الخميس، 5 مايو 2022

Show HN: RFC End Citizen Data Sales Act (California) https://ift.tt/wCApGq3

Show HN: RFC End Citizen Data Sales Act (California) The sale of personal information by the government is something that has always really bothered me. This is a bill I drafted that would stop the DMV, voter registration, property tax records, and the post office from selling or publishing without explicit user consent. It would also require personal information to be accompanied with the provenance of that data. This way, a user can track down who or what is publishing their data and take action to end their relationship with that company. I would appreciate any feedback, because I am sure I am missing some second and third order effects that this would have. Document open for comments - https://ift.tt/F8eoBL1 Privacy should be a right of the people. Thank you! May 5, 2022 at 10:15PM

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