السبت، 18 أبريل 2020

Show HN: A place that lists free games https://ift.tt/2wTiblA

Show HN: A place that lists free games Most people like free things, some people like games. If you like 'm both then this might be something for you! I've made a website, a Discord bot, a Twitter bot, and a bunch of scrapers that roam the web to find free games out there. Just so that they can be found in one place by other people. I'm running this on my own server, so I'm curious as to how much traffic it can handle. The Discord and Twitter bots run on a fixed interval, so that shouldn't be much of a bottleneck. You can check it out online at: https://ift.tt/2KdgG4v On Twitter at https://twitter.com/fgiafg And you can check out the Discord server over here: https://ift.tt/2zeP5xX Let me know what you think, and what could be improved! Cheers April 18, 2020 at 07:40PM

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