmW

Show HN: AI Email Summaries Harness the magic of AI built directly into your inbox with Smart Summaries. Summaries save you precious time by using AI to intelligently capture the main points of an email in just a few sentences. https://ift.tt/3HqvIcA February 27, 2023 at 09:16PM

Show HN: RunAfter runs a command after a process ended https://ift.tt/ITzJOV3

Show HN: RunAfter runs a command after a process ended https://ift.tt/YmMd7fW February 27, 2023 at 09:30PM

Show HN: Codesearch, a command-line tool for searching your codebase https://ift.tt/AypBtEv

Show HN: Codesearch, a command-line tool for searching your codebase https://ift.tt/t7LgJf4 February 27, 2023 at 08:31PM

Show HN: DbDeclare – A Python declarative layer for your database https://ift.tt/24ZViqM

Show HN: DbDeclare – A Python declarative layer for your database Hi HN! I made and just published v0.0.1 of DbDeclare. I use Python a lot, and interact with Postgres a lot. I like using SQLAlchemy, and I love Alembic. Those wonderful tools primarily operate on tables, though, and I often find myself writing custom code to declare what databases, roles, schemas, privileges, etc. I want, and I have a hard time updating them reliably and in a repeatable fashion. That's where DbDeclare aims to help: declare what you want in your cluster (in addition to SQLAlchemy-defined tables and columns) in-code, alongside your tables. There is a lot this can't do yet (thus the v0.0.1), but I think there's a decent foundation here to build on and eventually have really nice features like autogenerating change statements between your in-code definition and what is actually in your database cluster (like Alembic). This is also my first attempt at building an open-source project, so I'm sure there are plenty of mistakes. Please feel free to provide feedback, I'd love to make it better. For what it's worth, I'm aware that you can do some of this at the infrastructure-as-code layer using a tool like Terraform/Pulumi. My personal preference is to have all this sit closer to my tables rather than my infrastructure, so here we are. Anyway, let me know what y'all think. Thanks! https://ift.tt/fL5cJOV February 27, 2023 at 08:04PM

Show HN: Sup – one liners to distribute binaries https://ift.tt/gBvEAUp

Show HN: Sup – one liners to distribute binaries Hello all, I found myself rewriting the same shell scripts to distribute my binaries over and again, so I decided to put them in a repository and serve them with a prettier URL - to have nicer READMEs for my projects. I'll add some other tasks like installing/uninstalling on Windows, but in general ideas are welcome. Maybe somebody else finds them useful! https://ift.tt/AWV4K0N February 27, 2023 at 11:46AM

Show HN: General information from data easy to use https://ift.tt/6fMrca7

Show HN: General information from data easy to use https://ift.tt/Qa6pZg9 February 27, 2023 at 10:03AM

Show HN: Visualization of Catmull-ROM Spline Generation https://ift.tt/LhlxNHI

Show HN: Visualization of Catmull-ROM Spline Generation https://ift.tt/4m8oq1Z February 27, 2023 at 01:26AM

الأحد، 26 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Ichido, search engine that tags sites using Google and Cloudflare https://ift.tt/rDdnz75

Show HN: Ichido, search engine that tags sites using Google and Cloudflare Hello HN, In my spare time I work on an experimental search engine named Ichido. Search is fascinating, there are so many features you can add to a search engine, but I find that the existing search engines are a bit limited in the features they have to offer. So I decided to work on my own search engine to test out different features, searching algorithms, and front ends in order to improve my (and hopefully others) searching experience. Ichido includes a tagging system that provides more info on search results. For example, if a site links to Google services or uses Cloudflare, a tag is shown with the search result that let's the user know about that site's use of those services. Ichido also includes links to RSS feeds in search results, making it much easier to find RSS feeds. This search engine is free to use, but if you like the service and want to support continued development please consider making a donation (Ichido currently supports donations through Libera Pay). https://ichi.do/?q=news February 26, 2023 at 07:12PM

Show HN: Step through Stack Overflow's system architecture circa 2016 https://ift.tt/tdneiX1

Show HN: Step through Stack Overflow's system architecture circa 2016 https://ift.tt/kMBLwOi February 26, 2023 at 03:59PM

السبت، 25 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Bearclaw – tiny static site generator with RSS https://ift.tt/PHymiew

Show HN: Bearclaw – tiny static site generator with RSS hey yall, I made bearclaw because I just wanted an unopinionated static site generator with no toolchain and fancy stuff going on; it'd be my pleasure to show it to you today and answer any questions you might have. If you do end up trying out bearclaw, you can use nginx or your favorite webserver. Earlier this week I made eclaire - a static site webserver with compression, caching, and automatic HTTPS through letsencrypt. https://ift.tt/EW30y7l https://ift.tt/MKk3niL February 25, 2023 at 07:10PM

Show HN: 138 Generative AI tools for images, text, videos, code, audio, and 3D https://ift.tt/vP2GpAJ

Show HN: 138 Generative AI tools for images, text, videos, code, audio, and 3D https://aigen.tools/ February 25, 2023 at 10:44PM

Show HN: Share your AI-generated images https://ift.tt/aXNm3K8

Show HN: Share your AI-generated images https://ift.tt/FR3ugwp February 25, 2023 at 09:07PM

Show HN: Cross-Prompt Scripting https://ift.tt/vEKegDk

Show HN: Cross-Prompt Scripting https://ift.tt/JnNRsQz February 25, 2023 at 01:52PM

Show HN: Lotus Reader: A Hacker News Client https://ift.tt/pztidrf

Show HN: Lotus Reader: A Hacker News Client https://ift.tt/Jtf801P February 25, 2023 at 10:10AM

Show HN: I built a map of countries where Google Analytics is declared illegal https://ift.tt/Kn7lzYm

Show HN: I built a map of countries where Google Analytics is declared illegal https://ift.tt/y7Zx8fa February 25, 2023 at 01:59PM

الجمعة، 24 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Atlantis workflow without a backend https://ift.tt/49suWQc

Show HN: Atlantis workflow without a backend Last week we created a TF cloud alternative that could just run in GH actions and got an overwhelming response on Reddit. A lot of people recommended Atlantis as a way to run terraform plan and apply jobs in your CI. It is used by many great teams (Lyft for example) - however, we see the following issues: - You need to deploy and maintain an Atlantis backend in your infrastructure - It runs terraform commands locally on the same server it is installed in. This makes it tricky to achieve high levels of isolation and repeatability that is typically needed in CI/CD scenarios So we thought: does this really need a backend? Can we somehow make it work without a need to deploy a dedicated service and with terraform jobs running natively in Github Actions with proper isolation? Actually, the only need that makes Atlantis backend irreplaceable is code-level locks (not to be confused with state locks). But these can be stored in a database, accessed directly from the action - it can even be the same DB that is used by Terraform for state locks! So we’ve built a proof-of-concept that does just that: it stores higher-level locks in DynamoDB, so there’s no need for any backend. It works like this : - create a PR - this will create a lock - comment digger plan - terraform plan output will be added as comment - create another PR - plan or apply won’t work in this PR until the first lock is released - you will get Locked by PR #1 comment This proof-of-concept is very much a WIP - for example, there’s no support for apply and then there are things like one PR applied making plans from other PRs thinking new resources need to be deleted; so you need to merge main before re-running plan - and other things like that. Would love to hear what the HN community thinks! https://ift.tt/ISua34C February 25, 2023 at 01:02AM

Show HN: CloudNative Linux – A shell experience for the cloud https://ift.tt/Fa8oJsj

Show HN: CloudNative Linux – A shell experience for the cloud https://ift.tt/q12Wz8C February 24, 2023 at 11:15PM

Show HN: Creactivities – a chatbot that trains your creative muscles https://ift.tt/J8BERt0

Show HN: Creactivities – a chatbot that trains your creative muscles https://ift.tt/ZpflVCt February 24, 2023 at 01:00PM

الخميس، 23 فبراير 2023

Show HN: TrueBase – information you can trust https://ift.tt/9RVG4p8

Show HN: TrueBase – information you can trust https://truebase.pub/ February 24, 2023 at 02:27AM

Show HN: SMS to Slack streamlines receiving 2FA codes for teams who share logins https://ift.tt/by36e2K

Show HN: SMS to Slack streamlines receiving 2FA codes for teams who share logins https://smstoslack.app February 23, 2023 at 10:20PM

Show HN: A NixOS-based declarative proxy and redirect server https://ift.tt/mJsU2i9

Show HN: A NixOS-based declarative proxy and redirect server https://ift.tt/AGc2bxw February 23, 2023 at 07:33PM

Show HN: Xc – A Markdown Defined Task Runner https://ift.tt/BgUNw5W

Show HN: Xc – A Markdown Defined Task Runner https://ift.tt/EiIf9uy February 23, 2023 at 06:45PM

Show HN: Infinite Logo Maker https://ift.tt/8xM5e7N

Show HN: Infinite Logo Maker https://ift.tt/IrbvS59 February 23, 2023 at 02:50PM

Show HN: ChatBotKit – The simplest way to build AI chat bots like ChatGPT https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34910514

Show HN: ChatBotKit – The simplest way to build AI chat bots like ChatGPT https://chatbotkit.com/ February 23, 2023 at 05:48PM

Show HN: IngestAI – NoCode ChatGPT-bot creator from your knowledge base in Slack https://ift.tt/6waZJoL

Show HN: IngestAI – NoCode ChatGPT-bot creator from your knowledge base in Slack https://ingestai.io February 23, 2023 at 05:00PM

الأربعاء، 22 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Graph-based AI for longform writing https://ift.tt/7WboEIu

Show HN: Graph-based AI for longform writing Hey everyone, I wanted to share a new tool we've created called Jotte ( https://jotte.ai ) which we believe can be a game-changer for AI-generated longform writing like novels and research papers. As you may know, current AI like ChatGPT and GPT-3 have a token limit of around 4000 tokens or 3000 words, which limits their effectiveness for longer writing tasks. With Jotte, we've developed a graph-based approach to summarize information and effectively give AI "unlimited" memory. Jotte remembers recent details like the meal a character ate a page ago, while avoiding getting bogged down by irrelevant details like the blue curtains mentioned 5 chapters ago. We've created a proof of concept and would love to hear your thoughts on it. Do you think this approach could lead to better longform writing by AI? Let us know in the comments! https://jotte.ai/ February 22, 2023 at 11:41PM

Show HN: IaSQL beta – cloud infra as data in PostgreSQL https://ift.tt/PJMf8FK

Show HN: IaSQL beta – cloud infra as data in PostgreSQL https://ift.tt/SE1oL9O February 22, 2023 at 10:03PM

Show HN: We’re open-sourcing our session replay tool https://ift.tt/wUG5jn4

Show HN: We’re open-sourcing our session replay tool Hey HN! We’re open-sourcing highlight.io ( https://ift.tt/WLaKFoh ), a session replay and error monitoring tool. Highlight.io gives you a high-precision video-like replay of what users are doing when an error or exception occurs in your web app, along with a full-fledged error monitoring experience (similar to bugsnag, rollbar, etc..). The main value prop of highlight.io is that we help you understand the full context surrounding an error and allow you to drill down to the code path that a user invoked (i.e user clicked button X, sent network request Y, and backend code Z was executed). Some of our customers compare this to a “web debugger” of sorts. A picture of what this looks like in our app is here [1]. For some background, when we worked at our previous companies as engineers, we encountered hard-to-reproduce issues spanning across both the frontend and backend. The main issues were (1) if a customer complained about a problem, it was hard to reproduce the issue without asking for a screen-share or jumping on a video call; and (2) when viewing errors caught by tools like BugSnag or Rollbar, understanding the triggered code path required stitching together logs, errors, and trace; all from different sources. Highlight.io is completely open source and written in Go and Typescript. To build the replay capability, we use an open source project called rrweb [2] and have worked closely with their team to add support for features like canvas recording, shadow dom recording, and more [3]. Beyond that, we use the OpenTelemetry spec for our SDKs [4], which has made it pretty straight forward to support several languages, even with our small 4-person engineering team! Our product is completely self-serve at app.highlight.io. Installing it is as easy as a npm/yarn import and installing the backend sdk of your choosing. In addition, given the privacy-centric nature of session replay, we also offer the option to self-host [5]. Highlight.io currently makes money off of our hosted offering, and our self-hosted deployment is completely free. We’re also toying with the idea of an “enterprise” self-hosted deployment, similar to gitlab’s billing model, and thoughts from the community on this front would be appreciated! And as far as what’s next for us: Our customers are asking to render logs and traces on a highlight.io session (and vice versa), and we’re excited to be going deeper into a developer’s debugging stack. The long term goal is to build a platform that connects replay, errors, logs and more so that engineers can “playback” the full state of a web application. Overall, we’re quite new to the open source scene and would love the HN community to share their feedback on what we’re building. If anyone has opinions on where we’re going, or what they’d like to see in an open source monitoring product, we’re all ears. Check us out at highlight.io and at github.com/highlight/highlight to give us a shot. [1]: https://ift.tt/rUwTP98... [2]: https://ift.tt/Vi1NYUc [3]: https://ift.tt/V9BteLP... [4]: https://ift.tt/LYeN1Vp [5]: https://ift.tt/swpTVfj... https://ift.tt/WLaKFoh February 22, 2023 at 08:02PM

Show HN: Liftosaur – Weightlifting tracker app for coders https://ift.tt/CIJu9z4

Show HN: Liftosaur – Weightlifting tracker app for coders I made a weightlifting tracker app specifically for coders. In weightlifting, progressive overload is one of the most important parts of gaining muscle. You should constantly increase weights, reps, use different set schemes, and that will make your muscles grow. There're many weightlifting programs, using various overloading schemes - linear increasing of weights, some periodic ladder-up increase, switching to different set schemes in case of failures, etc. You can implement all of that in Liftosaur. It works this way: each exercise may define a bunch of variables, that could be changed when you finish a workout. It could be weight, your 1 rep max, number of successful attempts, etc. You can use those variables in reps and weight values. To update the variables, you define a script, that will change them after you've done all the sets of the exercise. The script may change them based on whether you successfully done all the sets x reps, or if you failed any of the sets. For scripting, I added a super simple scripting language with JavaScript-like syntax called Liftoscript. It mostly only supports if/else, variable setting, and has some built-in types like numbers, pounds and kilograms. The app contains a bunch of built-in programs, they all are implemented using Liftoscript, and completely customizable. Check it out! https://ift.tt/6G4pvKP February 22, 2023 at 07:04PM

Show HN: Sentio – Monitor, analyze and diagnose Dapps in one place https://ift.tt/cbJFKBx

Show HN: Sentio – Monitor, analyze and diagnose Dapps in one place https://www.sentio.xyz February 22, 2023 at 12:30PM

Show HN: Starter.place – Gumroad for Starter Repos https://ift.tt/uXiQq1P

Show HN: Starter.place – Gumroad for Starter Repos Hey HN! Starting a new project is so hard because before you actually get to building the idea itself, you have to search for tools and figure out how to piece them together. With starter.place, you can find proven starter templates/boilerplates/stacks that use the technologies you want and get to building right away. If you’ve made a starter repo you think others would find useful, you can immediately reach a wide audience without having to make your own site/app to sell it and advertise it by posting on starter.place. Just focus on building the starter all while earning from it if you so choose. starter.place is so helpful to buyers and sellers because buyers are added as view-only collaborators to the repo on GitHub, where they get continuous updates. Buyers can help drive the project by submitting issues and PRs too. Let me know what you think! And if you have a starter template but are hesitant to list it, let me know what I could do to change that. Oh and as for the app's own stack, it uses Remix, EdgeDB, and Tailwind deployed on Vercel and AWS Fargate. https://ift.tt/Xo8hD42 February 22, 2023 at 12:10PM

Show HN: Lost Pixel Platform – visual regression testing for your front end https://ift.tt/3VHCf0o

Show HN: Lost Pixel Platform – visual regression testing for your front end https://lost-pixel.com February 22, 2023 at 03:32PM

الثلاثاء، 21 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Strada – Embed accounting automation with one API https://ift.tt/8bZWmSP

Show HN: Strada – Embed accounting automation with one API Hi HN, we’ve been working on an API that makes it easy to add a full set of accounting tools to your product. If you’re building fintech or payments software for businesses, your customers often ask for integrations to their accounting system (Quickbooks, NetSuite, etc). There’s plenty of options for solving the integration problem, but they leave lots of manual work. Customers still need to review each transaction to assign a category, vendor, department, and tax code. With the Strada API, you can offer accounting integrations, cleanse your transaction data, and automatically map transaction details based on each customer’s accounting setup. We’d love any feedback you have. If you want to chat in more detail please reach out through our website. Thanks! https://ift.tt/sJLHc6N February 22, 2023 at 02:28AM

Show HN: Planlike.pro – New Estimating Tool https://ift.tt/kSKJ6m4

Show HN: Planlike.pro – New Estimating Tool https://planlike.pro/ February 21, 2023 at 03:54PM

الاثنين، 20 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Small TypeScript library to work with quadkeys in a fast way https://ift.tt/WiZN84n

Show HN: Small TypeScript library to work with quadkeys in a fast way I am developing a website called Geocode Map Viewer( https://ift.tt/ypm4tdC ). I was looking for a suitable TypeScript library to visualize Quadkeys on the map, but unfortunately I couldn't find one. So I decided to develop my own library, using the sample code available on the Microsoft Tile Maps page as a reference. https://ift.tt/KLF6W82 February 21, 2023 at 05:21AM

Show HN: My50sTV – Nostalgic TV Simulator https://ift.tt/0pA2KfJ

Show HN: My50sTV – Nostalgic TV Simulator https://www.my50stv.com February 21, 2023 at 07:40AM

Show HN: Turn Your Pandas Dataframe to a Tableau-Style UI for Visual Analysis https://ift.tt/ltSzAhv

Show HN: Turn Your Pandas Dataframe to a Tableau-Style UI for Visual Analysis Hey, guys. I've just made a plugin which turns your pandas dataframe into a tableau-style component. It allows you to explore the dataframe with easy drag and drop UI. You can use PyGWalker in Jupyter, Google Colab, or even Kaggle Notebook to easily explore your data and generate interactive visualizations. PyGWalker (pronounced like "Pig Walker", just for fun) is named as an abbreviation of "Python binding of Graphic Walker". Here are some links to check it out: The Github Repo: https://ift.tt/9VKuOpa Use PyGWalker in Kaggle: https://ift.tt/aLhiCNK Feedbacks and suggestions is appreciated! Please feel free to try it out and let us know what you think. Thanks for your support! https://ift.tt/9VKuOpa February 20, 2023 at 07:50PM

Show HN: Whisper.cpp and YAKE to Analyse Voice Reflections [iOS] https://ift.tt/6M237fo

Show HN: Whisper.cpp and YAKE to Analyse Voice Reflections [iOS] Six months ago, I went full-time indie, but I haven't released anything so far. The products just never felt good enough for me to publicly say this is what I'm doing now. To get out of this mindset, I decided to make an app for myself in a week, add monetization, release it and move on. The app idea was simple: Reflect on your day by answering the same four questions out loud. The answers are transcribed and with regular use you can see what influences you the most and take action. All on-device, as otherwise I wouldn't feel comfortable sharing my thoughts. I had all core features working within a day by simply modifying an existing example app. However I was dissatisfied with iOS's built-in offline transcription due to a lack of punctuation and the speech recognition permission prompt that made it seem like data would leave the device. Decided to use whisper.cpp [0] (small model) instead. This change, lead to many others, as I now felt too little of the app's code was mine. e.g.: - Added automatic mood analysis. First using sentiment analysis, then changed to a statistical approach - Show trends: First implemented TextRank to provide a summary for an individual day, then changed it to extract keywords to spot trends over weeks and months. Replaced TextRank with KeyBERT for speed and n-grams, then BERT-SQuAD, and ended on a modified YAKE [1] for subjectively better results. (Do you know of a better approach?) As a result, this tiny app took me over a month, but it still has its flaws: - Transcription is not live but performed on recordings, so if you immediately want the transcript of your most recent answer, you have to wait. - Mood and keyphrase extraction are optimized for my languages and way of speaking, so they might not generalize well. - Music in the background can result in nearly empty transcripts. Nevertheless, after using the app regularly and enjoying it, I feel ready to release. Hope you will find the app useful too. [0] Show HN: Whisper.cpp https://ift.tt/UahqbY2 [1] YAKE: https://ift.tt/5fyaiPL https://ift.tt/VgkcTLK February 20, 2023 at 07:08PM

Show HN: Replbuilder, quickly build a Python REPL CLI prompt https://ift.tt/GgsTBHz

Show HN: Replbuilder, quickly build a Python REPL CLI prompt `pip install replbuilder` Making a small tool for easier repl building, no more manual argument parsing. Perfect for creating ops tools and other context heavy cli operations. https://ift.tt/HiuIpfl February 20, 2023 at 10:04AM

Show HN: ProtoCURL, a curl for Protobuf https://ift.tt/40Fg8Lw

Show HN: ProtoCURL, a curl for Protobuf https://ift.tt/HqP34o8 February 20, 2023 at 12:18PM

Show HN: Visualize Wikipedia on an Interactive Map https://ift.tt/9JGtlfA

Show HN: Visualize Wikipedia on an Interactive Map https://ift.tt/eB8M1Ur February 20, 2023 at 11:18AM

الأحد، 19 فبراير 2023

Show HN: AllyDB – An in-memory database similar to Redis, built using Elixir https://ift.tt/Ty30Riq

Show HN: AllyDB – An in-memory database similar to Redis, built using Elixir Hey, everyone. I am currently working on AllyDB, which is basically my own Redis, which I am writing in Elixir. Currently, the database is nowhere close to being ready, as you can see in the roadmap, but I am doing my best to add stuff as fast as possible. Currently the implementation is very simple, with an in memory table, an append log persistence system, as well as an interval persistence system as a backup. The database could definitely be optimized further, especially when it comes to persistence, which I am planning to do in the future. I'm also planning to use Rust NIFs for specific tasks for the performance gains over Elixir and BEAM. Writes and deletes are currently asynchronous, but I will add blocking versions of them soon. I am trying to make the system as fault tolerant as possible, and currently everything except the TCP connections are fault tolerant. I'm also working on a TypeScript client for the project, so yeah, that kind of sums it up. Feel free to check the project and the roadmap out, and let me know what I could improve or give feature or optimization ideas! Thanks, and have a nice one! https://ift.tt/e7YofwF February 20, 2023 at 04:04AM

Show HN: Duplicate Word Finder https://ift.tt/CuOHSrK

Show HN: Duplicate Word Finder https://ift.tt/u4FZq3a February 19, 2023 at 12:04PM

السبت، 18 فبراير 2023

Show HN: I made a Reddit-like way to browse Twitter's top content https://ift.tt/JFzaqNf

Show HN: I made a Reddit-like way to browse Twitter's top content https://esplora.io/ February 19, 2023 at 04:56AM

Show HN: A tool that turns unstructured transcripts into queryable SQL and JSON https://ift.tt/AplQM1q

Show HN: A tool that turns unstructured transcripts into queryable SQL and JSON We built Summ, a tool that provides intelligent search and question-answering across large sets of transcripts. We turn your unstructured transcripts into queryable SQL and JSON! Try it out and read how we did it. https://ift.tt/E2aGleQ February 18, 2023 at 10:54PM

Show HN: I built an app to search the APOD database by color https://ift.tt/w2x5fKo

Show HN: I built an app to search the APOD database by color https://ift.tt/GFmNMpj February 19, 2023 at 03:05AM

Show HN: Sora, Personal Publishing Platform https://ift.tt/v39U27F

Show HN: Sora, Personal Publishing Platform We wanted to create, to express ourselves without being judged either by strangers or some algorithm. We wanted our own space on the internet, where our photos and words would matter. So we started to build an app that can showcase our content, without having to pick a platform. You can use Sora to publish a few different content types. - Blog - Polaroid - Poster - Microblog You can either display them all on your Sora profile as a summary (like mine https://ift.tt/m1vaqBK ), or put any of them forward for the world to see. We plan to run this app for a long time and looking for feedback, so let us know what you think! (feedback@sora.city, or link on website) --- Our stack today is Node, Typescript, NextJS, atomic CSS, with everything stored on Supabase. https://sora.city/ February 19, 2023 at 02:41AM

Show HN: An open source, modern CSV importer tool in React https://ift.tt/o6qrbhk

Show HN: An open source, modern CSV importer tool in React https://ift.tt/AoI7EsS February 19, 2023 at 12:46AM

Show HN: I made an interview platform for hardware engineers in Verilog https://ift.tt/kNQEajg

Show HN: I made an interview platform for hardware engineers in Verilog https://ift.tt/EqsDcJI February 18, 2023 at 07:25AM

Show HN: 4 yrs ago, I secretly wrote an AI novel, now I published & made it free https://ift.tt/bP3spyJ

Show HN: 4 yrs ago, I secretly wrote an AI novel, now I published & made it free https://ift.tt/AoqpgEQ February 18, 2023 at 12:36PM

الجمعة، 17 فبراير 2023

Show HN: TCP-based dynamic reverse proxy https://ift.tt/mevnuEy

Show HN: TCP-based dynamic reverse proxy https://ift.tt/r0Pjans February 18, 2023 at 07:47AM

Show HN: BrokeAF allows you to review costs before making OpenAI calls https://ift.tt/GCQfVlc

Show HN: BrokeAF allows you to review costs before making OpenAI calls https://ift.tt/vEwyG5t February 18, 2023 at 05:16AM

Show HN: An open-source API built on top of OpenAI Embeddings and Pinecone https://ift.tt/hr3XEcP

Show HN: An open-source API built on top of OpenAI Embeddings and Pinecone Hi, I'm Ben, the co-creator of Embedbase. Embedbase lets you use OpenAI Embeddings and Pinecone seamlessly. For example, you can add Embedbase to your app and pair it with GPT3 to allow people to search using natural language (e.g. How many workouts did I complete last week?), or simply expanding your current search experience beyond full-text search (e.g. looking for "similar" documents in Notion to find other related information) Managing embeddings is uncharted territory, we needed to discover the best practices ourselves. Now we're happy to share our learnings with Embedbase. Shoot if you have any questions https://www.embedbase.xyz/ February 17, 2023 at 09:29PM

Show HN: Bella Coven, A GPT-3 powered tarot reader Discord bot https://ift.tt/ClycxV4

Show HN: Bella Coven, A GPT-3 powered tarot reader Discord bot Presenting Bella Coven, a GPT-3 powered tarot reader Discord bot. Pulls cards from an AI-generated tarot deck, and answers your question based on the pulled cards' energy. Code: https://ift.tt/pK8tskM https://ift.tt/zhHJkgq February 18, 2023 at 12:56AM

Show HN: FreeRSS – RSS Viewer Portal https://ift.tt/iYVmTkl

Show HN: FreeRSS – RSS Viewer Portal FreeRSS was inspired by the former Google Personalized Homepage (iGoogle). Auto-detect RSS feeds from a url, drag to arrange widgets, add a new account (free) to remember your settings. https://freerss.robdelacruz.xyz/ February 17, 2023 at 12:40PM

Show HN: Convert Jupyter Notebook to Web Apps with Mercury and Python https://ift.tt/uUFnK0E

Show HN: Convert Jupyter Notebook to Web Apps with Mercury and Python https://runmercury.com February 17, 2023 at 11:01AM

الخميس، 16 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Inquery (YC W23) – Real-time events for Postgres https://ift.tt/YKOIgaF

Show HN: Inquery (YC W23) – Real-time events for Postgres Hi HN, we're excited to share our open source tool with the community! Inquery is a utility for Postgres that triggers webhooks when rows are inserted, updated, or deleted. It uses database triggers that send low-latency websocket messages to a Go application. This application then calls any configured webhooks with a JSON payload that includes specified values from the database row. Let us know if you have any feedback or questions! https://ift.tt/z3rnq6N February 17, 2023 at 03:21AM

Show HN: I made an early 2000s-inspired internet forum https://ift.tt/KyNd260

Show HN: I made an early 2000s-inspired internet forum https://ift.tt/SIaPHst February 17, 2023 at 01:02AM

Show HN: SheetKeys – The Hacker's Spreadsheet https://ift.tt/4r3oQkS

Show HN: SheetKeys – The Hacker's Spreadsheet Hey folks, over the years my job role has skewed to using a code editor less and using spreadsheets more. Coming from Emacs and Vim, I wanted my Google Sheets usage to be more keyboard driven, so I made this extension. I've used it for several years and it's been a great quality of life improvement, so I'm releasing it today. Enjoy! https://ift.tt/jXTB91N February 17, 2023 at 12:36AM

Show HN: Favird – A listing with listings of interesting things https://ift.tt/Sl6FZBY

Show HN: Favird – A listing with listings of interesting things https://favird.com February 16, 2023 at 11:56PM

Show HN: I made a super simple iOS app to track expenses https://ift.tt/7fRclx2

Show HN: I made a super simple iOS app to track expenses My Expenses is a very simple app to track expenses for one-time budgets. Let's say you're going on vacations in Italy and you want to allocate $1.500 to this trip. You create a budget "Italy" in 30 seconds and you're ready to go. Each time you make an expense in Italy, you add it to the app in a few seconds and you instantly know you're remaining budget. I'm bored of super complex apps. Yes, they do a lot of things, but it often takes a while to get used to the app and understand all its features. That's why I created this app. I want people to be able to track their expenses in seconds, as quickly and simply as possible. It's available on iPhone, iPad and Mac. https://ift.tt/7Ilq9ZQ February 16, 2023 at 01:17PM

الأربعاء، 15 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Camome UI – A lightweight React and CSS framework https://ift.tt/gL1x5Mc

Show HN: Camome UI – A lightweight React and CSS framework https://camome.net February 16, 2023 at 08:43AM

Show HN: Helium – a headless, open-source LMS https://ift.tt/i3RAlsM

Show HN: Helium – a headless, open-source LMS https://ift.tt/cBWJP9V February 16, 2023 at 07:21AM

Show HN: Stream Arrow into Postgres https://ift.tt/2X8VBWh

Show HN: Stream Arrow into Postgres Small, simple, sans IO and fast. No more dumping to CSVs! https://ift.tt/9Il8mFC February 16, 2023 at 05:01AM

Show HN: Ractor – a Rust-based actor framework with clusters and supervisors https://ift.tt/uG8gLcJ

Show HN: Ractor – a Rust-based actor framework with clusters and supervisors SOME HIGHLIGHTS. * We have a full supervision tree so actors can monitor other actors for exits and unhandled panic!s (at least the ones that can be caught) * The actor lifecycle is handled for you in a simple single-threaded, message handler primitive * You have a mutable state with each message handling call, so you have an easy way to create stateful actors and update that state as messages are processed * Actors talk to other actors by message passing, but there are remote-procedure-calls (RPCs) so actors can "ask a question" to another actor and wait on the reply. * A lot of the concurrency primitives are handled by the framework, such as cancellation/termination of actors (both graceful and forceful) * A Factory primitive in order to formulate distributed processing pools with multiple job routing options * Early but stable support for a distributed epmd-like cluster environment, where you can talk to actors over a network link. It's an additional crate (ractor_cluster) that builds on ractor to facilitate the inter-connection between nodes and support remote casts and calls to actors on a remote node. We're openly seeking feedback, so please feel free to utilize the library and let us know if there's anything you find missing or doesn't work as expected! https://ift.tt/suRcLUy February 16, 2023 at 05:02AM

Show HN: We built open-source alerting CLI – better alternative to Alertmanager https://ift.tt/p02hcDo

Show HN: We built open-source alerting CLI – better alternative to Alertmanager Hi Hacker News! Shahar and Tal from Keep here. We're thrilled to announce that we're open-sourcing our alerting CLI tool, Keep ( https://ift.tt/BLZXJP9 ). Designed by developers for developers, Keep streamlines and simplifies alerting, making it a first-class citizen within the development process. Think of Keep as Prometheus Alertmanager but for all observability tools, with a simple and intuitive (GitHub actions-like) syntax. We believe that alerting has historically been neglected in existing monitoring platforms, leading to subpar alerting practices. With Keep, we aim to change that. Although it's still in its early stages, we would love to get your feedback on our project. Keep provides the following key features: 1. Declarative alerting that can be easily managed and versioned in your version control and service repository. 2. Alerts from multiple data sources for added context and insights. 3. Freedom from vendor lock-in, making it easier to switch to a different observability tool if needed. Some of the features we plan to add in the future include: - Integration with CI/CD processes to simplify alerts maintenance and testing. - Scoring system to assess the alert's urgency and provide relevant information. - Slack integration to keep track of alerts over time. - More providers, conditions, and other enhancements. We invite you to give Keep a try ( https://ift.tt/BLZXJP9 ) and share your thoughts with us. Your feedback will help us make Keep the best it can be. https://ift.tt/BLZXJP9 February 15, 2023 at 08:43PM

Show HN: Explore careers that you don't know even exist https://ift.tt/gl2mbRK

Show HN: Explore careers that you don't know even exist "Excited to launch CareerGPT.ai on Hacker news today! We're on a mission to help people ..yada...yada" No, that's ChatGPT's writing, not mine :) Folks, I was a PhD student once, in a non-home country, and just wished to know what was it like to go and work in the industry, being a programmer, or started a company. Torn apart between choices, I just wished there was a totally unbiased counselor to talk to. I couldn't do that with my supervisor since he always encouraged me to finish the thesis (of course). Heck, had ChatGPT exist back then, I would have had more infos and made decision easier. So why not launching one, on the back of the collective "intelligence" and "creativity" of large language model. About building the product: Yes, I call OpenAI's API, but need to do some 'prompt engineering', updating temperature along the conversation. Just tell me what you think. Thanks. https://careergpt.ai February 15, 2023 at 01:39PM

Show HN: Turn Jupyter Notebook to Web App https://ift.tt/DuSVbHt

Show HN: Turn Jupyter Notebook to Web App https://RunMercury.com February 15, 2023 at 01:36PM

الثلاثاء، 14 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Openapi.security, a fast security checker for REST-based API https://ift.tt/DHOk3IF

Show HN: Openapi.security, a fast security checker for REST-based API tl;dr we released openapi.security, an online tool that performs a dozen of security tests on any given openapi/swagger-based API, with no signup or email required. You can try it here: https://ift.tt/WkNGsbP My team at Escape (YC W23) is mainly focused on securing GraphQL APIs. For this, we developed a new approach called Feedback driven API Exploration. Basically, we infer the right security tests cases to run using the specification and a carefully crafted in house graph traversal algorithm. (It's a bit long to describe here but we published a more in depth explanation of how this algorithm works in our blog!) We recently wondered if this Feedback Driven Exploration approach could be efficiently applied to good old REST APIs as well. From our experience, well designed GraphQL and REST APIs are quite equivalent: both have an organized data structure and explicit relationships between objects. So why wouldn't it work? We often organise internal hackathons. So this time, we focused on this experiment, adapting our algorithm to REST and ending up creating our last side project: OpenAPI.security. It is a very simple tool: anybody can enter an OpenAPI / Swagger spec, and openapi.security will run a bunch of security tests on it and give back a report. It's designed to be fast and smart in the way it analyzes input specs. https://ift.tt/WkNGsbP February 14, 2023 at 10:58PM

Show HN: I built a little online drum machine using 808 style samples https://ift.tt/79eGNxa

Show HN: I built a little online drum machine using 808 style samples https://peel.fm February 15, 2023 at 12:04AM

Show HN: I made an extension for browser bookmarks https://ift.tt/aMOqn2g

Show HN: I made an extension for browser bookmarks Hello HN! I have just released my browser extension. FavBox - is a bookmark management tool with a clean and modern UI. Absolutely compatible with default browser bookmarks has no third-party services, and still syncs with the browser profile. Free and open source. Chrome Web Store https://ift.tt/5r7kFbV... https://ift.tt/u7CPFzY February 14, 2023 at 03:31PM

Show HN: First Steps: Making your own voice activated virtual assistant https://ift.tt/VkfiLEZ

Show HN: First Steps: Making your own voice activated virtual assistant This is some hacked together python for the beginnings of a voice -> text -> ML -> voice cycle I put together in the last couple of days as a base for building completely local virtual assistants. https://ift.tt/SlqRKew February 14, 2023 at 10:33AM

الاثنين، 13 فبراير 2023

Show HN: I made Hacker News but for research papers https://ift.tt/8cKthZC

Show HN: I made Hacker News but for research papers https://paperlist.io/ February 14, 2023 at 01:11AM

Show HN: Generate User Interface Components with GPT-3 https://ift.tt/37fBji5

Show HN: Generate User Interface Components with GPT-3 I’m building an experimental tool that can generate a UI component from a high-level text description, i.e. “Design a card for viewing goals in a goal tracking application”. Basically, stable diffusion but for user interface components instead of images. This tool is at best a proof of concept. It currently only generates a single type of component (small cards that have basic info about an object), but the goal is to be able to design entire applications (either in one fell swoop or by piecing together components that the tool generates). The components it generates can be exported as react code. You can also have it modify an existing design. The tool isn't useful yet but it's somewhat fun to play around with. Having it generate a component rather than an entire screen made the problem easier but I'm not sure if there are any users that this would appeal to. I could see it appealing to developers who lack design and CSS skills and want to quickly build a decent looking frontend for their app. Looking forward to hearing what you guys think of this project and the generative AI for UI space in general. If you're interested in collaborating on a startup or open-source project in this space, email designhat dot ai at gmail dot com https://ift.tt/9xRWLzE February 13, 2023 at 09:43PM

Show HN: BITHUB – Simplest Way to Build a Landing Page https://ift.tt/5SIQpAu

Show HN: BITHUB – Simplest Way to Build a Landing Page Create professional landing pages, increase conversions and drive sales in minutes https://the-bithub.com/ February 13, 2023 at 03:19PM

Show HN: (Repost) A Chrome extension to help you improve website performance https://ift.tt/Qm3HdIh

Show HN: (Repost) A Chrome extension to help you improve website performance https://ift.tt/R4PA2vM February 13, 2023 at 02:45PM

Show HN: Meta peddling unsecured business credits to users in India https://ift.tt/SWfauVP

Show HN: Meta peddling unsecured business credits to users in India I have a friend who owns a business and they got a really weird email from meta. Apparently meta has teamed with "Indifi and FlexiLoans" to give unsecured business loans. 1. They are sharing details of "this user is a small business owner" with third parties and that they are directly emailing about "helping businesses in need". What the hell is wrong with these people. If I wanted a loan,i would approach my bank and not some fincorp who would fleece me with 18% interests. Banks have much less interest rates February 13, 2023 at 02:33PM

Show HN: I made a community-based writing application https://ift.tt/10yvUCm

Show HN: I made a community-based writing application Hi HN! Writing has been a big part of my life for the last few years. It's helped me make sense of the world around me through journaling, and my blog and technical books have made wonders for my career as an engineer. Something I've always been missing is an online community where I can practice my skills and learn from other aspiring writers. I built Tavern, hoping to solve my own problem. Its main concept is that every Monday everyone in the app gets asked the same writing prompt and you have seven days to submit your answer. You can look at what others have posted, but only after you've submitted your answer. My hope is that this way I will reduce lurking and encourage more people to actually write rather than think about it. There is a concept of giving likes (ales, since the whole app is tavern-themed), but I've given it a twist by not showing the number of likes an answer has until you like it. Also, answers are always sorted by date, with the latest ones on top. This way if you open Tavern three times this week you'll be able to scroll until the last answers you've read and leave, they won't get shuffled. Tavern's not a technical wonder by no means - you can probably put it together in a hackathon. But I put a lot of effort into the design and its simplicity, so people can focus on the content. I have more plans for it in terms of features but I wanted to launch the bare-bones build as soon as possible. Hope you like it! https://ift.tt/9Q7BcTS February 13, 2023 at 12:07PM

Show HN: Self-host Whisper As a Service with GUI and queueing https://ift.tt/n9BPZEl

Show HN: Self-host Whisper As a Service with GUI and queueing Schibsted created a transcription service for our journalists to transcribe audio interviews and podcasts really quick. https://ift.tt/4v57rbE February 13, 2023 at 11:00AM

الأحد، 12 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Toodle.Studio is an art playground with Lisp and turtles https://ift.tt/K4JE8Fk

Show HN: Toodle.Studio is an art playground with Lisp and turtles https://toodle.studio February 11, 2023 at 07:54PM

Show HN: Nix-init – Generate Nix packages from URLs with dependency inference https://ift.tt/uKP29ov

Show HN: Nix-init – Generate Nix packages from URLs with dependency inference https://ift.tt/2zDdJQf February 12, 2023 at 10:34PM

Show HN: Jendeley – JSON-based document organizing software https://ift.tt/f4b1MkD

Show HN: Jendeley – JSON-based document organizing software I created jendeley to help organize documents for programmers. - jendeley is JSON-based. You can see and edit your database quickly. - jendeley works locally. Your important database is owned only by you. No cloud. - jendeley is browser-based. You can run it anywhere node.js runs. Repository: https://ift.tt/wr16ngD https://ift.tt/rS18T7V February 11, 2023 at 03:10AM

Show HN: Vettel – a tiny key value store that's faster than Redis (sort of) https://ift.tt/1gFrLMn

Show HN: Vettel – a tiny key value store that's faster than Redis (sort of) https://ift.tt/e3j6tvu February 12, 2023 at 11:59AM

Show HN: Link Book – Quickly save links from around the web to GitHub https://ift.tt/45mU8Ps

Show HN: Link Book – Quickly save links from around the web to GitHub Save and sync your web bookmarks using Link Book and GitHub while retaining full control of your data https://ift.tt/pT5wHWG February 12, 2023 at 01:59PM

السبت، 11 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Log collector that runs on a $4 VPS https://ift.tt/r26TERg

Show HN: Log collector that runs on a $4 VPS Hey guys, I'm building erlog to try and solve problems with logging. While trying to add logs to my application, I couldn't find any lightweight log platform which was easy to set up without adding tons of dependencies to my code, or configuring 10,000 files. ErLog is just a simple go web server which batch inserts json logs into an sqlite3 server. Through tuning sqlite3 and batching inserts, I find I can get around 8k log insertions/sec which is fast enough for small projects. This is just an MVP, and I plan to add more features once I talk to users. If anyone has any problems with logging, feel free to leave a comment and I'd love to help you out. https://ift.tt/94jUAqk February 12, 2023 at 12:44AM

Show HN: For Product Managers – curated collection of tools https://ift.tt/0pL6d5G

Show HN: For Product Managers – curated collection of tools Curated collection of tools and frameworks for product managers, startup founders and delivery managers. https://ift.tt/HCFOJry February 11, 2023 at 09:14PM

Show HN: I’m an introvert – made an app to help maintain connections with people https://ift.tt/2n1cvN7

Show HN: I’m an introvert – made an app to help maintain connections with people https://ift.tt/Z86TPsC February 11, 2023 at 08:42PM

Show HN: I Made a Language Learning iOS Safari Extension https://ift.tt/t6H0yQz

Show HN: I Made a Language Learning iOS Safari Extension https://ift.tt/4RDOTNx February 11, 2023 at 06:53PM

Show HN: Experimenting with GPT-3: Building an Investment Analyst https://ift.tt/7e6mKLM

Show HN: Experimenting with GPT-3: Building an Investment Analyst We have been experimenting with using GPT3's reasoning capabilities to build an investment analyst that does this : (1) Summarize relevant news of the last 30 days, (2) Write a SWOT analysis, (3) Identify competitors, (4) Identify Key Risks, and (5) Write three investment theses (bull, neutral, bear) Here is an example how this can look like: https://ift.tt/ygvJB0c https://ift.tt/6s2VeUd https://ift.tt/X19MYcC https://ift.tt/1ArZRjK So far, the results of getting reliable data back through well-engineered prompts through the API is quite promising. Yet, from an operational perspective, the biggest problem is that even though we are not using the free service but pay for it frequently run into rate limits. Positives: For Apple, the News Summary provided a useful result. "Apple Inc. is launching Apple Pay Later soon to revolutionize the buy now, pay later (BNPL) industry. Its stock is currently indicating a potential move to $167. The company is also facing an investigation by the Pomerantz Law Firm on behalf of iPhone 7 owners who experienced performance degradation following a device update. Apple's latest iPhones are being sold at discounts in China and the company is expected to rollout a high-end iPhone 'Ultra' in 2024. Additionally, two top market watchers discussed tech's wild run this year." For Microsoft, the Bull-case made more sense than the Bear-case Bull-case "Microsoft Corporation is a technology leader in the industry and is well-positioned to benefit from the increasing demand for cloud computing and artificial intelligence. The company's strong balance sheet, competitive advantages, and focus on innovation make it an attractive long-term investment Bear-case "Microsoft Corporation is a large, mature company with limited growth potential. The company is facing increasing competition from smaller, more nimble competitors and is struggling to keep up with the rapid pace of technological change. Investors should b e wary of investing in Microsoft due to its lack of innovation and potential for declining market share." Negatives: GPT3 is only guessing the next best word. Which might sometimes provide strange results. For example, considering the News Summary for Uber "Uber Technologies, Inc. reported a surge in fourth-quarter revenues and a strong outlook for 2021." We are not in 2021 anymore for a long while. Clearly, GPT3's knowledge of the Yahoo finance dataset has been cut off in 2021 and applied the provided news effectively. For AAPL, GPT3 did not identify any competitors. While we could argue that HP, MSFT, or similar hardware+software companies are in fact, competitors. In conclusion, we need to further investigate if the actual reasoning of GPT3 is mature enough to provide a useful analysis of the stock. Especially under liability considerations. Yet, if it works it could be a really powerful game-changer. Clearly, that is only an experiment and shouldn't be used as an investment recommendation nor seen as investment advice in any way. February 11, 2023 at 06:36PM

Show HN: Sharrr – Pretty secure file transfer https://ift.tt/4UJupL3

Show HN: Sharrr – Pretty secure file transfer End-to-encrypted file transfer. https://www.sharrr.com/ February 11, 2023 at 01:06PM

الجمعة، 10 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Get notified in Slack for each GitHub star https://ift.tt/i8zhcgW

Show HN: Get notified in Slack for each GitHub star I wrote a Zap on Zapier to get notified when someone stars your repo. I use it on our open-source repo and it's helpful. Fern: https://ift.tt/kEe2S8G https://ift.tt/6URSEQo February 11, 2023 at 03:25AM

Show HN: S.cr – send encrypted, disposable notes https://ift.tt/frgqFUI

Show HN: S.cr – send encrypted, disposable notes https://s.cr February 11, 2023 at 12:43AM

Show HN: GoodQuestion: A job interview note taking and collaboration tool https://ift.tt/JyGEBYl

Show HN: GoodQuestion: A job interview note taking and collaboration tool https://ift.tt/UVvABTD February 11, 2023 at 12:18AM

Show HN: TopAi.tools an AI tools directory with 850 tools, RSS available https://ift.tt/cwnCK4T

Show HN: TopAi.tools an AI tools directory with 850 tools, RSS available I have been collecting a lot of AI tools lately, put them in a web directory, categorized and updated daily. The idea to provide you with the means to get updates however you need (RSS, telegram, social media, etc) It's a work in progress. Looking to make this useful, let me know your ideas and comments .. https://topAi.tools February 10, 2023 at 03:31PM

Show HN: A Chrome extension to improve your website performance https://ift.tt/N679TIx

Show HN: A Chrome extension to improve your website performance https://ift.tt/76i4mpa February 10, 2023 at 02:09PM

Show HN: MrScraper – A visual web-scraping tool https://ift.tt/9v6qCPE

Show HN: MrScraper – A visual web-scraping tool Two months ago, I started building this side-project in the morning, before my full-time job. A visual and easy-to-use web scraping app. Please, roast it a bit so I can work on improving it. Thanks. https://mrscraper.com February 10, 2023 at 11:19AM

الخميس، 9 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Noya (YC W21) – A wireframing tool that generates designs and code https://ift.tt/HV4NdDi

Show HN: Noya (YC W21) – A wireframing tool that generates designs and code Hi HN! We’ve been building a new browser-based design tool that’s ready for you to play with! My cofounder David and I were previously on the Design Tools team at Airbnb, where we built lots of innovative tools to improve the design process internally. Now we’re trying to bring this caliber of tools to everyone. The first problem we’re trying to solve is the age-old problem of working in low fidelity vs. high fidelity when designing UI. Low fidelity wireframes are great for quick iteration while hashing out the main idea, while high fidelity mockups and prototypes are often better for conveying the idea to teammates or pitching the idea to customers. With Noya, you get to work in low fidelity, while still getting a high fidelity output you can share. Noya does this by converting your low fidelity blocks into high fidelity design system & React components. I think of the current version as an MVP still, since there’s a lot more that I want to add, but I’ve personally been finding it useful even with its limited feature set. I’d be very interested in any early feedback if you have a chance to play with it! PS: We’ve open sourced most of Noya at https://ift.tt/6ncRJLT . Let us know if you’re interested in collaborating. https://www.noya.io February 10, 2023 at 02:22AM

Show HN: We craft minimum viable SaaS products https://ift.tt/oPIbTin

Show HN: We craft minimum viable SaaS products Helping founders bring their product to life, attract early users, and validate their idea. https://ift.tt/NiRcJwZ February 9, 2023 at 03:47PM

Show HN: boxxy – Control where Linux programs put files, without symlinks https://ift.tt/MECNSgv

Show HN: boxxy – Control where Linux programs put files, without symlinks https://ift.tt/GsUySFd February 10, 2023 at 12:04AM

Show HN: I made a tool that turns screenshots into dramatically angled photos https://ift.tt/drJmSLv

Show HN: I made a tool that turns screenshots into dramatically angled photos https://ift.tt/qTDbplh February 9, 2023 at 11:28PM

الأربعاء، 8 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Open-source Ecommerce platform built with Node.js and React(beta) https://ift.tt/XTCPMwW

Show HN: Open-source Ecommerce platform built with Node.js and React(beta) Hi guys, I've open-sourced the ecommerce project I build for my business. I've spent a lot of time on choosing the right libraries and decided to go with NodeJs and React. I'm sharing the project with you, and hope it will give you some ideas so you can build your ecommerce project faster. [Demo] https://ift.tt/VIw8lYi [Github] https://ift.tt/TUlO2Jz Feel free to share/contact if you have any feedback or questions. Thanks February 9, 2023 at 07:35AM

Show HN: ListLang – Learn Languages to Fluency https://ift.tt/O82NUfa

Show HN: ListLang – Learn Languages to Fluency Depending on the language, the top 1,000 most frequently used words account for ~85% of all speech and text, and the top 5,000 account for ~95%. It’s really important to learn these words. Learning words in context helps you naturally understand their meaning and use cases, while avoiding the rote memorization of definitions. ListLang helps you achieve fluency by learning the 5,000 most frequently used words in context. Most language learning apps never move past beginner level content. This method requires some basic knowledge, but otherwise it should rapidly increase your level past the intermediate level and into the advanced level. I built this app because I studied Spanish and Russian for many years in school, but when I traveled to Argentina and Russia, I realized I didn’t know enough vocabulary to meaningfully communicate with the people there. I hope it will be helpful for you. https://ift.tt/UTlQk3t February 8, 2023 at 07:04PM

Show HN: React components for playing ANSI animations https://ift.tt/tu2W1Oa

Show HN: React components for playing ANSI animations https://ift.tt/SFbEZ1H February 8, 2023 at 11:21PM

Show HN: Filmbox, physically accurate film emulation, now on Linux and Windows https://ift.tt/ouTEe2x

Show HN: Filmbox, physically accurate film emulation, now on Linux and Windows We released Filmbox two years ago, and it has gotten a great response. It's been used in huge movies like "Everything Everywhere All At Once". It's been a huge rewrite to get this working on Linux and Windows from our original Mac and Metal code. We also have some interesting uses of cross-platform Swift + Electron in our plugin manager app, and cross-platform Swift generally in the plugin. Hopefully we can detail that in a blog post at some point. There's a free Filmbox Lite version to try, if you're interested. https://ift.tt/mQ4AhX0 February 8, 2023 at 11:13PM

Show HN: My article on idea validation on HN (Hackernoon) https://ift.tt/5caBgfm

Show HN: My article on idea validation on HN (Hackernoon) It's been doing relatively well for a first story ever! Any feedback from this HN? https://ift.tt/A4uMFoE February 8, 2023 at 12:50PM

Show HN: Kuboble.com – minimalistic sliding pieces puzzle game https://ift.tt/y5ACTq3

Show HN: Kuboble.com – minimalistic sliding pieces puzzle game Hi, I wanted to share a simple game I wrote. It's a sliding pieces puzzle like many others. I have focused a lot on making the experience smooth and minimalistic and the levels being challenging in a way a sudoku or chess puzzles could be. I had no prior knowledge of game development and while it feels like someone competent could build this game in a week I spent over two years and hundreds of hours to bring this game to life. My journey went through: - thinking it will be a PC game - being overwhelmed by the amount of different game frameworks - hiring an indie dev to bootstrap the game in Unity for me - realize the small levels are actually cool and it might fit on a phone - generating levels and playing through thousands of them myself to curate a smaller list - realizing the Unity wasn't a good choice - rewriting the game in html + js drawing on canvas + React - hiring a bunch of fiverr artists and testers to polish it up I think I am finally satisfied with the result enough to be willing to share it with the world. If you're a fan of minimalist sliding pieces puzzles I'd be happy if you give it a try! the game has: - no ads - no tracking of any kind - fully offline after first load https://kuboble.com February 8, 2023 at 01:44PM

الثلاثاء، 7 فبراير 2023

Show HN: We built an open-source LaunchDarkly alternative for B2Bs https://ift.tt/ISlTGEf

Show HN: We built an open-source LaunchDarkly alternative for B2Bs Hey HN, Nir, Gal and Tomer here. Last week, we open-sourced Enrolla ( https://ift.tt/xza9h6d ) - feature management for SaaS companies. It makes it easy for developers to control how their product behaves for customers in different pricing tiers. So things like which features are enabled for whom, rate limits and seat limits, but also your customer secrets (with end-to-end encryption), and other configurations. After 15 years of working together at various companies, where we rebuilt the same SaaS foundation layer again and again - we wanted to create something reliable and feature-rich that will be available for everyone. We now have a backoffice UI, a backend and SDKs for managing customer features and a way to manage pricing tiers on top of it. We plan to add more features around metering and integration with Stripe, so that ideally Enrolla can be used to bootstrap any new SaaS software in minutes. We’ve launched this repo under the MIT license so any developer can use it. The goal is not to charge individual developers. We make money by charging a license fee for enterprise features like Salesforce/Hubspot and SSO integrations. Give it a try ( https://ift.tt/xza9h6d ), and let us know what you think! Main website: https://www.enrolla.io https://www.enrolla.io February 7, 2023 at 05:04PM

Show HN: Embra – A fast, Chat-GPT like assistant for your Mac. App integrated https://ift.tt/hD6MkOP

Show HN: Embra – A fast, Chat-GPT like assistant for your Mac. App integrated Hey HN! We're building Embra, an always-one-second away GPT assistant that integrates into your OS, apps, and workflows. Everyone is talking about the "context problem" as it relates to GPT, in that the answers you get out are only as good as the information you put in. And, well, a lot of users don't want to type in a bunch of text. With Embra, you can pick and choose which context to feed the AI within the interface itself. And that context can be anywhere on your computer -- text in a PDF document, any tabs within Chrome, etc. One of the primary use cases is improved coding, debugging, and software workflows. We especially want to gather feedback in this direction, as engineers engage in Q&A workflows and code creation 15+ times a day. Really awesome. :) Just launching our closed beta signup page today, and rolling out first invites to broader community. https://embra.app/ And the twitter launch thread: https://twitter.com/zachtratar/status/1623015294569713665 We're also looking for the following feedback: 1) What do you think about OS-level integration vs VSCode extension? Both have filesystem access, but do you perceive them differently security or capability wise? 2) What do you use ChatGPT for today primarily, and would desktop access improve those workflows meaningfully? 3) What context would you like to pull into the AI, as an engineer? Thanks! And feel free to poke at the idea. We've been around the block and welcome the classic, ruthless HN constructive criticism. February 7, 2023 at 10:40PM

Show HN: Anansi – a Ruby Set using mem and disk (SQLite) for large sized tasks https://ift.tt/CysquI0

Show HN: Anansi – a Ruby Set using mem and disk (SQLite) for large sized tasks https://ift.tt/JxNDChZ February 7, 2023 at 08:29PM

Show HN: We built an open-source OAuth service for 40 APIs https://ift.tt/NFfTSqD

Show HN: We built an open-source OAuth service for 40 APIs Nango ( https://ift.tt/YI7JEie ) provides pre-built OAuth flows, secure token storage and automatic refreshes for 40+ APIs and counting. Why we built Nango: We built Nango to solve the pain of accessing OAuth APIs. Despite OAuth being a standard protocol in theory, it remains a major burden to implement it, even with the help of a library. You still need to add endpoints and logic to your app for the server-side dance, implement token refreshes, build & secure your token storage, deal with redirects on the frontend etc. But the worst part is that (almost) every API has quirks and non-standard behaviour. This is why we think open source and knowledge sharing is key here: With the templates in Nango we capture these edge cases and make sure that OAuth just works. How it works: Nango is a small Typescript/Node.js service that handles the OAuth dance, token storage & refreshes for you. It works with any language, API or framework. It is easily self-hostable for free, or as a cloud service if you want to avoid the burden of securing tokens yourself (that’s how we pay the bills). To get started we recommend you take a look at our Quickstart on the GitHub repo: https://ift.tt/YI7JEie We currently support 40+ popular APIs. Adding a new one is as simple as updating a YAML file, so anybody can contribute one. In the coming weeks we plan to add a dashboard, a proxy to authorise requests, monitoring and more APIs. One thing we learned from talking to other engineers about OAuth is that everybody has their own horror stories: What was the hardest OAuth API you ever used? What made it so difficult? We look forward to your stories and your feedback on Nango! Repo: https://ift.tt/YI7JEie // Website: https://www.nango.dev https://www.nango.dev February 7, 2023 at 06:34PM

Show HN: Utm.zone – Bulk UTM link builder https://ift.tt/qLreZOu

Show HN: Utm.zone – Bulk UTM link builder Hey HN! There are many UTM link builder tools out there, but all of them seem to generate one link at a time. Generating links in bulk helps you avoid mistakes. With https://utm.zone/ you can: - generate utm links in bulk - share/save your link sets with your team/client https://utm.zone/ February 7, 2023 at 12:22PM

الاثنين، 6 فبراير 2023

Show HN: iWF – A new “workflow as code” execution engine https://ift.tt/Uj3FZHp

Show HN: iWF – A new “workflow as code” execution engine It's built on top of Cadence Temporal(Similar to AWS SWF, Microsoft Azure Durable Function) by expert of Cadence/Temporal to provide clean and simple API/interface for development. * Easy to understand and get started * Easy to make changes -- no non deterministic errors and no need to write versioning code. * Easy to write and maintain unit tests * Easy to monitor and operate * Provide all power of Cadence/Temporal(scalability/reliability) Look at the samples for how easy it is, and try it out! https://ift.tt/2LKVgjk February 7, 2023 at 03:38AM

Show HN: Elaborate AI – Generate Slides and Speaker Notes from Your Outline https://ift.tt/D7dgZXR

Show HN: Elaborate AI – Generate Slides and Speaker Notes from Your Outline We've just unveiled our brand new service, Elaborate AI, and it's a game-changer for anyone who has to create presentations. With this innovative tool, you can turn your simple outlines or even topics into professional slides and speaker notes with ease. Here are just a few examples of who could benefit from using Elaborate AI: - Team leaders: Generate slides for your weekly progress reports with ease. - Project managers or researchers: Present your insights and research on a topic in a polished and professional manner. - Educators: Create educational materials from your content quickly and efficiently. So, if you're tired of spending hours preparing presentation slides, head over to https://elaborate.ai and see if Elaborate AI can help you save time and streamline your presentation-creation process. February 7, 2023 at 07:37AM

Show HN: Flappy Bird and Wordle https://ift.tt/0miYJSW

Show HN: Flappy Bird and Wordle Hey HN! FlappyBirdle combines elements from the game Flappy Bird and the popular word game Wordle. I wanted to see if I could make a game that added urgency to Wordle, while also feeling outragous at the same time. I think I achieved it with FlappyBirdle. Every time you type a letter of the word, the bird flaps its wings and you get closer to the goal. It also has an easy mode that ignores the pipes, so even beginners can get a good score. Let me know if you have any ideas on how I can make it better! https://ift.tt/5AfyxtC February 7, 2023 at 02:01AM

Show HN: The most simple web framework for Rust v0.5 https://ift.tt/qGWlQth

Show HN: The most simple web framework for Rust v0.5 New Graphul version v0.5.0 Enjoy building webservices with Rust :) https://ift.tt/POlW5Jr February 7, 2023 at 01:22AM

Show HN: I've created a trading journal website https://ift.tt/yHG6Zlm

Show HN: I've created a trading journal website Hi all, Been a while since I've posted and in the time since I have created a trading journal website where you can submit and track your trades with the USP of tracking your outgoings too. There has been a huge rise in the number of retail traders (me included) and a lot of people now have the very real possibility of quitting their day jobs and trading full time. I want to help people do that! It's still in very early stages and I'm releasing new updates daily but would be very grateful to get some other peoples feedback! Thanks in advance and hope you're all having a good day! :D https://ift.tt/DOzdPy4 February 7, 2023 at 01:01AM

Show HN: Connect any form with Google Sheets in 3 clicks – Sheetsify https://ift.tt/uXeKzdL

Show HN: Connect any form with Google Sheets in 3 clicks – Sheetsify https://sheetsify.app/ February 6, 2023 at 04:56PM

Show HN: Userdoc – My new startup after selling my development agency https://ift.tt/buS1k8K

Show HN: Userdoc – My new startup after selling my development agency Hey HN, my wife and I ran a software development agency for 8 years, and sold it recently to work on some products related to our experience, and Userdoc is our first product :) Userdoc is a requirements management tool with AI assistance, allowing you to easily create user stories, personas, and user journeys with AI assistance. We found managing requirements (especially on large systems) was quite tricky, so Userdoc acts as the source of truth for your software requirements, and integrates with your project management tools to sync your stories, but keep them centrally in Userdoc as living documentation. Would love any feedback, there's a quick video on the website! https://userdoc.fyi February 6, 2023 at 07:28AM

الأحد، 5 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Reading Planner for ePub Files https://ift.tt/6yTodE5

Show HN: Reading Planner for ePub Files A cli tool for the people who read epubs a lot.This app lets me break down epub books I read on the regular into manageable pieces, in a events.ics file. I then import the events file in my main calendar so I always find time to read and actually finish the books I'm reading. https://ift.tt/RmBSEgu February 6, 2023 at 02:00AM

Show HN: Visualize ResNet Embeddings with UMAP https://ift.tt/cJoa2eH

Show HN: Visualize ResNet Embeddings with UMAP I took my personal backup (mostly family photos, some random scans, etc), extracted the embeddings from ResNet (pen-ultimate layer activations), and then plotted them with the UMAP algorithm and bokeh library This was a one-afternoon learning exercise while doing the awesome Fast AI course. The results are quite fun. ResNet returns 512 feature and UMAP maps those features into 2D plane, preserving distances as much as possible. The outliers show that the embeddings "make sense", clustering the images that are similar to other ones in the cluster, and different from those outside the cluster. https://ift.tt/NFcUdGY February 6, 2023 at 02:45AM

Show HN: WordPies – guess the word before time runs out https://ift.tt/NzdEm4h

Show HN: WordPies – guess the word before time runs out https://wordpies.com February 5, 2023 at 08:44PM

Show HN: Indie World – Discover and follow creators across all platforms https://ift.tt/wWYVHbK

Show HN: Indie World – Discover and follow creators across all platforms https://indieworld.io/ February 6, 2023 at 02:04AM

Show HN: Fast VHDL language server written in Rust https://ift.tt/NJBFY95

Show HN: Fast VHDL language server written in Rust I want to share a VHDL language server I have written in Rust. It is now in a really good state and is ready to be the daily driver for someone working on VHDL. It is completely free and open source, enjoy! The performance is great, it can load 200k lines in 200ms using all 8-cores on my desktop. When loaded it only consumes 220 MB of RAM. It supports goto/find-references as well as type checking for close to all of VHDL-2008. https://ift.tt/54Hvnpj February 5, 2023 at 01:40AM

Show HN: Run untrusted code in a Web Worker for data transformation https://ift.tt/X1zemiU

Show HN: Run untrusted code in a Web Worker for data transformation https://ift.tt/PATK57J February 5, 2023 at 12:08PM

Show HN: Are You Drowsy? Twilio and OpenCV https://ift.tt/3XfWQZr

Show HN: Are You Drowsy? Twilio and OpenCV https://ift.tt/7AFLKfO February 5, 2023 at 10:40AM

السبت، 4 فبراير 2023

Show HN: GPTBanker – map/reduce over documents of any length with OpenAI https://ift.tt/mozEjsQ

Show HN: GPTBanker – map/reduce over documents of any length with OpenAI Hi all! I created a app that can map/reduce over documents of an arbitrary length with OpenAI completions. You can enter in your OpenAI key and try it out. The backend is built with LangChain, which made it easy to manage the models, workflows (chains), and troubleshoot pipelines with buffer issues. Learnings: - Tokens was the most helpful key for calls rather than characters or words. LangChain also just implemented a token splitter, which made it easier for me to adapt to documents of any type. - Davinci performed much better than Curie for summarizing long documents over multiple chunks - Oftentimes a map step was the only thing needed and the reduce/combine introduced more errors instead of improving context. https://ift.tt/EDPzg19 February 5, 2023 at 09:07AM

Show HN: Hacker News, but Just ChatGPT https://ift.tt/05uS2eq

Show HN: Hacker News, but Just ChatGPT https://ift.tt/ZuUR8kd February 5, 2023 at 07:14AM

Show HN: Integrate ChatGPT with Google Sheets in 3 Minutes https://ift.tt/UV3WgPM

Show HN: Integrate ChatGPT with Google Sheets in 3 Minutes https://ift.tt/Q6GYwNM February 4, 2023 at 08:49PM

Show HN: A First Look at Practal https://ift.tt/Vz5AQOu

Show HN: A First Look at Practal https://ift.tt/1muUq8V February 4, 2023 at 04:07PM

Show HN: BookaBooka, a multilingual picture book app for children 2-8 https://ift.tt/jBA6dha

Show HN: BookaBooka, a multilingual picture book app for children 2-8 BookaBooka is a child friendly app with a library of 150+ picture books available in 20+ languages. Books can be read in single, or dual language mode. Any language combination is possible. Research shows: - clear benefits of children that are being read to from an early age. - parents should read to their children in the language they are most proficient in, which might be a different language from the one used in school, and therefore a language that is harder for them to acquire books in. With BookaBooka I hope to provide all children in the world, including immigrants, expats and refugees with a library in their native tongue, and the privilege of being read to, even if parents aren't willing or able. I work with a growing network of language enthusiasts that help me translate / narrate our collection. These people work on a semi-voluntary basis (royalty model + low revenue currently resembles volunteer work). You can try BookaBooka out for free, it is available in all major appstores: - iOS: https://ift.tt/ARfBqX3... - Android: https://ift.tt/5agusYy... - Microsoft: https://ift.tt/ENezWYo https://ift.tt/w9y5aPk February 4, 2023 at 05:19PM

Show HN: Mass Dissent – Easily send a letter to U.S. Congress representatives https://ift.tt/2kfc91b

Show HN: Mass Dissent – Easily send a letter to U.S. Congress representatives Hi HN! I just launched the MVP of Mass Dissent, a website that provides an easy way to send a short message as physical mail to your representatives in the U.S. Congress. The site reduces the effort required to send a letter to an elected official, hopefully resulting in more people writing to their representatives regarding the issues they care about. Originally, the idea was to allow users to select Tweets to print onto a postcard that would be sent to their representatives. However, last fall the Twitter OAuth API stopped working (for me at least), so I decided to pivot slightly to allowing users to compose a message directly on Mass Dissent. This has a side benefit of allowing users to write longer messages than what would be available using Tweets. Some notes on the technologies used: - The code is written in TypeScript[1], uses Next.js[2] and the MUI[3] React component library for the UI, and the backend APIs are created using tRPC[4]. - The site is hosted on Vercel[5] and it's using Supabase[6] for the DB. - The messages themselves are printed and mailed using Lob[7]. I also store the representatives' addresses in Lob so I don't need to maintain a separate DB table for this. - I'm able to get congress member data from the Congress.gov API[8] (though some post-processing is required because, for example, a few members are missing a headshot image). I created a little CLI tool using Rust[9] to fetch the data from Congress.gov, normalize it for usage by the site, and upload the addresses to Lob. The representatives data is pretty static so I just store it as a big JSON file on the server-side. - Payments are processed using Stripe[10] and payment notification emails are sent using Sendgrid[11]. - Previously, when the site was integrated with the Twitter OAuth API, it was also using NextAuth.js[12], but there currently isn't much need for auth so I removed it for now. At my day job I'm mainly a backend dev working with Java/AWS, so it's been a lot of fun playing with all these different technologies! [1]: https://ift.tt/SowiYfA [2]: https://nextjs.org/ [3]: https://mui.com/ [4]: https://trpc.io/ [5]: https://vercel.com/ [6]: https://supabase.com/ [7]: https://www.lob.com/ [8]: https://ift.tt/7X5fRbi [9]: https://ift.tt/p2mW6M9 [10]: https://stripe.com/ [11]: https://sendgrid.com/ [12]: https://ift.tt/eHQJB4f https://massdissent.com February 4, 2023 at 04:30PM

Show HN: Type-safe internationalization library for TypeScript https://ift.tt/I6SOXks

Show HN: Type-safe internationalization library for TypeScript https://ift.tt/IycUR1w February 4, 2023 at 02:17PM

الجمعة، 3 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Indian Space Progress, the world’s only blog dedicated to Indian space https://ift.tt/wWrKPXk

Show HN: Indian Space Progress, the world’s only blog dedicated to Indian space https://ift.tt/x6wjfGt February 4, 2023 at 08:50AM

Show HN: Webapp.io - Free firecracker-based full-stack hosting https://ift.tt/ZRqGXMD

Show HN: Webapp.io - Free firecracker-based full-stack hosting https://ift.tt/g7OR2UA February 4, 2023 at 02:35AM

Show HN: DocsGPT, open-source documentation assistant, fully aware of libraries https://ift.tt/9bn7hDE

Show HN: DocsGPT, open-source documentation assistant, fully aware of libraries Hi, This is a very early preview of a new project, I think it could be very useful. Would love to hear some feedback/comments https://ift.tt/JcPXOFH February 4, 2023 at 01:54AM

الخميس، 2 فبراير 2023

Show HN: An API for Pix2Pix: Edit Images with Text Prompts https://ift.tt/ydmKJax

Show HN: An API for Pix2Pix: Edit Images with Text Prompts https://www.leapml.dev/ February 3, 2023 at 05:16AM

Show HN: Converse with Books as If They Were People https://ift.tt/QuC1bzh

Show HN: Converse with Books as If They Were People I built this site to let you ask any book any question about anything as if it were alive. https://ift.tt/8cVGQ5T February 3, 2023 at 05:11AM

Show HN: I turned my microeconomics textbook into a chatbot with GPT-3 https://ift.tt/71LoyQ4

Show HN: I turned my microeconomics textbook into a chatbot with GPT-3 I never really read my micro-econ textbook. Looking up concepts from the book with Google yields SEO-y results. So I used GPT-3 to make a custom chatbot I can query at any time. https://www.konjer.xyz/microeconomics February 3, 2023 at 04:19AM

Show HN: Trigger Webhooks from Postgres https://ift.tt/3TnxLoy

Show HN: Trigger Webhooks from Postgres We just released a small open-source tool which enables you to fire HTTP requests from Postgres triggers. One of the things we’re using it for now is to send Slack messages when a new user is created and wanted to see what the community thinks as we explore more use cases! https://ift.tt/sU2JXmC February 3, 2023 at 02:04AM

Show HN: Mux Meet – open-source Zoom alternative https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34632587

Show HN: Mux Meet – open-source Zoom alternative https://ift.tt/i8QqX9J February 3, 2023 at 12:34AM

Show HN: IDE Like Terminal https://ift.tt/lbk4SW9

Show HN: IDE Like Terminal Terminal built with Tauri (Rust+Svelte). I got this idea of creating a terminal that is more user friendly having autocomplete suggestions. I couldn’t create a suggestions engine that would work for all commands. But I defined a structure (a state machine in src/cli/library/library.ts) that can be used to determine the next suggestions. The good part with this approach is that it is possible to have custom script based suggestions. For example if we write in the terminal “git checkout” and after we press Space, a dropdown will appear with all available branches. The bad part is that it will take some time to add more supported commands in this “library”. Another feature is that in the bottom bar of the terminal we can have custom script based information. In .manter.json we can define a script that will generate this information. The script will be executed each time the prompt appears. On the front-end are used web technologies which offer a flexibility to add any feature and style that we want. Repository: https://ift.tt/uszy7N5 February 3, 2023 at 12:01AM

Show HN: Serverpod – The Missing Server for Flutter https://ift.tt/aKJzpG6

Show HN: Serverpod – The Missing Server for Flutter We just released Serverpod 1.0 https://serverpod.dev/ February 2, 2023 at 12:57PM

الأربعاء، 1 فبراير 2023

Show HN: Validate, Launch and Grow 3-5x Faster with No BS Startup Guide https://ift.tt/xRw1X2q

Show HN: Validate, Launch and Grow 3-5x Faster with No BS Startup Guide Launch and grow your startup 3-5x faster with the No BS Startup Guide. Get +400 specific tactical activities that you can start doing today, to save 2,000 hours of research, and know exactly what to do every step of the way. I started the guide initially for myself. I posted on reddit over a year ago ( https://ift.tt/sb62DAw... ) and it became super popular. I kept using it and adding to it as I've coached and mentored over 200 founders. After thousands of hours of research and field testing, I am ready to release it. Still in early access and lots of things are work in progress. https://ift.tt/ItfJms9 February 2, 2023 at 01:21AM

Show HN: AI Cover Letter Writer https://ift.tt/xSmVDZw

Show HN: AI Cover Letter Writer Uniquely, our AI cover letter generator creates a cover letter from your resume and a job description. Use the finished product as an outline you can polish on your own. https://tally.work/ February 2, 2023 at 07:06AM

Show HN: BSManager | Manage multiple BeatSaber versions, install Maps, Mods ... https://ift.tt/SLz5qTc

Show HN: BSManager | Manage multiple BeatSaber versions, install Maps, Mods ... Introduction BSManager is a fancy all-in-one tool that unifies the two main existing tools for BeatSaber, ModAssistant and BSLegacyLauncher. BSManager allows you to manage multiple versions of BeatSaber, install Mods, download Maps, Playlists, etc. All this quickly, easily and in one place! How to use Obviously this application is intended for BeatSaber players, to use it, you just need to own BeatSaber on Steam or Oculus (PC) and be on Windows. BSManager can be downloaded via the links below. Additional information - GitHub : https://ift.tt/TZOnRWy - Twitter : https://twitter.com/BSManager_ - Nexusmod : https://ift.tt/GekJo74 (All sharing is obviously welcome) https://ift.tt/TZOnRWy February 2, 2023 at 03:23AM

Show HN: Go Feature Flag OSS self-hosted feature flag solution launch v1.0.0 https://ift.tt/gNS5FKM

Show HN: Go Feature Flag OSS self-hosted feature flag solution launch v1.0.0 Hey Hackernews! I am the creator and maintainer of GO Feature Flag, a self-hosted OpenSource solution for feature flags (or feature toggles) that requires almost no infrastructure. We store all our flag in a flat file somewhere (S3, github, ...) and we use it directly. Today we have finally released the version v1.0.0 that brings a new flag format that enable you to do even more with your feature flags. The solution offer some capabilities such as: - Targeting specific users - Fancy rollout capabilities (progressive rollout, A/B testing, scheduled rollout). - Exporting your usage in several location. - Compatibility with the new standard Open Feature. All feedback are welcome . Github: https://ift.tt/Yvilwh5 v1.0.0 blog post: https://ift.tt/EFcVoO3 https://ift.tt/EFcVoO3 February 2, 2023 at 12:52AM

Show HN: 3 Clicks, 3 Seconds, 3 Steps – The Future of Process Management https://ift.tt/9Bm5eVI

Show HN: 3 Clicks, 3 Seconds, 3 Steps – The Future of Process Management Hello HN, Do you want to streamline your business processes and boost productivity? Look no further than Jackrabbit Ops! Our AI-powered platform is changing the game for process management. With just 3 clicks, you can create processes that are tailored to your unique needs. Get answers to your questions in just 3 seconds with our knowledge base feature. And making updates has never been easier - just 3 simple steps! Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to a more efficient, effective, and intelligent way of managing your business. Jackrabbit Ops has already onboarded 70 companies in just 2 weeks, and with its promising growth potential, it's the perfect solution for your business too! Links: https://ift.tt/bCkuinZ Try Jackrabbit Ops today and experience the future of process management for yourself. Thanks for taking a look! February 2, 2023 at 01:35AM

Show HN: You Should Watch https://ift.tt/XSwQbmU

Show HN: You Should Watch I built a to-do list for movies and TV shows. Built on NextJS, deployed in Vercel, storage in Google Firebase, QA'ed with Playwright, designed with Pico.css, backed by The Movie DB, free and fun. https://ift.tt/nbWZF8H February 1, 2023 at 11:04PM

Show HN: We built a developer-first open-source Zapier alternative https://ift.tt/oDqVHGP

Show HN: We built a developer-first open-source Zapier alternative For the past few months we’ve been building Trigger.dev and can now share our beta with you: https://ift.tt/PtZ0EbN . Trigger.dev is an open source platform that makes it easy for developers to create event-driven background tasks directly in their code. You write workflows using our SDK, and can view all the runs in our web app. Why we built this: - We found current workflow / automation tools like Zapier and n8n are good for simple tasks, but not for more advanced use cases. - Dropping down into code in these tools is just not a great experience. We prefer using our own IDEs, version control, and having access to GitHub Copilot etc. - Sometimes, a workflow requires us to query a database or handle some sensitive information. It would be great if this data wasn’t sent to a third party. Our beta version lets you: - Trigger workflows from webhooks, custom events or schedules (CRON) - Use API integrations with Slack, GitHub, Shopify and Resend. We’re adding more of these each week. - Add delays of up to 1 year. Workflows will resume where they left off, even if your server has gone down. - Support for Fetch and subscribing to generic webhooks. - Observe every workflow run in the app (great for debugging). - Open source MIT license so anyone can self-host the platform. We’re still early so would love your feedback and opinions. Feel free to try us out for free – and if you want a specific API integrated, just let us know. Main website: https://trigger.dev Github: https://ift.tt/PtZ0EbN https://trigger.dev February 1, 2023 at 06:15PM

Show HN: Using Google Sheets to manage localization strings across platforms https://ift.tt/wbEoMx4

Show HN: Using Google Sheets to manage localization strings across platforms As an app developer, I noticed that smaller teams frequently run into the hassles of managing translation strings across iOS, Android and web, and keeping them in sync and up to date. To make this a little easier I've been working on a small utility that allows you to use Google Sheets to manage these translations. Perfect for small teams that do not need any of the advanced features that paid platforms offer, but still want to have an easy to use centralised place to edit these strings. Without creating any account or whatsoever, you can use the Localeasy endpoint to convert your sheet into translations files for multiple platforms: iOS/macOS, Android, Rails, JSON, or YAML. I would love to hear your feedback! https://ift.tt/vq1Ka2k February 1, 2023 at 04:41PM

Show HN: 1Daily – Do email 90% faster https://ift.tt/8SVNyjY

Show HN: 1Daily – Do email 90% faster 1Daily is a custom daily digest covering the latest news in your industry. You choose your favorite publications, newsletters, and social media posts, and we’ll summarize it in one simple email. Staying up-to-date with what’s going on in your industry isn’t easy when you’re juggling the day-to-day tasks of building a company. Many of us subscribe to dozens of newsletters and news publications and follow hundreds of social media accounts but don’t actually have the time to consume all of that content. 1Daily gives you the need-to-know information in a simple, digestible format, so you can spend your time serving your customers. Unlike other newsletters, 1Daily is customized to your specific industry and product. You can either add the publications and social accounts that you’d like to be included in your digest or we’ll select a few for you. You can set up your own 1Daily at https://1daily.email We’d love to hear what you care about most in a custom daily newsletter. We look forward to everybody’s comments! February 1, 2023 at 05:51AM