الأحد، 15 ديسمبر 2019

Show HN: GitChapter – Literate Programming, Git and Reproducibility https://ift.tt/34tdbPq

Show HN: GitChapter – Literate Programming, Git and Reproducibility https://ift.tt/38DyH7a Hello! This is a project I've written on the side for the past year or two. Thought it may be time to perhaps share the project! Essentially I got tired of writing programming blog posts, that were error prone and tedious to copy / past commands. I also got tired of trying to learn from programming posts written by others, and having to setup all the necessary files from scratch. GitChapter (as a user/reader) ultimately allows you to checkout a programming tutorial/blog post directly at a specific "chapter", and being able to hack right away from that point. An example of a "gitchapter" project / repo written is: https://ift.tt/38DWNyF December 15, 2019 at 03:19PM

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