الثلاثاء، 3 يناير 2023

Show HN: Jlq – A CLI to easily tail+query JSON log files using Rust+SQLite https://ift.tt/Od6aC0b

Show HN: Jlq – A CLI to easily tail+query JSON log files using Rust+SQLite Hi all! It's been a while since I posted something. Wrote this back in November to scratch an itch regarding tailing logs locally for multiple services. I know we all love jq...but I'm quite comfortable with SQLite and SQL so just wanted to use that instead. Published my first Rust crate today! My first public Rust project so be gentle :) . Hope you enjoy it! https://ift.tt/VF8PJBE https://ift.tt/sPgabMj https://ift.tt/sPgabMj January 4, 2023 at 12:22AM

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