الأحد، 11 سبتمبر 2022

Show HN: Hacker News Bot That Automated Archive Finding and Commenting https://ift.tt/JonR4Hv

Show HN: Hacker News Bot That Automated Archive Finding and Commenting Hi everyone, I build this bot to automate the process of going to wayback machine (or archive.ph) to find the archive link for posts with articles that have subscription blocks The idea was to have this run on a server and then I wouldn’t have this daily annoyance, the bot was banned, so its not currently active, but I still wanted to show it off and get some feedback Disclaimer : HN doesn't allow bots, so please don’t use this to run your own HN bot. https://ift.tt/RsjnLgt September 12, 2022 at 01:55AM

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