الاثنين، 10 أبريل 2023

Show HN: A cross-platform wrapper for pyright that makes it less noisy https://ift.tt/sFHNbVB

Show HN: A cross-platform wrapper for pyright that makes it less noisy This was mainly a fun weekend project to play around with Python's asyncio! But it also scratched an itch. pyright (a static type checker for Python) is far noisier than it needs to be: $ pyright WARNING: there is a new pyright version available (v1.1.300 -> v1.1.301). Please install the new version or set PYRIGHT_PYTHON_FORCE_VERSION to `latest` No configuration file found. pyproject.toml file found at /projects/pyright_polite. Loading pyproject.toml file at /projects/pyright_polite/pyproject.toml Assuming Python version 3.11 Assuming Python platform Linux Auto-excluding **/node_modules Auto-excluding **/__pycache__ Auto-excluding **/.* stubPath /projects/pyright_polite/typings is not a valid directory. Searching for source files Found 7 source files pyright 1.1.300 0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 informations Completed in 1.006sec pyright-polite reduces the output to this: $ pyright-polite Found 7 source files 0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 informations It takes the same arguments as pyright, supports "--watch" mode, and shows diagnostics with the same colorisation. If anyone else happens to get mildly irritated by pyright's output then perhaps give this a try :-) https://ift.tt/lbE6wTM April 10, 2023 at 06:00PM

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